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Autor Topic: Files Season2 Episodio X - Evolution Team [GOLD] New v3.5  (Visto 42928 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo Posteado: July 12, 2016, 12:45:28 AM | Modificado: January 13, 2017, 06:34:02 PM by EmmaDCG




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Hola amigos que tal, aqui les traigo unas files Season2, bueno estas files que estan muy buenas lo digo porque son unas files muy completas, tienen muy buenas customs que la verdad a mi me gustan ya que incluye alas evo3 (Trae config para desactivar si no las quieres tener) trae sistemas de vips, trae Cash Shop, Trae CalCharacter, trae 7 nuevas joyas, que mas se podria pedir? las files se están trabajando todavía por lo tanto podemos aportar posibles problemas para comunicarlo al desarollador de las files para que las trabaje, son files free pero parecen files premium por todas las características y bueno como son muy buenas files las aporto ya que me encargo de que en este foro tengamos solo files que puedan usar para sus servers sin gastar dinero.


Spoiler for Hiden:
-> Protocol JPN (GS/GSCS)
-> SQL Connection (GS/GSCS)
-> Wings 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Class 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Quest 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Login Classes - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> PreviewChar - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir Mix - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir Repier - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir PreviewChar - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Chaos Machine Mixes Season 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Wings 3 PreviewChar - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Custom Drop System (GS/GSCS)
-> GameMasters Head Icon (GS/GSCS)
-> LotteryItemMix (GS/GSCS)
-> War Results (GS/GSCS)
-> Attack Player, Attack Monster (GS/GSCS)
-> DataServer Protocol Fix
-> ExDB Protocol Fix
-> Character Create,Login,Switch - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Season 3 (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Talk (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Teleport (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Reduce Zen (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Take Items (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Count Monster Kills (GS/GSCS)
-> Fixed AddFuncColor - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Fixed Crash GameServerCS from AddFuncColor -100%
-> Fixed gObjGetItemCountInIventory - 100% (GSCS)
-> Fixed GCSendQuestPrize - 100% (GSCS)
-> Fixed AddExpirience (GS/GSCS)
-> Fixed ItemDropRate (GS/GSCS)
-> Protocol Secure Packets (GS/GSCS)
-> Added GM Logs,Resets,Posts,GameServer
-> Added Automatic creation of folders if missing
-> Added Automatic teleport when connect ingame to safe zone if user was in events before
-> Added WareHouse secure use
-> Added Npc click warehouse secure use
-> Added CashShop Full Items Support
-> Added MaxStats 65 000 Support
-> Added Option Disable ZenDrop in Server
-> Added New % Prices for Items, Jewels
-> Removed GameGuard Read Files
-> Added New Chaos Mixes Boxes
-> Added New Chaos Mixes New Jewels
-> Added New Chaos UnMixes Boxes
-> Added New Chaos UnMixes New Jewels
-> Added New Chaos Mixes Boxes,Jewels Settings Rate & Zen
-> Added Chaos Machine Mix Condor Feather
-> Added 7 New Jewels
-> Added New Jewels Rate Settings
-> Added New Way for Logs Server Stuff
-> Added Read ServerInfo.dat File Correct
-> Added First 1.00.18 GameServer Display
-> Added New Wings Effect
-> Added New Wings Excellent Support Dmg,Level,Options
-> Added New Golden Fenrir Effects + Dmg,Level,Options
-> Hero System Fully Working
-> NonPK Server Read Correct
-> Added Login Users Online
-> Added Login GameMasters Online
-> Added Login Show Time & Date
-> Added Login Show MarryName is Online
-> Added Automatic Tables Create in Database
-> Added Automatic Clear ConnectStat = 1 to ConnectStat = 0 when run Server
-> Added Improvement in SQL Connection
-> Added Secure for Add Stats
-> Added 3rd Class Important Fix
-> Added Dark Lord Enter Server Fix
-> Added Player Die 3rd Class Respawn Fix
-> Added Chaos Machine Important Fix
-> Added PreviewClassCharacter Important Fix
-> Added SelectScreenCharacter Important Fix
-> Added Fix Crash AntiHack Weapon
-> Added Chaos Machine Bundled Jewel of Bless to support
-> Added Chaos Machine Bundled Jewel of Soul to support
-> Added Chaos Machine Condor Flame to support
-> Added Chaos Machine Condor Feather to support
-> Added Automatic Chat System + Timer Ban
-> Added SQL support for 2000+ for Chat System DateTime
-> Added GameServer>Load>Option Reload to Reload all Settings
-> Added MoveReq.txt -> MoveReq.bmd 100% Correct
-> Added Item.txt -> Item.bmd 100% Correct
-> Added Elf Buff Defence Infinity time
-> Added Elf Buff Attack Infinity time
-> Added Corrections to AntiHack System + Flood (Improved)
-> Added GameServer Messages Information
-> Added Improved Reload System + Information Display
-> Added Improved Custom Drop System (With Monster or Map Settings)
-> Added Custom Zen Drop System
-> Added Option Disable Login Messages
-> Added Option Disable Online Users Messages When Login
-> Added Automatic Expirience System
-> Added Automatic Expirience System Configs
-> Added Support Excellent Shops Options
-> Added Improved Balance System
-> Added Option to Disable Connect Player Messages
-> Added Option to Disable Connect Game Master Messages
-> Added Improved Excellent Items Configs
-> Added Improved Excellent Item Drop Configs
-> Added Golden Invasion Map Spawn Configs
-> Added Urgent Update for Some Commands Security
-> Added New Upgrade for Multi Vault System
-> Added Important Fix for Multi Vault System Block Items
-> Added Option to Open Vault outside town
-> Added Important Fix for Open Vault outside town Block Items
-> Added Feather Drop Rate From Monsters
-> Added Quest3 Item Drop From Monsters
-> Added Jewel Prices Settings
-> Added Dark Horse Defence Settings
-> Added Upgrade for Excl. Items Drop Settings
-> Added Quest 3 Items Drops
-> Added Quest 3 Items Drop Settings Rates
-> Added Quest 3 Save Quest in Database - Beta!
-> Added Happy Hour Event Settings
-> Added Happy Hour Player Bonus Exp & Drop Zen
-> Added Vip System Settings
-> Added Vip System Player Bonus Exp & Drop Items
-> Added Vip System Commands Settings
-> Added Important Update Server Crash Chaos Machine
-> Added Important Update VIP System Bonus Experience
-> Added Important Update VIP System Bonus Drop Items
-> Added Correction for Events Rewards Multiply Items Rewarded
-> Added Reset System Settings


-> Login Messages Server Bar
-> Login Notice GameMaster
-> Login Notice Normal Players
-> Experience System
-> New 7 Jewels
-> New Coins Zen
-> New Boxes Jewels
-> CallCharacter System
-> Game Master System
-> Golden Archer System
-> Blood Castle System
-> Devil Square System
-> Chaos Castle System
-> White Wizzard System
-> News System
-> AutoExp System
-> Happy Hour System
-> Vip System
-> Reset System


Spoiler for Hiden:
-> Character Creation
-> WareHouse Dupe
-> Lahap Dupe
-> Attack Speed
-> AntiHack
-> Anti Crash Packets
-> Guild Unicode
-> Character Name Unicode


Spoiler for Hiden:
-> Guards Message
-> Max Level
-> Max Level No Exp
-> Item Duration Time
-> User Close Time
-> Potions
-> LevelUp Points
-> Summon Orbs
-> Transform Rings
-> Jewel Rates
-> Excellent Items Drop
-> Excellent Items Bonus
-> Golden Invasion Monsters
-> Party Experience
-> Kundun Drop Items
-> Chaos Castle Minimum Players
-> Elf Buff Max Level
-> Elf Buff Damage & Defence
-> Guild Alliance Minimum Players
-> Mana Shield
-> Great Fortitude
-> Dark Horse Mix
-> Dark Raven Endurance
-> Dark Spirit Mix
-> Chaos Machine Mixes
-> Jewel Prices


Spoiler for Hiden:
-> /post
-> /str (Without Relog)
-> /agi (Without Relog)
-> /vit (Without Relog)
-> /ene (Without Relog)
-> /cmd (Wihtout Relog)
-> /info
-> /myinfo
-> /time
-> /online
-> /war
-> /bau
-> /open
-> /clear
-> /clearpk
-> /exit
-> /clearhero
-> /vip
-> /vipbuy
-> /vipon
-> /vipoff
-> /viplist
-> /reset
GM Commands:
-> /drop
-> /mute
-> /unmute
-> /banchar
-> /unbanchar
-> /banacc
-> /unbanacc
-> /disc
-> /trace
-> /moveall
-> /gg
-> /zen
-> /gmove
-> /setpk
-> /reload
-> /skin
-> /moveguild



Spoiler for Hiden:
-> 3D Camera
-> Linear
-> OpenGL
-> ScreenShot Folder
-> New Jewels
-> New Items
-> Siege Skills
-> Jewel Prices
-> Window Name
-> Seals Move Fix
-> Decoded Logs
-> PreviewCharacter
-> Second Weapon Preview
-> Font Fix
-> MiniMap
-> Unicode Support Language


Spoiler for Hiden:
Restaurar DB en caso de usar SQL Server 2008 en adelante y si usas 2000 o 2005 ejecutas la queary

Ejecutar OBCD(ubicado en carpeta DB)

Cambiar Ip:

Cambiar User y Password SQL:

Serial: SerialSeason2.5

Si las montan saquen SS y compartanla en este tema para agregarla al post, porque como ven no saque SS dentro del servidor porque se me paso y donde las monte nunca se puso entusiasmo en seguir el proyecto con estas files.





Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god

Gracias:, xakeruli, bowrns, demoniox54, Niffxd, aujindo, r31nz0, bubik, soles2, huantc2000, jainer, phodastcko, Buff, faynerbr, guhan10, dab30, gnlgaspar00, jmckpo, tuanpm1, tiendv, hieust1101, andyw, dhcaetano, Chacotey, Yodi Triyadi, demo20300, xandocomh, kamillo88, caminhada, warren12, dakosmu, miiadlp87, pablitto25, DavidSenior96, ordi11, phendzai, sufaiterevo, zHammer, ziquielbr, darkes607, aemoscon, flechagls, svimaster, hola23, muedit, Xysad, rodrig00010, kellington, daniwilde, gatinho94, DarkSeid, kentw, hieukmt, muoakley1, damayen, slipminal, zeniakin, tomidff, bombita345, nostalgiamu, alibaba50, hoangtammedia, cbarroso, origeweb, khangdz19, nghienchoigame, frthbcdrtbcd, torugpakto, lozthiensu, rodriexpulsados, Geraldine2022, reset, lukaz2z, leehenry1208, wellwisher22, wuachukeik, Nebunul, fabio0772, Joe The Mage, ProthoTyap, rayssa1218, xz18786628, dario, thuongdo07, ZeratulNT, bazera92, fabriciomd, nhaixuong, webamoev, ratox3, ion396, giangpha, Londes1, KangShiva95, Fulgerul, raynerjunior, precheca, Matt1995, nguyentung, coderxx, FluooR, vitorotero, emilse2020, minihakeri, linkenok, Mayealdhost, mrquach, secondaftergod, tiestoh, tuananh1990, Kurito, zen0x, bilzinhoxx, neford, PeruxD, Valenza94, rrxt, infocchack, tini182, xcreewx, shootzgyn,, Idosaka, boboha, tcheloft, Eymen2121, profezhor, shiun, LightofHeaven, liovewang, son1xx2, ottoman, idoso, roshux, noiz123, yejiunayangluo, carflores, LaParc4, Pirun, cuongnv9, sofia123, darkfefi, amfernan, lobodark08, Shellshock, broly, Shanw, txtctim, GHIFESTIO, gabrielbs, toanhvt1998, curruco, meeworkout, renatovips, Mosculove1, nguyenchien3599, xXTurnerxD, Elchorimorci, thongd45, manoxxx, bin9xhn2, angel9756, Trueno1989, MinORu, macros0, Dear, carla20, ales, rafaelpqd157, Batuflix, fallsmu, electronic, Aida, valikos, Sekhani, xASGARDx, malatya, wito, nelson, tuyendam, mc1nemo, lang, jadsontkd, muonlineteste2, ngthgila, cepo, ekor4ik, besiktas, Miguelagustin94, godmas, netinhom1, carioca22, Tomix78, mudevsbr, lucasvieira, sean, enano130, adriano3r, nunu101, kimera, lthai2021, FBarbosa, seb, devid123, corza444, rafapsi, neto66, frankystark, pedroo0807, Parala1, maskter, calipso, ueidi, danilo46, guntherdo, Tomer, recep21, morris, superice, Lord Fers, Alexander, charlen, mantios, 03071994, 0333111, leodcm, huguitoc4, ledemkhoc, hamalina, IceCream, thefuhrer, mutu3250, waynemartins, destruction, barrabk, thantainho, tarikata, KarLi, ramonzitoo, lostcross, mrlemlinh, cuicui, hazlacika, luongyduong, Dizzy, taovanluc, zacki0801, ElPeluca, Yokomonx1, kalvin1818, chauttc, caoboivip, peff, rayander, jose54, forumid, hackluv, hankook, Storkl, visual2k3, Emanuelcom, krouse002, esmej, gonzalok91, omarsergio, shangxin, Cyan, MiRoKu, djean147, tiendoanit, joselgauna, luizpkx, kamaze, WolfCL, tanphat, daraeowl, felipe1, comand, maichauanhkhoa, Voltio, Zahamael, skatersk8, Xrazo2020X, Shrimp, giovani10, fabiosarts, zurdo, Orion88, lcthesecond, Raidako, geer, allansoares, diegomdd, madrynmu, xbloadx, chukikpo, gaby22, red2992, manfromvn, gabi32, danielito4000, shizen, ulisessanz, dungnh88, code, 92nato, alexpks, gamersava, Elmatador2, ipoletti, muvallarta, casian1607, max1musn1, elconte, caiquewm, jeprax, alandiones3, jorgepali, hitimon, matti1993, JPCanalla, load_01, Tulasss, onicas, FuturaSp, misgriseld, kyrjens, Genius05, Alfredxd12, lusinchi, tomascba, manhquynh, 452745444, darkdemo, targoon, Naxzut, cenius, kalaman, Montrey, lunaticodeveloper, hamiltonsl, kyssys, lckblack, Lemaitre, andres1752, road12, muonline22, Ailurus, fernando, mehralion, OmeRiko, doritoto, malau, jeronemo, leo021, exotic, juanitoelarcoiris, karaca, Roca1784, kloko02, alvarog97, tiki22, maranzano, khoalu, televizia1, Hudson, aggroz, andutu, yoshiv, andres2, ballas, xpl0ziv, cesar1991, matzee, koito89, judlee, D3M3NT3, nicolas10, gorila24, juanchm92, Eternity, cusadmin, Mu122222, famoire, faridcorre, amitnet1, zedia93, LodpA, Yarin1222, xinabio, nockasdd, facuBD, smaids, krovax13, vipper, ieie10, kotik1994, matiman08, Jey, wuachiin, marcial, xRESPECTx, amaro19, tdthanh95, witz, miracle1, ryz3n, axeman192, phitroc1, princekannon001, CezarMaster, Sandrix, 16bpp, tifalok, chyozh, supiztefteli, bkcesar, patryk39, chucho93, ajbb26, Stadium, suunee, melo920, pingm, tanju02, ngnam198x, doanhkaka, zephyros, HaroldFinch, ismaic, Sencillo88, thiago100pcj, ghbarcelo, Van_Bom, joseph1191, PoccHaHa, nba014, iovetui005, vanhung_1990, lolesol1, KnoKing, eldest, lucasfsarmento, dartax, Percy, sacred, juanvzl, eudhes, angelxd, andru, scrsky, gustavocold, BaTmaaN, miguel1616, ladara100, Matakabros2124, leandrofb, rodri007, Yancarlos, danillodsd, ezesosa, sanjuan31, reshezp, lacruz10, Dracarys, koragg, motikss, xNais, applemint, MiguelTraipe, dedicadobk, rasta1999, Bruno089, LuisBM, PowerNet, frecuencia, Chearleader, Lucyan, enas123, aitoriyama, Berlan Barbalho, malekeith, chodaicam, Jizzbo, xprown, Italodarksnot, levanhau03, warleyxxp, luisitoo, felipemtk, Frank4398502DKYT, iCoder, xiwang1289, test10, Pablo Gutierrez, franklinX, akklv, yhoon, Sheldtox, muzic25, guienpire, LuisCracks, lostalejandro_, Jonathan-94, danviphd, Maty2019, Cabelo97, lanxin3243, geverton, pixoble24, claron, cuocdoisp, duelador, SetecSoft, GameShield, mos02673, kenny666, exearanda, gabrielgsp, wayner, Skillz, eduardo182, djagripnos, davissonms, HERNAYS, julianmxd, pelotudazo, alequez, mututhan, Tester1838a, SCosmin4, thinhgm02, cocholo, HacemeUnPete, kylin413, elandy973, fredz, teza123, 6atters, pizzu12, douglera21, voyka, ByChecho2290, gltana, Conex21, venun, jeane, tedateamos, mangppom, wueso19, xavotaxo, nysori, joselagos, anemmca, fameza123, Juninsj22, xunxolost, KIMURA, mauro78, EzeQ, MephistoExodus, Tectonic, Biney, NaughtyBoy, mufmt, karlozxd, emiimaster, matty90, gabil21, AndresMe, flowmafia123, screamofheartless, TazDingo, leandro22, pratep, murancio, big8360, AbaddonTW, Bk3Zell, rjerezcontreras, BugsBunny, sofertec, junioriat, kove0816, loyd, rujirot, FerGuz, Crystal, ElPoli, Detonorfc, poika, NoeliTH, KungZeeD, abelito, gpsturbo, vito369, talissonrenan, roie, carlosage, ChanhEp, heroviet2301, nexus19, mendez1192, markxj6, bazan, Samuray™, anpemeut, ErikGaston, Look, kurogg, Karill, sorian, b2rider, ramon zitoo, luka2018, Juan-, SIRDGARU, bach102, isaiasnahuel69, c4nhsatcodong, sol1kaka, Luis700, SoulKill3r, resortik, shad0w.hunter, Kirito212, apolo13, Freestyle2019, leoxs12, gacon201294, santos, waswaswas1, hoanmaster, quyanxu, thienma, agustin, Kapocha33, mediki87, kayito, Doppler, ShurikPurik, alanrysz, cobyzero, BladexD, bielngt, jhosel, mage, pekazao, czekay, adrieldecicilo, Cuervox, BrFusion, scfmt, miniloco, ndhanthien, anyer, lstm, bloppey, elpapimejor, adrian15, Bazoka, agtanalata, tgservice147, ChesterXL, sergio466, rondamon, 161012, transc, ronilo, carper, jhuletys, luis12luis, fernandopk12, osvaldotl, pablito1231, harumaji, fakenha, alfs, orion, Developers, mrloco, Miisoia, tamoio, jandavid, sekuella, gabrielito, dario55, nadavbsc, reder12, rocksound, conter, Vengefull, Celotech, cartel, Onderekcz, wfl0417, xdjoa, xxmenonxx, tito99, dux123, kksky, FIESTERO, gtpro, nottyindy, lorinho, quang, TzCr4ck, _SavagE_, andreiob, gerraqui, jarh1995, Facundo Jara, yirun1, idpnguyeni, kkovas, Gaudinio, javito, MacHiDa, manugaby, gauyeutho, ChanQ, ikwail02, jm1596, mundomuc, Mph1405, Bakunec, nenedario, mardelmu, fabrityy, beecubin, miguelgomez, xtian01, pietro159, phootheer, jamesturman, tiinolda, m4rtor1, awdawd, socolas, nujd00, BUTTMAN, Stefano.Aguiar, Rafaelsilvarj, OneMU, RIKIRICON, pavon7, aof10022535, juanmi13, filipe030, fiorettidev, dpnguyenii, KhongGianOL, term1nat0r, hckt87, GATITO, Pyke, m4rk1510, Dode, byrone19, MalukoCv, Cartman, gusnic1, nirva33, emanuelk12, ruankennedy, Tiesto, ghmillet, Wikko0, rando, patri, flowmedicinal, Byakko, megas2030, fixwn, joangelis, legacy101, otavio344, muslum, redbope, joakong, idinero, rumano666, d3llam3a, snither, minhasenha1994, Revolutionmu, TroYaN, stadrian99, matiasgarcia12, ushual, Pokepili, mutora, termartinator, 183358, maacknx, sshalva, sapatilla, FOXDaTz, exclusive, Belec, thienthan1117, Yair1414, psycho_rules, BlackDead, SmithG, galomatrix, kpos2008, krak123, heroes1412, plyn, LORD_RIDDL, clerigz, fabilus, museven, isah, makydangers, soulerdo, marlonquest, emkobiet, wanwaycom, hdvuduong, slow, kuden10, alexfy, phungbaphu, nashooohxz, kingteamus, shapper, NoobDK, INFIERNO, fran1996, marcovoe, david32843, coco23, tiagomang, Ashita111235, josexluis, ankora, daeets, CAPITOL, Adunakhor, gzjoham2018, darkenix, Minerva, Rescate, honter, beater, shinigami, Axcel, melly23, rachidy, LimBisky, bidola, Zulus, binho, GabrielDev, herjuni, systemsmag, eperke, kevincho, dagang, Partexiz, Tenente-BK, ldmm27, Locura71, servermaster, sahar01235, datos32, wesleyjackie, axel121, akiles1345, askkonz, digimoncik, manlycs, aspen, adryano, Maribao, brunox, erickmalfoy, feins150, nik2013, usersa, lepinski, lordtony, FherxD, mauri64, MEN1K, ritter_sk1, MackClay, draco425, FURIONGFX, Lewansky, AROS, Mirkola, admmu, abraao, boypost, Liviumiu, bogdankevin, Wendigo, zeungri, cuervo15, Peluuca, Nemesis, llzT-MrEdu-Tzll, horrador, higlans, rogeralexander, helios74, gzjoham, isaias00, Leito0h, Dexign, maslon, gaming, ARCKANO, thunwa1, zharghost, Abraham90, mauter5, Darkie, DeilanSasame, sampaforce, master1986, Ryuno, Supremo, gerchu, sagat202, aldo, SbaGomez, toplan, ngluan, MuOldLife, phonestorm, slymee, victor307, lexram, osvaldo1811, dragonkan, luishernan, dvjluisduran, samsunggon, oregon, lucaslegui, alenewells12, mauricio, AlejanDroh, brian2212, xpam, XAND, UnCleanOne, notfound, xAmenx, smokloco, Luucaas, Mr-K, s00x, matheusbm, agastin10, maridito4, stamp, themorted, Angel Olano, muarcontes, Ruby-Project, LoKur4, Odisk, zsnesw, neverclubza, LeeHenry, daddy2, siromc, DarkOne07, Ana, somlee, Conrado22, zehel62, crzoluciianoo, keku7077, duvan007, magasro, Vitaminka, kaiocnx, DrakenBk, sebasthyan97, antoniobk, eltauro81, proyet12, gega, tilt, Ilhan, silfredo, enemysss, marianoherrero95, mate2012, thaylormello, darkroh, lipokas, fedrock, heas, masterik12, marlogarcia, nozeed, ernesto2, jozal, -Rastaa.TSM☢, CorsarioDgx, loloee, mael55, fannever, xBebo1994x, D3LF1N4, Korem, Tauro14, ronald15, darckevil, dark, sauerlp, Urko, ikqrote, LContinent, frenzo2009, oGILBERTo, nguyechien5520, muextremo, EmmaDCG, Gaboo;, gianottifranco, Tore77o, oswaldoxo, Phreak, davidrcj, Sherm1, darccobra, jeffzkie69, jhoancito, aares, lazarocp, ivaancruzz, victhorinox, seshero, tincho088, XxBrayxX, Calisho12, isloar, Andres-, GioMaster88, elreyloco, Testt, SoHshy, elcris99, eduuardo3d, jesus900, fcgame, esteban, muhard, saske98, armus, edwinjesus, TidusDW, Nixon, adoboscan, ivandcr, jrdanezio, rulay, Mojadita, HeroxMu, dady13, darkfire22, sutil2017, marcelo, Thedanier, blakcklass, d3mon, okdina1, jose41, Bloodx, enzoenzo, FIRE, elksi, BeckerIbero, AreS, djkaku, chuko, pepeeh, Loor, terk1526, zaxscd, JuniorDonizete, LHB_LOVE, eliasnogue, faol22, Hugo, martinmaya, Guniox, denny, gnlskad, niqeto, Barrutia, sebalopez12, josueprimera, Azzlaer, jesusvelasquezz, eucretino, z348870672, LyonMaster, delbys, fantoma, Diegoramos, vicente, wenchito, serker, MarkuzChileno, kellviss20, bruno, Hess, darlusi, werty, chico10, qgamers, GoFire, chipil, Ziggs, answer, sknfvck, cesar, matadores, skyreache, tigre1123, Willber, tcbagame, bilox, Maicol1998Ri, bond2012, ToShirico, extrajuegosya, gohancs, greulis, iopq123, kekedodo, umdertaker, masloko, GuidoJV, mythch3ck, ASSUS, linkzero, the_J, carlos villafranca, fasito05, jose1k, audani, yunnior12, josehdrago, dranjel1, kelvinaleja, datcom, megaapure, candido, ZTMarkz, seba22, FuegO, eltuco, malon2k, DjGamer, zzbrandon, LuckyStrike, argen258, osvaldo33

Offline dendi #1 Posteado: July 24, 2016, 05:18:34 PM

  • +1 puntos por ventas
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  • Rank: Destacado
  • Posts: 97
  • Gracias recibida: 97
  • pe
buenos dias tengo un problema edite todo abri puertos y demas y al final me sale desconectar sevidor


Offline ZabiinoOo #2 Posteado: July 24, 2016, 07:06:14 PM




  • Administrador
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  • Rank: Puto amo
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buenos dias tengo un problema edite todo abri puertos y demas y al final me sale desconectar sevidor

es, Haz sido desconectado del servidor* Eso se puede deber a muchas cosas, usas router? estas abriendo los puertos correctamente? editaste bien la ip en main y en files? restauraste la base de datos? configuraste datos del main? se puede deber a muchas cosas amigo, yo levante estas files y estan funcionales, asi que estoy seguro que es por mala configuracion

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Offline ZabiinoOo #3 Posteado: July 25, 2016, 07:22:30 AM | Modificado: July 25, 2016, 07:26:54 AM by ZabiinoOo




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- Nueva actualización:
- Actualizar Opción eliminado algunas cosas
- Quest 3 ahora debe contar con 1 elemento necesario para la búsqueda
- ItemExcDropRate ahora es omisión de las opciones
- Se ha añadido mesas automáticas crear BanPostTime, BanPost en carácter si no los tiene (para fijar / puesto de mando)
- Añadido automática cuando se ejecuta el servidor para borrar todos los caracteres BanPostTime y BanPost
- opción de comando / recarga fijo.

Correcta actualización Gameserver V3.0 archivos modificados:
- GameServer.exe - GameServer_CS.exe - eDATA \ ESQL.ini

Link de descarga con ultima actualizacion agregada al post principal.

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Offline dendi #4 Posteado: July 28, 2016, 05:52:12 PM

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Offline ZabiinoOo #5 Posteado: July 28, 2016, 05:59:44 PM




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Crea un tema en la seccion soporte, cumpliendo con las reglas y dando una buena informacion sobre tu problema con imagenes y demas para poderte dar una ayuda.

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Offline ZabiinoOo #6 Posteado: November 04, 2016, 04:39:45 PM | Modificado: November 04, 2016, 05:03:07 PM by ZabiinoOo




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Updateado al tema principal link de descarga de Files + el ultimo update v3.5

Changelogs v3.1
- Added Twister Slash without a weapon fix (Beta)
- Added Dark Lord bug skill correction (Beta)
- Added VipSystem option use CashShop Points to buy

Cambios en archivos:
1. CashShopServer Folder
2. EData\VipSystem
3. GameServer
4. GameServerCS

Changelogs v3.2
- Fixed command /post crash server

changelogs v3.5
- Fixed twister slash
- Added fix for Reset System

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Offline ZabiinoOo #7 Posteado: November 19, 2016, 03:19:42 PM




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Offline imrted1992 #8 Posteado: December 07, 2016, 02:01:01 AM

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se queda en blanco no sale seleccionar servidor

Offline ZabiinoOo #9 Posteado: December 07, 2016, 11:27:56 AM




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se queda en blanco no sale seleccionar servidor

Cambiaste la ip desde client.dll? sigue la guia de instalacion que esta en el tema principal le das en SHOW y te muestra los spoilers

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Offline imrted1992 #10 Posteado: December 07, 2016, 10:59:55 PM

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en efecto
Ejecutar OBCD(ubicado en carpeta DB)

Cambiar Ip:

Cambiar User y Password SQL:

Serial: SerialSeason2.5

hice estas modificaciones peroel resultado de ello es el mismo queda en blanco,
. no aparece los server
. aparece boton creditos
. no aparece menu (esc)


Offline juanzk2 #11 Posteado: December 14, 2016, 12:22:53 AM

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Como hago para crear la db de estos files? y disculpen mi ignorancia.. solo me aparecen la ODBC y unos script...


Offline ZabiinoOo #12 Posteado: December 14, 2016, 12:46:43 AM




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Como hago para crear la db de estos files? y disculpen mi ignorancia.. solo me aparecen la ODBC y unos script...

En el tema principal esta esto:

Click en show y hay te muestra el spoiler

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Offline juanzk2 #13 Posteado: December 14, 2016, 12:49:33 AM

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Si, lo se amigo. pero eso de la queary es lo que no se hacer y con esos scripts ni idea..


Offline ZabiinoOo #14 Posteado: December 14, 2016, 12:50:57 AM




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Si, lo se amigo. pero eso de la queary es lo que no se hacer y con esos scripts ni idea..

Abre un tema en soporte de que es lo que quieres saber y te ayudamos por hay

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Offline unico #15 Posteado: January 20, 2017, 01:08:14 AM

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Offline Lude #16 Posteado: January 20, 2017, 09:36:37 AM



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Offline unico #17 Posteado: January 20, 2017, 10:20:27 AM

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excelente  funcionando  en un 90%  los errores que encontré fueron que    intento ir a criwolf  y  me desconecta  y  el gameserverCS  esta prendido perfectamente otro pequeño error es el mana  cuando el mago  usa el aura    todos los pg le bajan miss  es  inmortal   ya  intente modificando los skil y nada le baje a 0 en tdo y sigue igual :(   alguien que me dee una mano porfavor

Offline osvaldo33 #18 Posteado: January 22, 2017, 01:42:58 PM | Modificado: January 22, 2017, 01:51:44 PM by osvaldo33

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another day in the paradise

Offline ZabiinoOo #19 Posteado: January 22, 2017, 01:46:27 PM




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@osvaldo33 es un cliente full es decir contiene sonido y musica, por eso pesa tanto

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