Files 97d+99i con el ultimo update liberado por su desarollador, traen soporte para items +13 / +15, todos los eventos de la version funcionales, trae un sistema de misiones, y demas.
Funcional en windows xp service pack 3.
- Si lo probaron en otro SO comentalo para colocarlo.
Spoiler for Hiden:
[Beta 41 Changelog]
Tweaked drop system with ability to use -1 for random skill/luck/add/exc options
Added ability to allow specific characters/symbols in character and guild names
DecreaseElfArrows is now InfiniteElfArrows
Added /ping command
Added ability to clear player skills when resetting
Event manager now respects the year column
[Beta 40.1 Changelog]
Fixed an error in the GoldenArcher.txt file
Golden Archer is now enabled by default
Small corrections
[Beta 40 Changelog]
Added ability to include grand reset points when resetting
Added Golden Archer system
Added ability to change max item level
Added ability to change item duration on the floor
[Beta 39.1 Changelog]
Fixed reset & grand reset systems not working properly
Fixed /skin, /pet and /tracemarry blocked ids/maps
[Beta 39 Changelog]
Added ability to reload most of the customs using /reload 3
Added Dynamic Exp system
Quest system now supports all monsters
Fixed invasion time
Fixed Sky Event pvp before event start
Fixed dupe bug
[Beta 38 Changelog]
Added /resetskills command
Added Lucky Mixes event
Experience calculation tweaked
Added ability to change points per level for each class
Added CalCharacter - you can now balance your characters
[Beta 37.4 Changelog]
Tweaked /vault command & fixed dupe bug
[Beta 37.3 Changelog]
Fixed Sky event not randomizing items
Changing points per level will now also change in Blood Castle
[Beta 37.2 Changelog]
Stability improvements
[Beta 37.1 Changelog]
Fixed /move command not working properly
[Beta 37 Changelog]
Fixed /reset and /grandreset not switching characters if selfdefense is active
Fixed /post command crashing on some systems
Performance improvements
[Beta 36.1 Changelog]
Fixed drop system min/max level
Fixed high cpu usage
[Beta 36 Changelog]
Attempt to fix multi vault dupe
Fixed Sky event not being able to enter in some cases
Quest system tweaks
[Beta 35 Changelog]
Fixed /pet command only for gm check
Added ability to change npc buffers text
Skills min level check now uses item(kor).txt
Fixed starting level up points and zen options
[Beta 34.7 Changelog]
Fixed /pkclear checks
Attempt to fix guild joining issue
Fixed golden archer dupe
[Beta 34.6 Changelog]
Added ability to limit maximum players in a guild
Added ability to set /pkclear's command price * pk count
[Beta 34.5 Changelog]
Fixed npc buffers starts moving when there's a murderer around them
[Beta 34.4 Changelog]
Quest system hotfix
Added ability to clear player kills on reset & grand reset. You'll have to update your Reset & GrandResetSystem.dat files by adding an extra 0 at the end of each line, or use the ones provided with the package
[Beta 34.3 Changelog]
Fixed reset command check for empty inventory
Attempt to fix monster attribute error on start up when npc buffers are enabled
[Beta 34.2 Changelog]
/tracemarry tweaked to work with MoveSystem.dat
[Beta 34.1 Changelog]
Fixed /tracemarry cooldown
Quest system credits reward option added. You'll have to update your Quests file by adding an extra 0 at the end of each quest, or use the one provided with the package.
[Beta 22 Changelog]
GM Login notice - Added
[Move System] Required resets to move - Added - Hot!
[Move System] Required grand resets to move - Added - Hot!
F.O Items support in drop system - Added
F.O Items support in Quest reward - Added
F.O Items support in Sky Event Reward - Added
Sky Event Respawn - Fixed
Sky Event Min players option - Added
Sky Event credits reward - Added
Quest System Exp & Levels reward - Fixed
All other reported bugs - Fixed
[Beta 21 Changelog]
New Commands: /skin, /gg, /banpost, /unbanpost, /banchar, /unbanchar, /reload, /evo & /grandreset
Brand new Quest System (with 15 new quests) - Hot!
New sql connection
Unique drop system - Hot!
Updated Event Manager
Sky Event - (Download the new client) - Hot!
GM System - Hot!
New Move System (game masters should use /gmove name map coords) - Hot!
Blood Castle Ranking
Golden Archer
Auto bugged stats fix on login
Trade System
Anti Disconnect Hack - Hot!
Anti Vault Dupe - Hot!
Anti Guild Crash - Hot!
PvP / NoN PvP Support - Hot!
/post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /pkclear, /reset, /grandreset, /marry, /acceptmarry, /tracemarry, /marrystatus, /divorce, /getmarry, /time, /exit, /buy, /sell, /online, /clearinventory, /moveall, /vault, /questinfo, /skin, /gg, /drop, /banchar, /unbanchar, /banpost, /unbanpost, /reload, /evo, /pet, /buyvip, /vipinfo, /charinfo, /setlevel, /setzen