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Autor Topic: Bug maquina chaos MueMu Season 6  (Visto 4551 veces)

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Offline d3llam3a Posteado: June 13, 2017, 08:18:28 PM

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Hola que tal como va la comunidad ? mi pedido de sorporte es sobre los files muEmu a la hora de configurar la maquina chaos, la verdad eh leido un monton en el tema del foro pero no eh podidodo llegar a una solucion. mi problema es que a la hora de configurar la maquina chaos ponga -1 o 90-80(o cualquier otro numero entre el 0 y el 100) se buegea al convinar y dice que la convinacion se realizo pero se traba la maquina, el items no aparece y tengo que si o si salir del juego. a continuacion adjunto una fotografia iustrando el problema.Desde ya mucha gracias.

Spoiler for Hiden:
; Chaos Item Mix Settings
ChaosItemMixRate_AL0 = 100 ; NO TOCAR
ChaosItemMixRate_AL1 = 100
ChaosItemMixRate_AL2 = 100
ChaosItemMixRate_AL3 = 100

; Devil Square Mix Settings
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL0 = 100   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL1 = -1
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL2 = -1
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL3 = -1
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL0 = 80   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL0 = 80   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL0 = 80   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL0 = 70   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL1 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL2 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL3 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL0 = 60   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL1 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL2 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL3 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL0 = -1   ; NO TOCAR
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL1 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL2 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL3 = 70

; Plus Item Mix Settings //  Subir Items + 10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL0 = 40 ; +10 NO TOCAR
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL1 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL2 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL3 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL0 = 30 ; +11 NO TOCAR
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL1 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL2 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL3 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL0 = 30 ; +12 NO TOCAR
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL1 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL2 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL3 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL0 = 30 ; +13 NO TOCAR
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL1 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL2 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL3 = 100
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL0 = -1 ; +14 NO TOCAR
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL1 = 20
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL2 = 20
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL3 = 20
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL0 = -1 ; +15 NO TOCAR
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL1 = 20
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL2 = 20
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL3 = 20

; Dinorant Mix Settings
DinorantMixRate_AL0 = -70   ; NO TOCAR
DinorantMixRate_AL1 = 100
DinorantMixRate_AL2 = 100
DinorantMixRate_AL3 = 100

; Fruit Mix Settings
FruitMixRate_AL0 = -1   ; NO TOCAR
FruitMixRate_AL1 = 40
FruitMixRate_AL2 = 40
FruitMixRate_AL3 = 40

; Wing2 Mix Settings
Wing2MixRate_AL0 = 25    ; NO TOCAR   
Wing2MixRate_AL1 = 100
Wing2MixRate_AL2 = 100
Wing2MixRate_AL3 = 100

; Blood Castle Mix Settings
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL0 = 100   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL1 = 95
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL2 = 95
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL3 = 95
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL0 = 80   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL1 = 90
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL2 = 90
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL3 = 90
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL0 = 80   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL1 = 85
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL2 = 85
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL3 = 85
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL0 = 80   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL0 = 70   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL0 = 60   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL0 = 60   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL1 = 75
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL2 = 75
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL3 = 75
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL0 = -1   ; NO TOCAR
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL1 = 70
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL2 = 70
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL3 = 70

; Wing1 Mix Settings
Wing1MixRate_AL0 = 70   ; NO TOCAR
Wing1MixRate_AL1 = 100
Wing1MixRate_AL2 = 100
Wing1MixRate_AL3 = 100

; Pet Mix Settings
PetMixRate_AL0 = 40
PetMixRate_AL1 = 60
PetMixRate_AL2 = 60
PetMixRate_AL3 = 60

; Piece of Horn Mix Settings
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL0 = 70
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL1 = 70
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL2 = 70
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL3 = 70

; Broken Horn Mix Settings
BrokenHornMixRate_AL0 = 50
BrokenHornMixRate_AL1 = 50
BrokenHornMixRate_AL2 = 50
BrokenHornMixRate_AL3 = 50

; Horn of Fenrir Mix Settings
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL0 = 40
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL1 = 40
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL2 = 40
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL3 = 40

; Horn of Fenrir Upgrade Mix Settings
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL0 = 40
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL1 = 40
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL2 = 40
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL3 = 40

; Shield Potion Mix Settings
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL0 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL1 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL2 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL3 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL0 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL1 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL2 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL3 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL0 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL1 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL2 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL3 = 30

; Jewel of Harmony Item Purity Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL0 = 60
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL1 = 60
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL2 = 60
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL3 = 60

; Jewel of Harmony Item Smelt Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL0 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL1 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL2 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL3 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL0 = 70
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL1 = 70
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL2 = 70
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL3 = 70

; Jewel of Harmony Item Restore Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL0 = 60
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL1 = 60
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL2 = 60
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL3 = 60

; Item380 Mix Settings
Item380MixRate1_AL0 = 70
Item380MixRate1_AL1 = 70
Item380MixRate1_AL2 = 70
Item380MixRate1_AL3 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL0 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL1 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL2 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL3 = 70

; Illusion Temple Mix Settings
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL3 = 70

; Feather Of Condor Mix Settings
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL0 = 10
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL1 = 10
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL2 = 10
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL3 = 10

; Wing3 Mix Settings
Wing3MixRate_AL0 = 0
Wing3MixRate_AL1 = 0
Wing3MixRate_AL2 = 0
Wing3MixRate_AL3 = 0

; Socket Item Create Seed Mix Settings
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL0 = 0
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL1 = 0
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL2 = 0
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL3 = 0

; Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Mix Settings
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL0 = 0
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL1 = 0
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL2 = 0
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL3 = 0

; Lucky Item Refine Mix Settings
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL0 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL1 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL2 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL3 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL0 = 10
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL1 = 10
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL2 = 10
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL3 = 10
y actualmente esa es mi config. ya no se que mas realizar o si es probelma mio o problema de los files en cuestion, muchas gracias desde ya por la ayuda.!


Offline Tauro14 #1 Posteado: June 15, 2017, 09:27:35 AM

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tengo el mismo problema alguien me puede dar una mano con esto probe miles de cosas ya :/

Offline darkjano #2 Posteado: September 19, 2017, 04:49:06 PM

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todos tenemos ese problema y no hay una soluciĆ³n.

Offline Marote #3 Posteado: September 20, 2017, 07:28:04 AM

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Hola que tal como va la comunidad ? mi pedido de sorporte es sobre los files muEmu a la hora de configurar la maquina chaos, la verdad eh leido un monton en el tema del foro pero no eh podidodo llegar a una solucion. mi problema es que a la hora de configurar la maquina chaos ponga -1 o 90-80(o cualquier otro numero entre el 0 y el 100) se buegea al convinar y dice que la convinacion se realizo pero se traba la maquina, el items no aparece y tengo que si o si salir del juego. a continuacion adjunto una fotografia iustrando el problema.Desde ya mucha gracias.

Spoiler for Hiden:
; Chaos Item Mix Settings
ChaosItemMixRate_AL0 = -1
ChaosItemMixRate_AL1 = -1
ChaosItemMixRate_AL2 = -1
ChaosItemMixRate_AL3 = -1

; Devil Square Mix Settings
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL0 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate1_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL0 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate2_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL0 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate3_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL0 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL1 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL2 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate4_AL3 = 80
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL0 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL1 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL2 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate5_AL3 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL0 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL1 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL2 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate6_AL3 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL0 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL1 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL2 = 70
DevilSquareMixRate7_AL3 = 70

; Plus Item Mix Settings
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL0 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL1 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL2 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate1_AL3 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL0 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL1 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL2 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate2_AL3 = 60
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL0 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL1 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL2 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate3_AL3 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL0 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL1 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL2 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate4_AL3 = 50
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL0 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL1 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL2 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate5_AL3 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL0 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL1 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL2 = 40
PlusItemLevelMixRate6_AL3 = 40

; Dinorant Mix Settings
DinorantMixRate_AL0 = 70
DinorantMixRate_AL1 = 70
DinorantMixRate_AL2 = 70
DinorantMixRate_AL3 = 70

; Fruit Mix Settings
FruitMixRate_AL0 = 90
FruitMixRate_AL1 = 90
FruitMixRate_AL2 = 90
FruitMixRate_AL3 = 90

; Wing2 Mix Settings
Wing2MixRate_AL0 = -1
Wing2MixRate_AL1 = -1
Wing2MixRate_AL2 = -1
Wing2MixRate_AL3 = -1

; Blood Castle Mix Settings
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate1_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate2_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate3_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate4_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate5_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate6_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate7_AL3 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL0 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL1 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL2 = 80
BloodCastleMixRate8_AL3 = 80

; Wing1 Mix Settings
Wing1MixRate_AL0 = -1
Wing1MixRate_AL1 = -1
Wing1MixRate_AL2 = -1
Wing1MixRate_AL3 = -1

; Pet Mix Settings
PetMixRate_AL0 = 60
PetMixRate_AL1 = 60
PetMixRate_AL2 = 60
PetMixRate_AL3 = 60

; Piece of Horn Mix Settings
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL0 = 70
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL1 = 70
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL2 = 70
PieceOfHornMixRate_AL3 = 70

; Broken Horn Mix Settings
BrokenHornMixRate_AL0 = 50
BrokenHornMixRate_AL1 = 50
BrokenHornMixRate_AL2 = 50
BrokenHornMixRate_AL3 = 50

; Horn of Fenrir Mix Settings
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL0 = 30
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL1 = 30
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL2 = 30
HornOfFenrirMixRate_AL3 = 30

; Horn of Fenrir Upgrade Mix Settings
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL0 = -1
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL1 = -1
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL2 = -1
HornOfFenrirUpgradeMixRate_AL3 = -1

; Shield Potion Mix Settings
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL0 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL1 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL2 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate1_AL3 = 50
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL0 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL1 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL2 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate2_AL3 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL0 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL1 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL2 = 30
ShieldPotionMixRate3_AL3 = 30

; Jewel of Harmony Item Purity Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL0 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL1 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL2 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemPurityMixRate_AL3 = 100

; Jewel of Harmony Item Smelt Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL0 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL1 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL2 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate1_AL3 = 50
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL0 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL1 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL2 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemSmeltMixRate2_AL3 = 100

; Jewel of Harmony Item Restore Mix Settings
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL0 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL1 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL2 = 100
JewelOfHarmonyItemRestoreMixRate_AL3 = 100

; Item380 Mix Settings
Item380MixRate1_AL0 = 50
Item380MixRate1_AL1 = 50
Item380MixRate1_AL2 = 50
Item380MixRate1_AL3 = 50
Item380MixRate2_AL0 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL1 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL2 = 70
Item380MixRate2_AL3 = 70

; Illusion Temple Mix Settings
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate1_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate2_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate3_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate4_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate5_AL3 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL0 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL1 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL2 = 70
IllusionTempleMixRate6_AL3 = 70

; Feather Of Condor Mix Settings
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL0 = 25
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL1 = 35
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL2 = 45
FeatherOfCondorMixRate_AL3 = 45

; Wing3 Mix Settings
Wing3MixRate_AL0 = 35
Wing3MixRate_AL1 = 45
Wing3MixRate_AL2 = 35
Wing3MixRate_AL3 = 35

; Socket Item Create Seed Mix Settings
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL0 = -1
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL1 = -1
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL2 = -1
SocketItemCreateSeedMixRate_AL3 = -1

; Socket Item Create Seed Sphere Mix Settings
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL0 = -1
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL1 = -1
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL2 = -1
SocketItemCreateSeedSphereMixRate_AL3 = -1

; Summon Scroll Mix Settings
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL0 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL1 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL2 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate1_AL3 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL0 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL1 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL2 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate2_AL3 = 50
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL0 = 40
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL1 = 40
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL2 = 40
SummonScrollMixRate3_AL3 = 40

; Lucky Item Refine Mix Settings
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL0 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL1 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL2 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate1_AL3 = 60
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL0 = 10
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL1 = 10
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL2 = 10
LuckyItemRefineMixRate2_AL3 = 10

; Monster Wing Mix Settings
MonsterWingMixRate_AL0 = 100
MonsterWingMixRate_AL1 = 100
MonsterWingMixRate_AL2 = 0
MonsterWingMixRate_AL3 = 0

; Socket Weapon Mix Settings
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL0 = -1
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL1 = -1
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL2 = -1
SocketWeaponMixRate_AL3 = -1

; Pentagram Mithril Mix Settings
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL0 = 80
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL1 = 80
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL2 = 80
PentagramMithrilMixRate_AL3 = 80

; Pentagram Elixir Mix Settings
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL0 = 80
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL1 = 80
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL2 = 80
PentagramElixirMixRate_AL3 = 80

; Pentagram Jewel Mix Settings
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL0 = 80
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL1 = 80
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL2 = 80
PentagramJewelMixRate_AL3 = 80

; Pentagram Decomposite Mix Settings
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL0 = 80
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL1 = 80
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL2 = 80
PentagramDecompositeMixRate_AL3 = 80

Yo lo tenia asi en mi s8 y nunca me dio ese problema.


Offline Lhaxtamy #4 Posteado: November 06, 2017, 08:11:11 PM

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Es posible que el mix.bmd este mal configurado, eso suele pasar por que esta mal configurado en algunos casos


Offline xunxolost #5 Posteado: May 27, 2019, 03:31:53 AM

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Offline xunxolost #6 Posteado: May 27, 2019, 03:35:58 AM

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Offline _SocrateS_ #7 Posteado: May 24, 2020, 04:19:48 AM

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bueno ayudare con esto es el archivo mix.bmd para el bug maquina del chaos.
sos un capo, me solucionaste otro problema al sumar item se suma el porcentaje de la maquina, te amo!

Offline xunxolost #8 Posteado: July 12, 2021, 07:42:59 PM

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bueno ayudare con esto es el archivo mix.bmd para el bug maquina del chaos.
sos un capo, me solucionaste otro problema al sumar item se suma el porcentaje de la maquina, te amo!

de nada :D

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