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Autor Topic: MuServer Season6 Premium Pro-Yoshi Files Update 11  (Visto 7580 veces)

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Offline admmunowar Posteado: February 19, 2019, 12:24:27 PM | Modificado: January 21, 2021, 10:02:41 AM by admmunowar

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//Muserver Season 6\\

- Add CustomMove
- Add Rei do MU Event
- Fix CustomJewel in Main
- Active MHP

- Add HpBonus System
- Add Kill Message System
- Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver
- Add MasterSkillTree Reset
- Fix Duel DC (s8)
- Fix Pentagram jewel(remove before put in ware) (s8)

MARCH 2017
- Fix Duel Trade (s8)
- Add Main Memory reduction
- Add Guard CustomMessage
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingDevilSquare
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingBloodCastle
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingChaos Castle
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingIllusionTemple
- Add Colunn WinScore_semanal in RankingDuel
- Add in DataServer update semanal colls

APRIL 2017
- Add BotBuffer System
- Add SD/HD bar in Character (S4/S6)
- Add Command Clear Inventory
- Active Encrypt in Client/Server.
- Fix Friend Message Title Inject (DataServer)

MAY 2017
- Add OpenWare Command
- Add SetVip Command
- Add Marry System
- Change HP/SD Bar Interface
- Fix BotBuffer Power
- Fix Store Dupe
- Fix Duel MinLevel

JUNE 2017
- Add Reload Command
- Add Reward Command
- Add ChangeClass Command
- Add OnlineLottery Event
- Add Disconnect User in GameServer Menu
- Add Start OnlineLoterry GameServer Menu
- Add OffStore and OffAttack count in GameServer Title Bar

- Add Itens Level +15 (Season 4)
- Add Info Command   
- Add Change Name Command
- Add BanAcc Command   
- Add BanChar Command   
- Add DynamicEffect in Main (S4/S6/S8)
- Add Max Use Time in Attack command
- Add Option to disable Online User/GM Message   
- Add Event Hide and Seek   
- Add Event Run and Catch   
- Add option to disable exp message on kill mob   
- Change MaxCustom Wings to 100
- Fix Money remove when use ResetTable system.
- Fix Socket jewel aplly in no socket item   
- Fix CustomEffect problems in Main.dll
- Fix remove BC,DS,IT invite
- Fix Skill elf on /attack
- Fix Clear Effects on change class   
- Fix /store bless Crash (Season 6)
- Add Custom Summon on Kill Mob   
- Evento Veloz   
- /openevent /join   
- Disable/Enable Skill Effect (Ex:Cyclone)   
- Add Custom exp on Offattack and Autoreset   

- Add MakeSet Command
- Add Drop Command
- Option to Remove Offstore/offattack in OnlineLottery   
- Jewel of socket Aply in pentagram (Season8)   
- ADD gift command   
- Add Custom Quest System   
- Add Russian Roulette Event   
- Add Max Use Time in Store command
- New King of Mu Event   
- Add Reward Coins in BC,DS,CC   
- add /toprr /topmr etc   
- Somente gm fazer o casamento   
- Disable Wing Mix Class   

- Remove Class in Main (RF,SU,DL)   
- Custom Auto Quiz Event   
- Need ticket to change name Option (S6/S8)   
- Custom WingMix (Chaos Mix)   
- Custom Death Message   
- Custom Npc Collector (trade items per Coins)   
- Readd point command   
- Advanced Make itens (/make, /drop, /makeset)   
- Custom Rank User System (S4,S6)   
- Disable HP Bar of Monster or User Option   
- Updated JoinServer to fix dupes   
- Allow Pk enter in events (BC,CC,DS)   

- New Gamserver Interface
- Message Box on Close JS, DS
- Option TimeToEnter in new events
- Show Duel Message (S4)
- Add Delay Option in Custtom Attack
- Add Delay to Use Potions in Custom Attack
- Add Auto buff em Custom Attack
- Attack command disable when set /attack again
- Add Custom Attack per Map
- Add Custom attack skill
- Add Auto Pick command
- PK drop
- On login disconnect online account
- Fix when kill Kundun in k6 move to k7
- Fix PcPoint Value (Season 4)

- Show time to start events in GS   
- Start Blood Castle Option in GS menu   
- Start Devil Square Option in GS menu   
- Start Chaos Castle Option in GS menu   
- Start Illu. Temple Option in GS menu   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingBloodCastle   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingDevildSquare   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingChaosCastle   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingIllusion Temple   
- Combo skills for all class   
- Enable Cs Skills in All Maps   
- Add shop to buy vip   
- Custom ranking in game   
- New command /remaster   
- New command /ajuda (help)   
- New command /startbc (help)   
- New command /startds (help)   
- New command /startcc (help)   
- New command /startit (help)   
- Released 10 custom maps   
- Released 10 custom bows/crossbows   
- Disable Reflect Effect   
- Auto reward run and catch event   
- Auto reward hide and seek event   
- Auto reward russian roulette event   
- Auto reward quickly event   
- Auto reward Online Lottery event   
- Fix Set item drop in event item bag   
- Fix Pc Point value 2 (S4)   
- Fix Put Custom Wings in Chaos machine(S6)   
- Fix RF skill Client Crash(S6)   

- Print screen with logo   
- RankUser by MasterReset or Reset   
- Command/description system   
- New Command.txt system   
- Require coins to use commands   
- New Command disablePVP
- New Command Lock/Unlock   
- Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
- Fix duel level message   
- Fix dead gates of custom mapas   
- Fix Start Events crash   
- Improvements events times   
- /pick best performace   
- Fix Open Multi-game lag

MARCH 2018
- New Command MoveAll   
- New Command MoveGuild   
- Event Time Window   
- Commands Window   
- New PvP Event(x1)   
- New Event KillAll   
- New Custom Menu   
- BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
- Add triple shot skill in /attack   
- Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
- Update in events time in GS   

MARCH 2018
- New Command MoveAll   
- New Command MoveGuild   
- Event Time Window   
- Commands Window   
- New PvP Event(x1)   
- New Event KillAll   
- New Custom Menu   
- BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
- Add triple shot skill in /attack   
- Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
- Update in events time in GS   

April 2019
-NEW UPDATE Attribute Settings
// 11/08/2019
- custom Pet's 800 max
-fix pets in to vault
- fix main not start
- fix damage calc of pets
-two new maps added
-corrected pet feature
-fix problems with booting from main
-adding effects to custom maps
Server Start-Up!

comming soon pets+pets effects and more!

In Game!

MuServer Season6

Credits by the great source shared by our friend


and I for some Fix By Pro-Yoshi





Copyright Pro-Yoshi Ms-Emulator © 2021


jareksniper, hidman, juanchm92, bulk9995, Cruelizon, darkes607, Xysad, Geradios, emmaspuc53, king992253, Matt1995, daniwilde, batros123, boypost, hola23, cesarjunior, aranclub02, josejose, origeweb, comicro, touchzada, Crowley, xeonlaser8, EduardoTV, leehenry1208, wenleiady, pagoga, engleyson1995, midapmi, Fulgerul, Lolateamo, zhujianhui, tarandong, royta, MDDM, giangbana, joelsobrin95, Argentuc, chepote123, zz0871630910, ElNico, skay11, lucaswaskes, cristhian50, j4nd3r, natsu00, ngthgila, pimkungclub, sounda, jhampool13, tiitohfoz, nguyechien5520, -MitSuki-, mantios, showmax, JavixFer, txtctim, mugloves99, lenhador, hinam.97, Hiếu Đại Ca, kennypc, joks34, makijs, bran10, manolo130, ronglovel, mos02673, fallsmu, s2sinh94, thanhdopc93, iDani, ledzem, crazy9001, NicoCAI, alberth147, anhthao9st, Gerardo23, speedrzo, DarkBot, alevarxz, Naxzut, Dizzy, admin3sa, archiic, yosef801, tedomi, TeamCB, youislife, boylasd, Fabiven, ConejoMalo, danielgalboa, muf2p, azpirin4, Salvadorsrc, maxi123, Matias9, Thony, muinternational, GabrielDevel, Yan Carlos, mathialv, 570693, roxtste, jhang2lord, Cienfuegos22, andersongc, VICUXXX, akosibrian, kelvin2306, deonny, juls12, Goplay, McPhee1995, espartaco25, jorgito729, wolffrox, Hanx, phitroc1, Aries18, shizen, banu9x, kemokemo21, cufa1, agus99, mrhung95, nepturnox, josue0934, kyoshiro654, dark, hdeluxe, thungpk, cuni, Xxfer31, hamiltonsl, benikka60, baolove000, cafehaitrieu141, saske98, Frank4398502DKYT, LeeHenry, Cartman, esmac15789, dlawls662, BioHaZarD, NatsuBM, KhongGianOL, 1732313, dieguitox, lolis, Leon, siryus195, Hoangnguyen192, blakwali, alobabyday, NoobDK, tropy666, ao5070, revoxx, Tsubasa, adidas, Help1k, reysupremo, tgservice147, luch3x0013, admcindy, VictorKing, poika, kredermita, diablodrb, AbyssMU, 497625, waiteni, leones55, Dragonvl15, drendy, deadpool, iggfree, chinagames, anduyx1, aki0048, murcielago, Look, jeferson, nenegamcas, Hax.Gaming, binhchivn, ankora, Overlord, Tomsky75, StoneAngel, llZeroll, benhy1412, Becomen, drampir, erotics214, T-LEGENDARY, 6atters, fengyun52894, vpamiir, juanpedro, josecola, osvaldotl, girino, RazielBaz, tyga000, laurentiuitk, rujirot, demo20300, PezziTomas, quyenpro199x, digimoncik, volcano, dagang, lovesick000, michel9, Kirito212, Gunnar, tarikata, quyanxu, kove0816, congtinh95, abraao, ZTMarkz, kai1702, Benny, pedroso100, quetreo, idpnguyeni, adrieldecicilo, Flash, luisdaniel, beibei, skrey, david19, AZURE, sauron215, cobyzero, ExileHeart, rasta1999, bach102, Yair1414, c4nhsatcodong, TaxTax, reubs, iovetui005, thesofer, silfredo, thunwa1, Nhocgano1, diieg0, andre8, valeh, xpam, Dode, NasLy, emkobiet, marksha, answer, neeck1234, stark98, tincho088, juancarlin, wfl0417, CarZaGo, djagripnos, cancerx, pujosx, kksky, ndhanthien, MacHiDa, bond2012, 1muarcadia1, nutkubkubnut, GATITO, gabrielpop12, Wendigo, attnegro, gacon201294, harry130, stalintlv, scfmt, xdjoa, -Rastaa.TSM☢, IConejoI, jaimealves

Offline xdjoa #1 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 12:30:09 PM

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Offline admmunowar #2 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 12:45:10 PM

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Copyright Pro-Yoshi Ms-Emulator © 2021

Offline xdjoa #3 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 12:56:55 PM

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Sería genial lo espero con ansias

Offline -Rastaa.TSM☢ #4 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 12:57:10 PM



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Se ven buenos por las características amigo, podrías adjuntar imágenes tanto como funcionando los files y dentro del juego por favor.

Gracias :D.


Offline admmunowar #5 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 12:59:15 PM

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Se ven buenos por las características amigo, podrías adjuntar imágenes tanto como funcionando los files y dentro del juego por favor.

Gracias :D.


Just a moment friend I'm downloading the client again. because I had a problem in the partition of the disk that was the client and are waiting to lower

Copyright Pro-Yoshi Ms-Emulator © 2021

Offline xdjoa #6 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 01:00:10 PM

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Los files solo son hasta la update 8 y tiene límites

Offline admmunowar #7 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 01:04:03 PM

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Los files solo son hasta la update 8 y tiene límites

not dude

Copyright Pro-Yoshi Ms-Emulator © 2021

Offline admmunowar #8 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 01:16:28 PM

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Se ven buenos por las características amigo, podrías adjuntar imágenes tanto como funcionando los files y dentro del juego por favor.

Gracias :D.


you could put the images as the ZabiinoOo did in the post I made of season 4

Please, I do not know, I do not understand forums very well.

Copyright Pro-Yoshi Ms-Emulator © 2021

Offline ZabiinoOo #9 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 02:08:39 PM




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my friend, what difference have you repacks to repacks update 8 released previously? update 9 and 10 this ready in this pack upload? or coming soon? because I do not see difference to this:

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god


Offline admmunowar #10 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 02:32:16 PM

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my friend, what difference have you repacks to repacks update 8 released previously? update 9 and 10 this ready in this pack upload? or coming soon? because I do not see difference to this:

some solved problems already missing to launch the new commands and improved the performance of the server itself this more optimized will soon leave the following promised updates

Copyright Pro-Yoshi Ms-Emulator © 2021


Offline djagripnos #11 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 06:05:38 PM



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Offline GATITO #12 Posteado: February 19, 2019, 08:02:36 PM

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Hola... por casualidad tienes soporte para custom monster

Offline pujosx #13 Posteado: February 20, 2019, 08:20:44 PM

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Offline ledzem #14 Posteado: February 27, 2019, 09:57:12 AM

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Offline RinOv #15 Posteado: February 27, 2019, 09:59:49 AM

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@ledzem deje el spam y lea que la mayoria dice cuantos user soporta.

RinOv Group

Offline -Rastaa.TSM☢ #16 Posteado: February 27, 2019, 10:09:06 AM



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Amigo le invito a probar los files que desee utilizar, pero no haga spam en variedades de temas con la misma pregunta evite sancion por incumplir reglas.

+1 Advertencia.

Offline gabrielpop12 #17 Posteado: March 25, 2019, 02:38:44 AM

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BUG en el POST se duplica la hora de hablar

Offline Blend #18 Posteado: March 25, 2019, 09:43:40 AM

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BUG en el POST se duplica la hora de hablar

no es bug solo es mala configuracion en el archivo mensage.text de data entra y busca la linea del post y borrale un %


Offline gabrielpop12 #19 Posteado: March 26, 2019, 02:24:05 AM

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