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Autor Topic: Files Season3 Episodio1 - ExTeam (+Sources).  (Visto 24243 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo Posteado: August 25, 2016, 11:47:00 AM | Modificado: April 25, 2021, 02:38:45 AM by ZabiinoOo




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Aqui les dejo estas files ExTeam season3 episodio1 + sus respectivos sources para que las trabajen.


Spoiler for Hiden:
[0,1] Añadido Restablecimiento del sistema
[0,2] Excelente + ancent Fix
[0,3] Jewel Of The Guardian precio fijo
[0,4] Añadido Calculadora Char
[0,5] System Pack Agregado
[0,6] Añadido Jewel Of Luck
[0,7] Añadido Jewel Of Element
[0,8] Añadido Jewel Of ancent
[1,9] Añadido Jewel Of Agregado
[1.0] Añadido OffTrade
[1.1] Añadido APN Beffer
Sistema [1,2] Agregado monedas
[1.3] Añadido joya de Justicia
[1.4] Añadido Òðåáîâàíèå ñíÿòü âåùè íà Danao
[1,5] Añadido jugador Información de conexión
[1.6] Añadido Zen personalizada
[1.7] Añadido horas en línea
[1.8] Base de Datos Multi Fix
[1,9] Actualización del sistema de reinicio
Sistema [2,0] Añadido Gran Restablecer
[2.1] Fijar Comando de res, gres
[2.2] Jewel Of Chaos precio fijo
[2.3] Añadido comando / cmd
[2.4] Añadido BuyGem
[2.5] Añadido Global mensaje Nueva OffTrade Shop
[2.6] Max BuyGem
[2.7] Añadido Nueva calculadora de Char
[2,8] Añadido APN Teleport
[2,9] Borrar una nueva configuración Calc
[3.0] cancelar bono Online
[3.1] Añadido Iniciar HP Player y Jefe
[3.2] Sistema Agregado PvP
[3.3] Añadido Reset y Greset interruptor de inicio de carbón
[3.4] Añadido Efecto Reset y arranque Greset
[3,5] Créditos Añadido
[3.6] Fijar héroe Mob
[3,7] Fijar Reset y Puntos GReset
[3,8] Fijar nueva calculadora
[3.9] Fijar Comando añadido
[4.0] Actualización Castum Zen gota
[4.1] Añadido Dinamic Exp restablecer
[4,2] Nuevo título y los créditos
[4.3] Añadido / trace / mover / pkset / char
[4,4] Ïðèâÿçêà ê æåëåçó
[4.5] / char Gran Restablecer Datos
[4.6] / corrección de movimiento
[4.7] Modo accaunt
[4,8] Borrar nueva estructura
[5.0] Fijar sistema de PVP
[5.1] Fijar Hellouin Baf, Paquete para agregar la mezcla, la moneda Venta tienda
= >> Ex Server Core << =
[6.3] Se corrige Restablecer Auto Connect SQL
[6.5] Añadido Registro del sistema toda personalizada
[6.6] Añadir Evento Buscar
[6,7] Fijar gota Evento
[6,8] Borrar SQL de actualización matanza Monsterquest
[6,9] Sistema para Brother
[7.0] Log Config
[7.1] Añadido comando STATS restaurar
[7.2] Fijar Comando Estadísticas
[7.3] Fijar Hora Evento Evangelion



Spoiler for Hiden:
change in ExGames.dll IP:



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kimiler, Sined, akumaxis, Tazxding0, dakosmu, kamillo88, thethoi123, mu2020, alexis1997, warren12, TryMenow, tu4n4nhn01, sakadito, TheendxD, chipcoidj, powerpatic, Tapion17, agustrape, muzic25, 297457989, kimrubi, t5cn, yack55, orordvd, YANKIS, ordi11, Mercer, bubik, ivanxc, RoleS123, wiury, sufaiterevo, hola23, daimer, darkes607, screamofheartless, oliwis, Nativus, flopy1997, fabs, aliyger, sinho2, KeyFinder, llcoquelete, Triviling0925, safiroxe,, MotaDota, svimaster, hlinxuan20, bloodknigh, qbeer, icodeapps, MilwOrm93, Xysad, Xiris215, luizpkx, daniwilde, maloyc, sancua12, muextremo, joaovithor1, gatinho94, S7aR, shini, rwul91, cobranza, Diction, 0nii123, soyjho, ScarfaceT, leysron, mambu, battleking, CrAlOx, sahar0221, lucasvieira, zHammer, FlashLV, Jorgpali, dazher324, Tr3XuS, santiih24, smarts, aldo, Ezequielv1, mastergd2023, cheduong, rafinhanob, zxmkji, isaac11, Cryztal, rtwish, delaizo, YakuzaRFF, aoffer, Mizuki, kudaomobile, warrior, voladito, maximil99, todogta, Rtwo_, j0k3r1991, FacundoFrank, anjitogg, aranclub02, adamlolxd, damy10, urasuk12345, fai7h, copitoxd23, jatecphone, anhtruong8935, MuGameNetwork, cbarroso, jaes, kellington, hoangtammedia, lautarocos, ruller98, Mu Bavio, ZeratulNT, Feche, SlyK-, heldevare, djcomba50, bartekryba, baiano, HakuMGZ-X, jigsaw12, nfszeus2, abelito, gabriell, xxyan1xx, Geraldine2022, lucaspereyra, Erick05, RexGo, migueldg, pwnxcute, guillecozzi, rahilc, gnlgaspar12, xuanyuan, rayssa1218, chuky2003, shulem, rafapsi, komandirbk, zefir123, azgames, seniorbart123, korwn, hodias, luisrojashp, Dkyzer, hotspot, 0pTi, Vyshne, Matheus Marquezan, weestbr, wellwisher22, punkjaja, wuachukeik, yagamixd, ciornii777, fran402020, mangal, hungquang, carioca22, nerd, jr1122, PunPunsito, DarkNite, Eymen2121, zeeduser, Mataka, DiosJMK, DuelWar, nunu101, tavik1008, andre453, IceCream, nhaixuong, SmokerZ, waynemartins, LABMU, keiny, 八零宙斯, jotana240, jalea, rmoor1369, sebastian, myway, Standby312, KazahtaneC, haakon, mubi2, mugloves99, wenleiady, nhawt, 2headzlove, eb2010, kevinx9, platik89, 121741198, azard, webamoev, radudu99, niki3475, wiljipa, pagoga, xakeruli, blacksexy, alanruiz44, karaca, cesarv06, nsynecs, lunaticodeveloper, ramondiver30, Sintaxis, ziza, TeamCB, BANGUber, bombita, flairz, Pharka, frangserra, DannyEvil4, xiazaipw, origeweb, nacho131, giangpha, leiker145, Genius05, Fulgerul, admdante, mikeahon, raynerjunior, Tongue, donciukas14, piter, matiasbian, dannys, python, andre santana, anubismari, rafaelpqd157, bin9xhn2, LILPEEP, Avihai, Mayealdhost, loky16, miiadlp87, yacura, 8731918, mauritoo, Matt1995, imperiadm, antares0889, kachito, formlovefern12, dreikfranco, jesuschis, teacher, Soiialee, RecoilBurst, vnfiac, rodritwm, tok3r, ledemkhoc, Leean, roiker, ldads, renatovips, darkfame, Carrasco, kosama11, afek8855, JoHnNyZeN, karxx13, giangbana, jonhz, Drachir, neford, dreamline, muones3, Cartman, gega, tiestoh, thesofer, emilse2020, pablo2258, betinho, vlgtre, mantios, PeruxD, agu88, hazlacika, goliloco, Haard, keyman9998, ahmet92, straiker23, fengyun52894, mubladecom, qjmume, siebenpatricio, thug4life, tarikata, tanju02, Darki12345, Absolutx7, rukasujapa255, Argentuc, wildriff66, wasj5299, hitimon, josehdrago, coolermz, Miguelagustin94, MuDeen, poliguela, jaime1, marcos2246, admvasea1, prohards26, 452745444, reventon92, shinji1311, son1xx2, calipso, Part1zanBelarus, cervino, lobinhopk, drendy, lkt22, yejiunayangluo, awebravo, flatearth, yyf127, dareko, morede2009, tuyentc, neuda, juanmilbratz, dorbenabu, DelphMania, acosta14, walter17, ArcSyS, testeador1, LucasDani, ctamw, fermix010, vitrex, Buff, beto15, ordeh, Shellshock, curruco, vanhiep215, n1cebee, tgservice147, wendyll, thongd45, adc16999, Fabiven, qixar, dirtydance, huawei22, kimera, srjunin, voriyor, arxeane, ifr3nus, lacruz10, fifa15xdx, boylasd, macroso2442, Phoenix666, ales, beaterhehe, smil158, zeus021, ezkibel92, gear6969, okilove23, axeman192, tuyendam, darkfire22, wito, LTP Team, jeprax, ekor4ik, guntherdo, fyre, kachunga, fuel, Androjd123, MDDM, jhahernandezcas, sprinky6, tuan2910, SliderKP, wewer, dario, mishimomei, agastin10, juanse23, sk8erpig, kamyk22, gordolfo, noname101, liron, sounda, SebaDrgn, beliyniger92, joelsobrin95, zywiec, linkvas12, VERNERON, Denis Alves, 1muarcadia1, enano130, roshux, showmax, CorsarioDgx, lthai2021, mehralion, natsu00, mavine, godmas, shadowofjay, mutu3250, RaduOnica, thantainho, corza444, Elnegrox, fortalezasmu6, 1432203, xMokes, Imperius.Server, max1musn1, emerson2004, visual2k3, caselco12, iFox, taovanluc, WebShok, winsock, skhirtlo, julepe1, tuandam, felixcat, tammadall, MsotoC, Ajru10, Dizzy, tcbaoanh, spk1000, red2992, Albito, deathsquad, alefmello166, LeoKmikze, daraeowl, beton62, tanphat, zveroboy, TheRoyalX, kamaze, WolfCL, neeck1234, area51reload, Trox14, leilo2000, Camilomarquez61431, maichauanhkhoa, tilperion, lukaosaw, minet, cyfall, zurdo, matheusgom, vituocgia, LiioCoria, televizia1, bazass55, GhamsteR, david1994, kingdomboy, tdthanh95, edgardanis, 570693, williandv, goodluck, xsormanx, alphapaolo, ciel90, Feducu, Samug, elalfred49, sahar01235, cri0, candido, babyremix, joel241992, peperpots, BugsBunny, Frutishita, murancio, MaxwellGX, pierolp1, Abeluchox, jkarlos, djgonzo2012, kalaman, mrku, drlucifermv, KarLi, petiforr, lifekko17, road12, diamonds, FlorinBK, dusk, onicas, Biney, akosibrian, andres1752, fabiam15, manugaby1, vietanhlsl, FacundoN, andutu, Shahartan, bedamusa, glmmlg, elmaxis1, ofignacio, maranzano, sergio093, Roccket, SerioSilente, PaiPai, shotintenso, kraD25, khoalu, JavixFer, judlee, Jhonny2079, FaNaMaN, lexluttor12, fernamaton, privdens, ezequielmqg, wrestler, AfikH, werli, hickaman, jeronemo, barak1991, delvador, FarcouN, miguel24, Mu122222, miltonho2, nba014, pibekpo, dorcohen1, Yarin1222, 0879530397, fer1992, Roca1784, lckblack, kotik1994, YanzKing, Jey, sabis, Felipe0211, chucho93, fedeprocom, Baumer, Sandrix, bazan, fredyman, umdertaker, hernanaura, legacy101, Daniel@, comovenga, pingm, cantinfla2, suunee, mario2015, ajbb26, supiztefteli, forlifeza, ngnam198x, kuya032, manoxxx, nemesis999, Nemesis, manfromvn, melo920, kayito, jkv09gnl, karlozxd, modaxd, Van_Bom, HaPKoTuK, PoccHaHa, yhoon, danielgalboa, vanhung_1990, Greenland, joselagos, Maxs, Fragata, thuyet951, juanvzl, azpirin4, Percy, 1992005008, rizgar, victor01, rodri007, catkevin, Maty2019, xz18786628, muprisma, cuocdoisp, Ahmedcarter, josue, motikss, wanwaycom, fabilus, aitoriyama, joakong, malekeith, Mindegyki, Berlan Barbalho, yakovserv, Frank4398502DKYT, warleyxxp, Lucyan, besiktas, leones55, Kurito, NicoCAI, muangeles0414, SilverLife, malke, SCosmin4, dadada123, EzeQ, duelador, 1212, claron, lanxin3243, nxx, Majestar, ASSUS, HacemeUnPete, malotlv, cocofrann, Omar356, javierpo26, rdepth, douglera21, bidolichi, gabrielgsp, partypoison95, fearlesmu, _SavagE_, awdawd, Leo22, zaith, favianxp, hamiltonsl, Freestyle2019, lincero, Liaon, Conex21, gabykp, PowerNet, mangppom, manu2593, Juninsj22, 10mauro10, xavotaxo, laulinh2, xsasuke19x, Pilligrim, mufmt, lautitow, HeTopMo3u, MephistoExodus, big8360, ruankennedy, emilianooo, Thanatos1609, vipper, loconvm, NaughtyBoy, oasis4151, leandro22, matty90, ViniciusFabri, playcore, harry130, fnaticmu, Bk3Zell, thunwa1, kove0816, pelotudazo, erotics214, larkan28, Becomen, rujirot, powerday, 6atters, kondo, lostcross, vito369, roquer, sol1kaka, Crystal, roie, Atishol, LORD_RIDDL, mardelmu, rasta1999, cartel, heroviet2301, InvBoy, heroes1412, sergio466, tueanh, T-LEGENDARY, Ryuno, Supraimas, draco425, TroopersGamingHost, koito89, marcoss, anpemeut, Dode, r31nz0, ErikGaston, BaTmaaN, daniel666, pety456, Karill, velmarys, Luis700, Dambis,, telisca, leoxs12, josei18, Lude, bach102, marksha, shaked, Zulus, Soulkey, nofeara, Arelost, kaku924, ChesterXL, MiniBestia, LuMi, c4nhsatcodong, ShurikPurik, Flash, Juan-, WayneXzki, YOUNGJU KIM, Developers, lordkill, AspoX, lom0k, agustin, thienma, hackluv, lostalejandro_, fefe, Mph1405, nenedario, Conrado22, nguyechien5520, MaLk1a, Tester1838a, bloppey, carper, mage, jorgefndz, czekay, adrieldecicilo, mashemdq, toguy1, pote3, 4341087, Retry, thinhgm02, zeka, almax, bealex, osvaldotl, cryzz03, shanke, Look, Hahn, StoneAngel, bzcandy, NurVulator, Exequiel26, patarra201, tomatoman, transc, Mikimays, Bazoka, hoanmaster, xsky22, Natzugen, alinalin565, boboha, brian2212, ioryblood, admmunowar, BUTTMAN, harumaji, NasLy, lecolino, Miisoia, Inuyasha2126, dreams, leal891, chente23, Vengefull, colomogli, Andres-, wfl0417, Skt1, Abla, aemoscon, erickmalfoy, Arcade406, Yishay88, cobyzero, IvanZeta, gtpro, BlackWizard, ezesosa, luis12luis, germani, chuckhai, cooler, marcelin, JoJoGy, rebelion, BladexD, kksky, melly23, northon, XAND, gerraqui, mjnhtuan90, hiena, sshalva, majoca10, a1M, d4rknyt, quang, Kikecamera, kkovas, Marote, joangelis, Deidad, idpnguyeni, MacHiDa, xtian01, yirun1, keku7077, Ehmpril04, pochoitg, Gaudinio, frank4398502PK, k12leito, Shaman, sorserer66, humito, agtanalata, thienthan1117, judakiss21, mcSeth, jamesturman, Patrii, Jokin, SetecSoft, Killer, aof10022535, yorfrank56, LuckyStrike, zehel62, Supremo, GabrielDevel, alevarxz, KhongGianOL, kaiser, kaox1988, Boogeyman, aseci, Ashita111235, MscM4s4cr3, darkdemo, redf0x, LanzSystem, Aletz, fixwn, rando, Audi, otavio344, gauyeutho, elqtemete, heimy69, Hessen, TroYaN, nicodiaz, varcush, igznoth, undefinid, luis, joangelisjpc, galaxys7, d3llam3a, krak123, p0k3m0n1, Jovisnas, wesleyjackie, valeh, Pokepili, cluz123, mutora, kingteamus, Undefeated2, sapatilla, Yair1414, bkcesar, Skillz, Byakko, AndresAranda736, plyn, slow, menphismaster, CAPITOL, cenius, Diego159, pedornela, Readyx, xVooD, bruce_ga, Minerva, Luucaas, mundomuc, ARCKANO, leogrox12, NoobDK, SoulKill3r, Samuray™, dextermd, smokloco, cobained, clerigz, josexluis, nuevo66, ediiinson, ToShirico, gacon201294, feins150, kazper12357, Wendigo, Adunakhor, pablito1231, screenzor, LimBisky, aragua, Pyke, aspen, GabrielDev, mrloco, ImportedPotato, alexfy, taxiMu, xxkarxx, bidola, fran1996, kevincho, Liviumiu, Kapocha33, ronilo, ManuLexus, poika, eperke, usersa, samhaiminh, Bakunec, zaxscd, feche2000, Synd, scfmt, locopro, TioFedEx, gohancs, vytautas21, emix, 161012, jorge2016, pwpw, Peluuca, Azeroth, pechurc, bogdankevin, IsenMizaki, horrador, benjaboca, facoogle, Ryder, mauter5, neicer, VictorKing, MaxVoll, mauri64, dropitem, pitikhu, Auferoz, Kitty, linkenok, Andriusha, maximiliano pardo, master1986, systemsmag, jeison123, remamakiller, franknavarro1997, pavon7, crank, oskaarss, Kath, miguel_jmam, xpam, angelproo, Dexign, samsunggon, copixx, juans1234, muisrael, MuOldLife, italo123, malon2k, slymee, Rescate, ro3rt10, ivaancruzz, LeeHenry, MichaelC, DjGamer, mupp159, luishernan, LoKur4, lexram, dvjluisduran, Odisk, AGOSHO, osvaldo1811, Mr-K, conter, xxmenonxx, doguerra, sagat202, ZidSliver, xdjoa, Mrbayram, pollini, rksemk, josuegreal, matheusbm, facha222, splound, LidorNet, predator11, Vitaminka, sebasthyan97, themorted, kellviss20, UnCleanOne, FuegO, boinapro, kameleonu, siromc, rodrigoo22, pravednik, Antz, mirela2011, elrapero88, luisdaniel, DrakenBk, juanmi13, magasro, digimoncik, newm0n, bauklotz, sediento, andresfede, antoniobk, eltauro81, proyet12, sampaforce, marianoherrero95, thaylormello, martinmaya, s00x, DevConstantin, herjuni, lipokas, fedrock, masterik12, lolloy, mariwana23, silenc3, woox, repiolaa, scorpy, lucasexe, loloee, aduran, InFamous, manupsenda, aleiker, Korem, mercenario, djagripnos, ikqrote, bond2012, Tauro14, ronald15, matiman08, oswaldoxo, LContinent, Urko, frenzo2009, stadrian99, Tore77o, Almdar, gianottifranco, gacondihoc, exclusive, Nexus, yunnior123, DeilanSasame, z3r0x, ZTMarkz, angelxd, seshero, alfredosp, cochecho92, karita, felvero, yosef801, marcelo, pepeeh, Zeus, elchiva, neverclubza, wester, pepete21, Testt, jorginhuz, admin123, FIESTERO, elcris99, NoLimiT, davidrcj, tomaso8, fcgame, Jason, qgamers, comoxs, jrdanezio, PyroMan, datcom, POPEY, KeviNNN, Rakamont, niqeto, dady13, AreS, FloridaHosting, muarcontes, BlackWaters, sknfvck, juancho1222, terk1526, fabrixd, FIRE, DarkNet, djkaku, BeckerIbero, tucamast, esteban, robertsancheez5, Thedanier, Loor, adicales, audani, Guniox, bruno, Barrutia, sebalopez12, LyonMaster, Dann, braian42, wenchito, almanio, d3mon, Hess, pichuxdd, werty, daeets, elxinoxd01, answer, skyreache, siplhes, tcbagame, wolffrox, pklkpsxdx1, JokerZoe, Alemarfar, lockzao, bilox, jesusvelasquezz, Erou, iopq123, z348870672, dagang, greulis, sombe30, blazing, Angel Olano, datos32, adoboscan, andresleon, saske98, lusiffer99, GuidoJV, linkzero, virgen, jose1k, nujd00, mcortega, dranjel1

Offline ZabiinoOo #1 Posteado: August 26, 2016, 12:20:18 PM




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Agregado link de descarga cliente al tema principal.

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god

Offline andresleon #2 Posteado: March 10, 2017, 06:21:30 PM

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en la carpeta del cliente solo esta la carpeta data, no entiendo como lograr entrar con ese cliente


Offline blazing #3 Posteado: March 15, 2017, 02:16:51 PM

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Offline melo920 #4 Posteado: March 15, 2017, 09:37:11 PM

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Compatible con sql 2008?
si son compatibles y recomendado SQL Server 2008 R2

Offline nujd00 #5 Posteado: March 15, 2017, 11:49:57 PM

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Offline melo920 #6 Posteado: March 15, 2017, 11:56:05 PM

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how about max stats?
From the source gameserver you can modify the maximum of points and the database MuOnline place the support

Offline nujd00 #7 Posteado: March 16, 2017, 12:58:30 AM

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how about max stats?
From the source gameserver you can modify the maximum of points and the database MuOnline place the support

where to see stats points in source?



Offline greulis #8 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 10:57:37 AM

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en donde isnatalo la carpeta source

Offline melo920 #9 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 11:29:09 AM

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en donde isnatalo la carpeta source
eso no se instala amigo se trabaja desde visual estudio.


Offline greulis #10 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 11:49:29 AM

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me disen los pasas para editar los files tengo problema ayuda porfa

Offline dagang #11 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 08:45:53 PM

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The source does not match the server.



Offline Ryuno #12 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 09:03:54 PM

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The source does not match the server.
I  have client and server sources updated and improved with some updates :)


Offline FIESTERO #13 Posteado: July 13, 2017, 01:51:13 PM

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Testeando en Windows 7 Home premium 64bits , con slq server 2000, los files corren bien , lo que funciona mal es el blood castle. lo demas correcto , y los items nuevos no funcionan tampoco ^^
Cuando digo que funciona mal el blood , me refiero a que es el mapa largo , intentas pasar por el primer lugar y te vuelve para atras y asi , gastas 2 minutos para poder avanzar , alguna solucion?

Offline pepete21 #14 Posteado: July 15, 2017, 01:09:25 PM

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buenas alguien podria facilitar una guia para editar las files y el cliente para estas files plizz :D disculpen la molestia :/

Offline felvero #15 Posteado: November 12, 2017, 12:22:08 PM

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This is nice, but still need to see why castle siege is not working.

Offline king54896 #16 Posteado: November 13, 2017, 02:28:29 AM

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THIS server is very GOod  !  PLEASE share it!


Offline ZidSliver #17 Posteado: November 13, 2017, 01:00:04 PM

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Aqui les dejo estas files ExTeam season3 episodio1 + sus respectivos sources para que las trabajen.


Spoiler for Hiden:
[0,1] Añadido Restablecimiento del sistema
[0,2] Excelente + ancent Fix
[0,3] Jewel Of The Guardian precio fijo
[0,4] Añadido Calculadora Char
[0,5] System Pack Agregado
[0,6] Añadido Jewel Of Luck
[0,7] Añadido Jewel Of Element
[0,8] Añadido Jewel Of ancent
[1,9] Añadido Jewel Of Agregado
[1.0] Añadido OffTrade
[1.1] Añadido APN Beffer
Sistema [1,2] Agregado monedas
[1.3] Añadido joya de Justicia
[1.4] Añadido Òðåáîâàíèå ñíÿòü âåùè íà Danao
[1,5] Añadido jugador Información de conexión
[1.6] Añadido Zen personalizada
[1.7] Añadido horas en línea
[1.8] Base de Datos Multi Fix
[1,9] Actualización del sistema de reinicio
Sistema [2,0] Añadido Gran Restablecer
[2.1] Fijar Comando de res, gres
[2.2] Jewel Of Chaos precio fijo
[2.3] Añadido comando / cmd
[2.4] Añadido BuyGem
[2.5] Añadido Global mensaje Nueva OffTrade Shop
[2.6] Max BuyGem
[2.7] Añadido Nueva calculadora de Char
[2,8] Añadido APN Teleport
[2,9] Borrar una nueva configuración Calc
[3.0] cancelar bono Online
[3.1] Añadido Iniciar HP Player y Jefe
[3.2] Sistema Agregado PvP
[3.3] Añadido Reset y Greset interruptor de inicio de carbón
[3.4] Añadido Efecto Reset y arranque Greset
[3,5] Créditos Añadido
[3.6] Fijar héroe Mob
[3,7] Fijar Reset y Puntos GReset
[3,8] Fijar nueva calculadora
[3.9] Fijar Comando añadido
[4.0] Actualización Castum Zen gota
[4.1] Añadido Dinamic Exp restablecer
[4,2] Nuevo título y los créditos
[4.3] Añadido / trace / mover / pkset / char
[4,4] Ïðèâÿçêà ê æåëåçó
[4.5] / char Gran Restablecer Datos
[4.6] / corrección de movimiento
[4.7] Modo accaunt
[4,8] Borrar nueva estructura
[5.0] Fijar sistema de PVP
[5.1] Fijar Hellouin Baf, Paquete para agregar la mezcla, la moneda Venta tienda
= >> Ex Server Core << =
[6.3] Se corrige Restablecer Auto Connect SQL
[6.5] Añadido Registro del sistema toda personalizada
[6.6] Añadir Evento Buscar
[6,7] Fijar gota Evento
[6,8] Borrar SQL de actualización matanza Monsterquest
[6,9] Sistema para Brother
[7.0] Log Config
[7.1] Añadido comando STATS restaurar
[7.2] Fijar Comando Estadísticas
[7.3] Fijar Hora Evento Evangelion



Spoiler for Hiden:
change in ExGames.dll IP:


Buenas, genail por compartir los files/sources, tengo una consulta, estos son files "Downgrading" de S6 o S4?


Offline ZabiinoOo #18 Posteado: November 13, 2017, 02:51:33 PM




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Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god


Offline maslon #19 Posteado: December 08, 2017, 05:58:27 PM

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estos Files traen el castle sigue activo

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