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Autor Topic: MVCore 1.17.1 - Ultimate Version + Ultimos fixs [6 Templates Premiums]  (Visto 69571 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo #140 Posteado: March 19, 2018, 11:14:41 PM




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@clerigz pero tuviste un problema en la instalacion de la mvcore?

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god

Offline clerigz #141 Posteado: March 20, 2018, 12:06:12 AM

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@clerigz pero tuviste un problema en la instalacion de la mvcore?

Nope I have no problem in installing the mvcore. I use xampp 1.7.7 and now its working fine when using xampp 1.7.1


Offline clerigz #142 Posteado: March 20, 2018, 12:08:18 AM

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I leave this fix of Market showing the Recent Items.

Just Copy and Paste to your Market.php

Code: [Select]
<?php if(!$mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_for_the_moment_tpi_disabled.'</div>'; } ?>
<?php if($mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { ?>
<?php if($_SESSION['user_login'] == 'ok') { ?>
.trhowthis:hover {
  background-color: <?php echo''.$table_border.'';?>;
//== Post Start ==//
if(isset($_POST['subform'])) {

//== Post Procedure Select ==//
$hex = trim(isset($_POST['hex']) ? $_POST['hex'] : '');
$serial = trim(isset($_POST['serial']) ? $_POST['serial'] : '');
$name = trim(isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '');

$errors = array();
$success = array();

//== Main Info Get Script ==//
$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

$select_hex_infof= mssql_query("Select serial,hex,soldby,cost,ptype from MVCore_Market_Items where hex='".$hex."'");
$s_hex_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infof); // Get Some Information

$select_hex_infofas= mssql_query("Select serial from MVCore_Market_Items where serial='".$serial."'");
$s_hex_ias= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infofas); // Check Hex Codes Else Error

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

$select_zen_info= mssql_query("Select money from warehouse where AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$s_zen_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_zen_info); // Check if Can BUY

$select_cred_check= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['credits_column'].",".$mvcore['credits2_column']." from ".$mvcore['credits_table']." where ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$s_c_check= mssql_fetch_row($select_cred_check); // Check if Can BUY

$select_charwcv_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_info); // Seller Guid Check

$select_charwcv_infos= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_infos); // Seller Guid Check

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid'  || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_charwcv_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_char_i[0]; };

$select_charwc_infs= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_infs); // get IP

$select_charwc_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_info); // Check if Can BUY

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid' || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user = $s_charwc_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user = $useracc; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select connectstat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);

if($check_onlines[0] == '1') { $errors[] = '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

$v_f_h= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." from ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." where ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$v_f_hd= mssql_fetch_row($v_f_h); // Check if Can BUY

//== End Script ==//

//== Error MSG ==//
if($s_hex_ias[0] == '' || $s_hex_ias[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo ''; }
if($s_hex_i[0] == '' || $s_hex_i[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_hassoldalready.'</div>'; }

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($mvcore['mark_ip_check'] == 'on') {
//Ip Check
if($s_charwc_ia[0] == $s_charwcv_ia[0]){ $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_cannotbuyitemacc.'</div>'; };

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){if($s_c_check[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name1'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){if($s_c_check[1] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name2'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){if($v_f_hd[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' wcoins '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){if($s_zen_i[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' zen '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] >= '5' || $s_hex_i[4] == '' || $s_hex_i[4] <= '0'){$has_error = '1'; echo '';};
//== End Script ==//

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9' && strlen($hex) == '32') { $exHex = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; } else { $exHex = ''; };
$Final_Result_hex = ''.$hex.''.$exHex.'';

$sy = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,0,2)); // Item ID
$itt = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix

//FOR Item ID 256+
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '12' && $sy >= '0' ){

$sy = 255 + $sy;

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '13' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '14' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


$nameselectsdd= mssql_query("Select x, y from MVCore_Wshopp  where id='".$sy."' and category='".$itemtype."'");
$nameselectsd= mssql_fetch_row($nameselectsdd);

function smartsearch($whbin,$itemX,$itemY,$incSeason) {

if($incSeason >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };
$ilc = '480'; // for loop run number ( will use 480 as for S9 that much needed "expanded & normal vault" but any other season less )

if (substr($whbin,0,2)=='0x') $whbin=substr($whbin,2);
$items = str_repeat('0', $ilc);
$itemsm = str_repeat('1', $ilc);
$i = 0;
while ($i<$ilc) {
$_item = substr($whbin,($hexlen*$i), $hexlen);
$check_ref = hexdec(substr($_item, 19,1))/16;
$check_wid = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2));
if($check_ref == 0.5)
$type = floor(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);
$type = round(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);

if ($check_wid <= '127') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try; }
elseif ($check_wid >= '128') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try+'256'; }

$res= mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select [x],[y] from [MVCore_Wshopp] where [id]='".$check_two."' and [category]='".$type."'"));

$y = 0;
while($y<$res[1]) {
while($x<$res[0]) {
$items = substr_replace($items, '1', ($i+$x)+(($y-1)*8), 1);

$y = 0;
while($y<$itemY) {
while($x<$itemX) {
$spacerq[$x+(8*($y-1))] = true;
$walked = 0;
$i = 0;
while($i<$ilc) {
if (isset($spacerq[$i])) {
$itemsm = substr_replace($itemsm, '0', $i-1, 1);
$last = $i;
if ($walked==count($spacerq)) $i=$ilc;
$useforlength = substr($itemsm,0,$last);
$findslotlikethis='^'.str_replace('++','+',str_replace('1','+[0-1]+', $useforlength));
while ($i<$ilc) {
if ($nx==8) { $ny++; $nx=0; }
if ((eregi($findslotlikethis,substr($items, $i, strlen($useforlength)))) && ($itemX+$nx<9) && ($itemY+$ny<16))
return $i;
return 1337;

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbins = '7680'; } else { $cvbins = '3840'; }; // ".$cvbins." 7680
if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbinsch = '7584'; } else { $cvbinsch = '3776'; }; // ".$cvbinsch." 7584

$query = mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(".$cvbins."); set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='".$useracc."'); print @it");
$mycuritems = mssql_get_last_message();

$newitem = $Final_Result_hex;
$test = 0;
$slot = smartsearch($mycuritems,$nameselectsd[0],$nameselectsd[1],$mvcore['db_season']);
$test = $slot*$hexlen;

$mynewitems = substr_replace($mycuritems, $newitem, ($test+2), $hexlen);

if($slot == '1337' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_wareseemsfull.'</div>'; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select ConnectStat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);
if( $check_onlines[0] == '1' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

if($has_error >= '1'){} else {

//== Procedure Update Or Insert ==//
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET Items = ".$mynewitems." WHERE AccountId='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("DELETE from MVCore_Market_Items WHERE hex='".$hex."'");

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','1','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','".$middle_price."','0','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user_seller."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','2','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','3','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','4','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','0','".$middle_price."','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");


//== End Script ==//

//== Success MSG ==//
echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nSuccess">'.main_p_market_itemaddedinware.'</div>'; $message_edit = $success;}
//== End Script ==//

<div class="mvcore-ucp-info" align="center" style="width:100%;padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
<div align="center" style="text-align:center;">
<?php if($mvcore['m_page0'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-gf.html'>".main_p_market_recent."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page1'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-0.html'>".main_p_market_swords."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page2'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-1.html'>".main_p_market_axes."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page3'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-2.html'>".main_p_market_scepters."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page4'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-3.html'>".main_p_market_spears."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page5'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-4.html'>".main_p_market_bows."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page6'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-5.html'>".main_p_market_staff."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page7'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-6.html'>".main_p_market_shields."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page8'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-7.html'>".main_p_market_helps."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page9'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-8.html'>".main_p_market_armors."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page10'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-9.html'>".main_p_market_pants."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page11'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-10.html'>".main_p_market_gloves."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page12'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-11.html'>".main_p_market_boots."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page13'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-12.html'>".main_p_market_accesories."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page14'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-13.html'>".main_p_market_miscitems."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page15'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-14.html'>".main_p_market_miscitemstwo."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page16'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-15.html'>".main_p_market_scrolls."</a>";} ?>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><div style="float:right;"><form action="-id-market-id-MyItems.html" method="POST"><input name="myItemsSubmit" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';?>"></form></div></td></tr>
<tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px;">

<td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" valign="top">

$change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page_name = $default_category; } else { $change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']); };

if($change_page_name == '0') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_swords.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '1') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_axes.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '2') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scepterss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '3') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_spears.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '4') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_bowss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '5') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_staff.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '6') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_shields.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '7') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_helps.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '8') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_armors.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '9') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_pants.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '10') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_gloves.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '11') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_boots.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '12') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_accesories.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '13') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '14') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitemstwo.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '15') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scrolls.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'gf') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'MyItems') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';}
else {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';};



$change_pages = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
if($change_pages >= '0') {$add_wherea = 'where cate = '.$change_pages.'';} else {$add_wherea = '';};
if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_wherea = "where soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."'"; };
$market_item_lista = mssql_query("select count(*) from MVCore_Market_Items ".$add_wherea."");
$acr4fd =mssql_result($market_item_lista, 0, 0);
<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<table class="mvcore-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>

$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '0' && $mvcore['m_page1'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '1' && $mvcore['m_page2'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '2' && $mvcore['m_page3'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '3' && $mvcore['m_page4'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '4' && $mvcore['m_page5'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '5' && $mvcore['m_page6'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '6' && $mvcore['m_page7'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '7' && $mvcore['m_page8'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '8' && $mvcore['m_page9'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '9' && $mvcore['m_page10'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '10' && $mvcore['m_page11'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '11' && $mvcore['m_page12'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '12' && $mvcore['m_page13'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '13' && $mvcore['m_page14'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '14' && $mvcore['m_page15'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '15' && $mvcore['m_page16'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page = $default_category; }
else { $change_page = $_GET['op2']; };

$add_where = 'cate = '.$change_page.' and';
if($change_page == 'gf' || $_GET['op2'] == 'gf') { $add_where = ""; }
if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_where = "soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."' and"; }

//Paging System With POST
if($_POST['pageNr'] == '') { $pageNr = '0'; } else { $pageNr = $_POST['pageNr']; };
$row_num_first = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'];
$row_num_second = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'] + $mvcore['top_select'];

$market_item_list = mssql_query("
SELECT  hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( order by date desc ) AS RowNum, hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM MVCore_Market_Items WHERE ".$add_where." date >= '1'
) AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > ".$row_num_first." AND RowNum <= ".$row_num_second." ORDER BY RowNum ");

for($i=0;$i < mssql_num_rows($market_item_list);++$i) {
$nm_i_l = mssql_fetch_row($market_item_list);

$sy = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],0,2)); // Item ID
$serial = substr($nm_i_l[0],6,8); // Item Serial
$itt = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix
$iop = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],2,2)); // Item Level/Skill/Option Data
$itemdur = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],4,2)); // Item Durability
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option
$ioosecon = hexdec(substr($item[$i],14,1)); // AD option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ac = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],16,2)); // Ancient data
$item_socket[1] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],22,2)); // Socket 1
$item_socket[2] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],24,2)); // Socket 2
$item_socket[3] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],26,2)); // Socket 3
$item_socket[4] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],28,2)); // Socket 4
$item_socket[5] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],30,2)); // Socket 5

$item_harmony = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],20,1)); // Item harmony
$item_harm_val = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],21,1)); // Item harmony Value
$item_refinary = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],19,1)); // Item Refinery


if($nm_i_l[4] == '1'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '2'){$ptype = 'WCoins';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '3'){$ptype = 'Zen';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '4'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name2'];}
else {$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];};

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select top 1 name, AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$nm_i_l[1]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

if (file_exists("system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif")) {
$image_load = "system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif";
} else {
$image_load = 'system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/no-img.gif';

// Item Information Combine
$drop_item_info ='<table><tr valign=top><td><img src='.$image_load.'><br>'.$iname.' '.$item_has_def.''.$item_has_dmg.''.$item_need_dur.''.$item_need_level.''.$item_class_need.''.$other_item_infos.''.$fenrir.'<font color=#cc7fcc>'.$ref.'</font>'.$joh_info_drop.'<font color=#7fb2ff>'.$skill.''.$luck.''.$itemoptionname.''.$itemoptionnamess.''.$db_item_info.''.$itemoptionnames.''.$anc_option.'</font><font color=#ff19ff>'.$socketinfos.'</font>'.$sok_info_drop1.''.$sok_info_drop2.''.$sok_info_drop3.''.$sok_info_drop4.''.$sok_info_drop5.'<br><font color=yellow><b>'.main_p_market_soldby.' '.$s_char_i[0].' '.main_p_market_for.' '.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</b></font><br></td></tr></table>';

$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

if($useracc == $s_char_i[1]) { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_takeback.''; } else { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_buyitem.''; };

$rank = $i+1;
$tr_color_2 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color_1 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color = ($rank % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
if($nameselect[11] == '0'){} else {
echo '
<tr class="trhowthis" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$drop_item_info.'\')" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$inames.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'><form action="-id-market.html" method="POST"><input name="name" type="hidden" value="'.$inames.'"><input name="serial" type="hidden" value="'.$serial.'"><input name="hex" type="hidden" value="'.$nm_i_l[0].'"><button class="mvcore-button-style" name="subform" type="submit">'.$testssDrop.'</button></form></td>
} } ?>

<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<?php } else { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_please_ltut_page.'</div>'; }; ?>
<?php } ?>

Have fun and enjoy :D



Offline clerigz #143 Posteado: April 16, 2018, 04:27:04 AM

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any encounter lost password bug? it will automaticaly reset your password


Offline carlitos #144 Posteado: May 12, 2018, 10:22:11 PM

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Hola amigos esta es la mvcore 1.17.0 ya posteada en el foro: pero esta version en particular ya tiene los ultimos fixs hechos por mi persona y no tiene fallos como el ultimo bug que al entrar desde otra pc pueda te cayera un logueo de algún otro usuario del servidor o de un admin y poder hacer lo que deseas desde la web entonces con esta version ya viene solucionado dicho problema, esta version iva a pertenecer a la sección vip pero mejor decidí liberarla para todos ustedes!







me ocurre que no puedo ver el captcha. como activo o desactivo?


Offline ZabiinoOo #145 Posteado: May 12, 2018, 11:36:20 PM




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@carlitos porque debes actualizar las key recaptcha desde el panel de admin

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Offline carlitos #146 Posteado: May 15, 2018, 08:45:42 PM

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no logro instalarlo con la ultima vercion de xampp

Offline ELEKTRONEX #147 Posteado: May 17, 2018, 01:41:30 PM

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hola buen día , tengo una duda, cuando esta web no conecta, porque sera? la tengo en pc local tengo xamp 1.7.1 me aparece así...
Possible solutions
1) remove ; in php.ini where "extension=php_openssl.dll" le eh quitado las comillas ; estas y aun así no me deja pasar el siguiente paso, tengo sql 2008 r2 versión del sistema operativo windows 10 64 bits a alguien ya le paso esto que lo aya solucionado gracias por su ayudita

Offline ELEKTRONEX #148 Posteado: May 17, 2018, 01:58:42 PM

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Esta es la imagen que les informe, perdón por publicar dos veces es para que vieran mejor bien, y de aquí no pasa ai si me echan una manita les agradezco mucho :)


Offline xNymer #149 Posteado: May 18, 2018, 12:31:52 AM | Modificado: May 19, 2018, 02:48:25 PM by xNymer

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Hola! estuve trabajando bastante la web pero hay una falla en el sistema de comprar VIP, yo deshabilite el vip web y deje solo el vip del server, el cual lo compro y me da vip por 30 dias por ejemplo, ahora.. si yo ya tengo vip de 30 dias, y vuelvo a comprar 30 dias mas, me los superpone, es decir no se suma, si compro vip hoy 18/5/2018 me va a dar vip hasta el 17/6/2018, y si vuelvo a comprar, en vez de darme 30 dias mas, me sigue dejando hasta el 17/6/2018 pero si me gasta las coins. Como puedo configurar eso?


Offline valeh #150 Posteado: May 18, 2018, 02:47:34 AM

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Offline jocker #151 Posteado: May 19, 2018, 09:25:15 AM

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Error al iniciar sesión en el sitio , no puedo acceder al admincp... IGC/Muemu Files ... "MEMB_INFO Admincp Ativo"

Offline Cloud #152 Posteado: May 19, 2018, 09:32:35 AM

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Error al iniciar sesión en el sitio , no puedo acceder al admincp... IGC/Muemu Files ... "MEMB_INFO Admincp Ativo"

amigo este es el aporte si tenes algun problema esta la seccion de soporte , como ves arriba no se le da soporte si no esta en el area saludos

Offline ELEKTRONEX #153 Posteado: May 22, 2018, 01:24:48 PM

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hola buenas tardes, tendrán los psd de las imágenes en los themes  gracias de antemano :)

Offline ELEKTRONEX #154 Posteado: May 29, 2018, 01:44:16 PM

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Buenas tardes, alguien tiene los archivos faltantes del template IlucionMu ( inc.top_characters.php ) que es el que muestra top 10 pj aparte falta el ( inc.top_guilds.php ) para mostrar top 5 guilds, alguien que tenga este template jalando al 100 porfas

Offline azot #155 Posteado: June 23, 2018, 09:35:19 PM

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Hola amigos. Estoy teniendo un problema con el archivo php.ini

Haga clic para ver la imagen del ERROR

Sé que tengo que quitar el ";", para mí está siendo difícil porque estoy instalando el sitio en un host. No tengo acceso a la carpeta php.ini

Alojamiento: 000webhost

¡¡¡Ayúdenme por favor!!!

Offline ZabiinoOo #156 Posteado: June 23, 2018, 09:38:08 PM




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Hola amigos. Estoy teniendo un problema con el archivo php.ini

Haga clic para ver la imagen del ERROR

Sé que tengo que quitar el ";", para mí está siendo difícil porque estoy instalando el sitio en un host. No tengo acceso a la carpeta php.ini

Alojamiento: 000webhost

¡¡¡Ayúdenme por favor!!!

Amigo 000webhost no tiene soporte mssql

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we trust god


Offline azot #157 Posteado: June 23, 2018, 09:41:31 PM | Modificado: June 23, 2018, 11:16:08 PM by ZabiinoOo

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¿Puede indicarme un alojamiento gratuito para las pruebas que pueda utilizar este sitio web?

Offline azot #158 Posteado: June 24, 2018, 01:23:55 PM

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Este alojamiento no tiene soporte SSQL? Está dando el mismo problema.


Es muy parecida a la que Josue Uchoa hizo en el video.

Offline ZabiinoOo #159 Posteado: June 24, 2018, 04:20:55 PM




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Este alojamiento no tiene soporte SSQL? Está dando el mismo problema.


Es muy parecida a la que Josue Uchoa hizo en el video.

Amigo ningun hospedaje gratis tiene soporte mssql ya que es una extension de windows que cuesta dinero amenos que la empresa tenga una promocion, en el inicio de nuestro foro puede encontrar algunas empresas que brindan alojamientos puede entrar a cualquiera de las empresas y contratar un plan webhosting

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we trust god


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