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Autor Topic: Files DarksTeam 1.0m - Update 8.3 [Ultimate] + Guia instalacion.  (Visto 64881 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo Posteado: March 06, 2016, 01:15:05 PM | Modificado: April 24, 2017, 03:51:15 PM by Lude




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Files 1.0m con el ultimo update liberado por su desarollador, contienen Castle siege - Soporte items acc - CalCharacter funcional, entre otras customs a�adidas a esta version, este post se ira actualizando en tanto salgan nuevos updates.

Funcional en windows xp service pack 3.
- Si los testeaste reporta en que otro SO es funcional.

Spoiler for Hiden:
[Beta 7 Changelog]
Added ability to change Elf Soldier max level
Fixed Kundun boss not dropping excellent items with luck
Fixed Erohim not dropping excellent items with luck

[Beta 6.1 Changelog]
Fixed /offtrade spamming errors

[Beta 6 Changelog]
Fixed vault full of Dark Horse/Raven crash

[Beta 5.2 Changelog]
Attempt to fix gs_cs crash

[Beta 5.1 Changelog]
Off Trade hotfix

[Beta 5 Changelog]
Added Golden Archer - Unique - first 99.60 files with it
Added Offline trade system (/offtrade) - Hot!
Added Happy Level Up event - Hot!
Points per level options will now change points per level in events as well
Removed Webzen character name authority
Fixed party zen bug in Devil Square
Added ability to change Greater Fortitude time (points per second)
Fixed trade with npc crash - Hot!

[Beta 4.1 Changelog]
Added a check to teleport characters back in lorencia if they are inside Sky event's cell after logging/relogging
Fixed Sky event reward excellent options generator

[Beta 4 Changelog]
Added ability to disable monsters push in Chaos Castle event
Fixed Kundun boss ancient items drop count option
Added custom Land of Trials entrance npc with ability to set min level, resets, price to enter (npc id 234)
Added ability to set per room rewards in Chaos Castle event
Added ability to redirect all kalima gates to gate 1
Added Sky Event (entrance npc id 247) - Download the new client patch
Fixed Happy Hour event item drop issue
Added ability to disable Ice Arrow skill effect on specified mobs
Fixed Prices.ini not being read correctly

Client update #1
Castle siege skills unlocked
Low cpu usage
Direct run enabled
Font in game fixed
Multirun enabled
F11 popup removed

[Beta 1 Changelog]
Manashield maximum percentage option added
Custom Item drop file corrected

Classic features:
- Support all features of 99b, 1.0L, 1.0M
- Elf Summons Works 100%
- Elf Soldier Works 100%
- Lahap Works 100%
- Guild War Works 100%
- Duel Works 100%
- Quest HERO and Combo Skill Works 100%
- Delete Chars Works 100%
- Delete Guilds Works 100%
- Guild Hostility Works 100%
- Messenger- Mails Works 100%
- !Message the Admin Works 100%
- @Message Guilds Works 100%
- ~Message Party Works 100%
- PK BUG - No disconnect Works 100%
- Potion Bug Works 100%
- Personal Store Works 100%
- Pet Trainer Works 100%
- Devil Square 1 - 6 Works 100%
- Blood Castle 1 - 7 Works 100%
- Chaos Castle 1 - 6 Works 100%
- All Skills Works 100%
- Party Crash Fixed 100%
- Battle Soccer Works 100%
- Golden Invasion Works 100%
- Ring Attack Works 100%
- Guild Alliance Works 100%
- Mix +10 +11 +12 +13 Works 100%
- Guild/Party Chat bug Fixed Works 100%
- Party Zen Bug Fixed
- Rings level 40 and 80 Works 100%
- Castle siege event - 100%
- Golden Archer - 100%

Custom commands:
/post, /add, /pkclear, /reset, /online, /time, /gg, /reload, /banpost, /unbanpost, /skin, /drop, /vault, /banchar, /unbanchar, /evo, /marry, /acceptmarry, /divorcemarry, /tracemarry, /getmarry, /onlinemarry, /hide_on, /hide_off, /questinfo, /buyvip, /vipinfo, /offtrade

Custom features/config options:
- CalCharacter
- GM Login notice
- Points per level options
- Max level option
- Ability to enable/disable checksum
- Enable/disable duel requests in maps
- Enable/disable party requests maps
- Enable/disable guild war requests in maps
- Enable/disable trade requests in maps
- Elf orb configurable options
- Blood castle award
- White wizard item drop
- Chaos Castle minimum players to start
- Kalima ancient items drop percentage
- GM System
- Unique item drop system
- Mixes success rates options
- News system
- Party formula
- Potions hp/mana percentage
- Chaos machine rates
- Jewels rates
- Pets rates
- Wings rates
- Castle siege mix rates
- Transformation rings options
- Skills min level to use options
- Support for excellent items in shops
- Advanced Blood Castle rewards according to the room level
- Castle Siege skills in all maps - Hot!
- Advanced Quest System - New!
- Advanced VIP System - New!
- Sky Event - New!
- Happy Hour Event - Hot!
- Happy Level Up Event - New!
- Offline Trade System - New!

Fixed bugs:
- PK Bug
- Party zen bug
- Potion bug
- Invasion message
- Jewel of life +28

Anti lahap dupe
Anti disconnect hack
Anti character create with bad name (wpe) - Hot!
Anti guild create with bad name (wpe) - Hot!
Anti npc trade crash - New!


Spoiler for Hiden:

/help - in-game help
/gmhelp - in-game gm help
/post - global chat
/addstr - add points on strength
/addagi - add points on agility
/addvit - add points on vitality
/addene - add points on energy
/addcmd - add points on command
/pkclear - clear kills (in real time)
/online - total online players
/time - show current time
/gg - gm chat with nick
/reload 1 - Customs, 2 - Monsters, 3 - Shops, 4 - All
/banpost - ban user post chatting
/unbanpost - unban user post chatting
/skin - change player skin
/drop - drop items
/vault 1~10 - multi vault command
/banchar - ban character
/unbanchar - unban character
/hide_on - hide gm
/hide_off - unhide gm
/marry - online marriange
/accept - accept marry
/divorce - divorce marry
/marrystatus - marry status
/tracemarry - trace marry
/getmarry - get marry name


Contraseña archivos:

Cambiar ip: ConnectServer/DATA/ServerList.dat
Cambiar pass sql: DTData/SQLConnect.ini

Listo! enciende tu mu y a JUGAR..


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minhtt, itamar, vicvarem4, Monito22, Mu Bavio, mdzulxar, oquendo10, tomidff, JesexD360, robertinox, phenyx123, korron, aravigel, tuanpm1, motikss, joelpk2r, 774455, jode, huantc2000, KratoZZ, andyw, caoboivip, ms5163072511, kennrj, sayf, ducanhtnv, mrjoantoro, darkfame, Cruelizon, shinryoken, KaYn, dab30, Venezuela, ahmetoz27, hamicox1, Sined, Chacotey, pedro20, kimiler, lobinhopk, chunngo1, LoveZoee, mufreeus, Eronrw, sensei, hoangcungclub, icaycuoc, Hunteri, thefenix, toniex, LuccMix, Bonuss, KazahtaneC, nogsvn, hoangtammedia, muclassicbr, ipetot2311, matyugovich, shiun, LeveL, KangShiva95, lucky920810, ollogosha, alditoxd, bangtamvnn, sebelt, skyleater, hiena, Lotto4K4k, Guevara, darkes607, Cavis, JONNA14, duelmaster01, overlucked, bogdan1991, svimaster, Axelfvm, salabin, qbeer, 331515194, unitedwearee, saya, nunuyjuan1231, junao, taliban, Geramoran, rodoxlage, titorex, alimm03, elmaury99, evomd, daniwilde, nicolaslo, fortalezasmu6, cusadmin, ShinedowN, caiquevalle, Maxiclar, cuentafree23, NghienMU, malluco1, sica21, lucasvieira, andrelock, CrAlOx, hieukmt, akumaxis, maximil99, Lemaitre, smpls28, santiih24, quanghauht, jotace2020, eshee19, karaca, esheelito23, liron, BAUNCE, kellington, Ga4umy4u, leosalcedo, jigsaw12, gastaldi12, thanhdau95, fefe14, enternal1603, 0373756266, Bidurria, learndtut, muinternational, kamikazepro1989, frthbcdrtbcd, AdolfoMih5, XpanDmu, dxchatco241, torugpakto, MUNDIAL, xiomer, rodriexpulsados, Lykos, Geraldine2022, insau12, bamster89, vinhlove012, marcosfifolato, vuntolka, gnlgaspar12, juani, jpcabral9, wuachukeik, mircosn, maurixi, Dolohov, Eymen2121, ProthoTyap, coto66, fabilus, pandamu, carloshnnz, miiadlp87, chulicoxd, ciccio, webamoev, vanhiep215, Small0012, nhaixuong, RosarioRobles, palacio14, matiasR1, Fulgerul, mikeahon, myway, ZeratulNT, Romp3hu3sos, folycs, n1cebee, tanju02, LeyendaMu, loky16, josue3pc, Matt1995, Kurito, nestor1937, gusano1974, KropaPL, roilopez95, omarsergio, neford, tuananh1990, Elbardelorencia, alfarraptor, demente, liron003, filipito, zurdo, insanogg, tamoio, wellwisher22, juanitoarcoiris3, ONEofNINE, boboha, mubladecom, infocchack, jose1k, Cachuso, hoanmaster, 4452044520, RecoilBurst, Christense, ottoman, AnDeR, Virus22, elreydelmu, huawei22, shudie, maxgun, matias4625, stalinjack, jiraya, xz18786628, thug4life, joelsobrin95, morede2009, barzi, yay2jz, nexusblake, dfigueroa, Estev, linkvas12, ninope, muinjected, firemu, Lfqwatro, blakwali, BanWork, BrFusion, amfernan, FacundoFrank, Hessen, antony, lunaticodeveloper, dario, red2992, mufear, LightofHeaven, nenedario12, mavine, lordtony, tiestoh, FavoritoMu, walter17, miniloco, Chizito, ShukiUY, winsock, Fabiven, LaDecadencia, shootzgyn, draco425, vipgale01, prohards26, metalron, curruco, gonzalok91, miltonho2, mlkoliva22, herogear, JuaniZ, gabrielbs, aoffer, Tomix78, macros0, mugameservices, hitimon, Batuflix, SebaDrgn, ale7, xASGARDx, HaroldFinch, ernesto2, zxcqwe, Angel Olano, ossamenta, mumadryn, ekor4ik, nachoman, jukas, NicholaiParadox, Kriskiy, wewer, manolo130, mantios, thirlwell2, Haremonger, carmax, kimera, urasuk12345, okilove23, manoxxx, Pakalois22, Alexander, hoviethung, tormento321, Darkyoo, Viper, donciukas14, IceCream, lukaz2z, mutu3250, lemg2408, Beelzebub, alanmoro, WixMU, visual2k3, RafaMaster, fallsmu, ramonzitoo, victorrz17, lom0k, krouse002, bustini, peff, Trueno1989, nhjm9, Londes1, eacv, galenski, batora, zacki0801, 8ball, Kerberos, MaritoxNet, lucasdaniel, mechaloco, max1musn1, espigs94, benjitrench, julito55, tiendoanit, weestbr, tanphat, daraeowl, paquistanes, Buff, marco125, napo09, cepo, joelhack1994, kayito, Xrazo2020X, load_01, gabi32, voriyor, darthatreyu, 452745444, gabisito, pingm, venun, alandiones3, hazlacika, gohancs, ciel90, G3P4RDO, akosibrian, eliaassantana, geovanio, malau, mezka, MixTeamL, sauerlp, ilpetit, alvaro10, 423646802, murancio, Naxzut, magenta, raidencs, Darien815, jeprax, blind09, miso21, ayrtonmu20, Samug, nayamil, televizia1, kyssys, xpl0ziv, manugnr, matiasarw, marcelo2, sabis, tomi132, facundo88z, aleetanos, mgzic, xcresux, DrakonuS, sergio00, juanitoelarcoiris, ballas, aybarchu, Jojoji, geris22, Pachi, orellana684, Ivan190, matzee, tarikata, DarkovaX, NedasAndrius, ToShirico, samyps, unish, 426632, famoire, Gaudinio, gzkiro, Aries18, Oldmu97d, Jey, jjtag2301, leankorn93, leotta45, Baumer, francomax22, cesarvha, supiztefteli, ProGameR22, chyozh, danviphd, Yukki, tifalok,, mrphuongpc, hamlet, r31nz0, son1xx2, zephyros, Tomy, ordi11, Sencillo88, jaschingsa, cantinfla2, leandro, binho, k4b1b4, koito89, mashemdq, muslum, noah1422, catirexD, frecuencia, Heitaok77, agtanalata, pibekpo, juanvzl, xpollox101, andru, benjas09, agastin10, rodri007, sanjuan31, nopelingrush, luisitoo, cartel, rasta1999, Bruno089, HacemeUnPete, locuravg, marcial, Eclips, Nicco999, mumaldade, crack018, ridermu, mckjohan2019, warleyxxp, plyn, NoLimiT, allansoares, SetecSoft, markos182, igznoth, marting, z348870672, malekeith, Percy, NesHac250, T-LEGENDARY, aitoriyama, fnaticmu, pablo2587, tgservice147, Majestar, cavalcante, Gonzaloasd, pixoble24, Maty2019, mamadusako, broadnest, theclears12, Emanuelcom, laautiiCja, xaxx10, donovan, osvaldo1811, Portilloxx, bruno1198, sinketz0r, bother, comunidadgamers17, 093540, Skillz, wuilson512, hamiltonsl, mochaso05, AineAiden, napal, SCosmin4, ismael99, wesley, cocholo, Cartman, victormvw, yosnaiker, beolaem, djchispiao, warfare1457, theien2, alejandroxd17, Kitodms, _SavagE_, xavotaxo, Biney, anemmca, AdmKiller, mediki87, munaveia, wandersons9, iggfree, suportec, Jackens, karlozxd, Tectonic, PIRELA, punkjaja, GABRIELAOC91, Coder-Z, williandv, sacred, marcoss, big8360, abrahan47, wolffrox, kudaomobile, MikhontiK, NaughtyBoy, lacruz10, AndresMe, osvaley, leandro22, higo, CENNK, WebShok, aragua, RaMMzBT, Bk3Zell, Liaon, otavio344, ryjcu, kove0816, ladsix, ZephyrusPG, 161012, rulay, barda1, Dybbuk, claudioc3m, BugsBunny, Bazoka, zmadblack, praquenome, thinhgm02, osvaldotl, fefow, vdk2703, rujirot, carlos243, tute93, dolartodays, DarKTaloco, Lewansky, roie, niqeto, pablin19, stadrian99, carlosage, ErikGaston, anpemeut, SIRDGARU, leoxs12, zetita, dagang, ShurikPurik, cristobvl, damayen, Freestyle2019, gacon201294, diegohd, ByCeLLaT, agustin, Supraimas, MacHiDa, northon, TroopersGamingHost, Juan-, cashlos232018, jeane, perro1614, mokita, SoulKill3r, MaHoMaXx, bazan, eliarwis, kind, harumaji, cobyzero, IvanZeta, MUBlawerd, toguy1, thienma, BladexD, Minerva, copixx, adrieldecicilo, Look, santos, anyer, ChesterXL, juantrk, luisjo, sergio466, juniorb, ducasc, d1d2, Leito0h, megamakay, AlexanderC, Wendigo, carla20, XxBrayxX, orion, phcaraujo, Inuyasha2126, YolaxD, gabrielito, xeneises, pote3, Vengefull, 10mauro10, zehel62, aemoscon, herjuni, jesuspiconc, gpsturbo, wachi, nexus19, brayan25, ChanhEp, chente23, ezeXII, arbas, kksky, guasondelacorte, LoffoxD, MambaHAPPY, dustman, meelfagg, fr4nco, majoca10, pelotudazo, bin9xhn2, GuNy0uS, kimbao17, malon2k, dedicadobk, vaneavanea31, datos32, Facundo Jara, kkovas, tanxpvn, kr3zn1k, tiinolda, viking87, peck66, Misterium, xtian01, quang, Locura71, darkdemo, MEC LEGEND, NightAngel, Yoh, richart1701, Mph1405, nguyechien5520, bigbygamer, diablop2, mardelmu, TazDingo, Yancarlos, Polrgam, Stefano.Aguiar, joangelis, redf0x, Jokin, phootheer, fernando, darkskara, Ubuntu MU, pietro159, Detonorfccc, yirun1, FreeStyle, anyerpelay, nicooromero, Rafaelsilvarj, con12, zodiacddos, juans1234, martinmaya, Cabebia, jhynno, dpnguyenii, term1nat0r, ignice, suunee, spiazzi, antoniobk, byrone19, ghmillet, tito99, calipso, 1muarcadia1, zaxscd, Ashita111235, Gaboo;, juan.fossati, TioFedEx, D3aD, nicodiaz, daman913, Alex, sshalva, bloodrager, TheAliensDJ, thejuaanii, Chiiviito, d3llam3a, idinero, czekay, CezarMaster, PowerNet, seedmaker, snither, Synyster, tripton, wesleyjackie, emivc, rzyna, irving22, matiasgarcia12, ushual, nomack, legacy101, EzeQ, sapatilla, slow, NicoMura, coria14, psycho_rules, SdMasters, cris87, goldenserver, felix, josexluis, melly23, nelord, kpos2008, cosmefelipe, -Rastaa.TSM☢, lkzMini, javito, coletox, isah, NoobDK, BeckerIbero, niko06, bruce_ga, jorge66, fran1996, mhg32128, xxmenonxx, svn7rg, nenedario, Adunakhor, bidola, pablito1231, naikker2007, montanaflv, kenh14, KarLi, tuyentc, BUTTMAN, lipokas, kevincho, Liviumiu, Partexiz, KriizGonz, GuzmanDiaz18, aspen, bahadirozan, juanka2, sachaw, duffycop, MEN1K, francomilone, goncanob, VictorKing, reko01, mendani, Mirkola, segovia, ROMAN, BellCraner, Buffon, HailMurder, lucaskpo, BludServer, lazk, hichay, LABMU, emilianooo, mati09, bogdankevin, LimBisky, horrador, Felipe zdebski, Pokepili, NewSD, Zeckert, fadedm, ArnoldSzk, zzbrandon, WaterJet, argcorp, romariols, zharghost, Dode, windows8, yenfri, masterdx, pervers0, bach102, italo123, elrapero88, dranse13, CorsarioDgx, luis333, muperzeus, gacondihoc, SbaGomez, ✬SOИY✬, angelproo, toplan, PortaPia, chucky47, Yair1414, promax, MuOldLife, akuamen78, Rescate, wfl0417, TheHacker2000, luishernan, xAmenx, blyuv, AlejanDroh, test10, casluguedes, Shaman, joselagos, SuPrEmO_, CleberCBF, z3r0x, maslon, UnCleanOne, alessandro, woox, Vitaminka, Secneum, jeffzkie69, lohde, tiagomang, KREATHOR, somoslostk, siromc, julimolinas, rwul91, Ana, KREAT0R, kaoan10, Conrado22, Xysad, fiorettidev, mrb, magasro, FuegO, hardzen, Peluuca, eltauro81, samsunggon, nhoanhkhoquen, boinapro, darkfire22, cuervo15, loloee, ronald15, katerkpo, norean, pksoares1, silenc3, dasgrid, servermaster, Ariel009, virtualmu, marianoherrero95, mercenario, DecoO, aleiker, kelvinaleja, sdetre, ZTMarkz, adamsito, blakcklass, maritohh, mundomuc, Oesterheld, horrorstory, branca53, marcelo, Espartacus, OmeRiko, lazarocp, seshero, nahuel.oexner, victhorinox, paladium, nelson, Ryuno, Lisandro226, yosef801, ikqrote, alexanderbusta3, tucamast, matiman08, Sherm1, SpectruM, Cariaga, Lucypro, lunavilla12, AreS, papel76, lincolnman, SoHshy, gamacorpse, jesus900, kaizer94, LContinent, Urko, xalefx, armus, muhard, datcom, elchiva, andrea, yhoon, muarce, Aguztihn, Hess, chinob09, jrdanezio, undernoct, okdina1, bond2012, Zahard, MrRastaman, Eternity, masloko, fabrixd, Andres-, kirox, saske98, jose41, Thedanier, FIRE, dezzeus, Loor, SoloConHielo, darkenix, iFox, LoadingH, JuniorDonizete, bkluisito, jose4090, denny, gnlskad, LuisDM, delmin, quyanxu, logancito, FrancoB, legendario8, iopq123, ValkyriaMu, bonestrike, kekedodo, delbys, kluklu, serker, Overkomp, patri, unico, Kitty, skizline, sevenstars07, fantoma, jesusvelasquezz, wenchito, Diegoramos, Leo, duvan007, qgamers, newm0n, DARYoi, Dynamox, chico10, ivandcr, sknfvck, Ziggs, Arsus123, TroYaN, elchacal25, skyreache, gabo22, jclinkin, nujd00, Willber, Kundun, udnel, greulis, alevarxz, tcbagame, ricardoferreira, maxijozami, gamesperu, DarkEternity, KeviNNN, yeps13, Avskum, extrajuegosya, Calisho12, arthur, argen258, bilox, Sebastian2014, djagripnos, Guniox, Tempesta, martinkpo2, virgen, REGENW, sampaforce, Adriango, adoboscan, bushinmu, KrizR, audani, daweda, josehdrago, candido, pepeeh, bandido, osvaldo33, Lincoln, Colbert, vgzomega1

Offline decrasy #1 Posteado: May 11, 2016, 12:11:44 AM

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Que buen aporte bro se ven copadas las files :D  omg dance


Offline andreani1988 #2 Posteado: June 06, 2016, 10:27:35 PM

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me da error el gameserver. me dice q detecto un problema y debe cerrarce, que puede ser? estoy probando con una pc con xp sp3

Offline ZabiinoOo #3 Posteado: June 07, 2016, 12:58:04 AM




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me da error el gameserver. me dice q detecto un problema y debe cerrarce, que puede ser? estoy probando con una pc con xp sp3

Microsoft visual c++ 2010, .net framework esos son los requerimientos y agregar el gameserver a los DEP de windows.

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Offline andreani1988 #4 Posteado: June 07, 2016, 04:13:51 PM

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tengo todos los framwoks hasta el 4.5 instale el visula c++ y puse el gameserver en el nat y sigue haciendo lo mismo (no inicia). puede que por tener bajor recursos la pc no arranque el gameserver? tiene 768mb de ram

Offline ZabiinoOo #5 Posteado: June 07, 2016, 04:45:38 PM




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tengo todos los framwoks hasta el 4.5 instale el visula c++ y puse el gameserver en el nat y sigue haciendo lo mismo (no inicia). puede que por tener bajor recursos la pc no arranque el gameserver? tiene 768mb de ram

el .net framework es 3.5 y no tiene nada que ver este gameserver no pesa mucho, si persiste el problema arma un tema en soporte para no llenar este tema, saludos

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Offline GunWell #6 Posteado: June 10, 2016, 12:06:37 PM

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Pregunta, Estos files tienen Npc reset,pkclear y de buff?


Offline ZabiinoOo #7 Posteado: June 10, 2016, 04:27:49 PM




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Pregunta, Estos files tienen Npc reset,pkclear y de buff?

El reset es por comando, el pkclear si tiene npc, y los buff solo hay las hadas y debes duplicarlos para que esten en las 4 entradas

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Offline GunWell #8 Posteado: June 10, 2016, 08:56:05 PM

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Pregunta, Estos files tienen Npc reset,pkclear y de buff?

El reset es por comando, el pkclear si tiene npc, y los buff solo hay las hadas y debes duplicarlos para que esten en las 4 entradas
ahh ook, gracias. podrias decirme que numero de los npc Pkclear y la de buff. ya que como bien sabes, estas en un idioma rarisimo x_x. que me hace confundirme demasiado.

Offline Angel Olano #9 Posteado: August 26, 2016, 12:48:51 AM

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un editor para estos files ? que no sean los que estan en este tema...

Offline KevhiN-~ #10 Posteado: September 07, 2016, 02:58:10 AM

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@ZabiinoOo el comando /move no funciona? Como haces para moverte?

Offline ZabiinoOo #11 Posteado: September 07, 2016, 01:52:58 PM




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@ZabiinoOo el comando /move no funciona? Como haces para moverte?

Solo sucede cuando eres admin, en DTData esta una config para aceptar los admins se muevan por "M" o por "/gmove"

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Offline KevhiN-~ #12 Posteado: September 08, 2016, 12:10:20 AM

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Ultima duda, cuando voy a crear un guild al darle "crear" me desconecta del servidor y no crea el guild, vi que vos usabas estos files, capaz te pasaba lo mismo.

Offline ZabiinoOo #13 Posteado: September 08, 2016, 03:39:38 PM




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Ultima duda, cuando voy a crear un guild al darle "crear" me desconecta del servidor y no crea el guild, vi que vos usabas estos files, capaz te pasaba lo mismo.

es cuando usan nombres raros o simbolos, por eso sucede

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Offline KevhiN-~ #14 Posteado: September 08, 2016, 04:12:58 PM

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Probe poniendole al guild "asdasd" PJ: Ajfjsfsj y desconecta.. En un rato voy a la pc y reviso bien los .ini (config) para ver que puede ser ese problema. Luego te comento como me fue

Offline rulay #15 Posteado: October 03, 2016, 10:58:19 AM

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Cual es la IP a Cambiar En El Cliente Gracias..! (y)

La respuesta esta en tu corazon..!
El Respeto No Se Pide Se Gana..!

Offline ZabiinoOo #16 Posteado: October 03, 2016, 02:59:56 PM




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Cual es la IP a Cambiar En El Cliente Gracias..! (y) te recomiendo usar un launcher mejor

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Offline rulay #17 Posteado: October 05, 2016, 08:06:56 AM

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Alguien Sabe como puedo hacer correr las noticias me fije en el archivo Newsystem. pero por mas que trato no puedo. solo sale el de los guardias y el de entrada q se editan en el commonserver desde ya Muchas Gracias..! :o

La respuesta esta en tu corazon..!
El Respeto No Se Pide Se Gana..!

Offline marcial #18 Posteado: November 08, 2016, 08:18:48 PM

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tengo un problema prendo el mu antes de cambiar el ip y la clave del sql en los files verda y prende bn pero cuando edito las ip y clave cuando trato de prender el server se me quedan los programas Runing
pero si los prendo manualmente si prende :S

Offline mateo4304 #19 Posteado: November 18, 2016, 01:34:53 AM

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 Buen aporte!
Alguno las probo ? que tal el pvp?
Gracias :D


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