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Autor Topic: Hello everyone, I came for help with .bmd .ozj .ozt  (Visto 1369 veces)

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Offline tammadall Posteado: December 06, 2017, 06:20:50 AM

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EX :

Sword101.bmd -> ttwSwordRed.ozj
Sword102.bmd -> ttwSwordBlack.ozj
Sword103.bmd -> ttwSwordGreen.ozj
Sword104.bmd -> ttwSwordpurple.ozj
Sword105.bmd -> ttwSwordblue.ozj

- Sword Same pattern but different color how to do ?


Offline AltairN17 #1 Posteado: December 06, 2017, 03:29:47 PM

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what files?
If you use muemu in customitem.txt you can change color of skin easy

Offline tammadall #2 Posteado: December 07, 2017, 06:10:27 AM

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what files?
If you use muemu in customitem.txt you can change color of skin easy

I understand you, but I do not mean that. I mean, separate each sword and color


Offline tammadall #3 Posteado: December 08, 2017, 04:50:03 AM

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Because is a copy+paste from the original file, but it is rename + change the glow color. Simple bro!

Yes, i try loading half fail game client close !

Offline tammadall #4 Posteado: December 10, 2017, 08:40:19 AM

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Offline Ruby-Project #5 Posteado: December 10, 2017, 09:57:39 AM | Modificado: December 10, 2017, 10:04:36 AM by Ruby

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toma esto como referencia, take this as a reference.
103     21      21      255     "Sword55"      //Ruby Neon Sword      [BK]
102   2.34   0.34   0.94   "Sword37"      //Cyclone Sword        [BK]
612   255   255   255   "Mace21"       //Horn of Steel        [BK]
3174   255   255   255   "Shield23"     //Storm Wing Shield    [BK]
3686   255   255   255   "HelmMale75"   //Storm Wing Helm      [BK]
4198   255   255   255   "ArmorMale75"  //Storm Wing Armor     [BK]
4710   255   255   255   "PantMale75"   //Storm Wing Pants     [BK]
5222   255   255   255   "GloveMale75"  //Storm Wing Gloves    [BK]
5734   255   255   255   "BootMale75"   //Storm Wing Boots     [BK]
3690   231     70      255   "HelmMale84"   //Imperion Dragon Helm [BK]
4202   231     70      255   "ArmorMale84"  //Imperion Dragon Armor     [BK]
4714   231     70      255   "PantMale84"   //Imperion Dragon Pants     [BK]
5226   231     22      21   "GloveMale84"  //Imperion Dragon Gloves    [BK]
5738   231     22      21   "BootMale84"   //Imperion Dragon Boots     [BK]

el anaranjado es la index de el arma, el rojo son los RGB (rojo, verde, azul), el purpura es como se llama el bmd de la espada

the orange is the index of the weapon, the red is the RGB (red, green, blue), the purple is what is called the bmd of the sword

todo eso va en el customitem.txt de la carpeta donde generas la licencia.ex o el ah.main

all that goes in the customitem.txt of the folder where you generate the license.ex or the ah.main

ahora si tienes 1 solo bmd para las 4 armas es mas facil coje el bmd y ponle ejempli: si es bmd10 entonces los otros 3 serian bmd11 bmd12 bmd13, luego agregalos al customitem.txt los otros 3 bmds nuevos y al item_eng con la nueva index y al itemtooltip_eng con las nuevas index y listo

Now if you have 1 only bmd for the 4 weapons it is easier to take the bmd and give it an example: if it is bmd10 then the other 3 would be bmd11 bmd12 bmd13, then add them to the customitem.txt the other 3 new bmds and the item_eng with the new index and the itemtooltip_eng with the new index and ready

Offline firemarcos #6 Posteado: December 10, 2017, 11:18:08 AM



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Eso se hace a través de MILKSHAPE cambias el nombres de los OZJ.

1 Conviertes el Item a SMD.
2 Abres el SMD con MILKSHAPE
3 Seleccionas el OZJ y lo re nombras
4 Guardas los cambias
5 Conviertes el SMD a BMD y listo.


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