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Autor Topic: WebEngine 1.08 + source  (Visto 6081 veces)

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Offline Natzugen Posteado: August 24, 2016, 06:00:27 PM | Modificado: March 06, 2017, 10:50:15 PM by ZabiinoOo


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Bueno me encontre esto por ahi y a lo mejor a alguien le interese, esta es la web engine el desarrollador dejo el proyecto de lado y decidio liberarla a la comunidad con su codigo fuente incluido, pueden leer mas sobre esto aca Loading...

Spoiler for Hiden:


Spoiler for Hiden:
Secure, Optimized and Customizable
cached modules data
all inputs filtered for malicious code
optimized database connection system
100% non-encrypted source code
easy custom module creation
friendly url's
encrypted users data
3 and 4 database structure compatibility
clean source code -easy to understand-
template system
news system

AdminCP Features
News management
Retrieve full account information
Find all account characters
Find character's account
Find account's IP addresses
Find accounts from IP
show online accounts
disaplay latest paypal donations
disaplay latest superrewards donations
add/substract credits (cspoints)

Website Configurations
Turn website on/off
Turn error reporting on/off
Choose website template
Choose website language
Encryption hash (for encrypting data)
Choose maintenance page url (when website is off)
Choose credits add type (if use TempCredits or modify cspoints directly)
Give admincp access to users
Limit admincp access to modules to certain users
Set website title
Set footer copyright text
Set META keywords & description
Set forum link
SQL connection data
Switch between connection drivers
Email system configs
enable/disable email system
set email sender and name
set emails titles
News system configs
choose amount of expanded news
news listing limit
enable/disable DISQUS comment system
Registration configs
enable/disable new registrations
enable/disable reCAPTCHA
Login configs
enable/disable session timeout
set session timeout
set maximum failed login attempts
set timeout for reaching maximum failed logins
Vote module configs
enable/disable voting module
enable/disable saving vote logs in database
add/remove voting sites
My Account module configs
Reset module configs
Clear pk module configs
Unstuck character module configs
Fix stats module configs
Clear skill-tree module configs
VIP membership module configs
enable/disable vip system module
enable/disable vip purchase promotion
set vip promotion success rate
set vip promotion reward days
set vip day cost
set vip plans and discounts
enable/disable showing vip benefits
set vip benefits
Donate for credits module settings
PayPal donation module configs
enable/disable paypal donations
enable/disable paypal sandbox (for testing donation system)
set paypal email
set product title
set currency
set paypal return url (after complete transaction or cancellation)
set paypal notify url (for paypal IPN)
define conversion rate between real money and server currency (credits)
SuperRewards donation module configs
enable/disable superrewards donations
set secret hash
define conversion rate
Rankings system configs
set rankings results limit
enable/disable showing last refresh date & time
choose default ranking to show
enable/disable each type of rankings
Change password system configs
enable/disable changing account password
enable/disable email verification for changing password
choose password email verification request timeout (for how long the verification link will be active)
Master key recovery system configs
Add stats module configs


Spoiler for Hiden:
- [Security] .htaccess now only allows alpha-numeric requests
- [Feature] Handler now supports multiple (frienly url) requests
- [AdminCP] Now 100% responsive
- [AdminCP] CKEditor is now loaded through its CDN
- [AdminCP] Visually improved all modules
- [AdminCP] Account search module created
- [AdminCP] Account info module now combines 4 modules (account info, account characters, account's ip address and edit account)
- [AdminCP] Module "accountsfromip" now gathers information from MEMB_STAT table as well
- [AdminCP] Added character search module (includes "find character's account" functionalities)
- [AdminCP] Character edit module now combines 2 modules (edit character and edit master level)
- [AdminCP] Added online check to character edit module
- [AdminCP] Added data filtering to character edit module
- [AdminCP] Added a button to account information in "new registrations" and "online users" modules
- [AdminCP] Added pagination to "new registrations" module
- [AdminCP] Latest bans module now displays the last 50 bans
- [AdminCP] Restructured latest bans module for easier viewing
- [AdminCP] Added pagination to "block ip" module
- [AdminCP] Added pagination to paypal transactions module
- [AdminCP] Added search feature to paypal transactions module
- [API] Fixed online check of superrewards api
- [API] Added transaction check to superrewards api
- [Core] Common's updateEmail() method changed to public
- [Core] Common's addRewardItem() method removed
- [Core] Items library removed
- [Core] MuEngine library removed
- [Core][Security] Handler's database instances removed from global variables
- [Core][Feature] CreditSystem library created
- [AdminCP] Removed cron job edit feature
- [AdminCP][Security] Implemented new access level system for admincp (this will allow you to easily restrict certain modules to your staff)
- [Improvement] 404 module removed (invalid modules will now redirect to the website home)
- [Feature] Language switch feature added
- [Core] Improved WebEngine's error system
- [Core][Feature] Basic anti-flood system implemented
- [AdminCP] Website configuration check added
- [Core] Vote library completely recoded and implemented new CreditSystem
- [Core] PagSeguro donations API added
- [Core] PayPal API now uses the new CreditSystem
- [Core] SuperRewards API now uses the new CreditSystem
- [Core] Email library created
- [Core] Account library created
- [Core] Common's library code optimized
- [Core] WebEngine's file structure improved and optimized
- [Template] Removed unused images
- [Template] Improved the overall look of the default theme

Required PHP Modules, Extensions & Settings:

Spoiler for Hiden:
short_open_tag = On
[Linux] php-pdo_dblib
[Windows] PDO sqlsrv driver
[Windows] PDO ODBC driver




-Si alguien puede crear un link para los recursos se le agradeceria
-no doy soporte a esta web ya que no me manejo con php ni nada por el estilo
-en el .rar esta la version 1.08 que es la estable y recomendada y 1.08L que esta en prueba
-en el .rar se encuentran los pdf con las guias de instalacion y demas


dady13, BluePh0eniX, artur0punk, darkes607, enks10, noahmaster, neemo, maiconsouza1997, Matt1995, Look, kellington, Genius05, agustrape, tanju02, ziza, josecola, Johnark, Pakalois22, bilox, quyanxu, jorgepali, giangbana, hazlacika, martin castro, bezi01, baolove000, MsotoC, Pablo1575, superice, jhampool13, oser77, williandv, matuky, sdbgss, kevinmv, hoviethung, webamoev, lemant, nockasdd, juanfz, elperro, AaiiJaCk, Garo, titoalmagk, marvisur, mechaloco, rob21, ccrriiss1, z5evil, amaro19, kowalewicz, Hellgard1508, meinchoyo, RaStraBaN, 1muarcadia1, vikingmu, vagao, EzeQ, cesar1991, unish, darblade34, idealizeh, waiteni, stark98, socolas, fukpim, Liaon, cobyzero, gacon201294, poika, ciupy, mauter5, ljusalfheim, datos32, diegosm120, Darkwarmu, NoobDK, Negrosaki, adryan, pablito1231, Dkmiranda, andryus, murevenge, ExileHeart, SIRDGARU, pujosx, azgames, marcelin, OneMU, TioFedEx, Theangelo2, neverclubza, BETy, Pokepili, SUNIGIE, Lewansky, Ryuno, sp3cial, yoohz, fiorettidev, Cartman, Sheldtox, majoca10, nemesis28, rando, SudaKings, dustman, BlackDead, pwpw, CorsarioDgx, PRONEXUS, precheca, alfredosp, ledzem, ImportedPotato, malon2k, CezarMaster, jose1k, LordFrancus, systemsmag, d3mon, Kikecamera, tilmur, Lzvick, TheKing027, Zeus, felix, firemarcos, n0tee, toplan, ZTMarkz, FuegO, bykiller, amenaza, zodiacddos, bukaro27, xpollox101, herjuni, dankzxp, Viper, xBebo1994x, andresfede, ESwordBKS,, waltervg91, GioMaster88, regolon, wenchito, pacolito, Gaboo;, jose4090, heas, bskydragons, MaxVoll, xlordr1x, brent, Guniox, tomaso8, braian42, werty, joe.cata10, alejamdro0, gohancs, inuyasha, elitingo, Jarvan, matadores, -Rastaa.TSM☢, Blade, ZabiinoOo, WARLOD, moises.vmr

Offline ZabiinoOo #1 Posteado: August 24, 2016, 06:10:00 PM




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 :o me entero de esto y me alegra mucho creo que mucore pasara a la historia, aunque la seguridad de esta ha sido muy buena quizas despues de liberada le encuentren mas huecos que un colador pero bueno esperemos y no tenga tantos fallos en lo que pueda la descargo y estare aportando todo por parte, saludos natzu y gracias por colaborar

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we trust god

Offline Lude #2 Posteado: August 24, 2016, 09:05:17 PM



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No se ven las imagenes.


Offline ZabiinoOo #3 Posteado: August 24, 2016, 09:24:35 PM




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Offline Blade #4 Posteado: March 06, 2017, 10:39:27 PM

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Link Acualizado °<°

Salu2 :D

Offline ZabiinoOo #5 Posteado: March 06, 2017, 10:51:15 PM




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Actualizado al tema principal links, gracias a @Blade por compartir link de descarga :D

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we trust god


Offline bertilio #6 Posteado: April 25, 2017, 07:56:56 PM

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alguna guia de instalacion?

Offline Maribao #7 Posteado: April 08, 2018, 02:54:18 PM

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alguna guia de instalacion?

Hola por falta de tiempo solo he agregado esta modalidad sencilla para su instalacion, a su brevedad subire un Video completo para instalar WebEngine


Offline mikiolaza #8 Posteado: July 07, 2018, 07:35:59 PM

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muchas gracias por el aporte

Offline Cloud #9 Posteado: July 07, 2018, 07:40:10 PM

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muchas gracias por el aporte
para agradecer esta el boton de gracias . este tipo de comentario esta considerado  spam , intenta evitarlo Saludos

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