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Autor Topic: Files Season 11 [ Nuevo PJ - Grow Lancer ]  (Visto 33363 veces)

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Offline Joaquin Posteado: January 28, 2017, 02:23:21 PM | Modificado: March 29, 2017, 12:59:10 AM by ZabiinoOo



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Buenas gente, les dejo un repack season 11 basados en los files MuEMU.

PD: El editor que trae no tiene a la grow lancer. Pero si trae sus items dentro del editor.






Ultima actualización Files S11 .Update 2017/03/02 - Gracias a @LuciferXT

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Fixed character Can not see other character
Fixed Brave beast Move Do not show
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godcris, ARCKANO, alexiszedd07, avatar, Liam, valentinod, piscis007, fitogc, NiceBrave, sukerwold, demonxdxd, higlans, seshero, siriusmactavish, fabrixd, mausloco, makensi973, drendy, Pompinator, mariooscar, mrtacos12, datcom, CAsd, Roberthlan, yosef801, ikqrote, neverclubza, xpikachux, gabi32, darkslave, CAPITOL, GioMaster88, andredeco, xxxlexxx, eduuardo3d, gian789, misterclir, masloko, neurosi, fantoma, Bk3Zell, magickss, pinkof85, joselagos, TheHerous, ranzb, comoxs, smanuels, Ruulo, davidruiz, felipe15, dendi, wenchito, macs15, xkennychix, zion90, JluCeHoK, OptimusPry, lufoma1, nitz02, alanathan, derolxd, bond2012, muarce, brunonomas, pacolito, edwinjesus, mauro009, arxeane, AleCarolina, Zahard, dakosmu, MarkuzChileno, neicer, areliux, djkaku, phonix12, darkenix, Ranger, juancho1222, ferdsls, Gaboo;, sedex, terk1526, vzlasup, rafael diaz chinchilla, totito, smilwar, michel22, Thedanier, ajklabels, maymaury, d3mon, mayiny, legendario8, rers, malo97, DanteQC, rodrigopy, honter, pxtxtx, bertilio, cesar, aldo02, SpyroWzR, widermann, elcangri90, smlk, MsOrion, bonestrike, sevenstars07, tiki22, Caoz, arnaldo751, grizer, POPEY, edgarluevano, goiop, MAEVCH, maximas128, blades2, alfax2311, gytre, darkbleath, skay25, ilubatar, thelzp, nysori, jaimer, neroni, werty, gusnic1, esteban, ludwind, rodralc, ELNOOB, eliseobrito, wordkingtru, umdertaker, Azzlaer, leredil, matadores, siplhes, jebon, pklkpsxdx1, KhongGianOL, alejamdro0, reubs, harry130, Antikiller, lusiffer99, Callejero, kamesenin, quyanxu, enderson2, estarly, jigokush, Sid3Kick, koito89, silfredo, lordrildo, EVENTCORE, KREATHOR, answer, darckman6917, cobyzero, interuno, PachoRasta, KingKiltro, senkilord2, volcano, Tamous, dab30, izgamez, jeppxD, naja01, neoking007, dady13, Black-Dark, federico14, gerdixon, bykiller, Chapulin, GuidoJV, AnimusAter, gonzalo22, InocentePx, EnergyMU, Danihv, xdjoa, LuckyStrike, josehdrago, 0x0c, darkmont, dio, malon2k, Blade, djsmile02, Partexiz, cardlim, jose1k, deathsquad, Nexus, adicales, apofis2007, chikitoxd, sombe30, malbacino, chipil, herjuni, nik2013, thanglv.tnn, eliminito, Dencel1, adoboscan, Yoss, jose4090, 1muarcadia1, sanbox, migell123, DarkEternity, OtixelaxD, mrloco, DrakenBk, elrapero88, Anthony, unico, blackixat, newm0n, LuciferXT, XlionelX, peres12, Odisk, abezy, DjGamer, AltairN17, firemarcos, Auferoz, ValkyriaMu, Kingler, luisdaniel, delmin, lordrolyram, djagripnos, Kitty, joander, AriesMaster, ZabiinoOo, diegah, Adonay, darkjano, SantoGrial

Offline Odisk #1 Posteado: January 28, 2017, 11:26:47 PM

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se ven bueno es cuestion de ir testeando cada cosa fixeando yo me voy a poner hacer ese trabajo para luego sacarlos a la venta como la season 8 muemu tiene un alto % arreglado

one day

next generation ♥ !


Offline unico #2 Posteado: January 29, 2017, 05:58:00 AM

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los probe no sirven ... son los mismos muemu s8 solo agregado grow lancer es solo comentario ... y no conecta el conecteserver sale error
creo que no los prbaste  ya los tengo andando correctamente  solo tengo el error que en mi pc no puedo habrir ningun cliente  desde el season 8 en adelante :(

Offline Joaquin #3 Posteado: January 29, 2017, 12:13:20 PM



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los probe no sirven ... son los mismos muemu s8 solo agregado grow lancer es solo comentario ... y no conecta el conecteserver sale error

Entonces si no funcionan como crees que saque las fotos? los tengo montado en forma LOCAL y funcionan a la maravilla! Algo estas haciendo mal.


Offline 1muarcadia1 #4 Posteado: January 29, 2017, 06:31:24 PM

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quiero saber porque el ConnectServer me sale error

Offline Odisk #5 Posteado: January 29, 2017, 09:02:00 PM | Modificado: January 29, 2017, 09:09:05 PM by ZabiinoOo

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tengo muchos errores del eventitembag tienes alguna manera de recuerar esos archivos ? les puse los del season 8 y da el mismo error y revise todo y el del season 8 y esta version tienen la misma cosas cuando abro el GS me da este error

one day

next generation ♥ !


Offline Joaquin #6 Posteado: January 30, 2017, 05:43:49 PM



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Enseguida subiré un update.


Offline malbacino #7 Posteado: January 31, 2017, 09:55:30 AM

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tengo muchos errores del eventitembag tienes alguna manera de recuerar esos archivos ? les puse los del season 8 y da el mismo error y revise todo y el del season 8 y esta version tienen la misma cosas cuando abro el GS me da este error

Separate all Chinese name files in EventBag Folder.


Offline malbacino #8 Posteado: January 31, 2017, 10:24:10 AM

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Server is already running. Also, I already edited the config for local IP. Client still not connecting. Any other method on how to configure IP in client?

Thanks in advance.


Offline Joaquin #9 Posteado: January 31, 2017, 11:46:37 AM



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Server is already running. Also, I already edited the config for local IP. Client still not connecting. Any other method on how to configure IP in client?

Thanks in advance.

@malbacino THE IP CONFIGURE IN THE CUSTOMER IN THE FILE config.ini, and the ip that you must place is the one that appears in ipv4 of your local network (if you use local network) Regards.

Offline Joaquin #10 Posteado: January 31, 2017, 11:47:00 AM



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Offline LuciferXT #11 Posteado: January 31, 2017, 03:44:57 PM

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Offline chikitoxd #12 Posteado: January 31, 2017, 04:52:51 PM

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que trae la update que corrige


Offline Joaquin #13 Posteado: February 01, 2017, 12:33:36 PM



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que trae la update que corrige

Ahora subo los ChangeLog del UPDATE, pero uno de ellos es que corrige el error que a algunos les sale en el ConnectServer.

Offline LuciferXT #14 Posteado: February 01, 2017, 09:00:44 PM

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Alguien sabe de donde soluciono esto?


Offline ZabiinoOo #15 Posteado: February 01, 2017, 09:19:56 PM




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@LuciferXT que cosa quieres solucionar? crea un tema en la sección soporte sobre tu problema así todos pueden aportar su experiencia

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we trust god


Offline dio #16 Posteado: February 02, 2017, 04:40:16 AM

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Interesante.. Quien los tiene ON para probar que tal y ayudar a reportar los errores que vaya a traer.. saludos

Offline generalhbk #17 Posteado: February 02, 2017, 12:24:36 PM

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This files would be better of source files will be shared but sad to say this files don't have source files
as i tried it too many bugs i have encounter from events S4 up and many more that must need to be fix


Offline Odisk #18 Posteado: February 02, 2017, 06:23:33 PM

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This files would be better of source files will be shared but sad to say this files don't have source files
as i tried it too many bugs i have encounter from events S4 up and many more that must need to be fix

What bug is present in the events?

one day

next generation ♥ !

Offline Partexiz #19 Posteado: February 04, 2017, 12:41:25 PM

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hola buenas tardes estoy probando los files pero habra algún editor con el pj  glow


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