========================Update 20 KG-Emulator========================
-Add Trade Value (Ruud Coin).
-Add Personal Store (Ruud Coin).
-Add Command Manager (Ruud Coin).
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(989-993)
-Add Translate MainInfo Text %(338-340)
-Add ItemValue (RuudCoin)
-Upd SQLQuery->SetCoin (Save RuudCoins).
-Add RuudCoin in Main Values.
-Upd StartItem.xml (Add MuunSystem - Add Item (NoExpire) - Add Sockets in Items...)
-Add Character->ExperienceTableParty.txt
-Upd Script.dat -> PartyExperience Switch.
-Upd Common.dat -> Select Packet Encrypt Types.
-Add Events->CastleSiegeScores.txt
-Add BackGround Scores (Client/data/kgdata/interface/KG_GuildBack.ozt)
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(994)
-Upd System ViewItems
-Add Option (enable,disable) by Player "ViewItems"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(995-998)
-Add SQLQuery->ViewItems. (Save Enable/Disable by Player).
-Upd Complet ViewItems System Interface.
-Add Option ViewItems in WindowsOption (Upgrade).
-Add New Check ItemSerial 0 -> KG_KGProtect_CheckSerial0 (Hack.dat)
-Add Remove Item "Duplicate Serial" -> KG_KGProtect_RemoveDuplicateItem (Hack.dat)
-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Type (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Debug (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Upgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Classic Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Downgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX JewelsBank Interface.
-Upd Texture JewelsBank "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX MenuCustom Interface.
-Upd Texture MenuCustom "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position SaveLogin.
-Upd WideScreen MiniMap Character Position + Scale.
-Upd Open - Close Event Windows "H" key.
-Upd WideScreen + LClick in Upgrade WareHouse.
-Fix client optimization due to FPS drops.
-Add News Option AntiLag in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add Option Switch ViewItems in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add NewOption "Settings.ini" (WideScreenScale) -> (On,Off) AutoScale Windows.
-Upd "LimitFPS" (Maininfo.ini) -> Type(60) for UnlimitFPS.
-Fix WareHouse Cursor.
-Fix Disable WideScreen InterfaceBar.
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDebug (Debug Text Potions Delay)
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDisconnect (Disconnect Player Hack Potions)
-Add "AntiHack.xml" Disconnect Player "MoveSpeed"
-Add LuaFunctions "CheckMuunInventory" Check Windows.
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade" Create Full Windows Upgrade. (x, y)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade1" Create Windows Upgrade1 (x, y, height)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsDowngrade" Create Windows Downgade (x, y, width, height)
-Add Option AntiLag (ALL Custom Windows Option - Panel Option) -> Reduce Zen Option.
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Line 342 "Reset Text Windows Upgrade"
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Reduce Zen Text Option.
-Upd Interface.ini (MainInfo) -> KG_Interface_WindowsOption "ADD Option 3 = Classic Menu + New Options"
-Upd MoveWindows Scale - WideScreen.
-Fix Cursor Move -> (Ware+ExtInv - Ware+ExtWare)
-Add Inventory Visual System.
-Add VisualInventory.lua for attributes visual items. Scripts/character/
-Upd Inventory Visual (Upgrade Interface, Classic Interface)
-Upd ChaosBox Cursor in WideScreen.
-Add InventoryFlag Slot (238)
-Add Client/data/kgdata/interface/Inventory/ -> slot_flag.ozt
-Upd Inventory Character SQL.
-Add Script.dat -> Script_Update_FlagSystem (0: 0ff, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Upd MainInfo/config/interface.ini -> KG_Interface_FlagSystem (0: 0FF, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Add FlagOptions.lua for attributes flags. Scripts/character/
-Add MainInfo/Custom/ItemFlags.txt -> Load Flags
-Fix RGB Gloves RF
-Upd Max Monster -> 15000
-Fix Position ServerTime in WideScreen.
-Fix CashShop WideScreen Position.
-Fix Disable CashShop WideScreen.
-Fix Disable MasterSkill WideScreen.
-Add "KG_Character_EffectLevelUP" (MainInfo/./Character.ini) -> Effect LevelUP in Class S3 "Normal Level"
-Add "KG_MainInfo_UseEncryptItem" (MainInfo.ini) -> Switch Use Encrypt Items "MainInfo/MainProtect/ItemFiles/"
-Add "KG_MainInfo_WindowsCloseConfirm" (MainInfo.ini) -> Switch Enable Windows Confirm Close.
"Add Lua Interface -> m_NewGUI_CheckCursor(x, y, w, h)"
-Add Lua Interface -> FScreen_X()
-Add Lua Interface -> FScreen_Y()
-Upd Skill Player "Visual Client"
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Pentagram" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Pentagram.
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Earrings1" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring1.
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Earrings2" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring2.
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Pentagram" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Pentagram
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Earring1" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring1
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Earring2" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring2
-Upd PositionX IconBuff in WideScreen.
-Upd PositionX PostItem in WideScreen.
-Upd PositionX,Y "ReconnectTime"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(999-1005)
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "LevelUP" (Normal, Master) in Maps.
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "OffHelper in Maps"
-Upd Offhelper -> Pick Items, Recovery.
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineAutoPick_AL -> Auto Pick Item Enable (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineRequireLevel_AL -> Reqire Level for use OffHelper (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineRequireReset_AL -> Reqire resets for use OffHelper (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Add "KG_Interface_StoreRuudButtom" (MainInfo/Interface.ini) -> Enable Ruud Btn Store
-Add Lua Interface -> ReturnWideScreenY(value y) -> Return New Scale WideScreen
-Add "Script_Update_MapNameInvNoticeBoss" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Notice Invasion where the boss master is located.
-Add Lua Interface -> ChatSend(command)
-Fix Monstersetbase max 15000 monsters.