Hola gente! espero que puedan ayudarme, llevo días tratando de solucionar este tema, paso a explicarles
Son Files MuEmu S6
Quise configurar la tabla de reset, el cual tengo entendido se realiza en el archivo ResetTable.txt. De momento lo tengo configurado de esta manera:
0 a 19 reset ; necesita lvl mínimo
200 ; 0 zen ; dar
200 pts. por reset.
20 a 29 reset ; necesita lvl mínimo
300 ; 0 zen ; dar
300 pts. por reset.
dejo a continuación como esta configurado el archivo
resetTable.txt :
//MinReset MaxReset Level_AL0 Level_AL1 Level_AL2 Level_AL3 Money_AL0 Money_AL1 Money_AL2 Money_AL3 Point_AL0 Point_AL1 Point_AL2 Point_AL3
0 19 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 0 200 200 200 200
20 29 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 300
y el
command.dat del
gameserver lo tengo así:
; Post Command Settings
CommandPostType = 4
; Add Point Command Settings
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL0 = 1
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL1 = 1
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL2 = 1
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL3 = 1
; Change Command Settings
CommandChangeLimit_AL0 = 2
CommandChangeLimit_AL1 = 2
CommandChangeLimit_AL2 = 2
CommandChangeLimit_AL3 = 2
; Ware Command Settings
CommandWareNumber_AL0 = 5
CommandWareNumber_AL1 = 2
CommandWareNumber_AL2 = 3
CommandWareNumber_AL3 = 4
; Reset Command Settings
CommandResetType = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL0 = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL1 = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL2 = 1
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL3 = 1
CommandResetCheckItem_AL0 = 0
CommandResetCheckItem_AL1 = 0
CommandResetCheckItem_AL2 = 0
CommandResetCheckItem_AL3 = 0
CommandResetMove_AL0 = 1
CommandResetMove_AL1 = 1
CommandResetMove_AL2 = 1
CommandResetMove_AL3 = 1
CommandResetQuest_AL0 = 0
CommandResetQuest_AL1 = 0
CommandResetQuest_AL2 = 0
CommandResetQuest_AL3 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL0 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL1 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL2 = 0
CommandResetSkill_AL3 = 0
CommandResetLevel_AL0 = 400
CommandResetLevel_AL1 = 400
CommandResetLevel_AL2 = 400
CommandResetLevel_AL3 = 400
CommandResetMoney_AL0 = 20000000
CommandResetMoney_AL1 = 15000000
CommandResetMoney_AL2 = 10000000
CommandResetMoney_AL3 = 10000000
CommandResetCount_AL0 = 1
CommandResetCount_AL1 = 1
CommandResetCount_AL2 = 1
CommandResetCount_AL3 = 1
CommandResetLimit_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimit_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimit_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimit_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimitDay_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimitWek_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL0 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL1 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL2 = 10000
CommandResetLimitMon_AL3 = 10000
CommandResetStartLevel_AL0 = 1
CommandResetStartLevel_AL1 = 1
CommandResetStartLevel_AL2 = 1
CommandResetStartLevel_AL3 = 1
CommandResetPoint_AL0 = 0
CommandResetPoint_AL1 = 0
CommandResetPoint_AL2 = 0
CommandResetPoint_AL3 = 0
CommandResetPointRateDW = 100
CommandResetPointRateDK = 100
CommandResetPointRateFE = 100
CommandResetPointRateMG = 100
CommandResetPointRateDL = 100
CommandResetPointRateSU = 100
CommandResetPointRateRF = 100
; Master Reset Command Settings
CommandMasterResetType = 0 ; utilization mode (0=Keep Points/1=Reset Points).
; Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL3 = 0
; Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetMove_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetMove_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetMove_AL3 = 1
; Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL3 = 0
; Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL3 = 1
; Required level to use "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL0 = 400
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL1 = 400
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL2 = 400
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL3 = 400
; Required reset to use "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetReset_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetReset_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetReset_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetReset_AL3 = 0
; Required money to use "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL0 = 0
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL1 = 0
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL2 = 0
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL3 = 0
; Amount of master resets gain utilizing
CommandMasterResetCount_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetCount_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetCount_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetCount_AL3 = 1
; Maximum master resets
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL0 = 10000
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL1 = 10000
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL2 = 10000
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL3 = 10000
; Maximum master resets per day
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL0 = 1000
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL3 = 1
; Maximum master resets per week
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL0 = 1000
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL1 = 7
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL2 = 7
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL3 = 7
; Maximum master resets per month
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL0 = 30
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL1 = 30
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL2 = 30
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL3 = 30
; Character level after utilizing "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL0 = 400
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL1 = 400
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL2 = 400
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL3 = 400
; Character reset after utilizing "/mreset"
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL0 = 1
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL1 = 1
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL2 = 1
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL3 = 1
; Amount of points gain
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL0 = 400
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL1 = 400
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL2 = 400
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL3 = 400
; Percentage of points gain
CommandMasterResetPointRateDW = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateDK = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateFE = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateMG = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateDL = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateSU = 400
CommandMasterResetPointRateRF = 400
; Marry Command Settings
CommandMarryLevel = 150
CommandMarryCost = 350
CommandMarryNoticeDelay = 60
CommandMarryMinTime = 604800
CommandMarryOnlyGM = 1
; Command Open WareHouse
CommandOpenWareOnlySafeZone = 1
; Command Change Class
CommandChangeClassToDW = 1
CommandChangeClassToDK = 1
CommandChangeClassToELF = 1
CommandChangeClassToMG = 1
CommandChangeClassToDL = 1
CommandChangeClassToSU = 1
; Reward Command Settings
CommandRewardMaxType = 3
CommandRewardMaxValue = 100
CommandRewardType1Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d Cash(s)!
CommandRewardType2Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d Gold(s)!
CommandRewardType3Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d PcPoint(s)!
; RewardAll Command Settings
CommandRewardAllMaxType = 3
CommandRewardAllMaxValue = 100
CommandRewardAllType1Text = [%s] Adicionado %d Cash(s) para todos!
CommandRewardAllType2Text = [%s] Adicionado %d Gold(s) para todos!
CommandRewardAllType3Text = [%s] Adicionado %d PcPoint(s) para todos!
; Command Rename (Premium)
CommandRenameDelay_AL0 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL1 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL2 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL3 = 60
CommandRenameNeedTicket = 0
; Gift Command Settings (/presente)
; Dropa um item da EventItemBag Gift!
CommandGiftLimit = 5
; Command Help (/ajuda)
; Recommended Max 5 monsters
CommandHelpMonsterIndex = 151
CommandHelpMonsterAmount = 3
A modo de ejemplo tengo a mi Elfa en nivel 305, la cual tiene 25 reset, por lo cual, al momento de hacer el reset y segun la tabla de reset que configure debería darme 7.800 pts. (300 pts. x 26 reset), pero si aprecian las imagenes que dejaré a continuación no es así, me da 5.900 pts. No sé si tengo mal configurado algo o me falta algún otro archivo el cual configurar, agradecería mucho su ayuda, espero haber dado toda la información necesaria para que me ayuden. Adjunto fotos de respaldo del antes y después del reset.
PD: Probé apagando y volviendo iniciar el server.