Greetings fellow members to our beloved forums, let me share you a good release server from XS-TEAM.
Client Version: Vietnam
Main function:
Display real Dame, real HP, real SD ...
Skill Master Full Season 8
Self Disconnect character when using Pass Web 2 game log. (SUSPENSION)
Fix Bug AGI Class.
Reconnect system
Offtrade system commissioned
New Wing System.
Wing 4, Wing 5.
PvP Balance System
Antihack MUEMU
Antihack zTeam.
Antihack Reflect
Antihack AGI
Antihack Skill
And many more ... ..
Download Link + Update
Update 16:
Fix 2 CPU
Add Kundun Drop Item (Commonserver.cfg)
KundunDropItemCount = 2 // Number of items dropped when kundun died def = 3
KundunDropAncItemCount = 3 // The number of items that fell out when the kundun died.
Add Load New Item (Client)
Custom Wing (186 - 211)
Turn on / off the MU.exe call
Add Launcher = 0 to config.ini (0 - Use MU.exe | 1 - Use MU.exe)
Port = 44405 Launcher = 0
Server limit Max 50 mem.
Installation instructions:
Edit Port Connect Server at Config.ini
In the Tool / Custom-Encoder, edit the IP, Version, Serial file in the Common.txt file and drag it into the Encoder.exe file, which is Common.txt.z and then rewrite it as Common.z and copy it into the Data / Customs folder.
Go to the Tool / AH_INFO directory , and then run GetClientInfo to copy the ah.dat file to the client.
Note to run MHPServer .
Command update statement.
Update set set danhhieu = 1, ranktitle1 = 5, ranktitle2 = 3 where name = 'tennv'
With a rating of 1-30
With ranktitle1, 1-10
With ranktitle2, 1-5. Edit the name in the MUEngine.ini file at client / Data / Customs
Use notepad ++ and select Encoding in UTF 8
Shortcut: F4 on / off HP. SD. .
Cheers to a good life!