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Autor Topic: CashShop Editor for MuEmu (MODO BETA)  (Visto 17563 veces)

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Offline EmmaDCG Posteado: August 23, 2017, 12:46:27 AM

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Hola a todos vengo hacer un aporte que me encontré en las redes, se trata de un editor Cash Shop para MuEMU, este editor lo esta trabajando Luis_Br(louis), el mismo que ha hecho los fix a los files MuEMU, sin mas preámbulo dejo las cita del post original

Im editing zyth3 CashShop editor source to work with muemu.

Editor progress 90%. Need testes to finish. Please post bugs found.


estaré atento a los nuevos updates que vayan saliendo, si ven algún error avisen por aca para reportarlo, ya le han hecho 2 update... saludos



JonathanUY, YANKIS, emersonx13, zeromaster, son1xx2, survivor2019, Ilumine, magos22, becasito, tinchostaf, 302342, maeelzin, olokins, RoleS123, xflaviox, matihansen, andyw, lavetien, davidask611, tiagozika, augusto23, fenomenoide, djblass, xdjoa, tobyjasper, tobimusha, caciqueua, renato1609, ivanhoe9081, facuquilmes, llemtazll, mastergamers, joya70, noobzaibot, halcosir, grozdik, eduardobk, gonzal0, tmwanted12, rugaro, comelon666, mitosh, ProjectX, darkes607, Nicolasxd, acslipknot, sworken, Lenzita, kryptongamer, Xysad, Lordo, adrid34, osvaldotl, eubananero, luchosalsa, Nubbert1, mikiolaza, leonardofcruz, hlinxuan20, nayadotan, Richard12, anghelo98, gonpac, ajimas, Gianfri, idluiz, xavier4554, mucruzco, ssp4rt4cus, alexsaw, carlos1989, SuPrEmO_, vainergtarp, zolik, darkfenix2023, kieuquang86, gullygodx, MuFan, andrex219, josue3pc, rwul91, pandamu, D A R I U S, wiloman, kleber, Pokuru, jhssiqueira, GoodFZ, lady33, zezeqds, Rafa88, datcom, hspecz, abanaljhon, winston, tiestoh, strigl10, vinnyzinho, dartveder, renzotomba, leasnetwork, tec, Bidurria, drakonusjs, xsasuke19x, voladito, amuleto2023, Storme, LEITOK, Oldskull, shiun, coes222, chester12, qq670348570@hotmail, lucas1993, funkymmo, dirti, stewart99, Batux, vamchy33, Rtwo_, ColorMu, infernal, skoolalan, thxgonza, marofo01, xlichblack, bykakuv, VicGm2193, aldo, marckus,, OffRoad, ozymar, guibrooly, alberto20, RIME, Grossoo, Idosaka, djaxel54, Namu00, XyonaX, chriskool, komandirbk, kioesar, mustx1, Hotel7, djkaku, mkenetc, AdolfoMih5, tcbaoanh, ELEKTRONEX, alef, jesuschis, batros123, meaatz, josejose, lumic, Ifreat, Cappuccini, dunky2026, nashooohxz, Volk, juanmi13, tienak, muinternational, dragon0725, cupenlk18, Cowabangaa, zhangjianle865, Adik, duketoxdxd, nicz01, stereo2010, museven, thangnvv92, Small0012, cnganlan, hans.nsc, ledzem, [GM]KING, Shaper, juan0011, lokiasss, stnbreak, Constanins, Flash, SdMasters, MuProyect, DuckPsy, Sebim, escanorsama, anhdeepmu, leonellv, Fanta91, megido198, n1ceone, HazzdeN, n1cebee, nhatphai21996vn, giovani10, iDani, yan0153, skay25, dady13, mixgbl, Pocotoyo, Dastives, ์Nightz, binhaa, rafael222, noseqponer, pelotudazo, lucasgrohs, Vikamrpl007, josef300, Aramis, JoyerxD!, josuezh, Sunriset, phill, manifestacja, Elizalde, tomi132, platik89, leehenry1208, Tyrant7512cn, haakon, muwells6, Stormpy, banderni, kchzz1, hoiquanmu, alejandroDark, josiwls2, mutest740, CreateMu, kyniemm1, ThseDeath1, Crytiko, dab30, BkxDarkxD, GabrielGeager, adminel, abykorn, emanuel_318, perla, mrtin, morromu, nhaixuong, dhpunk, UnCleanOne, loyd, nikkom, wildriff66, bodzio19, knif31, XTREME, TryMenow, x12fer12x9, soledad, mayiny, Zeuzito, tcheloft, josecola, zeykoo, joackle, miguedrive, jose1k, MiltonPereyra, Yozhuaa1, maxi33, cronos, dapoldz, DiegoPJI, nanokang, gmmuchang, sshalva, chuky2003, jaime, Zetita22, frojasv, alquirrah03, hikaru333, polillaman, djedo, Juninsj22, snowking, zerg24, origeweb, rodrii01, banam8910, elgon, wozwald, kiosou, slakerpro, ShinedowN, tuananh92, Alenada, aldi888, fleonidas107, quangquoc, rodrigo2022, punktano1, straiker23, LeoNico, krishnaxDD, Shrimp, mryamyam, lautha, basthialbo, Mercy, anhtjm94, darkblad, yokkjll, Bonuss, Atzael, Elruky, jancsi182, LuisGaming, coolgepds, gabirc22, NVPGame, racsal, jese, algotepongo, ronglovel, muasgard, tovenis1122, feitosa, tgservice147, Ippo, FPANTONE, pleayes, dragmu96, MageBlack2021, luca07, pimkungclub, lczro, joelsobrin95, Erick05, lobinhopk, RaptorXtrem, ebaldiviezo, ducanh1010, gabrielboyhun, themaster, muvalkirias, luciferlg, WolfXII, daimer, Alucard, salsacha, thieugia, blackhadez, whisky123, gibsonhell, pablosk4, darioale, Fakuzz, maksky, elpile, mauritoo, l0rdmight, royta, ClouD95, worllash, italo123, awebravo, angelbigot, neverbionic, basytai, 10mauro10, perrofilo, diana1478, lordbel, skay11, albino_97, tanju02, Dear, natsu00, emanuel22J, Crywolfmu, manubui3, sebas1, zurdo, legacy, warrior, LoVeMeEe, maliti07, smock, quanken, MITOLOGY, timoteo21, harrykien, HaPKoTuK, jrojasf2, Dyzz, sakalas, castle, ExPaySoluciones, admslaiffer, ivanxc, aemoscon, Aress, alcorvlan, Atreus97, DimensionX, vicorcel, djcoringa, woopwoop, Londes1, rogeralexander, mktmktmkt, Zerek, LucaProdan, Matt1995, Adamant, Elchorimorci, aantonioo, islye, styck85, dirtydance, yosimworld, vrbrual, greensk8er, barakuda21, Millen, AltairN17, Maggott, Pokepili, Blyxt, giangbana, cristhian50, celestial, vkfkssla, fedepelain, Ahshaky01, qweasd, backerchen, Adriango, tehzeta, fuma2host, mugloves99, favianxp, rodgr9, babydragon, jorginhuz, Jaeson14, ignacio98, Nyquist, momorf, Mc, geverton, lang, DjGamer, chapulaz, folkstorm, fer1992, reiker20, chapeta, petrec, gatzuga14, xuanyuan, hardcoremd, Kirens, Moldova, diegomrta, ynskpaso, MuKaliz, zergkeriga, redimidos, boylasd, ataraxia, Gabriela, Andre1981, reinalldo, makuca, paxgavilan, vicente, ueidi, cuocdoisp, cluz123, DarkLink, nicolas72, fran45, JUNIIORAH, gangrels, bravo99, ajccc, thealdair, zutroy, baor, kayito, nivea89, rekis, yay2jz, matiirc, Anthony, Manrique9809, usersa, vuhaihoang, Tukan0, ktrazk2, Ratablanca, IceCream, Seya, datccqc, juanAC, zombie3k, mumarmico, Fagor, XertroV, woof, holamanes, Nicco999, ProMD, KarLi, miguel24, llZeuzll, luizxd0, patricia, yomox, muphantom, scrsky, wesleypam, lobokaixo, xz18786628, gous1, bigmed, thanhdopc93, jlvs_8912, interar, rsierr, AlexanderMv, damilo1, gabriielchaves, joluiba19, SerioSilente, aitoriyama, Limadito, lecolino, Burahianu, Belec, jesusmana, francog.gonzalez, rlizanaj, xedux, bobotonr, ElPeluca, mulatinos, lelexis, PeruGod, bryan22, DaniMasi, 0xygen, bladice, tumberosrp, Gerardo23, Bladimir Barbaro, furius, leal123, Royank, romeogarciao, elithan, TrystVenerious, hodias, LeoKmikze, pulsefire, ramax, dinomat, Michelle, MuOnoki, zoomame, ivercitotk, sergio093, kretos521, thanh281998, cobyzero, Yuntao, williamsvg, doblegolf, mudavion, mauri1991, Elmojon, acosta14, ldads, xfrannielx, wolfangelu, frank144, jonycuervo87, alexsaga, kimiler, flacerbul, victortorres11, deathsquad, huynhanhtri96, waltervg91, spider, Fabiven, AndresAG, muf2p, dark, 423646802, dranse13, TATOOO, qgamers, ulisessanz, wulon91, crisaut, isaac400, manu202020, flow969, Eleazar, Dizzy, ArgentuX, matonxd14, santia12, jampi0910, JVigistain, omarsergio, SIC112, romerangel, bafta100, oscrash, profezhor, omars, narkk69, jhonhy, muimperioserver, JairoGueva, GhamsteR, WazonxD, polster, Voltio, Camilomarquez61431, pipicros, frandkz, dc801, mitsui2018, dkey, antoniomuanjo, diunix, cyfall, mochaso05, wankamuc, lautarocos, raul31, zurtology, fallsmu, Tainyff, Saikyo, francog54, orcinoli, Hendrixs, jesusmvz, zP0tteNN, Plate98, xxxlexxx, Runet, rank, GMleonardomu, zezar123, Mu Stone, fametalero, skydeez1997, kazz86, mathias12, dmnahuel, Kevin147, alexpks, Gringo, noelacl, xmartin, alejo22, feedem2, CuartoBate, EzeQ, LeonardoSG, blazemu, mantono, djean147, moster147, vtwo, MafiaPy, damiancam, madafaka, edward, shades2015, juniorusa, malekeith, DONDEMONIO, maxy13, Umbrella, DESINGMASTHER, RastaCrown, foxito25, yomatito2, flotando, CHASITA, madmax24, papaxd, gloriozo, catalinox, casian1607, ezequield, goodlck, Parala1, SatanWild, manuelcp, Jabal10, vanhiep215, spk1000, shadow0147, muarce, pety456, 0sama, Fukerito, anmufriz, emciel, slayer1991, dami2214, ilpetit, Carlitos256, jhonnyx, agnetwork, Juuanka, elsuperlea, AgustinAlfi96, LUISLZ, gabiriver, Byro, dynamick, xscorpx, konan, franchu123, di.llanca, NicoMura, leonarding, GameFuLL, kalaman, oncps, crossqueer, xbrando54x, jhbaby12, olape, ZeratulNT, Daniromero, rmartinez, Adrian, jose1805, ASSUS, untexx28, flako12, road12, theganste, Kryat™, Barrutia, kitito15, maurixi, yakomamic263, Lean, shotintenso, GLpendeex, chechito1991, Rastafary, MuMagicWar, mistertito, jorgito729, fedelardone, valusmu, tomascba, elpipe, therion250, Holi, bbtm50, gonzamu91, cristian31, andresss, Tulasss, anhemia, kevin4747, zatrono, comoxs, alecito2008, kangsookhi, Naxzut, gastic15, alvarog97, slipknot, kalus91, bluster, matuky, matiman08, extremoo, fbeltran2390, doomterro, carlos507, chuekoloko, luis, Conex21, enriquexp, MrRabbit, Alixon, djlkz, EMac01, alejo155, Dragonvl15, MiRoKu, .:DragonSeth:., luis2564, boitano12341, lowemus6, webzone, sarasasa1, Sandrix, malotlv, Felipe0211, caradepi12, doomz, samyps, nachorap, AnimusAter, maiden666, kyuzojusti, linkvas12, karutan, rusty2217, Galaxymu19, Vazq102011, tdthanh95, Lil Kid, eltino, antigona, pedroo0807, mrhung95, walkeny, LordFrancus, rastuza, evapelee, urbank94, TickTdi, szewun, wenchito, neithandaa, Guido, ៚Đros͜͡m, dantesillo, dasgrid, FuegO, fanola, Ocean Network, suunee, daniel0101, Thony, mutando, juampivb, chochitowo, lolesol1, gabi022, geanxd89, Hoangsy99, Haselhott, drogocop, facu90, SAYTU_2008, segovia, DMentee, DeadlyGames, AaiiJaCk, aweonao, ravenofdead6666, zaiko12, andru, morpheo, legui, shakas, Victor-CC-TSM, meelfagg, Skt1, setokaibaster, locodka, Liaon, Eriicus, kasio, cashis572, BeckerIbero, Drizzt, elixor, elvis, angel3, panapunker, boypost, kabrayan, brumo, jhonavidr, franknavarro1997, Jean LR, yeltsin4493, martin castro, aldrym, Marduk, luchoo, seasstart, janzkurt, nexo80, miky18bn, underwor88990, vato32, Sharmin, muaskha, mushuLMAO, Leobas, pigo666, ja1260, martincho111986, iker1307, MKLION, igznoth, tincoh, draco596, jarteagaa, Leandro RS, lordDevian, theanh27, ernesto2, emmafe, VIERJAJR, jhpsy, trinidad191817, ezedjmix, darkuis12, hervimorles, coto66, brandonmu, luch3x0013, atreyus, Salazar321, marvin540, alancdaok, meikfm, caximir, siryus195, elsicario, sergio466, FAKUS, chacotero, JavixFer, nawwe, Hatting, danielito4000, Razul, ShuT, khone, Gabriel1235, GameOverMu, emiemi10, OMUS, tato0790, riosgrandez, majoca10, miancas, tedateamos, somoslostk, Stile3, Licurici, C4nn4b1s, mario12, haedorock, lincero, dabarrio, dejavujade, ismael99, HyDe, staff-mu, darblade34, usuariomassiel, francodlarios, Amphe, saske98, darkjack, magnelmu, Anubiss, flozorron, pablo14, nescafe, mublackout, d780440, vcsoftware, gabykp, rinoseront, KairosREX, StoneAngel, jonamix, zaith, Arsus123, andreyzz, tucumanito, elhack15, ignismuonline, 497625, jaschingsa, zecho, dahouzi, TEKEN, xunxolost, nuffenzo, AbyssMU, lvlfp, cris87, lacovic, janopro, dennys147, pablitox13, russell, junior274, ILUVATAR, punkjaja, nicomdq456, paredao, J0RG325, elratero15, FluooR, hexxuz, harry130, big8360, LocoPP, Maxic1987, VANHELSING, hendrix1, jimorrison, zhux, martin_9944, jwdaniels, b2rider, crysto20, HadesDI, NatsuBM, Boogie, diieg0, coolermz, drok, mandrako, Katecat, M4NU31, nahooz, benyi893, soulmagna, gacon201294, zxshadowxz, alecorvlan, boyxauzai, Blend, wilmerdbp, RyukZ, megaboom, Circuit, isaque_jpa, BraJo, makcos, gloria, gpsturbo, gabo22, SURFRAiT, pujosx, xdementorx, anhpham93, HOFFMAN, ksefirotks, bassaim, emkobiet, LotekStyle, DIOSES, urielsorlak, denny785, xsojomx, elasesino1, SIRDGARU, lucas, WAKABAYSHI, ak47, unnamedsk1, alakin99, arentukas, luisangel, juancarlin, mutantekut, overmu, lwlinares, marcoadmmufrontera, heas, PIXYS, gabisito, Marcos, 10145, cmmpochas, mariwana23, maximas128, bkduque, velmarys, crack453, Freestyle2019, orangel0295, MuvnzPlus, fabricio, VictorKing, Celical, Sdonix, vegeta35, kikumaru, jnk25,, Facundo Jara, harrycumbi, adelatorrey, emanuelk12, Jerson, BrayanMix2016, DarkNite, Mizaki, blakwali, koito89, Partexiz, altomayo12, zlethanhlong, david64, SoulKill3r, STARTS, mariano12, yhoon, Stoormo, Developers, Lukssar, rondamon, TostadoItaliano, ioryblood, kai1702, abelito, carlos0162, LoffoxD, mambu, Look, JOne, AndresMe, JYachelini, xwinitox, ChanhEp, terk1526, p3droslk1, juanse23, leegox, c0d0m0, jhonrec93, lokito5, damayen, patarra201, matiudark, Peluuca, bukaro27, nysori, clawsonofre, AreS, dragovps, kobe10, Cypress, ccrriiss1, Daisaku-Mu-G, kaerusu, PIRELA, lincolnman, esteban, pato03, malkcon, xxmerlinxx, miltonho2, darkhorse16, Andres-, HoBu4eK, 102pe, julius123, muraptor, loutlawl, deivifalle, varum, noga, andresagw, xinmortal, erickmalfoy, federicobn, jorge2016, dakosmu, josuedj, rokcett, Luckymm21, akuamen78, glorasek, underpro, Cagver, OriaC, gauyeutho, winner, elangelave, lordicus, asturmu, yocasi, BlackDead, ivaancruzz, mateo4304, jonahxc, matiaslawwliet, Xerafserx, supponente, chuckhai, admmunowar, juanka2, adryan, Kaotico, TheWonejo, qwer123, SetecSoft, FreeStyle, skarious, PRONEXUS, dendi, mumadryn, RiiiDer, ractor100, Beatriz, Amperal, exilon229, masterik12, calexrp, Leito0h, Zheref, gaston166, spown12, major, blyuv, rzyna, kreadeth, [Midgard], frenner, scgb, alvarez16, betito54321, frostcas21, Dariox84, andrecitho, chane124, darkmati, nevvu, Emanukk, alvaro11, wooweswo, narses, lifekko17, Narkiu, lauchagg, xxunpilixx, AdrianFw, samingo, hardthug, diemorko, Nestorj97, axel121, Vaiper, Nelkha, ankora, TheBlood, XxBrayxX, nujd00, thunwa1, Deidad, Leandro242, LuciferXT, mrtacos12, colonnello, Anemone, SilverLife, punkxista, gabriel123, oscaralexanderable, lokura, DiosJMK, king1553, moises1531, jonakpo91, pechurc, Marote, jprada19, tripton, SudaKings, nemesis28, neverclubza, osvaldo1811, siromc, krak123, RAIKON, Clipo, Kikecamera, Hessen, flaremu, punisher123, marvisur, bhilou, IzReal, leone2020, anaflex, krash, MOYOne, benjamatt, keiz, maurocaruso, Mu Resplandor, POPEY, z3r0x, deadangel666, PhantomKr, emashot, TroYaN, jesusandr3, amiel, piscis007, kayzer, josiel, canox321, TheKing027, cancerx, thorin, Odisk, ZTMarkz, lorducmp, cristof pavez, shinigami, joselagos, copixx, kaizer94, jozal, Hexio, MDDM, drynea, SaintZeus, ADMtec, maslon, Elite21, Yair1414, pcrc_17, muaradonline, ALCONMU, Midnight, zzbrandon, dio, VictorGm, Deikerz, jeffzkie69, melly23, Auferoz, bmss01, kentuxo180, dreams, eduardox, nicoe91, blaster, cartel, pavon7, jesusG98, santos, lalo, MaF1oZo, samsunggon, aladim, Faxu, fabrixd, primo, Confeti147, akiles1345, Yoss, xXSiniestroXx, hector153, toplan, GATITO, XAND, gerchu, jonasg, legen17, arnaldo751, lukkas, phillippec, killerbeatz, reatorz, CzCarl27, bestmaster, LUCHO586, edpa, oGILBERTo, Hoxter, fran87, Terran, gerraqui, DaiveSN, yosef801, keikurono, Almdar, korwn, oleas14, mazingerbk, dhcaetano, conchetumare, sombe30, Skyx, fabricio2509, elferre, TheRoyHck, hoizen, narzuke16, will, darkjano, DecoO, djagripnos, negro22, leandro06, edgardanis, Korem, jonatuka12,, tammadall, Nexus, salamin, xBebo1994x, Ryuno, evilreside, RasZ, louis, ronald15, SChymare, CristiaNN, ryujin, aduran, Gabxd18, ToShirico, sagat202, arxeane, Anto, ZabiinoOo

Offline ZabiinoOo #1 Posteado: August 23, 2017, 12:50:26 AM




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Muy bueno que se este trabajando en este editor con compatibilidad para muemu, buen aporte (Y)

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god


Offline salamin #2 Posteado: September 11, 2017, 06:44:06 AM

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alguien podria decirme como hago para que en el servidor se vea los shop? ! porque agrego todo perfecto pero en el server se sigue viendo la shop anterior, se que seguramente es editar algo en el cliente pero que ?


Offline louis #3 Posteado: September 11, 2017, 06:54:34 AM




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copia lo que está en la carpeta de cliente del editor a la carpeta data / InGameShopScript

Update 36 is ready!!!


Offline xBebo1994x #4 Posteado: September 26, 2017, 04:37:59 PM



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Nose que estare haciendo mal pero me tira error al agregar un item ._."

Offline Matias- #5 Posteado: September 26, 2017, 05:49:58 PM

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Nose que estare haciendo mal pero me tira error al agregar un item ._."

Hola :)

Es facil, por ej, con un J. of Chaos, lo clickeas.

Luego te queda ponerle cantidad y precio...

Luego le das "Add" y listo.

Adios :)


Offline xBebo1994x #6 Posteado: September 26, 2017, 06:01:13 PM



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Nose que estare haciendo mal pero me tira error al agregar un item ._."

Hola :)

Es facil, por ej, con un J. of Chaos, lo clickeas.

Luego te queda ponerle cantidad y precio...

Luego le das "Add" y listo.

Adios :)

Gracias Facello, Donde va 1 Le puse el precio nqv lo que hice, creria que debe funcionar ahi :D

Offline xBebo1994x #7 Posteado: September 26, 2017, 06:24:30 PM



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Nose que estare haciendo mal pero me tira error al agregar un item ._."

Hola :)

Es facil, por ej, con un J. of Chaos, lo clickeas.

Luego te queda ponerle cantidad y precio...

Luego le das "Add" y listo.

Adios :)

Me aparece que el archivo esta agotado -.-"


Offline ratza2003 #8 Posteado: January 13, 2018, 04:08:18 AM

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no se por que pero las 2 ultimas pestañas no me deja comprar

Offline Auferoz #9 Posteado: February 05, 2018, 11:07:08 PM

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funciona para los MuEmu s12 ¿?

Offline bmss01 #10 Posteado: February 05, 2018, 11:54:43 PM

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funciona para los MuEmu s12 ¿?

Mi hermano hasta ahora lo probe en Files muemu S6E3  y funciono perfectamente, solo que debes hacer unos cambios de su carpeta.

Offline SaintZeus #11 Posteado: March 07, 2018, 06:50:35 PM

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Porque me aparece que el item esta agotado? me pasa con todos los items


Offline areliux #12 Posteado: May 12, 2018, 09:47:04 PM

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funciona con  files titan  diganme

Offline lokura #13 Posteado: June 14, 2018, 11:34:00 AM

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solo edita armas ? no set o alas ?

Offline Gaboo; #14 Posteado: June 14, 2018, 11:58:37 AM

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solo edita armas ? no set o alas ?

No amigo, con este puedes editar armas, set, scudos, entre otros items..


Offline punkxista #15 Posteado: June 15, 2018, 01:49:52 AM

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Funciona para Mu Season 9ep 2 Files IGCN no me aprece lo mismo en el clinete

Offline Gaboo; #16 Posteado: June 15, 2018, 02:33:34 AM

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@punkxista Usa el Toolkin Silver amigo.


Offline Deidad #17 Posteado: June 18, 2018, 05:47:39 AM

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this item has been sold out! quien me dice que cagada estoy haciendo?

Offline SilverLife #18 Posteado: June 18, 2018, 12:44:53 PM

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Alguna Guía de como conectarlo con el servidor y empezar a editar la cashshop dentro del juego ?

Offline SilverLife #19 Posteado: June 18, 2018, 08:58:15 PM

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Intento borrar un item porque lo agregue de mas y me tira error, alguien sabe que puede ser ??

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