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Autor Topic: Effect Dynamic, Static y Glow para Custom Pets [Main + GetMainInfo] Main 1.04e  (Visto 5264 veces)

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Offline Lude Posteado: May 09, 2021, 07:03:36 PM | Modificado: May 23, 2021, 03:52:20 PM by Lude



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Hace tiempo que no aportaba nada, así que en esta ocasión les traigo estos codigos bastante simples, pero sobre todo ordenados.
Estos sources funcionan al 100%





Diiego265, ownmercurio, yasuo1994, ichigo, cuong1372, LokoFred, kimjfsim, Luis1422, pokimon, silvert12, vietbang, zeldris, wenchito, warrior, CarlosT, jknfkls, kronosal, C4nn4b1s, Xiris215, Yamilmart, warren12, slakerpro, anhdeepmu, MUDERBY, redf0x, kimera, darkes607, richard88, leonardofcruz, Kantru, ellite3, samsung13, Xysad, ArnoldGarcia, jayprotect2013, nguyenhavnpt, dark, BruceCM, Smudevelop, Minesko, rando, mos02673, Genius05, leehenry1208, Ryzenn, angel321, jeuzinn, emersonx13, goliloco, radrains010, rekis, nationnight, hide3by, Hanzo, lautarocos, pocoloco31, Tenente-BK, dakosmu, lemiks, e911217, Miisoia, trjnhanh012, komandirbk, awebravo, PachoRasta, tcheloft, armamor, Networks6, luca07, Cshinichi1, willerson, mangal, catc155, Flash, bustafa, usersa, pagoga, hennedy, mavine, donciukas14, makyntosh, lokito12, jm2003, terrygoth, myway, RaStraBaN, FOX, andredeco, npt.formu, armflo12, Wikka, nanokang, mediodas20, Erick05, kimrubi, kielrgz, matiasbian, nylanpro, chauttc, traxxx, LuisGaming, wahaha, HayllanderBR, Shellshock, TryMenow, khanhvn, rivaldo123, python, gordodotoi, amaro19, tunhi3000, rodrigoo22, misskala, tutu100, Hiếu Đại Ca, greensk8er, NaszeMU, 6atters, Zeus, solar, stopk, xuanyuan, quyanxu, Betell Host, neford, Hoangsy99, sounddivision, Carrasco, eduardo253, OneMU, skinmuonline, ziza, neeck1234, hlinxuan20, BMSxD, lkt22, victhorinox, admwoods14, awayvn, forumid, hoangdangtrungvn, chopai, deathsquad, shudie, thuongdo07, juampicdx, realman, DevMuOnline, victorrz17, kindz1, Sergio Franco, erickmalfoy, Crowley, harry130, NasLy, Goplay, wendyll, aof10022535, morpheo, muphantom,, pantera.ok, k12leito, duglas_nike9, Nemesis, llZeuzll,, max1musn1, esteban, Genilson23, ynskpaso, shizen, TzCr4ck, melo920, anh1pk, 183358, Dear, wnz5678, banam8910, frenzo2009, knight.php, Jean LR, Djassar, ailsoncost, gredy, GabrielDevel, Cartman, alexfy, Wendigo, lunaticodeveloper, programingmu, kaiocnx, shai09, BaTmaaN, ldads, chuckhai, Heitaok77, davidrcj, dahouzi, animator, tcbaoanh, allhoy, joselagos, drakulla, lobinhopk, showmax, ZabiinoOo, judakiss21, Pyke, z348870672, kaisudo, stark98, luciferlg, kove0816, LTP Team, korron, martinmaya, cri0, nujd00, djagripnos, waltervg91, zhangjianle865, zlethanhlong, sagamacus, datkool, Higgs, spartacus, Angel18, gacon201294, Odisk, MsotoC, lstuan, axeman192, 2914520, Daniel@, InFamous, khyle650, StevenDX, Kosh, mugloves99, Kapocha33

Offline programingmu #1 Posteado: May 10, 2021, 02:37:25 PM

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Offline Lude #2 Posteado: May 10, 2021, 02:44:21 PM | Modificado: May 10, 2021, 03:39:48 PM by Lude



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esta no es la src de takumi y kapocha?

Efectivamente, el source de efectos es el de kapocha aportado en este post

Dicho source no funciona con GetMain porque es solo la funcion que genera el efecto en los pets, asi que yo lo rearmé para que trabajara con getmain y le agregué tambien la funcion para glow en pets.

Respecto al de Glow lo saqué del source up 15 liberado de takumi (que funcionaba con el encrypt)
y lo adapté aparte a un source louis v13.

Lo que hice fue rearmar todo y dejarlos "mas facil y ordenados" para que la gente lo adapte a sus sources.


Online djagripnos #3 Posteado: May 23, 2021, 01:07:00 AM



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@Lude Add custom pet from takumi12  I want to add it clearly to the source louis update 13 will be of great help

Offline Lude #4 Posteado: May 23, 2021, 02:03:54 AM



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@Lude Add custom pet from takumi12  I want to add it clearly to the source louis update 13 will be of great help

That does not matter friend, I adapted this sources to source louis update 13 without any problems.;topicseen#top

But if you have another code then just need to add only the function for generates the effect on pets on Pet.cpp

Code: [Select]
void CustomPet::AddPetEffect(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4)
Draw_RenderObjectR(a1, a2, a3, a4);
vec3_t Bone;
vec3_t Color;
vec3_t WorldPos;

int ModelE;
LPVOID v392 = pGetModel(pModelThis(), *(DWORD *)(a1 + 48));
ModelE = (int)v392;

if ( v392 )
switch ( *(DWORD *)(a1 + 48) )
case 0x181:
Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Color);
Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, WorldPos);
TransformPosition((int)v392, Joint(15), WorldPos, Bone, 0);
CreateSprite(32002, Bone, 2.0, Color, a1, 0.0, 0);
CreateParticle2(32394, Bone, a1 + 264, Color, 0.0, 1.0, 1);
int v25 = timeGetTime() % 0x400;   

if (v25 >= 0 && v25 < 10)     
CreateEffect(176, a1 + 252, a1 + 264, Color, 3, a1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, -1);

DWORD dwItemNumber = *(DWORD*)(a1 + 48);

for(int n = 0; n <MAX_PET_EFFECT_DYNAMIC; n++)
if(gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].ItemIndex+1171 == dwItemNumber && !DisableDynamicEffect)
Vector(gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].Color[0], gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].Color[1], gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].Color[2], Color);
Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, WorldPos);
TransformPosition((int)v392, Joint(gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].EffectValue), WorldPos, Bone, 0);
CreateParticle2(gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].EffectIndex, Bone, a1 + 264, Color, gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].ColorMain, gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].ColorSize, gPetEffectDynamic.m_EffectDynamic[n].ColorSide);

for(int n = 0; n <MAX_PET_EFFECT_STATIC; n++)
if(gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].ItemIndex+1171 == dwItemNumber && !DisableStaticEffect)
Vector(gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].Color[0], gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].Color[1], gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].Color[2], Color);
Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, WorldPos);
TransformPosition((int)v392, Joint(gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].EffectValue), WorldPos, Bone, 0);
CreateSprite(gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].EffectIndex, Bone, gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].ColorSize, Color, a1, gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].ColorMain, gPetEffectStatic.m_EffectStatic[n].ColorSide);

for(std::vector<PET_GLOW_INFO>::iterator it = gPetGlow.m_PetGlowInfo.begin();it != gPetGlow.m_PetGlowInfo.end();it++)
if(it->ItemIndex== (*(DWORD *)(a1 + 48) - 1171))

*(float *)(ModelE + 72) = (float)(it->ColorR / 255.0f);
*(float *)(ModelE + 76) = (float)(it->ColorG / 255.0f);
*(float *)(ModelE + 80) = (float)(it->ColorB / 255.0f);
*(float *)(ModelE + 100) = (float)(it->ColorR / 255.0f);
*(float *)(ModelE + 104) = (float)(it->ColorG / 255.0f);
*(float *)(ModelE + 108) = (float)(it->ColorB / 255.0f);

RenderMesh(ModelE, it->EffectIndex, it->EffectType, *(float *)(a1 + 152), *(float *)(a1 + 68), *(float *)(a1 + 100), *(float *)(a1 + 104), *(float *)(a1 + 108), -1);

Online djagripnos #5 Posteado: May 23, 2021, 02:05:31 AM



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Offline Lude #6 Posteado: May 23, 2021, 02:10:32 AM | Modificado: May 23, 2021, 02:12:34 AM by Lude



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I have taken all the right steps maybe it is missing CustomPet

Just add in Pet.h
Code: [Select]
#define Joint(x) ((0x30 * x) + 0x7BC08A0)
#define TransformPosition ((int(__thiscall*)(int This, int a2, vec3_t WorldPos, vec3_t Bone1, bool a5)) 0x00545030)
#define CreateSprite ((int(__cdecl*)(int a1, vec3_t Bone1, float size, vec3_t color, int ObjPos, float, int)) 0x00771310)
#define CreateParticle2 ((int(__cdecl*)(int a1, vec3_t Bone1, int a3, vec3_t color, int a5, float size, int a7)) 0x0074CD30)
#define CreateEffect ((int(__cdecl*)(int a4, int a5, int a6, vec3_t color, int a8, int a9, __int16 a10, __int16 a11, __int16 a12, __int16 a13, float a14, __int16 a1)) 0x006D9070)
#define Draw_RenderObjectR ((void(__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4)) 0x005DE260)
#define pModelThis   ((LPVOID(*)())0x004CDA10)
#define pGetModel   ((LPVOID(__thiscall*)(LPVOID This, signed int a2)) 0x00969C50)

// custom efectos
#define CreateEffect2 ((int(__cdecl*)(int a4, vec3_t Bone1, int a6, vec3_t color, int a8, int a9, __int16 a10, __int16 a11, __int16 a12, __int16 a13, float a14, __int16 a1)) 0x006D9070)
#define BeginRender ((void(__thiscall*)(float a2)) 0x00546860)
#define RenderMesh ((int(__thiscall*)(int This, signed int a2, int a3, float a4, signed int a5, float a6, float a7, float a8, int a9)) 0x005468A0)
#define EndRender ((void(__cdecl*)()) 0x00546880)
#define TransformPosition ((int(__thiscall*)(int This, int a2, vec3_t WorldPos, vec3_t Bone1, bool a5)) 0x00545030)
#define Joint(x) ((0x30 * x) + 0x007BC08A0)
#define CreateSprite ((int(__cdecl*)(int a1, vec3_t Bone1, float size, vec3_t color, int ObjPos, float, int)) 0x00771310)
#define CreateParticle ((int(__cdecl*)(int a1, int a2, int a3, vec3_t color, int a5, float a6, int a7)) 0x0074CD30)
#define CreateParticle2 ((int(__cdecl*)(int a1, vec3_t Bone1, int a3, vec3_t color, int a5, float size, int a7)) 0x0074CD30)
#define BoneTransform *(int*)0x007BC09C0
#define RenderInfomationR ((int(*)()) 0x004D5EC0)

Offline skinmuonline #7 Posteado: February 09, 2022, 07:07:00 AM

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