<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
// ============================================================
// == www.igc-network.com
// == (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R)
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// == Modify if you know what you do only!
// == File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files.
// ============================================================
// ### VipSystem ###
// LevelType: Type of VIP applied to local Game Server, for values see Type attribute of VipTypes::VIP section. Lower VIP level always allows higher ones to enter
// SendRatesChangeMessage: Send notification of rates switch between night and day ranges, 0/1
// ### VipSystem::Message ###
// Day: A notification text to send on rates change from night to day
// Night: A notification text to send on rates change from day to night
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::Vip ###
// Type: In other meaning it is Level of a VIP, only one VIP type can operate on specified VIP Type
// Name: Name for the VIP type, used to display in Game for the player
// ShopBuyPrice: Multiplier for buy prices from Shops, float
// ShopSellPrice: Multiplier for sell prices to shops, float
// ML_MonsterMinLevel: Minimum Monster level to gain Master Experience, float
// PointPerReset: Amount of point to award per reset, formula: LevelUpPoint = (LevelUpPoint + Resets+1) * PointPerReset
// NightStartHour: Start hour of night rates (0-23)
// NightStartMinute: Start minute for night rates (0-60)
// NightEndHour: End hour of night rates (0-23)
// NightEndMinute: End minute of night rates (0-60)
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::Vip::Day ### - rates applied during day hours
// ExpBonus: Bonus added to base server experience setting, float
// DropBonus: Bonus added to base server item drop setting, percentage, max value in total: 100
// ExcDropBonus: Bonus added to base server exc item drop setting, n/10000 - max value in total: 1000
// MasterExpBonus: Bonus for Master characters added to base server master experience setting, float
// MasterDropBonus: Bonus for master characters added to base server item drop setting, max value in total: 100
// MasterExcDropBonus: Bonus for master characters added to base server exc item drop setting, n/10000 - max value in total: 1000
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::Vip::Night ### - rates applied during night hours
// ExpBonus: Bonus added to base server experience setting, float
// DropBonus: Bonus added to base server item drop setting, max value in total: 100
// ExcDropBonus: Bonus added to base server exc item drop setting, n/10000 - max value in total: 1000
// MasterExpBonus: Bonus for Master characters added to base server master experience, float
// MasterDropBonus: Bonus for master characters added to base server item drop setting, max value in total: 100
// MasterExcDropBonus: Bonus for master characters added to base server exc item drop setting, n/10000 - max value in total: 1000
//~~ Chaos Box rates work as replacements for general settings available from IGC_ChaosBox.ini ~~
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::ChaosBoxMixRates::Normal ###
// Level10: Combination rate of normal items +10
// Level11: Combination rate of normal items +11
// Level12: Combination rate of normal items +12
// Level13: Combination rate of normal items +13
// Level14: Combination rate of normal items +14
// Level15: Combination rate of normal items +15
// AddLuck: Combination bonus rate for Luck option
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::ChaosBoxMixRates::Enhanced ###
// Level10: Combination rate of enhanced items +10
// Level11: Combination rate of enhanced items +11
// Level12: Combination rate of enhanced items +12
// Level13: Combination rate of enhanced items +13
// Level14: Combination rate of enhanced items +14
// Level15: Combination rate of enhanced items +15
// AddLuck: Combination bonus rate for Luck option
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::ChaosBoxMixRates::Socket ###
// Level10: Combination rate of socket items +10
// Level11: Combination rate of socket items +11
// Level12: Combination rate of socket items +12
// Level13: Combination rate of socket items +13
// Level14: Combination rate of socket items +14
// Level15: Combination rate of socket items +15
// AddLuck: Combination bonus rate for Luck option
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::ChaosBoxMixRates::Pentagram ###
// Level10: Combination rate of pentagram items +10
// Level11: Combination rate of pentagram items +11
// Level12: Combination rate of pentagram items +12
// Level13: Combination rate of pentagram items +13
// Level14: Combination rate of pentagram items +14
// Level15: Combination rate of pentagram items +15
// AddLuck: Combination bonus rate for Luck option
// ### VipSystem::VipTypes::ChaosBoxMixRates::Wing ###
// Second: Combination max success rate of second type wings
// Monster: Combination max success rate of monster (aka 2.5 level) type wings
// Third: Combination max success rate of third type wings
// Cape: Combination max success rate of cape
// FeatherOfCondor: Combination max success rate of Feather of Condor
//~~ NOTE:Below configuration is proposed example, system is allowing to define own VIP Types and Names.
//~~ Modifying VIP types requires to apply the changes in IGC.Essential Tools -> IGC_VipSettings.xml file.
//~~ For details of how to configure Gold Channel Tickets refer to \IGCData\CashShop\xxx.xxx.xxx\IGC_CashItem_Info.xml
<VipSystem LevelType="0" SendRatesChangeMessage="1">
<Message Day="[SERVER RATES] Day Rates on going!" Night="[SERVER RATES] Night Rates on going, enjoy!" />
<Vip Type="1" Name="Bronze" ML_MonsterMinLevel="95" PointPerReset="200" NightStartHour="22" NightStartMinute="0" NightEndHour="7" NightEndMinute="30">
<Day ExpBonus="0.0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0.0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Night ExpBonus="0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Normal Level10="60" Level11="60" Level12="60" Level13="55" Level14="55" Level15="50" AddLuck="25" />
<Enhanced Level10="50" Level11="50" Level12="50" Level13="45" Level14="45" Level15="40" AddLuck="25" />
<Socket Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" SocketWeapon="40" />
<Pentagram Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" />
<Wing Second="90" Monster="60" Third="40" Cape="90" FeatherOfCondor="60" />
<Vip Type="2" Name="Silver" ML_MonsterMinLevel="95" PointPerReset="250" NightStartHour="22" NightStartMinute="0" NightEndHour="7" NightEndMinute="30">
<Day ExpBonus="0.0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0.0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Night ExpBonus="0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Normal Level10="60" Level11="60" Level12="60" Level13="55" Level14="55" Level15="50" AddLuck="25" />
<Enhanced Level10="50" Level11="50" Level12="50" Level13="45" Level14="45" Level15="40" AddLuck="25" />
<Socket Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" SocketWeapon="40" />
<Pentagram Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" />
<Wing Second="90" Monster="60" Third="40" Cape="90" FeatherOfCondor="60" />
<Vip Type="3" Name="Gold" ML_MonsterMinLevel="95" PointPerReset="300" NightStartHour="22" NightStartMinute="0" NightEndHour="7" NightEndMinute="30">
<Day ExpBonus="0.0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0.0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Night ExpBonus="0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Normal Level10="60" Level11="60" Level12="60" Level13="55" Level14="55" Level15="50" AddLuck="25" />
<Enhanced Level10="50" Level11="50" Level12="50" Level13="45" Level14="45" Level15="40" AddLuck="25" />
<Socket Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" SocketWeapon="40" />
<Pentagram Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" />
<Wing Second="90" Monster="60" Third="40" Cape="90" FeatherOfCondor="60" />
<Vip Type="4" Name="Platinum" ML_MonsterMinLevel="95" PointPerReset="350" NightStartHour="22" NightStartMinute="0" NightEndHour="7" NightEndMinute="30">
<Day ExpBonus="0.0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0.0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Night ExpBonus="0" DropBonus="0" ExcDropBonus="10" MasterExpBonus="0" MasterDropBonus="0" MasterExcDropBonus="10" />
<Normal Level10="60" Level11="60" Level12="60" Level13="55" Level14="55" Level15="50" AddLuck="25" />
<Enhanced Level10="50" Level11="50" Level12="50" Level13="45" Level14="45" Level15="40" AddLuck="25" />
<Socket Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" SocketWeapon="40" />
<Pentagram Level10="40" Level11="40" Level12="40" Level13="35" Level14="35" Level15="30" AddLuck="25" />
<Wing Second="90" Monster="60" Third="40" Cape="90" FeatherOfCondor="60" />
Ahora in commonserver
;# -- www.igc-network.com
;# -- (C) 2010-2015 IGC-Network (R)
;# ---------------------------------------------------------
;# -- File is a part of IGCN Group MuOnline Server files.
;-- Maximum Level character can reach
MaxNormalLevel = 400
;-- Maximum Mastering level character can reach, original values: S6E3 - 200; S8E3 - 330
MaxMasterLevel = 330
;-- Mastering points per master level
MasterPointPerLevel = 1
;-- Minimum Monster level to gain experience for mastering
MonsterMinLevelForMLExp = 95
; -- Zen Drop Multiplier, formula Money = Money + exp/BaseMasterExperience * ZenDropMultipler
ZenDropMultipler = 1.0
;-- Enables Guard related options (GuardSpeakChance, GuardSpeakMsg) below, 0/1
GuardSpeak = 1
;-- Smaller the number bigger the chance he will say something
GuardSpeakChance = 30
;-- Guard Speak Sentence
GuardSpeakMsg = Hello Stranger, swearing and cheating will be punished!
;-- Message that appears when you enter server
WelcomeMessage = Welcome to MuTiranus!
;-- Enabled Gold notice to every player about Boss Monster kill (English.xml -> Msg ID: 581)
;-- Monster Indexes affected with the system: 43-44, 53-56, 78-83, 275, 295, 459, 493-502, 561
BossMonsterKillNotice = 0
;-- Little Message upon entering the Game saying -> CharacterNickname Entered the Game
EnterGameMessageEnable = 0
;-- Displaying message of killed mobs count for 3rd class quest :: VALUES 0/1
ThirdQuestMonsterCountMsg = 1
;-- Block Trading on Server :: VALUES 0/1
TradeBlock = 0
;-- Allow/Disallow Trading Items having Harmony Option :: VALUES 0/1
CanTradeHarmonyItem = 0
;-- Allow/Disallow Trading Full Exc Options Items :: VALUES 0/1
CanTradeFullExcItem = 0
;-- Allow/Disallow Use Exc Options with Socket Items :: VALUES
;-- 0: Disabled (setting this option will remove any Exc options from socket item upon login)
;-- 1: Enables Exc Options on Socket items but do not drop them from monsters
;-- 2: Enables Exc Options on Socket items and drops them from monsters
CanUseSocketExcItem = 1
;-- Allow Disallow using Harmony Options with Ancient Items :: VALUES 0/1 :: Works on S6E3 only
CanUseAncHarmonyItem = 1
;-- Allow to trade 0 serial items :: VALUES 0/1
CanTradeFFFFFFFFSerialItem = 1
;-- Apply item options: 1 ~ if item requirements are met, 0 ~ regardless item requirements
CheckValidItem = 1
;-- Allow/Disallow Selling Quest & Cash Shop Items to NPC :: VALUES 0/1 - May not work for all items
EnableSellAllItems = 1
;-- Allows to to pick Lucky Items from ground, 0/1
AllowToGetLuckyItemFromGround = 0
;-- Allow/Disallow selling Exc Full Option Items in Personal Store :: VALUES 0/1
CanSellInStoreFullExcItem = 0
;-- Allow/Disallow selling Exc Full Option Items to Shop :: VALUES 0/1
CanSellToShopFullExcItem = 0
;-- Allow/Disallow Enchant Lucky Items by Jewels :: VALUES 0/1
AllowEnchantLuckyItemByJewels = 0
;-- Time of 1 durability decrease of Lucky Items, Expressed in seconds
LuckyItemDurabilityTime = 2400
;-- Allow to enter events by Player Killers :: VALUES 0/1
CanEnterEventWithPK = 0
;-- Jewel of Soul Success rate on items with no Luck :: MAX VALUE 100, Expressed in %
UseSoulRate = 50
;-- Jewel Of Soul Success rate on items with Luck :: MAX VALUE 100, Expressed in %
UseSoulWithLuckRate = 75
;-- Jewel of Life Success rate on items with no Luck :: MAX VALUE 100, Expressed in %
UseLifeRate = 50
;-- Switch 16/28 Max Options can be added using Jewel of Life :: VALUES 0/1
Is28Option = 1
;-- Save Private chat messages to file :: VALUES 0/1
SavePrivateChat = 0
;-- Enables or disabled Auto Party system, 0/1. If Player A is online and e.g. playing AFK on MuHelper
;-- may set password to join his party if expecting somebody to come. Player B by whispering the
;-- password to Player A will join his party automatically
AutoParty = 1
;-- Disables or Enables Reconnect System :: VALUES 0/1
ReconnectSystem = 1
;-- Map Number to drop 380 Items, -1 for all maps
DropMap380Items = -1
;-- Activates or deactivates the post command, 0/1
Enable = 1
;-- Cost for single post command usage, Zen
Cost = 100
;-- Minimum level to use post command
MinLevel = 50
;-- Colours settings for post command based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
ColorRed = 0x8C
ColorGreen = 0xBE
ColorBlue = 0xC3
;-- Cool-down time for post command, seconds
CoolDown = 5
;-- Activates or deactivates the global post command, 0/1
Enable = 1
;-- Cost for single global post command usage, Zen
Cost = 500
;-- Minimum level to use post command
MinLevel = 200
;-- Colours settings for global post command based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
ColorRed = 0x0D
ColorGreen = 0xD0
ColorBlue = 0xE3
;-- Cool-down time for global post command, seconds
CoolDown = 10
;-- Colours settings for Message text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
InfoMessageRed = 0x64
InfoMessageGreen = 0x96
InfoMessageBlue = 0xFF
;-- Colours settings for Error text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
ErrorMessageRed = 0xFF
ErrorMessageGreen = 0x1E
ErrorMessageBlue = 0x00
;-- Colours settings for regular Chat text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
ChatMessageRed = 0xCD
ChatMessageGreen = 0xDC
ChatMessageBlue = 0xEF
;-- Colours settings for Whisper Chat text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
WhisperMessageRed = 0xFF
WhisperMessageGreen = 0xB7
WhisperMessageBlue = 0xDB
;-- Colours settings for Party Chat text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
PartyMessageRed = 0x66
PartyMessageGreen = 0xCC
PartyMessageBlue = 0xFF
;-- Colours settings for Guild Chat text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
GuildMessageRed = 0xFF
GuildMessageGreen = 0xCC
GuildMessageBlue = 0x99
;-- Colours settings for Alliance Chat text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
AllianceMessageRed = 0xC8
AllianceMessageGreen = 0xC8
AllianceMessageBlue = 0x00
;-- Colours settings for Error text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
GensMessageRed = 0xAF
GensMessageGreen = 0xF4
GensMessageBlue = 0x7C
;-- Colours settings for GM Chat text type based on RGB, accepts decimal or hex values
GMChatMessageRed = 0xFA
GMChatMessageGreen = 0xC8
GMChatMessageBlue = 0x3A
;-- Activates or deactivates duel system, 0/1
Enable = 1
;-- Damage reduction during duels, applies to all types of damage, expressed in percentage
DamageReduction = 60
;-- IMPORTANT NOTE - Main.exe and GS have additional - independent from config below Anti-Hack System built-in
;-- which does not requires additional configuration - below options are optional to set - disable if causes
;-- any sort of issues for you
;-- Enable/Disable Agility Check :: VALUES 0/1
;-- Requires to use latest IGC.dll within Game Client - set to 0 if having issues
EnableAgilityCheck = 1
;-- Agility Check delay time (milliseconds). Time after Agility modification to check against hack usage
;-- Recommended value range, 7000-10000, going below 5000 and above 10000 may result in false detections
;-- or lack of efficacy. Go for higher value if players getting often "AntiHack breach -> No response"
AgilityDelayCheckTime = 7500
;-- Enable/Disable Anti-Ref Hack Check :: VALUES 0/1 - set to 0 if having issues
EnableAntiRefCheckTime = 0
; -- If EnableAntiRefCheckTime set to 1 then disables attack possibility for a player
; -- who given damage along with deflection effect more than once within configured time
; -- Deflection effect last ~500ms, this time should not be increased unless you know what you do
; -- Expressed in milliseconds - 1s = 1000ms
AntiRefCheckTimeMSEC = 500
;~~ Enables HitHack detection system. Note: the system is in experimental phase and may cause random DCs
EnableHitHackDetection = 0
;-- Maximum value of Agility to use the HitHack check for. System did not cause any problems up to 23000
;-- of Agility, it is not recommended to set this value higher. If system cause random DC problems then
;-- decrease slightly the Maximum Agility value to check by e.g. -1000. HitHack cheat does not cause impact
;-- on high statistics such as 32k or larger.
HitHackMaxAgility = 23000
;-- To disable set to 0, to configure use ToolKit Free Version available from
;-- [Updates & Downloads] section of the forum and compute CRC for files, example value: 0xB920430D
;-- If MainExeCRC = 0 then no other CRC is being checked too
MainExeCRC = 0 ; main.exe 36C0CB2E
DLLCRC = 0xE0083B0 ; IGC.dll E0083B0
PlayerBmdCRC = 0x2B60A617 ; Player.bmnd 2B60A617
SkillCRC = 0x4AA09861 ; \Data\Local\Eng\Skill_eng.bmd (only) 4AA09861
;-- Add new module CRC Check
ItemCRC = 0x77A05D29 ; \Data\Local\Eng\Item_eng.bmd (only) 77A05D29
InfoCRC = 0x4AC0A34E ; \Data\Local\ServerInfo.bmd 4AC0A34E
;-- Auto Logout player logging with IGC.dll version not compatible with actual Server version, 0/1
;-- if 0 then log only will be displayed in GameServer window
DisconnectOnInvalidDLLVersion = 1
;-- Disconnects player on exceeded no response time (60 seconds), 0/1
AntiHackBreachDisconnectUser = 1
;-- Allows to disable a hook of 3rd party stuff on Recv, recommended to keep it enabled, 0/1
;-- It may require to be disabled only in case of a need to hook some 3rd party Anti-Hack software
RecvHookProtection = 1
;-- Delay time between use of each potion in Game, expressed in ms, 1s equal to 1000ms
PotionDelayTime = 100
;-- Changing may cause issues :: Max VALUE 255
PacketLimit = 255
;-- Enable/Disable Anti-Speed Hack System :: VALUES 0/1
EnablePacketTimeCheck = 1
;-- Changing may cause issues, :: MAX VALUE 20000, Changing to lower than than 18500 will decrease
;-- Speed Hacks detection power. False detections: may occur by using computer or internet speed boosters
PacketTimeMinTimeMsec = 18500
;-- Enable/Disable Hack Detect Message for caught player :: VALUES 0/1
EnableHackDetectMessage = 1
;-- Hack Detect Message for caught player, sent if above set to 1
HackDetectMessage = Hack Detected. You are Disconnected.
;-- Enable/Disable auto-banning caught player, must be caught 3 times to auto-issue the ban
EnableAutoBanAccountForHackUser = 0
;-- Enables attack block in Safe Zone (server side - preventing Attacking in Safe Zone by Client Check)
EnableAttackBlockInSafeZone = 1
;-- Enable Reset Command :: VALUES 0/1
Enable = 1
;-- Minimum level required for the reset
MinLevel = 400
;-- Cost of reset in Zen
Cost = 10000
;-- Maximum possible resets
MaxReset = 1200
;-- Reset Statistics within regular reset :: VALUES 0/1
IsResetStats = 1
;-- Reset Master level within regular reset :: VALUES 0/1
IsResetMasterLevel = 1
;-- Moves to character selection screen after doing reset (applies for scenario when IsResetMasterLevel
;-- or IsResetStats are set to 0, if statistics reset is enabled it will switch char anyway, 0/1
MoveToCharSelectWindow = 1
;-- Clear/Keep Free Stat Points after Reset ::VALUES 0/1
SaveOldStatPoint = 1
;-- Determines if required to take off equipment before reset :: VALUES 0/1
RemoveEquipment = 0
;-- Amount of point to award per reset, Formula: LevelUpPoint = (LevelUpPoint + Resets+1) * PointPerReset
;-- Setting dedicated for Non-VIP Character, for VIP settings look into IGC_VIPSettings.xml
PointPerReset = 200
;-- Deactivates ability of obtaining point per level after reaching configured resets count, -1 to disable
BlockLevelUpPointAfterResetCount = -1
;-- Deactivates ability of of gaining Skill Tree points after reaching configured resets count, -1 to disable
BlockMLPointAfterResetCount = -1
;-- Enable/Disable Integrated Bot system in Game :: VALUES 0/1
Enable = 1
;-- Minimum level required to use the Bot
MinLevel = 1
;-- Cost of using the Bot expressed in Zen :: FORMULA: LEVEL * COST
Cost = 20000
;-- Min VIP Level Type to use Mu Bot
;-- 0: Everybody
;-- 1: Bronze VIP
;-- 2: Silver VIP
;-- 3: Gold VIP
;-- 4: Platinum VIP
;-- Or other defined VIP Type according to IGC_VipSettings.xml
NeedVIPLevel = 1
; -- Time to deactivate MuHelper Bot, expressed in minutes, 0 to do not deactivate
AutoDisableTime = 0
;-- Allow to create new Guilds, 0/1
GuildCreate = 1
;-- Allow to destroy Guilds, 0/1
GuildDestroy = 1
;-- Minimum Level required to create new Guild
GuildCreateLevel = 50
;-- Maximum Guild Members per Guild
MaxGuildMember = 80
;-- Disallow to disband Guild while owning a Castle or during Castle Siege event
CastleOwnerGuildDestroyLimit = 1
;-- Minimum count of guild members per guild to join alliance
AllianceMinGuildMember = 10
;-- Maximum count of guilds can join alliance
AllianceMaxGuilds = 3
;-- Golden Dragon (79) Monster - Item Drop Count, minimum 1
GoldenDragonBoxDropCount = 5
;-- Great Golden Dragon (501) Monster - Item Drop Count, minimum 1
GreatGoldenDragonBoxCount = 5
;-- Spirit Map Drop Rate, n/10000
SpiritMapDropRate = 100
;-- Spirit Map Minimum Player Level to drop
SpiritMapMonsterDropLevel = 32
;-- Enables or disabled event inventory system, 0/1
IsEventInventoryOpen = 1
;-- Event inventory reset deadline, Year (20xx), Month (1-12), Day (1-7), Hour (0-23), Minute (0-60)
EventEndYear = 2018
EventEndMonth = 2
EventEndDay = 28
EventEndHour = 8
EventEndMinute = 0
;-- Chance of spawn of a monster from book (14,234), n/10000 - Sum of below 4 options must be equal to 10000
MoonRabbitSpawnRateFromBook = 3000
PouchBlessingSpawnRateFromBook = 3000
FireFlameSpawnRateFromBook = 3000
GoldGoblinSpawnRateFromBook = 1000
;-- Enables Cancel Item Sale system, 0/1
IsCancelItemSale = 1
;-- Price multiplier (percentage) on buy back price
PriceMultipler = 110.0
;-- Time the info about sold items is store for, seconds
ItemExpiryTime = 86400
;-- Minimum resets to talk to Santa NPC at Santa Village map
SantaClauseMinReset = 0
;-- Maximum count of Santa Village/SantaNPC visits to use reward from NPC_SantaClause(1)_Reward.xml
SantaClause1stPrizeMaxVisit = 1
;-- Maximum count of Santa Village/SantaNPC visits to use reward from NPC_SantaClause(2)_Reward.xml
;-- If criteria are not met then 3rd Prize is issued, NPC_SantaClause(3)_Reward.xml
SantaClause2ndPrizeMaxVisit = 3