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Autor Topic: Tabla Reset no funciona  (Visto 984 veces)

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Offline nachorap Posteado: March 19, 2020, 09:34:51 PM

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Hola gente! espero que puedan ayudarme, llevo días tratando de solucionar este tema, paso a explicarles

Son Files MuEmu S6

Quise configurar la tabla de reset, el cual tengo entendido se realiza en el archivo ResetTable.txt. De momento lo tengo configurado de esta manera:
  0 a 19 reset ; necesita lvl mínimo 200 ; 0 zen ; dar 200 pts. por reset.
20 a 29 reset ; necesita lvl mínimo 300 ; 0 zen ; dar 300 pts. por reset.

dejo a continuación como esta configurado el archivo resetTable.txt :

Code: [Select]
//MinReset   MaxReset   Level_AL0   Level_AL1   Level_AL2   Level_AL3   Money_AL0   Money_AL1   Money_AL2   Money_AL3   Point_AL0   Point_AL1   Point_AL2   Point_AL3
0            19       200         200       200         200        0          0          0        0        200        200          200           200
20           29       300         300       300         300        0          0          0        0        300        300          300           300

y el command.dat del gameserver lo tengo así:

Code: [Select]
; Post Command Settings
CommandPostType = 4

; Add Point Command Settings
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL0 = 1
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL1 = 1
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL2 = 1
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL3 = 1

; Change Command Settings
CommandChangeLimit_AL0 = 2
CommandChangeLimit_AL1 = 2
CommandChangeLimit_AL2 = 2
CommandChangeLimit_AL3 = 2

; Ware Command Settings
CommandWareNumber_AL0 = 5
CommandWareNumber_AL1 = 2
CommandWareNumber_AL2 = 3
CommandWareNumber_AL3 = 4

; Reset Command Settings
CommandResetType = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL0 = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL1 = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL2 = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL3 = 1
CommandResetCheckItem_AL0 = 0
CommandResetCheckItem_AL1 = 0
CommandResetCheckItem_AL2 = 0
CommandResetCheckItem_AL3 = 0
CommandResetMove_AL0 = 1
CommandResetMove_AL1 = 1
CommandResetMove_AL2 = 1
CommandResetMove_AL3 = 1
CommandResetQuest_AL0 = 0
CommandResetQuest_AL1 = 0
CommandResetQuest_AL2 = 0
CommandResetQuest_AL3 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL0 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL1 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL2 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL3 = 0
CommandResetLevel_AL0 = 400
CommandResetLevel_AL1 = 400
CommandResetLevel_AL2 = 400
CommandResetLevel_AL3 = 400
CommandResetMoney_AL0 = 20000000
CommandResetMoney_AL1 = 15000000
CommandResetMoney_AL2 = 10000000
CommandResetMoney_AL3 = 10000000
CommandResetCount_AL0 = 1
CommandResetCount_AL1 = 1
CommandResetCount_AL2 = 1
CommandResetCount_AL3 = 1   
CommandResetLimit_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimit_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimit_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimit_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetStartLevel_AL0 = 1
CommandResetStartLevel_AL1 = 1
CommandResetStartLevel_AL2 = 1
CommandResetStartLevel_AL3 = 1
CommandResetPoint_AL0 = 0
CommandResetPoint_AL1 = 0
CommandResetPoint_AL2 = 0
CommandResetPoint_AL3 = 0
CommandResetPointRateDW = 100
CommandResetPointRateDK = 100
CommandResetPointRateFE = 100
CommandResetPointRateMG = 100
CommandResetPointRateDL = 100
CommandResetPointRateSU = 100
CommandResetPointRateRF = 100

; Master Reset Command Settings

CommandMasterResetType = 0   ; utilization mode (0=Keep Points/1=Reset Points).

; Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL3 = 0

; Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetMove_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetMove_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetMove_AL3 = 1

; Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL3 = 0

; Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL3 = 1

; Required level to use "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL0 = 400
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL1 = 400
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL2 = 400
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL3 = 400

; Required reset to use "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetReset_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetReset_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetReset_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetReset_AL3 = 0

; Required money to use "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL3 = 0

; Amount of master resets gain utilizing
CommandMasterResetCount_AL0 = 1               
CommandMasterResetCount_AL1 = 1   
CommandMasterResetCount_AL2 = 1   
CommandMasterResetCount_AL3 = 1

; Maximum master resets
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL0 = 10000
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL1 = 10000
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL2 = 10000
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL3 = 10000

; Maximum master resets per day
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL0 = 1000
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL3 = 1

; Maximum master resets per week
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL0 = 1000
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL1 = 7
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL2 = 7
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL3 = 7

; Maximum master resets per month
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL0 = 30
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL1 = 30
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL2 = 30
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL3 = 30

; Character level after utilizing "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL0 = 400
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL1 = 400
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL2 = 400
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL3 = 400

; Character reset after utilizing "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL3 = 1

; Amount of points gain
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL0 = 400
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL1 = 400
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL2 = 400
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL3 = 400

;  Percentage of points gain
CommandMasterResetPointRateDW = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateDK = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateFE = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateMG = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateDL = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateSU = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateRF = 400

; Marry Command Settings
CommandMarryLevel = 150
CommandMarryCost = 350
CommandMarryNoticeDelay = 60
CommandMarryMinTime = 604800
CommandMarryOnlyGM = 1

; Command Open WareHouse
CommandOpenWareOnlySafeZone = 1

; Command Change Class
CommandChangeClassToDW = 1
CommandChangeClassToDK = 1
CommandChangeClassToELF = 1
CommandChangeClassToMG = 1
CommandChangeClassToDL = 1
CommandChangeClassToSU = 1

; Reward Command Settings
CommandRewardMaxType = 3
CommandRewardMaxValue = 100
CommandRewardType1Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d Cash(s)!
CommandRewardType2Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d Gold(s)!
CommandRewardType3Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d PcPoint(s)!

; RewardAll Command Settings
CommandRewardAllMaxType = 3
CommandRewardAllMaxValue = 100
CommandRewardAllType1Text = [%s] Adicionado %d Cash(s) para todos!
CommandRewardAllType2Text = [%s] Adicionado %d Gold(s) para todos!
CommandRewardAllType3Text = [%s] Adicionado %d PcPoint(s) para todos!

; Command Rename (Premium)
CommandRenameDelay_AL0 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL1 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL2 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL3 = 60
CommandRenameNeedTicket = 0

; Gift Command Settings (/presente)
; Dropa um item da EventItemBag Gift!
CommandGiftLimit = 5

; Command Help (/ajuda)
; Recommended Max 5 monsters
CommandHelpMonsterIndex = 151
CommandHelpMonsterAmount = 3

A modo de ejemplo tengo a mi Elfa en nivel 305, la cual tiene 25 reset, por lo cual, al momento de hacer el reset y segun la tabla de reset que configure debería darme 7.800 pts. (300 pts. x 26 reset), pero si aprecian las imagenes que dejaré a continuación no es así, me da 5.900 pts. No sé si tengo mal configurado algo o me falta algún otro archivo el cual configurar, agradecería mucho su ayuda, espero haber dado toda la información necesaria para que me ayuden. Adjunto fotos de respaldo del antes y después del reset.

PD: Probé apagando y volviendo iniciar el server.





Offline EmmaDCG #1 Posteado: March 19, 2020, 11:20:32 PM

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 bueno nose como explicarte, por lo que veo es que solo te da los puntos desde el reset 20 al reset 29 si sacas la cuenta 300 * 19 reset eso es igual a 5700 puntos, entonces por logica te esta reconociendo los puntos ganados desde el rr 20 al rr 29.

ahora, es un problema ?? nose ya que nunca he trabajado en esa modalidad, creo que esta configurado de esa manera y de tener alguna solucion, creo que se tendria que meter mano en los SRC

Offline detroyer #2 Posteado: March 19, 2020, 11:41:58 PM

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esta bien configurado amigo. la respuesta es simple

del reset 1 al 19 = 19* 200= 3800
del reset 20 al 26 = 7*300 =2100
en total =5900 puntos.
la tabla del reset te suma los 3800 mas los reset del 20 en adelante. no te multiplica los  26*300.


Offline EmmaDCG #3 Posteado: March 19, 2020, 11:48:25 PM

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esta bien configurado amigo. la respuesta es simple

del reset 1 al 19 = 19* 200= 3800
del reset 20 al 26 = 7*300 =2100
en total =5900 puntos.
la tabla del reset te suma los 3800 mas los reset del 20 en adelante. no te multiplica los  26*300.

tienes razon amigo, en mi explicación yo me confundí al leer lo de los reset ya que es 0 al 19 acá son 19 rr y el otro es del 20 al 19 y aca son 9 rr,

aca para la respuesta entonces no hay fallo, todo esta very good, a lo mejor el tuvo el mismo problema al leer la tabla xD

Offline nachorap #4 Posteado: March 20, 2020, 12:31:33 AM

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Era así! perfecto muchas gracias por su respuesta gente! se les agradece!

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