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Autor Topic: Modulo reset master skil  (Visto 1019 veces)

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Offline gianoaa Posteado: November 02, 2017, 08:32:40 PM | Modificado: November 03, 2017, 03:14:29 AM by gianoaa

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Hola alquien me puede ayudar  a modificar el modulo master skill reset para que al momento de usarlo me 2 puntos por cada nivel ya que todos los modulos me restauran solo 1 punto por nivel.
Code: [Select]
$config = simplexml_load_file('engine/config_mods/clear_skill_tree_settings.xml');
$active = trim($config->active);
if($active == '0'){
echo msg('0',text_sorry_feature_disabled);
echo '<div style="margin-top: 10px;">';
$id = safe_input($_GET['sid'],'');
if(empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)){
header('Location: '.$core_run_script.'');
if(character_and_account($id,$user_auth_id) === false){
header('Location: '.$core_run_script.'');
}else {
if(account_online($user_auth_id) === true){
echo msg('0',text_clearskills_t1);
$clear = $core_db->Execute("Update Character set [SCFMasterLevel]='1',[MagicList]=CONVERT(varbinary(180), null) where mu_id=?",array($id));

$char_name_sql = mssql_query('SELECT Name from Character where mu_id = \''.$id.'\'');
$char_name = mssql_fetch_assoc($char_name_sql);
$clear2 = mssql_query('Update T_SkillTree_Info set [ML_POINT]=[MASTER_LEVEL] where CHAR_NAME = \''.$char_name['Name'].'\'');

if($clear and $clear2){
echo msg('1',text_clearskills_t7);
echo msg('0',text_clearskills_t3);
echo '<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"  style="padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;" class="iR_stats">
<td align="left">'.text_clearskills_t8.'
$characters = $core_db->Execute("Select mu_id,Name,Class from Character where AccountID=? order by cLevel desc ",array($user_auth_id));

echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">';
while (!$characters->EOF){
echo '  <tr>
    <td width="66" rowspan="2"><img src="template/'.$core['config']['template'].'/images/class/'.decode_class($characters->fields[2],'2').'" width="66" height="66" title="Class"></td>
     <td align="left" class="iR_name" width="100">'.htmlentities($characters->fields[1]).'</td>
    <td rowspan="2" class="iR_func_status" align="left"><input type="button" value="'.button_clear_skill_tree.'" onclick="ask_url(\''.text_clearskills_t10.'\',\''.$core_run_script.'&sid='.$characters->fields[0].'\');"></td>
    <td algin="left" class="iR_class">'.decode_class($characters->fields[2]).'</td>
    <td colspan="3" class="iRg_line_top">&nbsp;</td>

echo '</table>';



Offline dulex #1 Posteado: November 02, 2017, 11:20:06 PM

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En esta linea
Code: [Select]
$clear = $core_db->Execute("Update Character set [SCFMasterLevel]='1',[MagicList]=CONVERT(varbinary(180), null) where mu_id=?",array($id));// [SCFMasterLevel]='[color=red]1[/color]' aquĆ­ pones la cantidad que quieras. 

Offline gianoaa #2 Posteado: November 03, 2017, 03:12:11 AM

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Ya lo solucione, debi solo aumentarle despues de  [ML_POINT]=[MASTER_LEVEL] * 2
Code: [Select]
 $clear2 = mssql_query('Update T_SkillTree_Info set [ML_POINT]=[MASTER_LEVEL] * 2 where CHAR_NAME = \''.$char_name['Name'].'\''); 

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