Server Information
Version: Season 16 Part 1-2
IGCN + DGS Team Premium Files
Dedicated Server Host OVH Data Centre in Canada
Long-Term and Free Play Server.
Server Experience (Regular, Master, and Majestic): x500
Dynamic Reset Server.
Max Level: Level 400 - /reset command in-game.
Max Reset: 999 Levels %u2013 read HERE
Reset Reward %u2013 read HERE
Max Stats: 32000 recommended.
Grand Reset: TBA
Grand Reset Reward: TBA
All characters unlocked.
%u2705 xShop %u2013 Enabled.
%u2705 Online Trade Hours %u2013 Enabled %u2013 (If you stay online, you will bank hours and exchange it to wCoins to use in our xshop).
%u2705 Voting %u2013 GTOP100 only until we get a premium for other voting links.
%u2705 Off-trade %u2013 Enabled and ONLY in Loren Market.
%u2705 WebShop %u2013 Disabled.
%u2705 Offlevel %u2013 Disabled
%u2705 Active Admin
%u2705 Unique Reset Reward
Server LimitationsGuild Alliance: 2 max guild per alliance.
Machine Connections: Limit 3 accounts per machine.
IP Connections: Limit of 7 accounts per IP address.
Regular Reset Configurations0 to 100 Resets
100 Wcoins per reset.
500 level up points (points multiply by resets). For example, you have 2 resets then your stat points would be 1,000. If you have 3 resets, then your reward stat points would be 1500.
50 Goblin Points per reset.
5,000 Ruud currencies.
5 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
101 to 200 Resets
200 Wcoins per reset.
1000 level up points (points multiply by resets). For example, you have 101 resets then your stat points would be 101.000 (101 resets*1000 points = 101,000). If you have 3 resets, then your reward stat points would be 3000.
100 Goblin Points per reset.
10,000 Ruud currencies.
10 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
201 to 300 Resets
300 Wcoins per reset.
1,500 level up points (points multiply by resets).
150 Goblin Points per reset.
15,000 Ruud currencies.
15 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
301 to 450 Resets
400 Wcoins per reset.
2,000 level up points (points multiply by resets).
200 Goblin Points per reset.
20,000 Ruud currencies.
20 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
451 to 650 Resets
500 Wcoins per reset.
2,500 level up points (points multiply by resets).
250 Goblin Points per reset.
25,000 Ruud currencies.
25 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
651 to 750 Resets
800 Wcoins per reset.
3,000 level up points (points multiply by resets).
300 Goblin Points per reset.
35,000 Ruud currencies.
30 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
751 to 999 Resets
1,000 Wcoins per reset.
3,500 level up points (points multiply by resets).
350 Goblin Points per reset.
50,000 Ruud currencies.
35 Gens contributions.
A random amount of Miracle Coin (To be used in Elbeland moss).
Freebies%u2705Startup items for new characters are made available for all classes to assist you with leveling.
%u2705Small Wings +15
%u2705Starter set items +10+Luck+28+Increase zen.
%u2705Shield +10+Luck+Skill+28+Increase zen (not applicable for Elf, RF, or Gunner), (if you are an Elf, purchase arrows or bolts from NPC), (if you are a Summoner, purchase books from NPC).
%u2705Weapon +10+Luck+28+Increase Excellent Damage Chance by 10%.
%u2705Panda Ring x3.
%u2705Panda Pet x4.
%u2705500 startup stat points.
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