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Autor Topic: Files Season4 Episodio1 - MuEmu (X-Team)  (Visto 34749 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo Posteado: August 26, 2016, 02:17:08 PM | Modificado: June 08, 2017, 09:30:49 PM by ZabiinoOo




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Aqui les dejo estas grandiosas files season4 MuEmu, no contienen de licencia ya que es el repack original liberado, sin mas nada que decir aqui les hago publica estas files para que le den un testeo y armen sus servidores.



Spoiler for Hiden:
Cambia ip en:


- Editar en la carpeta tools/MAIN_INFO/MainInfo.ini
Tiene que quedar asi: solo editen IP y Nombre.

LauncherType = 0
CustomerName = enoch
IpAddress = Aqui la ip del VPS o de tu PC
IpAddressPort = 44405
ClientVersion = 1.04.05
ClientSerial = TbYehR2hFUPBKgZj
WindowName = Aqui nombre del Mu

Copian los siguientes archivos a la carpeta del cliente.

"Camera.dll" "MHPClient.dll" "main.exe" "main.emu"

- Luego editar en tools/AH_INFO/ClientInfo.ini

CustomerName = enoch
IpAddress = ip de tu VPS o PC
ServerPort = 55999
ServerName = Mu Axis
ClientName = main.exe
PluginName = Camera.dll
VerifyName = MHPVerify.dll

Copian los siguientes archivos a su cliente:
"MHPClient.dll" "ah.emu"

Y listo, esto deberia de funcionarles perfectamente, en caso les salga esto: solo reiniciar la PC y listo.

Si alguno saca imagenes dejenlas al post para agregarlas a este tema, ya que no pude testearlas porque no tengo donde montarlas.




X-Team - Sources Code
MuEmu - Server Files

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alecander, claysodnplay, Yodi Triyadi, chunngo1, luckystar, wxchezter, akumaxis, xandocomh, kamillo88, Arkarius, Juanjo, temp_user, cris87, warren12, tiagozika, miiadlp87, tobyjasper, anyerpelay, Emav96, LuSilva86, rasta12, volps, MonkeyVzla, sakadito, ioryblood, huydungvnc, agustrape, shgomez, mu evolquer, luisalberto, 297457989, thantainho, monstru94, Van_Bom, vnfiac, bangtamvnn, nicovm, bubik, Lotto4K4k, tacabalarj, frenzo2009, cheduong, Puebloweb, darkes607, pantera.ok, machyska, warrior, qbeer, 0xvgzmod, joandry19, Darkus69, Richard12, Ga4umy4u, josuenatanael50, hlinxuan20, khangdz19, hungquang, jaime1, leal123, Xysad, stuffed2023, Lordo, Kantru, rodoxlage, sadas23, Jaazo7u7, perro1614, Samagonas7, tumtum2003, vukk19, beliyniger92, welder, NghienMU, gatinho94, ProMD, Douzen, Eymen2121, dazher324, Đồng Văn Hiếu, zonanorte, aranclub02, Part1zanBelarus, norbullx, napaalemao, kellington, joseduran, Matone, Leoldc123, malinkhii, shiun, fyre, lucas_orense, hieuvt, naranjapersa, rekis, eshee19, sh3wai, king00, alivejr, jax, frajola, hald22, addof06, jorge2016, Hoangsy99, tn1698, pappapishu, SlyK-, rarito144, hennedy, AdolfoMih5, xiomer, lozthiensu, 331515194, jigsaw12, JhosmerA, z0lik, coolgepds, newgame, usersa, Oldskull, jrlucena88, deltime, martinx09, eliarwis, Matheus Marquezan, Joe The Mage, cancerx, stereo2010, DiosJMK, rafaellomar, waynemartins, HaPKoTuK, 4312204, aravigel, magos22, dkbk123, Calisho122, pedornela, lzw8119994, haakon, teza123, mmlo22, ordeh, ProGuard, marlonbdr, xsasuke19x, FIESTERO, havanna, nhaixuong, kimrubi, Odisk, Sentairo, stickgm, flairz, PezziTomas, r31nz0, rob, joaovithor1, Crunchy29, theien2, movesty, bombita, myway, nacho131, frangserra, giangpha, luisdiascb, webamoev, danillou, game666, Fulgerul, origeweb, ewtn, erickbx, straydog, lemg2408, aoron, subdark05, DEXT3R, fablex, zhuimeng., ion396, MuMaycroft, melendezzk, spooky1992, aykuang123, Matt1995, RaduOnica, InFamous, ZeratulNT, antares0889, Mizuki, zurdo, gordodotoi, josue3pc, adrain.aurelio, fermix010, vitorotero, wenleiady, tsx24, qq32226298, wildriff66, secondaftergod, veenx, wagner753, angelonasci2, elmaury99, ldads, diegah, _SavagE_, Thedevilslefthand, bakulawzki, wellwisher22, buzzola, Tatinoms22, demente, lobinhopk, yutcgthailand, neford, Mayealdhost, emilse2020, elreydelmu, Jonathan007, KarLi, siebenpatricio, bambunavi, soer994, Adonai, profezhor, massironimatias, DarkZeRo, DaniMasi, Inuyasha2126, hitimon, andreyzz, mylovefriendly01, regolon, luxgames21, badass119, hoangdangtrungvn, filipesoares, victorrz17, Qubit, neverbionic, yejiunayangluo, nhatphai21996vn, backerchen, VortexGames, fachiuzze, Saxius, crack018, rafiltalol, bollanog, kabriny, roshux, X1Supe1X, dasgrid, duccom0123, lautarocos, Bemuoi, iramondias, kaisudo, showmax, wnz5678, wudevelop, spyderverr, gamingmu, onlinezajzaj, wongda, Zeus, yan1ycc, lucasvieira, ledemkhoc, vlgtre, MsotoC, Alexander, datkool, a269633915, JavixFer, Denis Alves, wolffrox, esteban, MentoX, cri0, monstar0991, mardelmu, Ahshaky01, cenius, PutinhaSafada, I7uPaTuK, Juanchope, LoVeMeEe, sofia123, splite, vipgale01, carlos1989, skils25018, xcreewx, curruco, lautaro02, winsock, Shanw, metalron, gabrielbs, devshadow, n1cebee, Trueno1989, Genius05, bkjerk33, danijav, antony05, lang, 2one, ales, footballch29, axeman192, binhox, liok026, muonlineteste2, giangbana, tanju02, Mikimays, wznba, gear6969, antiblood, Angel Olano, 410896, Fakuu08, patitas23, prohards26, 万三大哥哥, tuyendam, cristhian50, jadsontkd, jeprax, vanhiep215, carioca22, natsu00, MuLinux, BruceCM, loverboy, sk8erpig, robyury, sounda, joelsobrin95, nicokpo, hamilton08, guntherdo, Lord Fers, julianocgzo, dejavujade, mantios, MASISO, thefuhrer, colinas123, daniwilde, Vengefull, chrome, Icelight, joks34, draco425, djean147, Hilper63, luvin, physical, gullygodx, thanhdopc93, diegomdd, JGomez16, Fabiven, zacki0801, cyanider, andreys12, Orion88, axian, meelfagg, krouse002, mulegends, fabianoxw, red2992, Emanuelcom, jose54, RamonGH, lunaticodeveloper, hankook, Avatar111, Newortks-Online, nexus19, Flashxxx, sannea, fedecarp00, area51reload, mubi2, luciferlg, Wildan1199, Lazarocp2020, goncalveses, tiendoanit, ManuelMedar, WolfCL, daraeowl, maichauanhkhoa, Urel, -sTaXx-, AndyModz, napo09, Xrazo2020X, maxkario, Mu Stone, PluUs, gabi32, gega, kayorem, tobosque, blackedlyon, emmafe, snakezao, gsps2, Ziruelo, FePRO, ace, ninguno, cyfall, tdthanh95, esmej, donciukas14, Tomix78, jorgepali, Nowa1911, vicioso123, JPCanalla, LEITOK, chefe, fortek51, lucasubatuba, mircosn, Leito0h, chupetintrujillano, darkrosmer, malaquias, lusinchi, facuBD, jeison123, magenta, acosta14, xxmenonxx, nawel12, Zarkato, fernamaton, fabioja, bidolichi, tsunade10, reonu, andres1752, overdose, fabiam15, Yan Carlos, NicVidela, FacundoN, werli, VERNERON, lauchagg, doritoto, kyssys, leo021, nero912, fhenri, rodriattaque92, josmeltlv1, fefe, xpl0ziv, elmaspro101, lexluttor12, Leo__B, estuu, enas123, francos123, bogdans, matzee, lgtripero, danillodsd, pendragon, wiedona06, aspen, nba014, elvisalves175, amarosep, kitito15, xspecularx, elpelotudo2, javito, Mu122222, jhuletys, ArwenS, espartaco25, ordaz0, wilfranleon, surftheinternet, famoire, LodpA, benjua, cusadmin, Facundo Jara, Denon, makoos, Berlan Barbalho, cufa1, luisdaniel, MuOnlineServidores, matiman08, MuvnzPlus, load_01, slipknot, Pokepili, mamadusako, Kovak-, josef300, fedeprocom, vaca03, vlade888, lacruz10, reandroid, emersonx13, Roca1784, joilton, Detonorfc, hernanaura, Johnark, chucho93, Fagor, Bne3akona, ajbb26, Mupsychi-97D, nepturnox, gabrielgsp, Gadiel, AragorN, dhylaan, bkcesar, suunee, Aguslp, hazlacika, Cartman, chacha123, darkcaido, lahn, waiteni, alemendez1192, capivara, hiunder, AlucarD2405, pingm, lckblack, PoccHaHa, RafhaelSouza, xhwlit, rodryroses, Seya, Tasz, vdamasceno, iT0mT0m, smil158, xz18786628, thuyet951, vanhung_1990, lost123, kaleikata, azpirin4, juanvzl, Liaon, victor01, azarite, luisitoo, eldest, koragg, nano1993, fortalezasmu6, tarikata, sveikas, nixblod, motikss, rksemk, fabilus, JoyerxD!, Maty2019, dainam, harumaji, guienpire, ftjur6 f, Frank4398502DKYT, robertsancheez5, BSGaming, joelxd004, aitoriyama, Mu Evolution, TryMenow, shonia, igznoth, juanfz, dracolio12, Felipe0211, angelxd, muangeles0414, MaHoMaXx, malke, hida1995, comunidadgamers17, Gardelito, sant11h, colosal300, huawei22, lostalejandro_, Joelhenrique, Lucyan, DARKCRIS2, itamarsrosa, Ryder.-, marting, jhonathan339, german6d, jaspe5369, brunomdza, exearanda, CristhianJGV, ernesto2, Gius, pablo232, kheroz95, aletbrd, cocholo, Henri, Extran, wfl0417, thesofer, sekuella, servermu12, julianmxd, luis12, zerolshen, anderover, Sweng, SCosmin4, gabriel30, Leon, deividsan, apofius, Leo22, amomsouza, franqonahuel.ff, potisom123, ZagenWTF, fredz, bruno1198, pureblack, wolfdavi, voyka, loco500, Kurito, andrea21, inuside21, Conex21, Help1k, MiguelTraipe, Erroxql, fredyaqp, Kitodms, xavotaxo, orion, musubloren, 10mauro10, duelmaster01, TroYaN, raymond, kingteamus, Juninsj22, bernal01, 497625, tucu312, Biney, zaith, xinmortal, PIRELA, haziel, karlozxd, frankitoo_07, tincho088, kraquen04, malekeith, ruankennedy, 6atters, vpamiir, kameleonu, loconvm, leandro22, AndresMe, Bk3Zell, krayvhus, C4nn4b1s, ImportedPotato, zmadblack, pelotudazo, ryjcu, NaughtyBoy, sofertec, loyd, FluooR, larkan28, stark98, powerday, rujirot, denalll, screamofheartless, ElPoli, Benny, gohancs, DMarLey, saiorax, TroopersGamingHost, Freestyle7, twistmu23, BugsBunny, Atishol, mustx1, shadowWZ, Kandun, timoteo21, cartel, fr4nco, fnaticmu, NoeliTH, aroncitomaster, Crystal, gameOne, abelito,, juancarlin, texcra, Kirito212, rasta1999, luisjo, Supraimas, lovesick000, sergio466, isaackdr, kove0816, joackle, ro2020, alakin99, vdk2703, Mindegyki, kimera2006, anpemeut, xuanthanhyt, play01, Dambis, Londes1,, xxleandrosk8, leoxs12, zxshadowxz, souzaash, osmelito29, thienma, Skillz, viiQue, Darkfratos, maximo12112, Freestyle2019, unnamedsk1, kayito, osvaldotl, explorel7410, danielgalboa, maiden666, U2_Caparzo, SerioSilente, tendo219, shaked, alberth, hbsilva, kind, emanuelk12, petronioice, telisca, kotik1994, ShurikPurik, damian12, DarkNite, sebasthyan97, GatoAzuado, nguyechien5520, harrycumbi, bendol212, miltonho2, jorgefndz, NurVulator, Shura69, muzinho, adrieldecicilo, spiriwal, jorge, BrFusion, hcezar, 1732313, wachi, jeferson, jaimealves, topnet, juniorb, dummyacc, Look, juanmilbratz, ChesterXL, jhober21, Juanpyg1998, muelement, alinalin565, hoanmaster, s00x, patarra201, pedroso100, ViniciusFabri, ezequiel20, Cloud, melly23, ezesosa, laulinh2, Exequiel26, fakenha, datos32, ChanhEp, Crash12, llades, Bazoka, christoferdz, lecolino, chukikpo, darkfire22, romerdavid, TzCr4ck, crews, anthonymasterr, EvasioN, Wiliam, scfmt, nelson, IvanZeta, aweonao, term1nat0r, luis12luis, cobyzero, azgames, mucasino, elterro, FreeStyle, str1ker, boboha, Skt1, bidola, zebah, DiegoChave, gtpro, aof10022535, lordicus, NickNickolas, BladexD, ElMuLatino, joakong, hiena, Ruby-Project, trasgo, keiny, marvisur, gerraqui, Andres-, a1M, BlackDead, Poderoso77, kuden10, Jhosmer, 183358, muzin, SetecSoft, jorgeware, fabrityy, FIREWALL, kkovas, priscilla, Azzlaer, idpnguyeni, oasis4151, rodrigoo22, WuTangCL, MacHiDa, Flash, xtian01, SORROW, TazDingo, ractor100, tgservice147, chikitoxd, agtanalata, talisson, leviatan99, KhongGianOL, zeromaster, Nemesis, Opresor, newsaggy, yirun1, .:DragonSeth:., Terran, VictorKing, Bakunec, Vanechka, c0d0m0, cavalcante, galaxys7, L0VE, josuedj, hidy, TioMostaza, yorfrank56, OneMU, Nikkop, RyukZ, candido, fakeuser, Mazepa, hardthug, tito99, BaTmaaN, joangelisjpc, dpnguyenii, elmalexs, krak123, dropitem, lateclaloca, Brunim, pavon7, alevarxz, mubhz, Dhaka144, Dode, leal891, MalukoCv, alvaro11, system369, pclcaetano, jhensper, onedev, basytai, ghmillet, rando, Fr4aaK, joangelis, AreS, frenner, quyanxu, heimy69, peck66, m1mou, emixP, TheAliensDJ, GGloudD, tammadall, YOUNGJU KIM, Minos2301, freitasvip, alfredosp, dendi, xeneises, lorinho, marcos2246, valeh, 日メリーのRu, hernan44, czekay, atomizer3, liagas1993, p0k3m0n1, sampaforce, Baltazar, Pinponw, minhasenha1994, sapatilla, Evaristoto, Yalc, thienthan1117, psycho_rules, Systems, pitikhu, ukkos, wesleyjackie, skeeree, ramocacri, Barrutia, alexfy, zerus, Byakko, SoulKill3r, m4rtor1, coletox, Minerva, poika, Rikketarz, fantasmad2513, bklokura995, jhones001, INFIERNO, samhaiminh, bruce_ga, lorinho123, washingtonlock, nenedario, kazper12357, gusnic1, Demonu, niahinti, karita, gang, pablito1231, Axcel, LimBisky, tiagomang, megaboom, miky18bn, eperke, GabrielDev, saucecipo, xXSiniestroXx, matiudark, dmgbuscador, Hatting, pwpw, thunwa1, salazarxd, RoldanHost, jorge66, hackzip, luis, kevincho, thereyalxd, mncastillo, toniex, viticob, shakas, dracosu, manu, ShinedowN, keirmally, lordtony, RamLVA, chavo1805, feche2000, anyer, lazarocp, Wendigo, BellCraner, XAND, basthialbo, cervece93, rafavk, pbcaiogamer, alexo, augusto1, akiles1345, josexluis, manowwan1, pechurc, vitrex, emilianooo, Ivansitoxz, Yair1414, santos, zefyrmu, maxi1990vela, yohnny, mauter5, luciferping, helios74, beto15, zehel62, maslon, kaiocnx, Fake-Mu, maxihanne, rogeralexander, linkenok, master1986, EzeQ, Daniel123, italo123, toomych, jonsantb, notfound, bach102, Mr-K, mastermcy, nikyto, Riperto, stalinjack, ri4juks, romulotwd, athos47a, sebas87, slow, toplan, juni0rr, slymee, Dexign, MuOldLife, Malyk, -Rastaa.TSM☢, Hahn, zodiacddos, osvaldo1811, yunnior123, viticob1419, juanka2, juanmi13, ale0701, lucaslegui, rondamon, pierolp1, Viper, GATITO, Shaman, darksm, LionGate, ediiinson, Ziggs, johnpereira, josuegreal, felvero, neroarg, Mrbayram, oskaarss, seedmaker, servermaster, LoKur4, amenaza, nikkynikky, Kingler, lexram, piscis007, zaxscd, BeckerIbero, crzoluciianoo, elrapero88, alenewells12, siromc, kaizerbad, muslum, felix, copixx, scorpy, Vitaminka, cryzz03, antoniobk, ledzem, boinapro, sofia321, Crusito, napal, alexmartinsbr, loloee, KawaiiGod, DarkSpace1297, T-LEGENDARY, Tauro14, marianoherrero95, d1d2, saga, iCoder, fedrock, masterik12, jorgemol, heas, magasro, linkzero, nachorap, marlogarcia, edwinjesus, kiritus, jesusb, neverclubza, norean, Aramis, Acoontc, D3LF1N4, yezzvi, mercenario, phungbaphu, SoHshy, freshmu, lepra2, musentinel, lenovogen, rodrigovila22, xBebo1994x, Bruce, Marcelo01, pepete21, ronald15, umdertaker, LContinent, Anto, exagel, DeilanSasame, asrock21, Element, Roccket, Korem, GuidoJV, SIRDGARU, NoName, migell123, Phreak, fabrixd, seshero, Testt, elcris99, DjGamer, armus, isloar, bazan, benjamatt, yosef801, PachoRasta, z3r0x, hansheck, virtualmu, YolaxD, silenc3, Dragneal92, ycr4zy, crank, zedia93, Joaquin, estarly, aseci, jesus900, Kapocha33, Yerko, kaizer94, Ryuno, Jason, kanavickz, pibekpo, amiel, Thedanier, Liviumiu, martinmaya, lorade, pawners, tucamast, Mojadita, richart1701, delmin, edgardanis, wester, Hageo10, PyroMan, okdina1, AleCarolina, Zahard, UltraWorld GAMES, pliniow0nder, chuko, denny, NvaMafia, hector153, HeroxMu, Gaboo;, eliasnogue, janonavarro, joselagos, yhoon, nik2013, dark, AltairN17, shadon0101, FIRE, DarkNet, braian42, arthurt94, jagg92, Loor, jaespinoza, rulay, audani, jose1k, jozal, modaxd, torrezleo, edpa, ZTMarkz, Dukke, enzoenzo, nescafe, adicales, Maicol1998Ri, Hess, deathsquad, lalo123, duvan007, jesusvelasquezz, kekedodo, wiljipa, aldo, user, Rulay01, bilox, bond2012, thelzp, davidrcj, wenchito, fantoma, jose4090, waltervg91, punkjaja, gytre, Barreto, siragonxx, AriesVnzla, n0tee, RMendez, darlusi, qgamers, pichuxdd, pokegera, MaxVoll, oleas14, answer, harry130, skyreache, sknfvck, malon2k, ezemix, pepeeh, tigre1123, yeps13, Kitty, pklkpsxdx1, niqeto, ZidSliver, DesertFrost, the_J, KREATHOR, d3mon, Scooby2, xpertro, vgzomega1, splound, iopq123, diieg0, greulis, osvaldo33, FBarbosa, Dencel1, Jarvan, adoboscan, Ocean Network, bran10, perejil, lusiffer99, zzbrandon, jeffzkie69, djagripnos, matadores, blazing, argen258, blakcklass, cesar, paladium, dady13, Tempesta, FuegO, sombe30, flaviocorrea13, elnono19, jareksniper, josehdrago, AROS, kelvinaleja, saske98

Offline dayfrank #1 Posteado: September 01, 2016, 08:05:32 PM | Modificado: September 03, 2016, 11:32:28 AM by dayfrank

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Gracias por el aporte pero el parche del cliente esta errado mi pana, colocaste el del season 8, puedes corregirlo? quisiera testear estos files  rebote

Por favor  :(


Offline mica145 #2 Posteado: September 03, 2016, 01:40:47 PM

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hola podrias arreglar el parche es de Season 8

Offline dayfrank #3 Posteado: September 06, 2016, 07:27:15 PM

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porfa alguien me puede pasar el parche del cliente de estos files? ya que el que compartieron arriba es el S8


Offline ZabiinoOo #4 Posteado: October 23, 2016, 06:14:16 PM




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Disculpen no habia leido sus reportes sobre el error de link que coloque ya que habia agregado el link del parche de los s8, ya fue agregado al tema principal el verdadero link pruebenlo y avisen cualquier cosa

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Offline ZabiinoOo #5 Posteado: December 06, 2016, 08:08:18 AM




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Agregado al tema principal link de descarga del Update fix Minimap 8)

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Offline Angel Olano #6 Posteado: January 12, 2017, 04:07:38 PM

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puedo usar sql 2000 ohh 2008 ? y windows server 2008


Offline EmmaDCG #7 Posteado: January 12, 2017, 06:07:43 PM

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puedo usar sql 2000 ohh 2008 ? y windows server 2008

Saludos @Angel Olano referente al windows puedes usar cual quiera, es 100% compatible, ahora sobre el SQL solo te funciona con el SQL2008


Offline Angel Olano #8 Posteado: January 15, 2017, 06:25:41 AM

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se puede balancear personajes aqui ?

Offline jareksniper #9 Posteado: January 27, 2017, 12:48:00 PM

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Offline ZabiinoOo #10 Posteado: January 27, 2017, 12:51:30 PM




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Offline Angel Olano #11 Posteado: March 11, 2017, 11:45:13 PM

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alguien me pasa una db para sql server 2000 ??

Offline djagripnos #12 Posteado: March 12, 2017, 10:16:28 AM



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Bugs List
1.BC +9 No Show Monster
2.The worst of all:
- when two players are in a duel and some of them send the duel request again, he get the duel cancel instantly.


Offline Jarvan #13 Posteado: March 17, 2017, 02:14:09 PM

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se puede balancear personajes aqui ?

Si amigo los personajes pueden ser balanceados en un 100% igualmente los Skill :D

Dentro de la cada Gameserver/data/ estan los archivos DAT uno es GameServerInfo - Character.dat y el otro GameServerInfo - Skill.dat, aun asi puedo decirte por mi propia exp que son bastante balanceados como vienen pero ya es cosa de cada gusto :D


Offline fasito05 #14 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 01:49:40 AM

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la primer foto no es de los files no? tiene cam 3D, helper y los hechizos con colores, me encantaria que el cliente fuera asi xd


Offline melo920 #15 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 02:01:51 AM

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la primer foto no es de los files no? tiene cam 3D, helper y los hechizos con colores, me encantaria que el cliente fuera asi xd
amigo de hecho la foto si es de los files,  pero como te diste cuenta se uso un cliente diferente al aportado aca, pero cambiar de cliente por otro te da bug en ciertas cosas, por eso se recomienda usar el cliente aca aportado

Offline greulis #16 Posteado: March 18, 2017, 05:30:21 PM

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no abre el main iso todo bien

Offline siragonxx #17 Posteado: April 14, 2017, 03:32:50 PM

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Buenas Quisiera saber si estos Files Tienen Sets Lucky Hegaton y sets Acient season 6?


Offline Lude #18 Posteado: April 14, 2017, 04:35:45 PM


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Buenas Quisiera saber si estos Files Tienen Sets Lucky Hegaton y sets Acient season 6?

Si te das cuenta son Files Season 4 y no tienen tems customs por lo tsnto no tiene items season 6, lee un poco antes de hacer comentarios innecesarios como estos que solo desvirtuan los temas.

Offline davidrcj #19 Posteado: April 23, 2017, 03:22:36 AM

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Hermano, buen aporte,  pero a estos files se le puede desactivar los sokets? Es decir un S4 sin sokets

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