Hola amigos, tengo dos problemas que me gustaria solucionar para mi server.
Estoy usando los files que se encuentran del Louis Season 6.
Por defecto el server viene con dos opciones que me gustaria desactivar.
1) solo sucede con la raza de dark knight y dark wizard.
Al crear los chars, y entrar en lorencia por primera vez se esucha el ruido de una joya, y instantaneamente se les crean en sus inventarios los sets completos de legendary +7 y dragon +7
Me gustaria desactivar esto ya que presenta una ventaja con respecto a las otras razas como elfa, o summoner.
2) quiero desactivar eso que en momentos hay en lorencia que aparecen fuegos artificiales y les regala a la gente joyas en el piso.
este es mi GameServerInfo - Custom.dat
; Announce Chaos Mix Settings
AnnounceChaosMix = 0
AnnounceChaosMixText = %s put the item %s +15
; Custom Arena Settings
CustomArenaSwitch = 1
CustomArenaVictimScoreDecrease = 10
CustomArenaKillerScoreIncrease = 100
CustomArenaText1 = [%s] will close in %d minute(s)
CustomArenaText2 = [%s] closed
CustomArenaText3 = [%s] will start in %d minute(s)
CustomArenaText4 = [%s] started
CustomArenaText5 = [%s] finished
CustomArenaText6 = [%s] %s is the winner
CustomArenaText7 = [%s] You got in the %d position with %d points
CustomArenaText8 = You can not enter the arena
CustomArenaText9 = This arena is not currently open
CustomArenaText10 = Exceeded maximum number of players
CustomArenaText11 = You must be at least Level %d
CustomArenaText12 = You must be a maximum of Level %d
CustomArenaText13 = You must be at least Master Level %d
CustomArenaText14 = You must be at most Master Level %d
CustomArenaText15 = You must be at least %d Resets
CustomArenaText16 = You need to have a maximum of %d Resets
CustomArenaText17 = You must be at least %d Master Resets
CustomArenaText18 = You need to have a maximum of %d Master Resets
CustomArenaText19 = His class is not allowed in the arena
; Custom Event Drop Settings
CustomEventDropSwitch = 0
CustomEventDropText1 = [%s] will start in %d minute(s)
CustomEventDropText2 = [%s] started
CustomEventDropText3 = [%s] finished
; Custom Store Settings
CustomStoreTime_AL0 = 0
CustomStoreTime_AL1 = 0
CustomStoreTime_AL2 = 0
CustomStoreTime_AL3 = 0
CustomStoreCommandJoBSyntax = bless
CustomStoreCommandJoSSyntax = soul
CustomStoreCommandJoCSyntax = chaos
CustomStoreCommandWCCSyntax = wcc
CustomStoreCommandWCPSyntax = wcp
CustomStoreCommandWCGSyntax = wcg
CustomStoreJoBName = .::BLESS STORE::.
CustomStoreJoSName = .::SOUL STORE::.
CustomStoreJoCName = .::CHAOS STORE::.
CustomStoreWCCName = .::WCC STORE::.
CustomStoreWCPName = .::WCP STORE::.
CustomStoreWCGName = .::WCG STORE::.
; Custom Attack Settings
CustomAttackTime_AL0 = 0
CustomAttackTime_AL1 = 0
CustomAttackTime_AL2 = 0
CustomAttackTime_AL3 = 0
CustomAttackDelay = 0
CustomAttackAutoPotionDelay = 0
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL0 = 1
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL1 = 1
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL2 = 1
CustomAttackAutoBuff_AL3 = 1
CustomAttackAutoBuffDelay = 10000
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL0 = 1
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL1 = 1
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL2 = 1
CustomAttackAutoResume_AL3 = 1
; Custom Online Lottery Settings
CustomOnlineLotterySwitch = 1
CustomOnlineLotteryText1 = %s em %d minuto(s)
CustomOnlineLotteryText2 = %s foi o vencedor do sorteio. Parabéns!
CustomOnlineLotteryText3 = %s não teve vencedor
CustomOnlineLotteryNoOff = 1
; Custom Quest Settings
CustomQuestSwitch = 1
; Custom RankUser Settings (CustomRankUser.txt)
; Type Reset = 0, Type Master Reset = 1, Type Level = 2
CustomRankUserSwitch = 1
CustomRankUserType = 0
CustomRankUserRewardSwitch = 1
CustomRankUserNoticeToAll = 1
CustomRankUserNoticeToUser = 1
; Custom Death Message
CustomDeathMessageSwitch = 1
; Custom Quiz
CustomQuizSwitch = 1
; Custom NpcCollector Settings (CustomNpcCollector.txt)
CustomNpcCollectorSwitch = 1
; Custom Pick Command (CustomPick.txt)
CustomPickSwitch = 1
CustomPickEnable_AL0 = 1
CustomPickEnable_AL1 = 1
CustomPickEnable_AL2 = 1
CustomPickEnable_AL3 = 1
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL0 = 0
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL1 = 0
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL2 = 0
CustomPickRequireLevel_AL3 = 0
CustomPickRequireReset_AL0 = 0
CustomPickRequireReset_AL1 = 0
CustomPickRequireReset_AL2 = 0
CustomPickRequireReset_AL3 = 0
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL0 = 0
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL1 = 0
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL2 = 0
CustomPickRequireMoney_AL3 = 200000
; Custom Ranking Settings (CustomRanking.txt) F8 in game
CustomRankingSwitch = 1
; Custom EventTime Settings H in game
CustomEventTimeSwitch = 1
; Custom Guild Warehouse
; Member Status to use:
; 0 All Members
; 32 Battle Master+
; 64 Guild Assistente+
; 128 Guild Master+
GuildWarehouseEnable = 0
GuildWarehouseStatus = 0
; Custom Shop MessageBox
; Types:
; 0: Disabled
; 1: Only for coins
; 2: All purchases
CustomShopMessageBox = 1
; Custom Quest Settings (CustomNpcQuest.txt)
CustomNpcQuestSwitch = 1
; Custom Monster Info Tooltip (Alt+MouseOver)
CustomMonsterInfoSwitch = 1