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Autor Topic: DMN Webshop Full Premium + Market + Guia de Instalacion  (Visto 22755 veces)

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Offline Joaquin Posteado: March 06, 2017, 12:29:00 PM



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1. Extraer la carpeta DNM al directorio htdocs
2. Hacer permitir la instalación, abrir sql_connection.php en DMN foder search-> ($ config ['allow_install'] = false;) y false renombrar a true; Y agrega sql info!
3. Vaya a la carpeta de instalación de DMN \ y abra y haga el primer paso de agen.
4. DMN \ carpeta de instalación abrir index.php search if ($ config ['allow_install'] == false y false rename to true
5. Vaya al navegador de Internet http: //localhost/DMN/installation/index.php y haga la configuración de conexión y luego haga clic en Instalar.
6. Después de instalar donde cambias el nombre a true make a false :)
7. Añadir su cuenta acc a admin y todo hecho :) Webshop lista para usar


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kksa132456, ruuhkennedy, webamoev, Sovereign, ArcSyS, lobinhopk, mulkanors, okilove23, barzi, hu7vo6, tiestoh, rafaelebf, Dukkha,, mattozo, sedtek, CreaTuMuOnline, chrome, p0zejk, unico, jonathanmu, elcris99, yosimworld, realxiz, vagabondul, kimera, ShinedowN, IvanG, faus1296, wendyll, devil941, gazix1234, Extran, bkjerk33, skaza22, Darkwarmu, warrior, pimkungclub, vkfkssla, SUNIGIE, AzuraServers, LHS, frankystark, lenhador, Blyxt, 788136, chapulaz, thealdair, DaoVanTrong, andres1207, reinerg53, yuriizin, vzlasup, stopk, phcaraujo, chapeta, fidelezcurra, ldads, martinmaya, antony05, elcrom, tucumanito, FOX, lucas123, loadmu70, magarikaci, rando, ricoimer, reinalldo, muslum, Facundo Jara, jpra110, JoJoGy, wildriff66, erick261, ghmoraes, jamiones24, mavine, bravo99, Limadito, Noximus, Master12, Qubit, muzin, rooankesley, russo1, billga, valecapo00, Shellshock, jesusandr3, ADM-OMEGA, Artifexted, sanlp, hoaint116, test10, neroneron, millerp, shalito26, Hilper63, santia12, dankooxd, myway, nickman02, bobotonr, xsky22, NhanVT, Cienfuegos22, Mizuki, JGomez16, jhorky91, kasio, tdthanh95, Felipe0211, ruojing, felixcat, z3r0x, monarcalaghaim1, aldo, lp417, damian30, Karuritoku, furius, chodaicam, ulisessanz, zurdo, dario, Michelle, Camilomarquez61431, Katecat, wizinx, ngvankhanh, thanh281998, zoomame, 10mauro10, cervino, luisrobles, Nation Network, krouse002, qgamers, moises1531, 423646802, blind09, Xavi, arthur007, Lalalo, isaac400, pepeeh, frandkz, gmuonline, Plate98, banneds6, BugsBunny, m1m1ct, FuriaG, XxC4ll3xX, fabri, DarkBot, khalidmu,, mufenrir, MarcosV77, llhenryxpxx, madmax24, romerangel, resulbaba, azpirin4, Orion88, fefe, dusk, Higgs, malau, Shay, djean147, kirito, darkoxx, Daniromero, BURGAKIKE, xxl30xx, angel433, NEWESIS, haedomu2020, jesienazareth, cienpe, mantono, gregoriorr, aoffer, ikenthis, erchepo, DESINGMASTHER, Luks22xmu, leandry95, IonZapada, gerlothamisaky, xtestx, xuantoi123, TheHerous, jkarlos, bazan, VICUXXX, tholder, danillodsd, loco500, Praeliatori, IsaacSabir, MarcoV2, shonia, museven, dami2214, fedelardone, HashiramaJ, rmartinez, Foreveus, juls12, Incubus, fedepkv, lunaticodeveloper, VERNERON, Aisu, fernamaton, LUISLZ, rodnok, exotic, MichaelxD, Rodaaa, LeXxX88, preto960, mrtrevas, cleuber17, capofg, nachoman23, susta250, dlawls662, nenegamcas, maurixi, FerGuz, wrestler, Strovo, dmnahuel, kevin4747, gohancs, JuniorAlvarezFL, luis2564, enriquexp, fyre, Broda, xNymer, theganste, lramon, MrRabbit, umdertaker, jaime, penarol, Eufures, kyuzojusti, ofignacio, nepturnox, play01, ProyectoX, megamakay, zaxscd, vanhung_1990, WixMU, josecola, Ocean Network, sadamladen, giooovan, josue0934, lucasubatuba, fivqt, cienfuegos, LORDANDY, muarkham, darkcaido, snow1234, octuput, originsnulled, ravenofdead6666, SAYTU_2008, tutu100, luciferlg, legalzinhu, l2darwin, igznoth, juanvzl, alivejr, Dode, coto66, TheSilencer, Ractor, briner2016, PachoRasta, StoneAngel, BooM, waxtra, Wiliam, david19, NERA, TaurusZDK, boydreamer96, murancio, Raven, Drizzt, heto3000, lolz3976, Rydeen, TMucore, mos02673, underwor88990, noahmaster, yakovserv, Mindegyki, fenixeon, Cabelo97, favgames, zeusadm, ELMAGO, Flash, kheroz95, robertsancheez5, zedik23, freemuhit, gastong87, kellviss20, 1212, aki0048, Nargakh, feermart, Action, bollanog, geer, nivekskc, LoCuRaX, TroYans, mamadusako, Goplay, toteking, Archehinet, Viper, KungZeeD, wanwaycom, zhux, jeferson, siryus195, leoxs12, bidolichi, SIRDGARU, yosnaiker, JavixFer, khone, xXoscarxX, Narkiu, giancarlo, tedateamos, MaquiOmii, Deidad, kitos, fenospro, jesusandre, elangelave, Amphe, ivois, gabykp, Gonzaloasd, Conex21, inax123, Mathi, danielgalboa, MephistoExodus, natumno, taanzaza, conflict128, flozorron, mauter5, piscis007, elhack15, ccrriiss1, miguelo, tebitho, elsupersergio, AndresMe, big8360, jorgef2105, ImportedPotato, ViniciusFabri, saiorax, facu90, dark32, zeus021, Zahamael, koito89, TaxTax, elsuperlea, ByFredy, zevdv, Alexsupra0, gabrielpop12, fukpim, Olimpianz, rujirot, xunxolost, Belec, _SavagE_, carlost101, Thor Host, sergio466, manowwan1, Blurryface, Ryuno, Ragnar, Francot7, joakong, thesofer, kikumaru, zzbrandon, pemakkaa01, lautat1, PezziTomas, juanse23, legacy101, ByCeLLaT, Doppler, DarkNite, wolfwang, Zero09, systemsmag, yhoon, jorge2016, jorgeware, Cuervox, leegox, akosibrian, ivanrav, harry130, Hellgard1508, quero, aof10022535, alan022, pujosx, lostalejandro_, dlgstone87, dutrus, marcelin, Freya, hiena, lordicus, JORDEL, zerolshen, loverboy, nfszeusuy, strauss, alevarxz, kahleb, kloko02, NickNickolas, octerberball29, tammadall, zuzukkee, eduardo182, brulord, EdinsonVI, sp3cial, AineAiden, rondamon, TroYaN, hamiltonsl, lacruz10, facuquilmes, Dhanielt, cachobmx, jesusha1126, MrSoftware, Pokepili, Dexign, dreams, thismchg, amocthong1, mucryxus, Octerber, felix, alfredosp, calexrp, xinmortal, AndyModz, DanteQC, LeveL, emkobiet, gega, corpocorpo, Sheldtox, PCelTech, thallestorma, zangif, Anemone, Dkmiranda, BlackDead, PRONEXUS, bazofiamen, EzeQ, leone2020, juanmi13, RiiiDer, mueight, Sunriset, 1muarcadia1, cuacua123, peluches, russogmm, WayneXzki, Pyke, cenius, MuOldLife, MOYOne, eltatanskate, kill3rfm, dysteer, Hessen, neverclubza, nofeara, flaremu, nemesis28, marcusero, nescafe, sshalva, qboz16, mashemdq, blyuv, bbtm50, dmgbuscador, prodark4, Loor, skyrewall, cavalcante, jasantaella96, conejowolf, rodrigovila22, frankyori, jeffzkie69, vdragon1, piojito222, CezarMaster, Llalex, jozal, johantaisho, Mathii, Wolfing, matiudark, copixx, oskaarss1, alannemmanuel, kevincho, quasir, gerraqui, oswaldoxo, Danihv, facoogle, screenzor, death160, italo123, rogeralexander, clerigz, splound, thunwa1, Abraham90, ZTMarkz, aguztin1, Yair1414, INFIERNO, lalo, tuine, lautha, areliux, cri0, malon2k, felipe.anccori, lucaslegui, edanny2020, pomaton, tinkymon, neeck1234, Skrillex, PIRELA, samsunggon, dktlon, Fake-Mu, patarra201, victhorinox, xDarKMalox, flaviocorrea13, legends, Rose, oskaarss, jonasg, gian789, damiqw, josedfb, ccqwe123, tiago, tiki22, Jedais, Ruby-Project, mu_leo, MDDM, josuegreal, ferdsls, biaku, mazingerbk, shakas, skrey, LEiGH, rugby14, lexram, MuMaycroft, Kingler, djagripnos, leo995, Ch3ma, narzuke16, RafaMaster, hackpreik, cruz4d3r, joselagos, terk1526, manucarrizo, edpa, jorgemol, chuvito, Almdar, Supraimas, SoHshy, karita, dulex, Kitty, masterik12, XxBrayxX, triplexp, ernesto2, peres12, dejackal, DiegoRM, gzkiro, sachaf, oGILBERTo, CzCarl27, kiritus, inuside21, fantoma, xxkarxx, boypost, no1alone, Peluuca, KHR3b, 8731918, jokerosx, duvan007, camehause, Jonatan, zodiacddos, muuplobo, oswaldo159, mamut58, Element, canox321, Saige, Apostle, AreS, tigre1123, zeromaster, davidrcj, lazarocp, duglas_nike9, Urko, jesus, sombe30, daezugun, yosef801, feerve, yunnior123, junior274, denny, shadowtrigun, mrtacos12, SChymare, heas, answer, tgservice147, rekis, bkbodoke, hardpower, muaradonline, jeiko, Mu-Origenes, KrizR, GoFire, diju, OptimusPry, iFox, TidusDW, Lauta, Andres-, serker, Lude, Thedanier, Gaboo;, ajklabels, shangay, skeno, Caoz, master1986, chikitoxd, artas88, comoxs, muarcontes, saske98, fabrixd, marianomarkoff, rers, siragonxx, thejonyx, jose4090, MarkuzChileno, arnaldo751, Maxic1987, MaxVoll, Dencel1, aries, Sistem, elrapero88, mcalbert1, Hess, OtixelaxD, adicales, fedrock, JokerZoe, CpPrincipe, bond2012, FlorinBK, joe.cata10, KREATHOR, Xysad, jhonatansm, frank, izgamez, DjGamer, d3mon, aduran, Maicol1998Ri, jebon, punkjaja, Erou, MuTemperley, -Rastaa.TSM☢, pquintal, Danfer, herjuni, dasty, TheWonejo, matadores, ZabiinoOo

Offline diegah #1 Posteado: March 06, 2017, 12:46:19 PM

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hasta que season tiene agregados los items? incluye la season 8?

Offline ZabiinoOo #2 Posteado: March 06, 2017, 01:14:26 PM




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hasta que season tiene agregados los items? incluye la season 8?

No se que version sea esta webshop pero si es la ultima version si, aunque la DMN se basa un poco en files emu por lo tanto lo mas probable es que si trabaje con items s8

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Offline Joaquin #3 Posteado: March 17, 2017, 07:10:20 PM



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Revivo tema, necesito ayuda!

@Danfer no se a que se debe este tipo de comentarios, por aqui nadie te va a ayudar! CREA UN TEMA EN LA SECCION SOPORTE y si vuelves a hacer este tipo de comentarios, me veo obligado a darte ban. ADVERTENCIA +1 . Saludos


Offline izgamez #4 Posteado: March 27, 2017, 10:10:50 PM | Modificado: March 28, 2017, 01:22:36 PM by izgamez

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Offline unico #5 Posteado: May 07, 2017, 09:56:14 PM

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yo uso la web tambien  :v   y es genial solo saberla instalar  .


Offline adicales #6 Posteado: May 23, 2017, 02:56:42 AM

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Offline unico #7 Posteado: May 23, 2017, 05:27:49 PM

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se te olvido   colocar como se  agrega la cuenta admin a la web   , me la sabia pero se me olvido   y  en la guia tampoco esta   me quede en este punto  :(

Offline dasty #8 Posteado: September 23, 2017, 09:21:43 PM

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Alguien sabe como colocar la cuenta ADM a la webshop?


Offline sombe30 #9 Posteado: September 24, 2017, 11:15:23 AM

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UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET Admin = 2 WHERE memb___id = 'TU ID'


Offline leo995 #10 Posteado: October 30, 2017, 12:06:16 PM

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UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET Admin = 2 WHERE memb___id = 'TU ID'
perdon por revivir, pero en qe archivo?

Offline ZabiinoOo #11 Posteado: October 30, 2017, 01:13:32 PM




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@leo995 es una query la ejecutas en tu base de datos del sql

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Offline leo995 #12 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 11:50:49 PM

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@ZabiinoOo gracias amigo, ya pude, una ultima consultita, como entro al panel admin?

Offline dasty #13 Posteado: November 07, 2017, 12:56:38 AM

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Sirve en hosting? alguien la probo?  :'(


Offline SChymare #14 Posteado: November 07, 2017, 03:16:56 AM

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Sirve en hosting? alguien la probo?  :'(

Sip funciona en hosting ya la testie, solo hay que instalarla de manera correcta.


Offline dasty #15 Posteado: November 15, 2017, 10:50:01 PM

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Sirve en hosting? alguien la probo?  :'(

Sip funciona en hosting ya la testie, solo hay que instalarla de manera correcta.

Mano me ayudarías a instalarla en mi hosting? alguna guía


Offline Peluuca #16 Posteado: November 15, 2017, 11:01:53 PM

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Sirve en hosting? alguien la probo?  :'(

Sip funciona en hosting ya la testie, solo hay que instalarla de manera correcta.

Mano me ayudarías a instalarla en mi hosting? alguna guía

Primero hay que instalarla en el VPS o PC donde tengas la base de datos de tu servidor. Una vez tengas las tablas creadas pasa la webshop al webhosting y listo.

Offline dasty #17 Posteado: November 15, 2017, 11:22:45 PM

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Sirve en hosting? alguien la probo?  :'(

Sip funciona en hosting ya la testie, solo hay que instalarla de manera correcta.

Mano me ayudarías a instalarla en mi hosting? alguna guía

Primero hay que instalarla en el VPS o PC donde tengas la base de datos de tu servidor. Una vez tengas las tablas creadas pasa la webshop al webhosting y listo.

ah okok mano, entiendo pensé que no se podía instalar de ese modo, gracias.


Offline josedfb #18 Posteado: February 16, 2018, 08:29:44 PM

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como se intala algun video la guia escrita no se me da

Offline jumongski #19 Posteado: March 11, 2018, 04:37:50 AM

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