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Autor Topic: Source Louis Emulator S4 S6 S8 (update 13)  (Visto 78215 veces)

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Offline JONNA14 #440 Posteado: October 29, 2020, 01:31:02 PM

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Hola buenas tardes queria hacer una consulta yo uso estos files y genere un sub server vip, como puedo hacer para que se conecten solo los usuarios vip al subserver??

me podrian ayudar con esto  desde ya muchas gracias

entre donde me dijiste y me aparece todo esto
 Log Settings
WriteChatLog = 1
WriteCommandLog = 1
WriteTradeLog = 1
WriteConnectLog = 1
WriteHackLog = 1
WriteCashShopLog = 1
WriteChaosMixLog = 1
WriteSystemAntifloodLog = 1

; AntiFlood Settings
MaxIpConnection = 10
BannedDuration = 60000

; Hack Settings
CheckSpeedHack = 0
CheckSpeedHackTolerance = 0
CheckLatencyHack = 0
CheckLatencyHackTolerance = 0
CheckAutoPotionHack = 0
CheckAutoPotionHackTolerance = 0
CheckAutoComboHack = 0
CheckAutoComboHackTolerance = 0

; Hack Speed Skill Settings (HackSkillCheck.txt)
; Types:
; 0: Show message in log only
; 1: Disconnect User
; 2: Disable Attack
; 3: Disable attack by x miliseconds
SpeedHackSkillEnable = 1
SpeedHackSkillType = 1
SpeedHackSkillPenalty = 5000
SpeedHackSkillDialog = 1
SpeedHackSkillDebug = 1

; Common Settings
MaxItemOption = 7
PersonalCodeCheck = 0
SetItemAcceptHarmonySwitch = 1

; Monster Settings
MonsterLifeRate = 100

; Health Bar
MonsterHealthBarSwitch = 1
UserHealthBarSwitch = 1

; PK Settings
NonPK = 0
PKLimitCount = 4
PKLimitFree = 0
PKDownTime1 = 3600
PKDownTime2 = 7200

; Trade Settings
TradeSwitch = 1

; Personal Shop Settings
PersonalShopSwitch = 1

; Duel Settings
DuelSwitch = 1
DuelArenaAnnounceSwitch = 1
DuelArenaDisableRestoreHP = 0
DuelArenaDisableRestoreSD = 0

; Guild Settings
GuildCreateSwitch = 1   
GuildDeleteSwitch = 1
GuildCreateMinLevel = 100
GuildInsertMaxUser1 = 40
GuildInsertMaxUser2 = 80
GuildAllianceMinUser = 1
GuildAllianceMaxCount = 5
GuildOwnerDestroyLimit = 1

; Elf Buffer Settings
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL0 = 200
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL1 = 200
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL2 = 200
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL3 = 250
ElfBufferMaxReset_AL0 = 10000
ElfBufferMaxReset_AL1 = 10000
ElfBufferMaxReset_AL2 = 10000
ElfBufferMaxReset_AL3 = 10000
ElfBufferDamageConstA = 50
ElfBufferDamageConstB = 5
ElfBufferDefenseConstA = 45
ElfBufferDefenseConstB = 3

; Experience Settings
AddExperienceRate_AL0 = 1000
AddExperienceRate_AL1 = 1000
AddExperienceRate_AL2 = 1000
AddExperienceRate_AL3 = 1500
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL0 = 1
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL1 = 10
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL2 = 10
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL3 = 10
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL0 = 95
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL1 = 95
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL2 = 95
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL3 = 95
AddEventExperienceRate_AL0 = 1
AddEventExperienceRate_AL1 = 1
AddEventExperienceRate_AL2 = 1
AddEventExperienceRate_AL3 = 1
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL0 = 1
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL1 = 1
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL2 = 1
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL3 = 1
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL0 = 1
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL1 = 1
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL2 = 1
OffAttackExperienceRate_AL3 = 1
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL0 = 1
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL1 = 1
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL2 = 1
AutoResetExperienceRate_AL3 = 1

; Item Drop Settings
ItemDropTime = 30
ItemDropRate_AL0 = 90
ItemDropRate_AL1 = 90
ItemDropRate_AL2 = 90
ItemDropRate_AL3 = 100

; Money Drop Settings
MoneyDropTime = 30
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL0 = 70
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL1 = 70
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL2 = 70
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL3 = 90

; Advanced Money Drop Settings
; If > 0 enable the system
; Money Drop = (MoneyValue*MonterLevel) + % ItemBonus
MoneyValue_AL0 = 1000
MoneyValue_AL1 = 1000
MoneyValue_AL2 = 1000
MoneyValue_AL3 = 1000

; Item Durability Settings
WeaponDurabilityRate = 50000
ArmorDurabilityRate = 100
WingDurabilityRate = 100
GuardianDurabilityRate = 100
PendantDurabilityRate = 100
RingDurabilityRate = 100
PetDurabilityRate = 100

; Trade Item Block Settings
TradeItemBlock = 0
TradeItemBlockExc = 0
TradeItemBlockSet = 0
TradeItemBlockHarmony = 1
TradeItemBlockSell = 0
TradeItemBlockLucky = 1

; Level Up Settings
MaxLevelUp = 1
MaxLevelUpEvent = 1
MaxLevelUpQuest = 1
MaxStatPoint_AL0 = 32767
MaxStatPoint_AL1 = 32767
MaxStatPoint_AL2 = 32767
MaxStatPoint_AL3 = 32767
MaxStatPointCMD_AL0 = 32767
MaxStatPointCMD_AL1 = 32767
MaxStatPointCMD_AL2 = 32767
MaxStatPointCMD_AL3 = 32767
DWLevelUpPoint = 5
DKLevelUpPoint = 5
FELevelUpPoint = 5
MGLevelUpPoint = 7
DLLevelUpPoint = 7
SULevelUpPoint = 5
RFLevelUpPoint = 7
PlusStatPoint = 1

; Create Character Settings
CharacterCreateSwitch = 1
MGCreateType = 0            
DLCreateType = 0      
SUCreateType = 0
RFCreateType = 0
MGCreateLevel_AL0 = 1
MGCreateLevel_AL1 = 1
MGCreateLevel_AL2 = 1
MGCreateLevel_AL3 = 1
MGCreateReset_AL0 = 0
MGCreateReset_AL1 = 0
MGCreateReset_AL2 = 0
MGCreateReset_AL3 = 0
MGCreateMasterReset_AL0 = 0
MGCreateMasterReset_AL1 = 0
MGCreateMasterReset_AL2 = 0
MGCreateMasterReset_AL3 = 0
DLCreateLevel_AL0 = 1
DLCreateLevel_AL1 = 1
DLCreateLevel_AL2 = 1
DLCreateLevel_AL3 = 1
DLCreateReset_AL0 = 0
DLCreateReset_AL1 = 0
DLCreateReset_AL2 = 0
DLCreateReset_AL3 = 0
DLCreateMasterReset_AL0 = 0
DLCreateMasterReset_AL1 = 0
DLCreateMasterReset_AL2 = 0
DLCreateMasterReset_AL3 = 0
SUCreateLevel_AL0 = 0
SUCreateLevel_AL1 = 0
SUCreateLevel_AL2 = 0
SUCreateLevel_AL3 = 0
SUCreateReset_AL0 = 0
SUCreateReset_AL1 = 0
SUCreateReset_AL2 = 0
SUCreateReset_AL3 = 0
SUCreateMasterReset_AL0 = 0
SUCreateMasterReset_AL1 = 0
SUCreateMasterReset_AL2 = 0
SUCreateMasterReset_AL3 = 0
RFCreateLevel_AL0 = 150
RFCreateLevel_AL1 = 150
RFCreateLevel_AL2 = 150
RFCreateLevel_AL3 = 150
RFCreateReset_AL0 = 0
RFCreateReset_AL1 = 0
RFCreateReset_AL2 = 0
RFCreateReset_AL3 = 0
RFCreateMasterReset_AL0 = 0
RFCreateMasterReset_AL1 = 0
RFCreateMasterReset_AL2 = 0
RFCreateMasterReset_AL3 = 0

; Shield Gauge Settings
ShieldGaugeRate = 90
ShieldGaugeConstA = 12
ShieldGaugeConstB = 15
ShieldGaugeAttackRate = 2
ShieldGaugeAttackComboMiss = 0

; Master Skill Tree Settings
MasterSkillTree = 0
MasterSkillTreePoint = 1
MasterSkillTreeMaxLevel = 600

; Gens System Settings
GensSystemSwitch = 0
GensSystemGuildLock = 0
GensSystemPartyLock = 0
GensSystemInsertMinLevel = 50
GensSystemContributionFloodTime = 30
GensSystemVictimContributionDecrease = 3
GensSystemKillerContributionIncrease = 500
GensSystemVictimMinContributionDecrease = 1
GensSystemVictimMaxContributionDecrease = 15
GensSystemKillerMinContributionIncrease = 1
GensSystemKillerMaxContributionIncrease = 15
GensSystemStartRewardDay = 1
GensSystemFinalRewardDay = 7

; Helper Settings
HelperSwitch = 0
HelperActiveLevel = 80
HelperActiveDelay = 5
HelperActiveMoney1 = 20
HelperActiveMoney2 = 50
HelperActiveMoney3 = 80
HelperActiveMoney4 = 100
HelperActiveMoney5 = 120

; Cash Shop Settings
CashShopSwitch = 0
CashShopScriptVersion1 = 512
CashShopScriptVersion2 = 2011
CashShopScriptVersion3 = 6
CashShopBannerVersion1 = 583
CashShopBannerVersion2 = 2010
CashShopBannerVersion3 = 5
CashShopGoblinPointDelay = 10
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL0 = 1
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL1 = 1
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL2 = 1
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL3 = 1

; Party Settings
; Active RestrictRequest
; Funtion DifferenceLevel
PartyReconnectTime = 300
PartyGeneralExperience1 = 100
PartyGeneralExperience2 = 80
PartyGeneralExperience3 = 75
PartyGeneralExperience4 = 65
PartyGeneralExperience5 = 60
PartySpecialExperience1 = 100
PartySpecialExperience2 = 80
PartySpecialExperience3 = 75
PartySpecialExperience4 = 65
PartySpecialExperience5 = 60
PartyMaxMembers = 5
PartyDisablePK = 1
RestrictRequest = 1
DifferenceMaxLevel = 100

; Potion Settings
ApplePotionRate = 10
SmallLifePotionRate = 20
MidleLifePotionRate = 30
LargeLifePotionRate = 40
SmallManaPotionRate = 20
MidleManaPotionRate = 30
LargeManaPotionRate = 40
SmallShieldPotionRate = 25
MidleShieldPotionRate = 35
LargeShieldPotionRate = 45
SmallCompoundPotionRate1 = 10
SmallCompoundPotionRate2 = 5
MidleCompoundPotionRate1 = 25
MidleCompoundPotionRate2 = 10
LargeCompoundPotionRate1 = 45
LargeCompoundPotionRate2 = 20
EliteLifePotionRate = 100
EliteManaPotionRate = 100
EliteShieldPotionRate = 65

; Transformation Ring Settings
TransformationRing1 = 2
TransformationRing2 = 7
TransformationRing3 = 14
TransformationRing4 = 8
TransformationRing5 = 9
TransformationRing6 = 41

; Jewel Settings
SoulSuccessRate_AL0 = 50
SoulSuccessRate_AL1 = 50
SoulSuccessRate_AL2 = 50
SoulSuccessRate_AL3 = 70
LifeSuccessRate_AL0 = 60
LifeSuccessRate_AL1 = 60
LifeSuccessRate_AL2 = 60
LifeSuccessRate_AL3 = 80
HarmonySuccessRate_AL0 = 50
HarmonySuccessRate_AL1 = 50
HarmonySuccessRate_AL2 = 50
HarmonySuccessRate_AL3 = 50
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL0 = 50
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL1 = 50
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL2 = 50
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL3 = 50
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL0 = 70
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL1 = 70
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL2 = 70
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL3 = 70
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL0 = 25
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL1 = 25
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL2 = 25
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL3 = 25
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL0 = 20
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL1 = 20
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL2 = 20
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL3 = 20

; Fruit Settings
FruitAddPointMin = 1
FruitAddPointMax = 3
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL0 = -1
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL1 = -1
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL2 = -1
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL3 = -1
FruitSubPointMin = 1
FruitSubPointMax = 9
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL0 = -1
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL1 = -1
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL2 = -1
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL3 = -1

; HP Bonus System
; Aumenta a vida do personagem de acordo com a quantidade de master reset
HpBonus_AL0 = 1
HpBonus_AL1 = 1
HpBonus_AL2 = 1
HpBonus_AL3 = 1
HpBonus_MAX = 10000

; Die System
; Mostra mensagem no chat quando o personagem morre.
DieUserSwitch = 1
DieMonsterSwitch = 1

; Online User System
; Exibe mensagem de conexão Gm/Player.
OnlineGmSwitch = 0
OnlineUserSwitch = 1

; Disable exp message (Premium)
; Desabilita a mensagem de experiencia ganha ao matar um mob.
; Só é exibida quando sobe de level.
DisableExpMessage = 0

; Remover Recuo (Premium)
; Remove o recuo/empurrão das skills
DisableLightningEffect  = 1
DisableCycloneEffect  = 1
DisableTwistEffect  = 1
DisableLungEffect  = 1
DisableFallingEffect  = 1
DisableUpperCutEffect  = 1

; Disable Wings Class Mix
; Desabilita criação de asas para classes
DisableWingMixDL = 1
DisableWingMixSU = 1
DisableWingMixRF = 1

; Pk Can Enter in events
; Permitir Pk entrar nos eventos
PkCanEnterBC = 0
PkCanEnterCC = 0
PkCanEnterDS = 0

; Pk Item Drop
PkItemDropSwitch = 0
PkItemDropEnable_AL0 = 1
PkItemDropEnable_AL1 = 1
PkItemDropEnable_AL2 = 1
PkItemDropEnable_AL3 = 1
PkItemDropMinLevel = 0
PkItemDropMaxLevel = 2
PkItemDropExecellent = 1
PkItemDropSocketItem = 1
PkItemDropSetItem = 1
PkItemDropHarmony = 1
PkItemDropRate = 10

; Disconnect Online Account
; Ao logar desconecta a conta se ela estiver online
DisconnectOnlineAccount = 1

; Enable CS Skills in All Maps
EnableCsSkillsAllMaps = 0

; Enable Combo Skills in All Class
EnableComboToAllSwitch = 0


Offline matichile #441 Posteado: October 31, 2020, 02:56:33 AM

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aca les resubo las source del main con un cambio al orden del switch custom interface..

Link Main: 

Se ordeno el CustomInterfaceType dejandolo de la siguiente manera.

//-- 0: Default interface MU
//-- 1: Interface ex700
//-- 2: Interface Navy Blue
//-- 3: Interface S2
CustomInterfaceType = 2

Se elimino el fondo negro al abrir el inventario(V) , panel stats(C), etc...

PS: Link Actualizado se agrego el sistema CustomGloves de Louis mediante CustomGloves.txt y 2 offsets referido al CustomMonster.


SetByte((0x00559B82 + 3), 0xFF); //Limit kill
SetByte((0x00559B82 + 4), 0xFF); //Limit kill

Link off :(


Offline clerigz #442 Posteado: January 09, 2021, 09:47:35 AM

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anyone can share AH_Info source?

Thanks in advance.


Offline rekis #443 Posteado: April 14, 2021, 10:52:11 AM

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Have someone encountered when boss mobs doesnt drop items?
Sometimes they drop items, sometimes they dont. Drop rate is 100%.
gObjMonsterDie function is not even being called when boss dies.

Offline Tomsky75 #444 Posteado: April 16, 2021, 12:12:02 PM

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I have a problem with summoner (s4), can't use the skill tree (A), any solution?

Offline louis #445 Posteado: April 16, 2021, 07:29:47 PM




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I have a problem with summoner (s4), can't use the skill tree (A), any solution?

Has no summoner master skill tree in s4.

Update 36 is ready!!!


Offline Mayealdhost #446 Posteado: May 17, 2021, 09:41:29 PM

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aca les dejo el source del gameserver+gameservercs compilado ya con la licencia removida. solo intente conectarme al s6 usando la misma dll del update 13.. ustedes prueven compilarlo para el s8 y conectarse



Hola amigo como lo isiste yo ise todo lo que dice en las guias pero al entrar al juego en select server me desconecta

Offline Mayealdhost #447 Posteado: May 17, 2021, 09:50:19 PM

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Hola alguien me ayuda a compilar sin licnecia, segui todo estos paso pero al conectarme al juego en select server me desconecta

Offline Mayealdhost #448 Posteado: May 17, 2021, 11:58:36 PM

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aca les dejo el source del gameserver+gameservercs compilado ya con la licencia removida. solo intente conectarme al s6 usando la misma dll del update 13.. ustedes prueven compilarlo para el s8 y conectarse

Link Mediafire:

Link Mega:!bk1mjagI!Kw9TwLq2c...c0nN35VtVycuZc

no permite descargar de ninguno de los dos enlaces

Listo ya acomode los Link



Offline mantios #449 Posteado: January 02, 2022, 04:30:08 PM

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aca les dejo el source del gameserver+gameservercs compilado ya con la licencia removida. solo intente conectarme al s6 usando la misma dll del update 13.. ustedes prueven compilarlo para el s8 y conectarse

Link Mediafire:

Link Mega:!bk1mjagI!Kw9TwLq2c...c0nN35VtVycuZc

no permite descargar de ninguno de los dos enlaces

Listo ya acomode los Link


Offline bugzik #450 Posteado: January 15, 2022, 02:16:24 PM

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CustomQuest and customNPCQuest do not work properly, the GS closes if there is no required item, tell me where to fix it please.

Offline rekis #451 Posteado: April 19, 2022, 05:43:15 AM

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Has someone come accross issue where chaosmix percentage is incorrent just because of item value? (or maybe because of something else)
In chaos machine it shows 56%, but in server log: ChaosSuccessRate: 63%.

Offline bamster89 #452 Posteado: December 14, 2022, 01:25:34 AM

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Offline dakosmu #453 Posteado: April 24, 2023, 11:41:36 AM

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Alguien que me pueda ayudar
me da error al copilar el S8
tanto como el main y el gameserver
dan error
tengo VS 2010 y VS 2019

Dakosmu Colaborador

Offline exequiel12 #454 Posteado: May 04, 2023, 08:46:32 PM

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Hola quisiera saber como cambiar el selecserver me dijeron que no lo podria hacer por el crack

Offline tutu100 #455 Posteado: May 10, 2023, 10:34:27 PM

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the update 15 client is missing, it is nowhere to be seen. (Season 6)

Offline josejose #456 Posteado: May 22, 2023, 02:23:40 PM

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alguien puede compartir estos archivos actualizados para descargar y empezar a tester. porfavor


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