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Autor Topic: REPACK MuOnline S16 MuDevs 2022  (Visto 18345 veces)

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Offline [GM]KING Posteado: January 17, 2022, 09:58:44 PM | Modificado: January 17, 2022, 10:02:32 PM by [GM]KING

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En este es un repack de MuOnline season 16 desarrollada por la empresa MuDevs, son los files free, y lo que hice fue configurar a mi gusto y asi levantar un pequeño server que sirvio para testeo y que algunas personas jueguen en el servidor, se llamo Mu - Titanium. Aca podran encontrar spot, shop, drop de algun eventitembags, etc.


CREDITOS: @llZeuzll





ronglovel,, dror, luimirajo, puoncualo, rafogaming44, prohards26, viper026, andyw, bar502, Medium1337, xuancuong, aventura, pjhplus2002, jorgemol, snowknight, DuelWar, x9x3l1, porcrusamiento, inothing111092, mitzjukim, swedka, franchezca2024, bulk9995, jhonavidr, nayadotan, nextel1, leehenry1208, Wolker, OBBY, headache, peluca, vim239, osik12, ferick28, vipower, sieun, mgs318, igznoth, 774455, kskooper, bamin308, DarkDown, Kosh, ruhkennedy, Londes1, idluiz, soldrago, ApocalisisEMU, elchuyo30, darklord66, i3ndrz, RunFree18, abanaljhon, FIESTERO, Eronrw, daniwilde, chino_nqn, gavo41so, classicmoviedata, MrRevenant, cattube992, archistep, bangtamvnn, latingaming, ztinoz, huynhkiet, u7804, calzon, tedateamos, GoodCreator, cirodmdp, Zoldayck, tropa016, rafael10, rbktelefon, nahuuss, leogianinetti, wenvill, aliamg, alvarog97, Franvk83, mutermas, apofis2007, purpkush9, hammerle, juno_kz, emmaspuc53, thomazhmb, ddani700, Bladimir1, macrox, alimm03, miancas, usrcreandomu, manhbv24609, admmu, Maxiclar, psycho_rules, candyvl, gonrocca, zhake, e911217, alesul31, michael999, vladspoke, jpangan, asaslt57, msotime, Rocsby, newman, richarxxb, zbiffz, maridito4, quzo, tuanclub, Lenzita, behappy, Orion123, izederf, mvtiride, Hd3master, BlackSoul32, aavolkov, giogionis, xsasuke19x, p0zejk, ramwizz, xrixtalex, xDaemon, anhtruong, cejar16, perla, camusflow, esteban, rodrigoxd, zeus123, king992253, marlonfran, pustiiu, prophep, deimak, mittosaker, fontes, Callejero, hlinxuan20, ImBenny, skssnrn8, aliec, nhantac, b2rider, bxqt1997, MGZXGAMES, 2448778229, dartveder, front2552, diego12pite, polbbq, bafta100, alexisacostamc, mumisiones222222222222222, SebaDrgn, hieuvt, antom, Analista, ZeratulNT, skarious, Rhayk, nazar1, trungpv, Homer2k20, destiny, widermann, ianvalls90, minhcuong0509, popsyren27, Ezeekiel, josuedavud, juan0011, vladonsio, kretos521, DRAGON0729, Dario30, thientruc199456, elcanarioloco, tn1698, ahmetoz27, Rouge, dfdfd45, xXoscarxX, kmz2, killemwithstyle, BrayanMix2016, kevin4747, boypost, Celeste, namthanh2020, Crowley, mikebk, xenhim (xenhim), teebad, aranclub02, luxwebhosting, nonoks01, djlolito, wave1550, ronelroel, Adik, Vengefull, Cheke, dragonik18, Ifreat, byrone19, ryz3n, andrades, ospicio, elzorrofox, wolski1330, ravokthc, bigrealtk92, xmgz, gaaraenixmu, minhvn12, zeek, cnganlan, SHENii, diegobr, CComputer, Lucifer2912, amawaoi999, anderly, ninjanegro, nanazira, xzcrueldad, ballas, Juninsj22, werli, elmate, jhesociety, vitucho, luxgames21, jorgepali, bazofiamen, zuleidy1201, Gangster, HazzdeN, ZIIIIIK, mripe2311, gonzalo22, 15351535, angelbigot, fr3oun, CarlosT, own3dcor3, cokitooo, Keko, BladeMaster21, lizbeth, KAKA, GrandaumG2, miguedrive, daev10, megamakay, sremagers, jaku, zolik, diephv, lufoma, nevvu, koter, kailknight, angelpreso, abuzfatal, lutas1, dante1477, kuky, 1211, HoBu4eK, gordodotoi, nenegamcas, velnes, doantran201194, pedroso100, empalador7, phantomtb, ilidan99, facheritotlv, SoyK, alperdemjr, majiko23, bomcoi1402, hackluv, wankamuc, andresfo, rosicon, RAGNAR111, Rochasaw, dragon0725, kennybuihp, terriix, lalo, Charon1992, lordkaza, GerardZlar, Ingouanas, DhimasRD, darktemplemu, trjnhanh012, king52894, ferdus95, NicoCAI, RaduOnica, muonline1, judakiss21, Brad17, Strike_161, kefelii67, euqimal, boyblack22, terrygoth, andykul91, Tyrant7512cn, godmas, Freestyle2019, sounddivision, Sergio Franco, pagoga, Biney, zHammer, sadgasm87, ellite3, LastName, equispe, matias552, tiobilim, blyuv, finito, JhaDu, vdamasceno, Williansj, trival, fang7352, tumtum2003, takumi12, anubismari, phill, swordi, panya18900, huythao229, takayuki, RosarioRobles, darkcaido, jhoancito, kulube, bodzio19, rodrigoo22, blu3ligh7, once_tao, Hadeishere, aphrodite1, alberto2005pe, pro252, jaime1, egames, qweasd, AzuraServers, hazlacika, caschiaffino, amornsoon, whodhell, footballmuonline, cnmaidana, scfmt, krullx, warfare1457, Batux, djphi, cgalaxy, TroYans, loyd, idunnoconsole, edangel4, soporteimatt, backpetch, answer, atarseigan, oryong, ancelo1313, Syamon9966, VyNyxD, felix, koksis, ernesto2, Rasner, furius, binhaa, flairz, thesonic, joelpk2r, damiqw, popping01, poliguela, superfeed, Williangel01, Adrian Torres, Wikka, MiltonPereyra, kraquen04, ueidi, kulldz, GamerMu, rogerio, gnosvaldo, carioca, zerocool13, ngotiendat, paul4761, thuongneo, mindlove, wachinnet, josexluis, Alixo, noelacl, namthanh, pablo29_89, kwestilko, nhaixuong, Zore93, crysto20, emciel, Rafaelalfa, fakenha, wjddodnd, Kingler, oscaralexanderable, mutantekut, mkseixas, Museason10, vanhiep215, Stoormo, camxano1, lctv2022, marcelo376, Mikimays, DiosJMK, Luciferjt, jaceskell, game666, Alekso, dalui211, samsunggon, icee, Fulgerul, Mirc3a007, vagao, darksoul5, cuocdoisp, california, IsaacSabir, anadyer, truongtienhp, xakeruli, alexmatal22, hinam97, LethalWarr, foro001, TheLing, AvielNet, juancarlin, benyi893, DaiveSN, kksky, Brenno_CAP, RagnarLB, llorru, dlawls662, adsloki, tklobo, precheca, jefersonnn33, muwells6, Pokuru, rongden2400, yormanjose, pretu66, andsnake, sujie021, nicoespoonda, marco125, Tioistivan, loky16, marianoherrero95, manolo130, zumus, SonNyBk, Djinny, SirCrazy, ldretrion, linhbadien, xlichblack, darkroh, kuya032, Eymen2121, m1sterio, Michtouflar, minhnu112, sutozhj, rafaeddd, Deodre, edenmu, wesley, Asura, jprada19, samucaws, trivadinh, kodai, q1@, ngvankhanh, lecolino, jonasbss, kyoshiro654, golan3434, Manchas87, Strenghi, tifalok, juanito1985, angel3858, leo92, rogerio013, dwsh001, yNot, onibas, skinhead, jose1k, jack9025, BMSxD, leales, dlgstone87, lvyu007, jonathadll, jonamix, fenixpe, Gu1BR, Gunnar, darkjack, djnandinho, reimon, Small0012, ADMtec, wiedona06, rakzord, frojasv, tunhi3000, jhonhy, guillotinemu, theshield, brunodg91, greenbingo, JChies, Fizer, jajaja, datkool, brisadulce, hinetworks, xianwen, ship368, hoanglongnhatbao, 9100, glad, laorenyuhai3389, nakata899, platik89, nujd00, J0RG325, gaara22, qq32226298, wally147, getmam, ShukiUY, KristapsT, iWoodys, luqas01, rhapsody670, Torales, trunghp01, CristiaNN, rwul91, maksuel, warmind2x, NatsuBM, xnss, tangonn, cogumelofungi, lexotanil000, neto66, guopengfei, tangyi90, FuckAll, nttnguyen, OldDeadly, DEXT3R, yoglis00, Marslove, tungns0695, ahyorya, areliux, lj8111811181, muss16test, Yawooo, l2j-ct, herikeri, blaster, keizJkE, zzhoadazz, Sethened, hamilton08, Sitepro, backerchen, muzinho, chauttc, agtanalata, SHILDKING, MasterScript, fabricioniz, walber15, rashoro, princekannon001, nailsonbr, thigas, dynomens, Kroud, peteran, luvin, YoshHatake, badboycf11, Xrazo2020X, sebaiba, ningas, gmxxmu, cryzor, hdj8812, deathsquad, castle, mundomuc, Wendigo, sgrvsml, carper, piter, iAngels, thedamian77, kyuzojusti, mryamyam, zombie3k, gerdixon, bobzznnn, gabriel099, vamchy33, legendario8, sniderxd, brunonomas, croix, ์Nightz, z398826280, rekis, bloodvalhalla,, nlarry, Kriskiy, federmax, paxgavilan, mamaco, klaus1234567, Tyjet22, magenta, rafalko, napo74, vladslav, jesuschis, Hoangsy99, Referalusas, dunky2026, Dragonvl15, NiceBrave, Matt1995, larguito, iCoder, jaki, hyoo1012, Crunchy29, mjkjo0, gmorang, Destroid, gonza18, SetecSoft, Atzael, yokkjll, kyohp1997, mnrk123, anhthao9st, glariangel, sasorixd, shiun, josehdrago, HaPKoTuK, wenleiady, serverst, nacLJ, CezaRone, Lamgaihg, DeathBlack, tranthanhtri, feitosa, estarly, jamella22, hodias, quetreo, hpevent, thetaict, iamzabulus, maymaury, python, djcoringa, RandyPiero, spk1000, belmonth, EdinsonVI, chuckhai, thanhnguyenn95, JVGC13, firescript, xRonnye, icaroxd, lemiks, polokiju, gustavocold, rodrii02, imhappy, juanmi13, lucaz123, neeck1234, Wazzap28, popoty, zakovz, morocgrand, cerebro199, joaoluiz0135, Cragann, anh1pk, sohd, srdrcmlts, skynxt, padi22, boyro3868, emilse2020, sasha2p, Fabiven, natsu00, longkandy, StoneAngel, hernan77, zhaonhienz, Yancarlos, MichaelxD, lorencio, viniciuslp, RaStraBaN, bukaro27, KhongGianOL, xlXSaGaXlx, AwayFromTheLaw, polosic, zzbrandon, zeroalenda, darkblue, tanju02, mikhail, paulo7474, mantios, pulsefire, admjack, rodrigo08, Pablohernan, rbfd, skinmuonline, DaoVanTrong, jhonasloc01, SIRDGARU, Jesusn204, kakalot981, hola23, muccone, luksrt, alevarxz, 4893298, Solid, faster, djdennes, ottoman, Robins, benyolero, ldads, Yokr, azuko, unnamedsk1, 19215588, marksync, -THOR-, LogMein123, vsro11, misskala, emisss, vitor, Smith200, nicokpo, xsojomx, jonhz, zhangjianle865, zxy8711906, leonardexapps, dejota, lucasvieira, joks34, Nachi, wandyl26, brumo, 1muarcadia1, iSh4dow, pablouarez, nbazelin, tu4n4nhn01, imjay8, yassir, mkartel, saske98, miltonho2, alfredopv, natias, Acrossdx, ciccio, DESINGMASTHER, rotecbc, tarikata, mrcalvin, marlonbdr, phgkhh, phitroc1, banu9x, hen000, banam8910, royta, jaeras, wesleyjackie, AronJasper, hiepvk, llZeuzll, rukasujapa255, ngoisaole, kaleikata, billga, kamesenin, wznba, teza123, rodriexpulsados, jorge, davidmelo, archiic, jarocho, skay11, nicoprs, Kurito, mario12, Jonathan007, becoloko, tgservice147, fablex, jorbaezaa, drake95, hx890216, 6522748, ONEofNINE, dakosmu, quangphong0904, DemetrioJC, LeXxX88, Saint, dab30, tomassk89, shaswhite, renatovips, BRUM4T1CK, karxx13, GhozNoob, pleayes, bons3gust, Dear, KairosREX, contracara, liron, czekay, Lancer33, dahouzi, DraculeMihawk1993, ShadowWolf, Olimpianz, daikhainhuthe, KungZeeD, gralexander, Simpson, Trece, zmparrot, nemoma, J0mba, lunaticodeveloper, syr3829, PeruxD, coolgepds, avnkhanh, admdante, 465638956, thuongdo07, anduyx1, masmurote, darckevil, alandonilo, beliyniger92, MacYury, PiczaQ87, edersonjesus, GLpendeex, stonegameplay, lephat298, rubo28, Alexxander, JESUSB1, explode111, ekor4ik, zprizrakz, billy, fetket, hiphopecc, traxxx, scrsky, tsx24, thunwa1, thesofer, xz18786628, koito89, akashi, gredy, ToShirico, jugador, chinchin, lucaswaskes, axian, admwoods14, chinagames, ZabiinoOo, aweonao, _SavagE_, stopk, axeman192, stereo2010, VERNERON, prowadi, hugab1, Look, speedrzo, gsvmvav, ivanhoe9081, usersa, dreikfranco, overlucked, TroisGMO, MaLk1a, muarcontes, l2darwin, xZATANAZx, brahian1891, reonu, juanchm92, xdjoa, dario, susta250, NiflheimMO, adrain.aurelio, gangrels, XCristiaNX, fabilus, jamiones24, DjGamer, darkjano, ProMD, MU_Gamer, juanka, phuc1991, madmax24, Swiety,, krovax13, ngluan, Shrimp, marcos10, sonytfm, sp34nd, PaDa, Sheldtox, Part1zanBelarus, drendy, betinho, ziquielbr, lolis, tiestoh, chodaicam, kouga123, katmiaugo, mutora, Zike, amaro19, datcom, son1xx2, majoca10, AnDeR, bloodknigh, 0971517666, MuOnlineWebZen, eduardo253, roadgosi26, renansanx, ryolosu, lanterhd, garrone02, girask, tedomi, Neves, josecola, calipso, systemsmag, xuanyuan, v19646596, lom0k, hieukmt, sztykiel, forumid, wireshark, rotbk, cloudxz, zeusadm, taymelf, KarLi, 8731918, skfrog, Pilligrim, raul31, EaglE, muzic25, tusyga, huawei22, thug4life, slavea, lee486, zerolshen, MUnia, jojodiazfr, llhenryxpxx, myloveax, Dode, jeffzkie69, zlethanhlong, lanxin3243, Stormgame, manasses, Odisk, xtian01, yyf127, hfhmu, rafael222, Fakuzz, kyoshiro138, felipemtk, tucamast, Orion88, kekedodo, me19900, thonnaga, dmtuan23,, YOUNGJU KIM, thienma, Kirens, vkfkssla, kove0816, jorge2016, Dizzy, winzcpe, zpzwb113, dieguitox, screamofheartless, zeptain, davidrcj, allhoy, gicorox, devrd0011, Evelia, yan1ycc, nguqua, hu7vo6, comelon666

Offline cluz123 #1 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 08:18:37 AM

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hola gracias por compartir, que bugs tienen?


Offline -Rastaa.TSM☢ #2 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 09:08:27 AM



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hola gracias por compartir, que bugs tienen?
Ya tendrías que testear e ir probando amigo, y si puedes ir informando seria genial para futuros usuarios que vayan a utilizar el repack.


Offline cluz123 #3 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 09:40:10 AM

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hola gracias por compartir, que bugs tienen?
Ya tendrías que testear e ir probando amigo, y si puedes ir informando seria genial para futuros usuarios que vayan a utilizar el repack.

claro, pero como el ya los estuvo testeando queria saber si encontro algun bug o bugs importante.. si el ya testeo y tiene muchos, creo que no vale la pena seguir reportando bugs xd


Offline Orion88 #4 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 10:08:26 AM

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limite de usuarios y demas info

Offline [GM]KING #5 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 10:42:00 AM

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hola gracias por compartir, que bugs tienen?
Ya tendrías que testear e ir probando amigo, y si puedes ir informando seria genial para futuros usuarios que vayan a utilizar el repack.

claro, pero como el ya los estuvo testeando queria saber si encontro algun bug o bugs importante.. si el ya testeo y tiene muchos, creo que no vale la pena seguir reportando bugs xd
Bueno, primero que nada este repack está basado en el up21 o 22 no recuerdo bien, pero devs saco una versión final y como vuelvo a repetir este solo sería para que saquen algunas configuraciones, en la descripción de mi vídeo en Youtube está los files con la versión final que el único detalle grave para mí es el evento de raklion nada más luego lo demás ok también está el vídeo de agregar un repack de ítems que aparece en la s16.3 dónde viene los sets y alas 4to nivel del Gun Crasher  magia2


Offline [GM]KING #6 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 10:42:46 AM

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Offline Fakuzz #7 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 01:30:20 PM | Modificado: January 18, 2022, 01:57:46 PM by Fakuzz

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el editor de cuentas en la carpeta premiun [MUDevs Account Editor] Season 16 v1.6 no abre dice authorization failed
simple stats editor no guarda  nada lvl puntos nada
event item bag editor no esta el programa
los jewel luck excelent todos esos de la numero 503 para arriba no funciona ningun jewel

Offline [GM]KING #8 Posteado: January 18, 2022, 07:48:59 PM

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el editor de cuentas en la carpeta premiun [MUDevs Account Editor] Season 16 v1.6 no abre dice authorization failed
simple stats editor no guarda  nada lvl puntos nada
event item bag editor no esta el programa
los jewel luck excelent todos esos de la numero 503 para arriba no funciona ningun jewel
Será porque es premium yo dije bien claro free, no que era premium  magia2


Offline ryolosu #9 Posteado: January 26, 2022, 04:51:28 PM

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

Offline VadimashRS #10 Posteado: January 27, 2022, 05:06:10 AM

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

limit is no in gs, connect server+ join server


Offline ryolosu #11 Posteado: January 27, 2022, 07:05:04 AM | Modificado: January 27, 2022, 08:34:29 AM by ryolosu

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

limit is no in gs, connect server+ join server

Citar desde: ryolosu
Thx for information :D

I changed join server and connect server


Offline [GM]KING #12 Posteado: January 28, 2022, 11:29:46 AM

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

limit is no in gs, connect server+ join server

EXACTO!  magia2

Offline ryolosu #13 Posteado: January 28, 2022, 12:35:20 PM

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

limit is no in gs, connect server+ join server

EXACTO!  magia2

Citar desde: ryolosu
i changed connect server and join server joinserver 0/400000 account count :D

Online drendy #14 Posteado: January 29, 2022, 11:45:19 AM

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

limit is no in gs, connect server+ join server

EXACTO!  magia2

Citar desde: ryolosu
i changed connect server and join server joinserver 0/400000 account count :D

can you give cs and js ?


Offline VadimashRS #15 Posteado: January 29, 2022, 03:08:26 PM

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Sub servers +50 players per channels???

limit is no in gs, connect server+ join server

EXACTO!  magia2

Citar desde: ryolosu
i changed connect server and join server joinserver 0/400000 account count :D

without sources he not help you, or write own CS and JS or replace it with S16 support :D

Offline garrone02 #16 Posteado: January 30, 2022, 01:08:34 PM

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Sorry , but im noob ... in what file i can change the EXP from server ? and how can i set , after reset keep stats ? tnx


Offline ryolosu #17 Posteado: January 30, 2022, 04:10:47 PM | Modificado: January 30, 2022, 04:17:58 PM by ryolosu

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Sorry , but im noob ... in what file i can change the EXP from server ? and how can i set , after reset keep stats ? tnx
Go gamesever data GameServerInfo - Common.dat exp
Go gamesever data GameServerInfo - Command.dat reset setting


Offline betinho #18 Posteado: January 31, 2022, 12:11:29 AM

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does anyone know how to encripty this "Config-Dev.ini"

Offline rodritwm #19 Posteado: January 31, 2022, 01:37:58 PM

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does anyone know how to encripty this "Config-Dev.ini"

if you encrypt the file the main.exe needs to know the password to decrypt it, so u cannot encrypt that file without modifying the main


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