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Autor Topic: [MODTeam] Server Files Season 3 Ep 1 Free  (Visto 32553 veces)

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Offline YolaxD Posteado: November 01, 2017, 07:17:52 PM | Modificado: November 07, 2017, 09:07:35 AM by ZabiinoOo

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Caracteristicas: Server Files

- Clases -> 100%
- Skills -> 100%
- Buffs -> 100%
- Eventos -> 100%
- Items -> 100%
- PC Bang -> 100%
- Shops -> 100%
- Party 100%
- Chaos Machine -> 100%
- DarkSpirit & Horse -> 100%
- PersonalShop -> 100%
- Quest -> 100%
- Trade -> 100%
- WareHouse -> 100%
- PVP -> 100%
- PVE -> 100%
- Words -> 100%

y mucho mas...

- Custom:

- CustomArena -> 100%
- CustomAttack -> 100%
- CustomEventDrop -> 100%
- CustomMonster -> 100%
- ResetTable -> 100%
- Conexion [Main <-> GS] Encriptada

Caracteristicas: Main

-- Fixs
- Accent -> FIX
- Website Open -> FIX
- Age Image -> FIX
- Ctrl Fix -> FIX
- Multi Instance -> FIX

-- Funciones Agregadas
- Camara 3D
- Try Mode
- Carga de Items Custom [Agregada: 21/09/2017]

-- Configuracion en archivo externo encriptado
- Version
- IpAddressPort
- WindowName
- ScreenShotPath
- IpAddress
- ClientSerial




Nueva Main.dll:

- WebZen
- Xteam
- MODTeam


Sined, thethoi123, badboyc20, OMEGANETWORKS, OBBY, Tazxding0, alexis1997, mcalbert1, TruenoStrife, matyugovich, leonmx, waayangel, powerpatic, warren12, TheendxD, DavidSenior96, 297457989, tibetano, orordvd, odiseah, chipcoidj, XAND, son1xx2, darkes607, poweretex, xakeruli, Geradios, MotaDota, malayo270, josuenatanael50, caminhada, junao, MilwOrm93, Xysad, carosso16, Maxiclar, fabrixd, petrec, delvador, leiker145, facuBD, melly23, will2525, alang1992, cobranza, joaovithor1, joseduran, pustiiu, noxar, FlashLV, Jorgpali, Tipok, bubik, dazher324, pandamu, luuiscor, smarts, daimer, mdzulxar, Sneepy, tomaslautaro995, norbullx, williandv, majuba, S7aR, esheelito23, Pure, franxoxs, slipminal, carmax, aiakos, Luis1422, FabiaNmu, Damih21, veryf, NikkiQwiki, aoffer, maximil99, timo, Tomix78, kaiman11, aranclub02, zatohichi, Atlans, jmfs2019, BenjaminTv, MilwOrm, azgames, hfhmu, copitoxd23, ulises2802, hankook, pupeemz, skual, YakuzaRFF, qlesi, Belorechka23, jhon2499, keiny, hoangtammedia, zess, 0373756266, admmu, ruller98, frthbcdrtbcd, miiadlp87, chocholoco, Idosaka, dxchatco241, XpanDmu, elparopita1, SlyK-, max1musn1, jaspe5369, xxyan1xx, MuGameNetwork, jigsaw12, tn1698, scanel, ongchu3x, VERNERON, python, toxicarg, MoShka, elrama1323, afullprimo, vesichaa, lsfratel, Geraldine2022, damii04, xf666, vinhlove012, Halloween, reset, noiz12, lucaspereyra, lvoidz91, santiih24, kuya03, devid123, lemg2408, lucastayub, ryolosu, anubismari, ldretrion, 8bitcore, gertiones, Aurius, elfacha, XCRIMSON, feper0909, phonix121, kachito, Vengefull, seniorbart123, stickgm, Kantru, MuFiesta, duongcao, Dkyzer, krustik2, stonegameplay, 0pTi, wellwisher22, stuffed2023, xepha, muzinho, Nebunul, mangal, nerd, genadibiosalama, Mizuki, eliarwis, alandonilo, zeeduser, damitorres1, mukeni0, matymuni, tavik1008, Ingouanas, lamorsa, tiestoh, dungtuyen12, garcia1230, KazahtaneC, Standby312, coco12, Shinobito, jatecphone, waynemartins, 八零宙斯, mangppom, nhawt, Eternals, Part1zanBelarus, gelxix, Pinponw, pagoga, enano1308888, alejandroDark, kksa132456, rockly, kenji, goliloco, nhaixuong, ronglovel, theien2, fabilus, webamoev, brianlomax, sadas23, ion396, daviddaraio, DannyEvil4, Maty2019, nacho131, pwnzczyk, Fulgerul, admdante, ZeratulNT, walassi12, vanhiep215, matiasR1, LuckyStrike, magiosmu, teuzhaun, mikeahon, Tongue, overlucked, giangpha, omars, Romp3hu3sos, BlaackZero, josue3pc, boboha, xcreewx, SocrateS, Chees, lucasvieira, armflo12, n1cebee, 万三大哥哥, jhonmago21, matiasbian, cogumelofungi, chester12, anemmca, piter, h3yShOk, prohards26, kakalot981, hola23, tungns0695, dunbby, iiLuizinho, loky16, signumr6, tamoio, YoshHatake, yacura, jampi0910, Matt1995, dannys, ronbal2211, formlovefern12, jesuschis, coderxx, mubladecom, comovenga, JavixFer, royta, SoloConHielo, skay11, phungbaphu, cupenlk18, zen0x, minhvu25051991, afek8855, neford, different, emilse2020, whisky123, Shanw, rrxt, RAGNAR111, siebenpatricio,, pigo666, WebShok, coolermz, MuDeen, jaime1, Rodaaa, Eymen2121, esmej, zeusadm, reventon92, rayssa1218, smartguy, ikoichi, leandrobbb, diadop, gabrielbs, Eclips, Basilisk_uy, cusadmin, drake95, guillecozzi, piterdcastore, vodka, TryMenow, yejiunayangluo, shinji1311, Estev, lautarocos, emanuelbtz, mishimomei, smart2, julepe1, wedison, hitimon, blakwali, LoVeMeEe, LaParc4, thuongdo07, lobinhopk, markxj6, tedateamos, ordeh, 6atters, iFox, Emanuelcom, jony_13, vitalush, wendyll, meeworkout, crack018, huawei22, beaterhehe, carlos1989, srjunin, amfernan, lang, fyre, macros0, Kosh, arxeane, ales, liok026, Batuflix, cupsyak, valeh, antiblood, xpl0ziv, valikos, xASGARDx, axeman192, wito, melo920, kini, Telefon, miki123, gamersava, ekor4ik, kachunga, carioca22, MDDM, d1key44, wewer, danielgalboa, sounda, mugloves99, wiljipa, miltonho2, xprown, Baumer, benjitrench, joelsobrin95, nunu101, enano130, NiceBrave, mavine, forumid, ousado, morris, JohnK, godmas, IceCream, mumadryn, 1432203, donciukas14, JohnKmf, cri0, mubi2, Jey, mutu3250, kimera, hendrix, daniwilde, hamilton08, 0971517666, tetrachlorides, luongyduong, justcrazy, Jonathan12, baolove000, emerson2004, Percy, Icelight, xianwen, xXoscarxX1, athosw, krouse002, Van_Bom, rivale, winsock, riczera, tgservice147, Trueno1989, richarxxb, mydiary3, tuandam, felixcat, juanse23, tumberosrp, facundogpeloso, rodrigoo22, red2992, jose54, Kain20XX, Albito, zoomame, Damned2, lyanon, FIESTERO, julito55, daraeowl, tanphat, delaguila, kamaze, area51reload, ferick28, WolfCL, Trox14, Fabiven, Camilomarquez61431, maichauanhkhoa, zhu8ye, mochiman, AndyModz, GabrielDevel, minet, megaxcite, matheusgom, edmundo16, romerangel, david1994, ace, kimiler, wo7as, cyfall, natsu00, losb1993, DelphMania, 570693, marccusjohn, straiker23, RoldanHost, Feducu, GabrielDev, dhaomao, manugaby1, xsormanx, jkarlos, djgonzo2012, Alexander, Abeluchox, nik2013, dikemaomao, kejugador, KarLi, hazlacika, kalaman, darkdemo, mircosn, onicas, khoalu, andres1752, bidolichi, SerioSilente, vaneavanea31, gonzalok91, akosibrian, ofignacio, elmaxis1, FacundoN, leo021, wrestler, alexey05, PaiPai, toregz, hickaman, Hudson, tomi132, FaNaMaN, LHB_LOVE, sergio093, andutu, Cefe, ezequielmqg, alexpwd, diegomdd, jeronemo, leankorn93, matzee, decaniito, privdens, Fummah, NedasAndrius, ArcSyS, BladexD, rowley, tomjs, aspen, theorlandiho, Aries18, tomylife, frankitoo_07, fefe, nba014, mirela2011, Yarin1222, volkov, TeamCB, makoos, VIERJAJR, selvatico, kheroz95, YanzKing, fredyman, Felipe0211, miracle1, Detonorfc, tdthanh95, iGooty, Fagor, Yukki, kayito, andru, calipso, cantinfla2, naim4109, chucho93, supiztefteli, patryk39, catirexD, darkhorse16, pingm, Ichi, hombreoro, OneMU, ghbarcelo, nemesis999, faol22, PoccHaHa, StoneAngel, Mikimays, Seya, pekotero, Dukkha, lzysskd, reachway, joselagos, vanhung_1990, juanvzl, pedornela, azpirin4, SUNIGIE, BaTmaaN, miguel1616, zzbrandon, BlackDead, Ahmedcarter, Kikecamera, rodri007, iggfree, mardelmu, xz18786628, lautitow, luisitoo, muprisma, LuisBM, koito89, locuravg, pixoble24, rksemk, SIRDGARU, darkybroo, fortalezasmu6, tarikata, alvaro10, ro2020, sabis, LEITOK, muonline22, BSGaming, Lucyan, warleyxxp, z348870672, alequez, Kingler, aitoriyama, lanxin3243, SilverLife, duelador, sant11h, EzeQ, ivaancruzz, dadada123, cocofrann, Omar356, jesusuriel29, feddzg, Venum Developper, javierpo26, haziel, onedeck1, siryus195, blyuv, ducanlove, fearlesmu, Jhonny Sales, chronosig, NoobDK, 日メリーのRu, SCosmin4, Leo22, DemonLove, emkobiet, Kurito, ZagenWTF, favianxp, Andres-, bruno1198, z3r0x, lincero, xBebo1994x, Conex21, murcielago, Frank4398502DKYT, AnDeR, Marote, Absolutx7, kaleikata, manu2593, Juninsj22, frank4398502PK, mediki87, diablodrb, xunxolost, xsasuke19x, 10mauro10, wolffrox, big8360, matty90, wesley, luis12, oasis4151, esteban, vipper, NaughtyBoy, SotoRmxPa!, leandro22, Look, rafavk, playcore, Mindegyki, exodium, fnaticmu, Bk3Zell, nicovm, kurtis, loyd, kove0816, FluooR, locodka, Becomen, rujirot, naranjapersa, sergio466, powerday, mercenario, BugsBunny, clerigz, thienthan1117, israelp, kondo, vito369, tute93, Atishol, Benny, Crystal, roie, gameOne, abelito, LORD_RIDDL, thinhgm02, rasta1999, Supraimas, Abla, heroes1412, apetitivo, tueanh, josehdrago, sp3cial, r31nz0, zuak, leoxs12, marcoss, daniel666, Chaman01, rubenitos, AineAiden, Karill,, Gaudinio, mupp159, Luis700, shaked, fasito05, thesofer, sshalva, migueldg, Thor Host, hiena, TioFedEx, ShurikPurik, Boogie, mage, lom0k, SoulKill3r, Tester1838a, santos, InfamuS, Doppler, prmuonline, thienma, Dambis, cobyzero, MaLk1a, joakong, harrycumbi, Maribao, sebasthyan97, Conrado22, jorgefndz, carper, gpsturbo, yhoon, pijita1, pote3, almax, ezesosa, bealex, Roccket, bloppey, bzcandy, muelement, legacy101, malotlv, transc, fernandopk12, ioryblood, heribert, ezequiel20, migue999, NasLy, anmx14, Miisoia, linkzero, wfl0417, Merovingian, luis12luis, exclusive, tanju02, BlackWizard, xdjoa, gtpro, gabykp, test10, luzbelarg, NoLimiT, jose4090, colomogli, chapolin33, antoniodel, _SavagE_, ElMuLatino, zodiacddos, gerraqui, Deidad, d4rknyt, a1M, douglera21, galaxys7, pochoitg, Gaboo;, dutrus, joangelis, Wiliam, Flash, jeanholls, plyn, slow, MacHiDa, Bakunec, xtian01, Ehmpril04, fernando, muslum, gauyeutho, splinterR1, ferush, japple, LeveL, marianoherrero95, mcSeth, pietro159, sorian, Generacion, keku7077, mendez1192, xxunpilixx, ronald15, SetecSoft, DeadLenox, FuegO, matias4690, MFKR666, janonavarro, cavalcante, pavon7, alfredosp, yuritarsis, jhuletys, rzyna, term1nat0r, juans1234, hckt87, Ashita111235, loco500, m4rtor1, drakken143, Zantetzuke, aof10022535, Emanukk, MscM4s4cr3, nirva33, angeloide18, klolz55, awdawd, Skillz, rando, ruankennedy, elqtemete, heimy69, majoca10, kaox1988, igznoth, nicodiaz, thejuaanii, czekay, glmmlg, krak123, pechurc, Eternity, redf0x, xWesTx, Jlzor, Byakko, Thedanier, Undefeated2, bkcesar, psycho_rules, ServiçosMu, neverclubza, kpos2008, loweshot, RTDEV, AndresAranda736, juanmi13, museven, tuyentc, josexluis, Barrutia, BeckerIbero, galomatrix, lazarocp, felix, PowerNet, tcbagame, marlonquest, xXxXxXx, pirazok, Rose, Jheff, datcom, tulalb, xVooD, Minerva, draco425, dextermd, INFIERNO, washingtonlock, thaylormello, mutronos, jeanc1990, rebelion, stalintlv, nenedario, Axcel, Jovisnas, rob21, Zenky, ticho01, ToShirico, stadrian99, Loyal1993, Adunakhor, osmsallath, lucaslegui, LimBisky, pitikhu, mrloco, tiagomang, candido, dagang, ImportedPotato, jorge66, taxiMu, bidola, Partexiz, gang, gzjoham2018, nenedario12, darkskara, wesleyjackie, ankora, Locura71, PyroMan, brunox, lean22, ronilo, Exequiel26, poika, eperke, pablito1231, jorge2016, usersa, shapper, gzjoham, mauri64, Liviumiu, cavani, tucamast, zaxscd, guedeszh, Synd, malke, gohancs, screenzor, bandido, pwpw, Azeroth, xampoulis, Pokepili, Maanuu08, boypost, cenius, emilianooo, Luucaas, bogdankevin, lucas, sauron215, Supremo, inuside21, pujosx, kkovas, horrador, AndresMe, benjaboca, cuervo15, sampaforce, antoniobk, SbaGomez, FrancoB, diegah, ARCKANO, Ryuno, ride3rb, Leito0h, VictorKing, Dode, bilox, Darkie, mauter5, themorted1, beibei, bach102, systemsmag, maslon, jeison123, stalinjack, himatedeardude, laulinh2, terk1526, carlos_Mus3, ragezone, nguyechien5520, muzic25, Wendigo, CAPITOL, marcos2246, toplan, saske98, coco23, Dexign, MuOldLife, slymee, Hahn, LeeHenry, varcush, osvaldo1811, Malyk, Andriusha, samhaiminh, BlackWaters, aemoscon, Odisk, dvjluisduran, masloko, luishernan, Angel Olano, AGOSHO, Hess, c4nhsatcodong, meelfagg, ShinedowN, SPiNNR, Facundo Jara, pepeeh, eliasnogue, Shaman, xpam, Kundun, UnCleanOne, CorsarioDgx, neroarg, dady13, doguerra, GioMaster88, lkt22, InFamous, cruskado, wenchito, jozal, AreS, siromc, digimoncik, matheusbm, cesar, quyanxu, elchacal25, jesusvelasquezz, WizzardMU, iopq123, russo1, Kitty, ZTMarkz, sombe30, UltraWorld GAMES, johan5413, nujd00, vedat87, DeilanSasame, TroYaN, mu_leo, felvero, newm0n, adoboscan, adicales, feins150, Kapocha33, LidorNet, Mrbayram, d3mon, Pyke, Hugo, samsunggon, bond2012, muarcontes, davidrcj, xxmenonxx, jeffzkie69, ZabiinoOo, tammadall, Peluuca, djagripnos

Offline iCoder #1 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 07:24:52 PM

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Offline YolaxD #2 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 07:45:27 PM

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Offline djagripnos #3 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 08:03:51 PM



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Custom Items
Custom jewels
Custom wings is support???


Offline YolaxD #4 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 08:11:40 PM

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Custom Items
Custom jewels
Custom wings is support???

Solo lo que dice el post en la sección del main funcióna lo demás no.

Offline djagripnos #5 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 08:25:18 PM



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files is stable because I will open a server and I will do it online member ?

Offline YolaxD #6 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 08:46:38 PM

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files is stable because I will open a server and I will do it online member ?
Deberías testiar asta donde logré testiar funcióna todo y si hay errores no son críticos la estabilidad es ssegura ahorra los errores ni idea


Offline djagripnos #7 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 08:48:56 PM



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Bug Agi Fix Problem
Check no work Skill Evil Spirit 32k/64k'


Offline Azzlaer #8 Posteado: November 01, 2017, 09:00:15 PM



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Bug Agi Fix Problem
Check no work Skill Evil Spirit 32k/64k'

Revisa si te funciona el skill Evil Spirit utilizando un UNIRIA :V


Offline muarcontes #9 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 01:22:14 AM

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Como se instalan :O nunca instale unos files como estos

Offline YolaxD #10 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 01:27:20 AM

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Como se instalan :O nunca instale unos files como estos
Igual a los muemu busca una guía son simples de levantar


Offline tammadall #11 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 06:45:29 AM

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  • 00


Offline djagripnos #12 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 07:57:06 AM



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Commnad /Change evoltuion quest class not work
gm commnad /hide is not work

Offline xxmenonxx #13 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 11:25:45 AM

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Ajude o teu próximo sempre e a ajuda virá até você (Só os insignificantes se gratificam com o egoísmo e ingratidão !)

Offline djagripnos #14 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 11:30:53 AM



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Error =

Check This MuMaker


Offline xxmenonxx #15 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 11:38:32 AM

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Error =

Check This MuMaker

Erro is /addstr , /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd    "IN-GAME"

/Change Classe OK

Ajude o teu próximo sempre e a ajuda virá até você (Só os insignificantes se gratificam com o egoísmo e ingratidão !)


Offline YolaxD #16 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 12:36:39 PM

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Offline d3mon #17 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 01:13:59 PM

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Offline YolaxD #18 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 01:37:04 PM

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como configuro o main?

Si lees más arriba dije que se configura todo igual a los de muemu(xteam) busca una guía y listo


Offline d3mon #19 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 01:48:51 PM

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como configuro o main?

Si lees más arriba dije que se configura todo igual a los de muemu(xteam) busca una guía y listo

Muito Bom..
Venderia a sua Source?

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