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Autor Topic: Full S1 Files / Customs / Stable / Updates / cMuServices  (Visto 7390 veces)

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Offline DemonLove Posteado: August 31, 2018, 10:58:12 AM | Modificado: August 31, 2018, 11:26:25 AM by brahian1536


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Spoiler for Hiden:
Last Update: 29/08/2018

Release date: 28/08/2018
Start Project Date: 23/03/2018
server have for now on:



shop x




Full 3D Camera F6 / F7
Full Fog F8
GlowSystem F9
Automatic moving clicker (Left mouse click) F10
Automatic attack clicker (right mouse click) F11
Full MiniMap


Update 1 --

Fixing crash main.exe problem
Updated files: text.bmd

Update 2 --

Adding option to choose:
Unicode (0/1)

Updated files: Main.dll + adding main.ini

Update 3:

Fixing max stats + adding check for max stat count.
Reset is now without switch.
Clear command (/clearinv) + other issue with commands that we saw is now fixed.

Updates files:



Spoiler for Hiden:

// Changelog by cMuServices
// Start Date: 23/03/2018

//=============// Rev.1.4 - 27/06/2018//=============

-> Added Main.bmd, ip - serial - version come from there. file will be create using cMuTool!
-> Added SkinCommand - Commands.ini
-> Added Skills.ini (config level for skills)
-> Added Bonus system! - Bonus.ini
-> Added CashShop System
CashShop guide:
Settings.ini at cMuServices - edit CashShopMax, max is 10, edit Delay when click on item at shop!

use at server: /shop 1-max (for example /shop 2)
this will open file: Data/CashShop/shop02.txt .
shop.txt is same like normal shop, just need add Price + item name:
7 5 9 255 0 1 4 0 0 // Leather helm - NORMAL SHOP TXT
7 5 9 255 0 1 4 0 0 20 " Leather" - CASH SHOP TXT //=============//

=============// Rev.1.4 - 27/06/2018//=============
-> Added Setfull command
-> Interface Visual fix (HOT) - 100%
-> Added Reset Command
-> Added Reset Active
-> Added Reset CostType 0 - disabled, 1 - zen, 2 - credits
-> Added Reset Price

//=============// Rev.1.4 - 26/05/2018//=============

-> Added Clearinv command

-> Working on Monster HP Bar (HOT) - 50%

-> Working on Interface Visual fix (Life,Mana,AG,Damage) (HOT) - 50%

-> Working on Reconnect System (HOT) - 50%


//=============// Rev.1.3 - 25/03/2018//=============

#Server Side
-> Fixed GameServer Checksum

-> Fixed GameServer Personal ID Bypass

-> Fixed GameServer Guild ID Bypass

-> Fixed GameServer PK Bug

-> Fixed GameServer Invalid Socket

-> Fixed GameServer Socket Serial Error

-> Fixed Friend System (Letter) GameServer

-> Fixed AddExperience GameServer

-> Added Custom GuarMesseage (CommonServer.ini, GuardMessage = )

-> Added Welcome Messeage (CommonServer.ini, WelcomeMessage = )

-> Added Disconnect Messeage (CommonServer.ini, DisConnectMessage = )

-> Fixed CPU Usage (GameServer/Client)

-> Fixed %n %s crash GameServer

> Remove .dump file when gameserver crash

#Client Side

-> Added 512 Items support (item.bmd)

-> Fixed MuError.log (Decrypt,Encrypt)

-> Moving MuError.log file into Data>Customs>Log Folder
-> Fixed Mini Map Brightness
// Rev.1.2 - 24/03/2018

#Server Side

-> Fixed ExDB Server check

-> Fixed +28 Options

-> Added ConnectPlayer Notice

-> Added ConnectGM Notice

-> Added GMAttack (CommonServer.cfg), 0: Enable, 1: Disabled

-> Added Character system (Character.ini)

-> Added Balance system (Balance.ini)

-> Added Buff system (Buff.ini)

-> Added Limit 32k stats

-> Added /drop command (drop use when you want drop item on floor)

-> Added /make command (make use when you want the item to be at invertory automaticlly)

#Client Side

-> Fixed Unicode support [Eng,Heb]

-> Added New Sword support - 100%

-> Added New Sets support - 100%

-> Added New Wings support - 60%

// Rev.1 - 23/03/2018

#Server Side

-> Protocol USA (GS/GSCS)

-> SQL Connection (GS/GSCS)

-> Login Classes

-> PreviewChar

-> Golden Fenrir

-> Golden Fenrir Repair

-> Golden Fenrir PreviewChar

-> GameMasters Icon (GS/GSCS)

-> Attack Player, Attack Monster (GS/GSCS)

-> DataServer Protocol Fix

-> ExDB Protocol Fix

-> Character Create,Login,Switch

-> Fixed gObjGetItemCountInIventory - 100% (GSCS)

-> Fixed GCSendQuestPrize - 100% (GSCS)

-> Fixed ItemDropRate (GS/GSCS)

-> Fixed CloseClient Function

-> Fixed Potions Speed

-> Fixed Agillity bug (speed bug)

-> Fixed error-L2 Header Error

-> Added GMSystem system (GMSystem.ini file)

-> Added Commands.ini

-> Added SQLConnection (SQL.ini file)

-> Added Info Player command (/info)

-> Added Time command (/time)

-> Added Online command (/online)

-> Added Skin command GM (/skin)

-> Added Status command GM (/status)

-> Added Ban command GM (/ban)

-> Added UnBan command GM (/unban)

-> Added Trace command GM (/trace)

-> Added Track command GM (/track)

-> Added Gmove command GM (/gmove)

-> Added Zen command

-> Added cMuServices.ini

-> Added NEWS/TIPS System (NEWS folder)

#Client Side

-> Fixed Window mode

-> Added Full 3D Camera (Client) - F6 On / Off -- F7 Reset

-> Added Full Fog (Client) F8 On / Off

-> Added Glow system (Client) F9 / Reload

-> Added Automatic Moving clicker (Client, Left click) F10 On/Off

-> Added Automatic Attack clicker (Client, right click) F11 On/Off

-> Added Full MiniMap (Tab key)



- MuServer

- Cliente



.:: Dragon Team - Mu Online Customer, Design ::.


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Offline denny #1 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 08:19:05 AM

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parabéns és um server estável para colocar online ?

Offline Peluuca #2 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 11:43:38 AM

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parabéns és um server estável para colocar online ?

Está en etapa de beta, se le están haciendo correcciones aparentemente.


Offline Rescate #3 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 12:14:55 PM | Modificado: September 01, 2018, 12:42:27 PM by rescate02

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Muy buen aporte,me gusto mucho,espero con ansias las nuevas actualizaciones.

Offline fernando #4 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 04:06:58 PM

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el archivo chatsetver no esta en la carpeta es normal eso?

Offline fernando #5 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 05:00:53 PM

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el archivo chatsetver no esta en la carpeta es normal eso?

tengo este error al abrir el main

Offline BaTmaaN #6 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 09:47:32 PM

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el archivo chatsetver no esta en la carpeta es normal eso?

tengo este error al abrir el main

Configuración del cliente:
MuServer> Herramientas> Encoder
1. Abre Main.txt y cambie a la información de los archivos del servidor (ip, versión, serial, radio).
2. Ejecute el archivo EXE
3. Mueva Main.bmd (que se crea después de ejecutar el archivo EXE) en la carpeta de cliente.
4. jugar!


Offline fernando #7 Posteado: September 01, 2018, 10:46:25 PM

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el archivo chatsetver no esta en la carpeta es normal eso?

tengo este error al abrir el main

Configuración del cliente:
MuServer> Herramientas> Encoder
1. Abre Main.txt y cambie a la información de los archivos del servidor (ip, versión, serial, radio).
2. Ejecute el archivo EXE
3. Mueva Main.bmd (que se crea después de ejecutar el archivo EXE) en la carpeta de cliente.
4. jugar!

Gracias por la info , el problema ahora es que no puedo abrir el encoder.exe
es necesario tener visual basic instalado? lo intente ejecutar en 32bits y 64bits y me dice el mismo error

Offline ledzem #8 Posteado: September 09, 2018, 10:25:38 PM | Modificado: September 09, 2018, 10:48:23 PM by ledzem

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Offline zodiacddos #9 Posteado: September 15, 2018, 11:16:06 AM

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Offline saske98 #10 Posteado: November 17, 2018, 09:42:09 PM

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el archivo chatsetver no esta en la carpeta es normal eso?

tengo este error al abrir el main

Configuración del cliente:
MuServer> Herramientas> Encoder
1. Abre Main.txt y cambie a la información de los archivos del servidor (ip, versión, serial, radio).
2. Ejecute el archivo EXE
3. Mueva Main.bmd (que se crea después de ejecutar el archivo EXE) en la carpeta de cliente.
4. jugar!

Offline ZabiinoOo #11 Posteado: November 18, 2018, 12:15:50 AM




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el archivo chatsetver no esta en la carpeta es normal eso?

tengo este error al abrir el main

Configuración del cliente:
MuServer> Herramientas> Encoder
1. Abre Main.txt y cambie a la información de los archivos del servidor (ip, versión, serial, radio).
2. Ejecute el archivo EXE
3. Mueva Main.bmd (que se crea después de ejecutar el archivo EXE) en la carpeta de cliente.
4. jugar!

en google la buscas y metes la dll en la carpeta del ejecutable

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god

Offline masloko #12 Posteado: April 10, 2019, 04:12:19 PM

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Online iggfree #13 Posteado: May 13, 2019, 09:11:19 PM

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Hello, after I log in the game, press keyboard C and main.exe rushes to quit automatically. This is the log please help me, thank you.

[22:06:36] [..\Data\Move\Gate.txt] Gate information data load complete.
[22:06:36] [cMuServices][Balance System] Loaded Successfully!
[22:06:36] [cMuServices][Commands] Loaded successfully
[22:06:36] [Quest] ( Find the 'Scroll of Emperor'!) Load : Index 0, SubInfoCount 2
[22:06:36] [Quest] ( Three Treasures of Mu) Load : Index 1, SubInfoCount 3
[22:06:36] [Quest] (Gain'Hero status'!) Load : Index 2, SubInfoCount 2
[22:06:36] [Quest] (Secret of'Dark Stone') Load : Index 3, SubInfoCount 1
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Scroll of the Emperor
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Scroll of the Emperor
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Broken Sword
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Tear of Elf
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Soul Shard of Wizard
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Scroll of the Emperor
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Scroll of the Emperor
[22:06:36] [Quest] [SetQuestItem] Broken Sword
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 1 Arena Arena 2000 50 50
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 2 Lorencia Lorencia 2000 50 17
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 3 Noria Noria 2000 50 27
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 4 Devias Devias 2000 50 22
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 5 Devias2 Devias2 2500 50 72
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 6 Devias3 Devias3 3000 50 73
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 7 Devias4 Devias4 3500 50 74
[22:06:36] [LoadMoveReq]: 8 Dungeon Dungeon 3000 50 2
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 9 Dungeon2 Dungeon2 3500 60 6
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 10 Dungeon3 Dungeon3 4000 70 10
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 11 Atlans Atlans 4000 70 49
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 12 Atlans2 Atlans2 4500 70 75
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 13 Atlans3 Atlans3 5000 70 76
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 14 LostTower LostTower 5000 90 42
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 15 LostTower2 LostTower2 5500 90 31
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 16 LostTower3 LostTower3 6000 100 33
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 17 LostTower4 LostTower4 6500 100 35
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 18 LostTower5 LostTower5 7000 110 37
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 19 LostTower6 LostTower6 7500 110 39
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 20 LostTower7 LostTower7 8000 120 41
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 21 Tarkan Tarkan 8000 140 57
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 22 Tarkan2 Tarkan2 8500 140 77
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 23 Icarus Icarus 10000 170 63
[22:06:37] [LoadMoveReq]: 24 LorenValley LorenValley 10000 200 104
[22:06:37] [Skill Addition Info] [Infinity Arrow] Skill Time[600], UseLevel[220], Arrow MP Consumption +0[0] +1[0] +2[0]
[22:06:37] [Skill Addition Info] [Fire Scream] Use(1) : Explosion Distance(1) - Rate(300), MaxAttack_SameSerial(3), SerialInitCount(100), Check Serial(1)
[22:06:37] [Option Reload] ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú MaxUser ¡Ù¡Ù¡Ù  : 100
[22:06:37] Guild creation option 1
[22:06:37] Guild delete option 1
[22:06:37] Characters above level 100 can create a guild
[22:06:37] [Option] Trade on
[22:06:37] [Option] ChaosBox = 1
[22:06:37] [Option] ChaosEvent = 1
[22:06:37] [Option] ChaosEventServer =
[22:06:37] [Option] AttackEventRegenTime = 0
[22:06:37] [Option] Required time to decrease Murderer-level : 1(s)
[22:06:37] [Option] Auto Looting Time Set : 30
[22:06:37] [Option] No dropping item when killed by Murderer
[22:06:37] [Option] Item drop rate : 10 %
[22:06:37] [DevilSquare] Close
[22:06:37] [DevilSquare] Sync Open Time. [112]min remain
[22:06:37] [Option] Connect Server IP( / PORT(55557)
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box01.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box02.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box03.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] [Star] Eventitemnum = 7179,EventItemLevel = 1, EventItemDropRate = 500, ItemDropRate = 100, ExItemDropRate = 1000
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box04.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box05.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box05.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box06.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box07.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box08.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box09.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box10.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box11.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box12.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box13.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box14.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box15.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] [none] Eventitemnum = 0,EventItemLevel = 0, EventItemDropRate = 0, ItemDropRate = 100, ExItemDropRate = 1
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box17.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] [Gem Of Secret] Eventitemnum = 6170,EventItemLevel = 0, EventItemDropRate = 0, ItemDropRate = 100, ExItemDropRate = 0
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Box\Box20.txt Item Load Complete
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Event\DevilSquare.txt file load!
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Event\BloodCastle.txt file load!
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Event\RingAttackEvent.txt file load!
[22:06:37] ..\Data\Event\ChaosCastle.txt file load!
[22:06:37] [DOTH] ..\Data\Event\Management.txt file load!
[22:06:37] [GMSystem] Load successfully. Total GMs: 2
[22:06:39] [cMuServices][Balance System] Loaded Successfully!
[22:06:39] [cMuServices][Commands] Loaded successfully
[22:06:39] [cMuServices][CalcCharacter] Loaded Successfully
[22:06:39] [cMuServices][Buff] Loaded Successfully
[22:06:39] [cMuServices][Setting] Loaded Successfully
[22:06:39] skill:500
[22:06:39] [..\Data\Skill\Skill.txt] Skill information data load complete
[22:06:40] Shop data load complete
[22:06:40] [DevilSquare] Close
[22:06:40] [DevilSquare] Sync Open Time. [109]min remain
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (1) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (2) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (3) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (4) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (5) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (6) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] [Blood Castle] (7) Vai abrir em. [23] minutos
[22:06:40] LoginServer Connect success IP[ ]
[22:06:40] RankingServer Connect IP [ ]
[22:06:40] EventChip Connect IP [ ]
[22:06:40] DataServer Connect Success IP[ ] PORT [ 55960 ]
[22:06:40] DataServer Connect Success IP[ ] PORT [ 55962 ]
[22:06:40] ExDB Server Check..
[22:06:40] ExDB Server Online
[22:06:40] GameServer create PORT [ 55901 ]
[22:06:49] connect : [6400][]
[22:06:53] join send : (6400)123123
[22:06:53] login []  : (123123) numer:1/ db:7
[22:06:54] Same skill already exists. 44 44
[22:06:54] Same skill already exists. 67 67
[22:06:54] Same skill already exists. 68 68
[22:06:54] Same skill already exists. 69 69
[22:06:54] Same skill already exists. 70 70
[22:06:54] Same skill already exists. 71 71
[22:06:54] error-L2: His class is not allowed to use the skill
[22:06:54] (6400)(123123)(DorC) Character select
[22:06:54] [MapServerMng] CheckMoveMapSvr() - MapServer Check OK [123123][DorC] : MAP-2 / SVR-0 (State Map:2 X:220 Y:218)
[22:06:54] [FRUIT System] [123123][DorC] (MinusPoint:0/PlusPoint:-5150) (MaxMinus:106/MaxPlus:106)
[22:06:54] [FRUIT System] Character Stat Error [123123][DorC] (MinusPoint:0/PlusPoint:-5150) (MaxMinus:106/MaxPlus:106)
[22:06:54] [Quest] QuestSave [123123][DorC] index(0) name( Find the 'Scroll of Emperor'!) state(None)
[22:06:54] [Quest] QuestSave [123123][DorC] index(1) name( Three Treasures of Mu) state(None)
[22:06:54] [Quest] QuestSave [123123][DorC] index(2) name(Gain'Hero status'!) state(None)
[22:06:54] [Quest] QuestSave [123123][DorC] index(3) name(Secret of'Dark Stone') state(None)
[22:06:54] [DorC] Friend List Request
[22:06:54] [DorC] Friend List Count (0) Send
[22:07:04] Connection Closed, dwIoSize == 0 (Index:6400)
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Skill Save Complete. 0 44
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Skill Save Complete. 1 67
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Skill Save Complete. 2 68
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Skill Save Complete. 3 69
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Skill Save Complete. 4 70
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Skill Save Complete. 5 71
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC]SI[0,Small Axe,0,0,0,0]serial:[0] dur:[0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0]
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC]SI[12,Wizards Ring,1,0,0,0]serial:[0] dur:[0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0]
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC]SI[13,Wizards Ring,2,0,0,0]serial:[0] dur:[0] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0]
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC]SI[14,Box of Luck,1,0,0,0]serial:[9205222] dur:[255] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0]
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC]SI[15,Tomahawk,6,0,0,0]serial:[9205225] dur:[36] Ex:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Set[0]
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] Item Save Complete. Money [ 2000000000 ]zen
[22:07:04] [123123][DorC] CharInfoSave : Class=16 Level=400 LVPoint=0 Exp=19938006 Str=32000 Dex=32000 Vit=32000 Energy=32000 Leadership:0 Map=2 Pk=3
[22:07:04] (6400)(123123)(DorC) Character closed
[22:07:04] (6400)logout-send : 123123 []
[22:07:04] (6400)logout :  []
[22:07:13] Whole connection closed

Offline chyozh #14 Posteado: February 02, 2020, 08:01:57 AM

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I have tried but it lacks an image file in the customer, can you guide me?

Offline RAGNAR111 #15 Posteado: April 16, 2022, 07:51:56 AM

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