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Autor Topic: Files S6.3 KoshGames (Classic, Upgrade) [Unlimited]  (Visto 169675 veces)

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Offline Kosh Posteado: June 06, 2020, 07:29:38 PM | Modificado: February 16, 2021, 07:07:21 AM by Kosh

  • KG-Emulador
  • +2 puntos por ventas
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  • Rank: Puto amo
  • Posts: 499
  • Gracias recibida: 10623
  • uy
Hi, a donation URL has been enabled for those who want to support the work we have done for the community for free. Thanks for your help 😁

UP10 Classic: (18.11.2020)

UP11 Classic(Patch): (15.02.2021)

UP10 Upgrade: (18.11.2020)
chat background can be canceled inside mu normally or in client settings.ini


UP11 Upgrade(Patch): (15.02.2021)

Tools Download:




Code: [Select]
Log UP1:
- New Button in Close Custom Store
- Sistem Post Item + new X,Y cord in interface
- Sistem Animations in select Char
- Change Copyright select server
- New item.ico interfaces emulator + getmaininfo.
- Sistem Right Click Mouse
- New Lorencia interface
- New Noria interface
- Select Server interface x700
- Select Char interface S13
- New Interface S6 (select server, select char)
- Generator PremiumKG + getmaininfo
- Add +5 Plugins (getmaininfo)
- Add - use inventory on MuHelper
- Desactivado MuError[cliente]
- Repair Anti-Inject ds,js
- Optimization to local folder (Text.bmd, Movereq.bmd, Item.bmd) in Local
- Master Skill (A) New Interface + Functions!
- Fix kriss Lag
- Optimization to local folder (Skill.bmd, SocketItem.bmd, Dialog.bmd, Quest.bmd) in Local
- New balance PVP
- Speed balance.
- F4 (time on, time off)
- F5 (minimap on, minimap off)
- Fix RF /attack
- Acelerador graficos ARP + FPS

- Add CustomGloves
- Fix CustomWings
- Add CustomChatX700 (GetMainInfo - (1 on, 0 off))
- Add LimitTradeZen (GetMainInfo - (1 = 999,999,999, 0 = 99,999,999))
- Fix Rings
- CustomDowngrade(Helper,Gens,TabMap,XShop,Menu(U),LuckyItem,MapList(M) - (1: On, 0: Off))
- Interface Downgrade 99
- Fix Custom Monster Killed
- Fix Chat interface
- Fix RF skill
- Remove Inventory Text
- Add custom Pet
- Fix refresh {customwings,pets,etc..}

- Fix Pet teleport / Ring Monsters
- Cambiar Select S13 para S6 y Downgrade
- CustomFont adicionado!
- CustomElfSoldier adicionado!
- Master Skill [ADD] Dark Horse defense reparado.
- Lenguaje [eng,spn,por] adicionado [GS/GSCS] - [data/util/translate].
- CloseGame ( - On/Of = [GS/GSCS] - Common.dat
- Fix Rank Titles
- Adicionado para Downgrade CustomDowngradeButtonD
- Adicionado Interface [s2,s3] custominterfacetype = 4
- Adicionado fuente de letras [cliente - settings.ini]
- Modificado [NpcName(%)] a la carpeta [./data/local/NpcName.txt]
- Deshabilitado CustomMonster [Desde Main/MainInfo -> En up4 On]

- Change Name Server [on,of + names (maininfo)]
- Add Info Player [windows]
- New Disables for Downgrade [97,S2,S3]
- Adicionado CustomMonster
- Liberacion de Mapas [GS,GSCS,Main]
- WindowsInfo downgrade, upgrade
- Adicionado [RTT - FPS] windows Info [maininfo]
- TimeBar modificado coord[X] - Para Downgrade,upgrade
- Reparado ServerTime [maininfo]
- Fix Maps Interface x700
- Fix Dl Skill Interface x700
- Fix Box Skill Interface x700
- Elf Soldier Quests

- Audio on/off event
- Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died
- Fix Invasion Dragon Red
- Fix Invasion Golden Dragon
- adicionado Golden Monster
- Adicionado Block [K] en el PersonalShop para Downgrade
- Adicionado Block [K] en el Baul para downgrade
- Adicionado Zyron Quest
- Adicionado Block [H] Button in inventory
- Adicionado Block Expand Inventory
- BOT Alquimist System
- Fix TvT event

- Reparación de mapas custom + music [client]
- Fix Maps custom [CS/CSGS]
- Downgrade disable effect items full +15
- Adicionado CustomNPCItems
- Fix Dark Horse look around
- Adicionado Quest Marlon Teleport
- Reparación de chaos machine
- Opcion a remover Select char Animations
- Adicionado Premio por tiempo online [WC,WP,GP]
- Adicionado al [translate] mensajes de alquimista [Linea 873 a 887]
- Fix Move Items
- Adicionado Item Position [Main|MainInfo]

- Fix Custom Items Guard(1,2) Names
- Adicionado Custom Stats Info
- Sistema Custom Smith Item
- Sistema Custom LuckyWheel
- Removida [ImgBox(ESC)] para downgrade. [97,s2,s3]
- Adicionada [Sombra de items] Downgrade[97,s2,s3]
- Adicionado [SmithItem, LuckyWheel]-> Menu Custom
- Adicionado [Translate Text SmithItem, LuckyWheel [GS/GSCS]]
- Adicionado [Custom Menu Options s6 + upgrade]
- Adicionado [Custom Menu Options downgrade]
- Fix Custom NPC Names
- Adicionado [Draw FPS en pantalla + Menu Op]

- Adicionado Remover battle zone [M] maininfo.ini
- Adicionado Remover Interface text [socket op, set op] maininfo.ini
- Fake button [D]
- Adicionado Camera [Main.dll] [F9:ON,F10:OFF]
- Adicionado ChatExpand
- Adicionado Menu Options Keyboard [F4]
- Sistema ModelEffect 100% [OffMap: ChaosCastle[1-7],ValleyOfLoren,LandOfTrials]
- PetEffect Static [Base]
- PetEffect Dynamic[Base]
- PetSize
- Fix barra negra en Mapa Swamp [56] [InterfaceType(2)]
- Removido Button Hiden Chat [InterfaceType(2)]
- Movida [Y] Buttons + [InterfaceType(2)]
- Fix martillo [InterfaceType(2)]
- Adicionado draw exp [InterfaceType(2)] %%
- Fix Block Mouse Menus [InterfaceType(2)]
- Removido Text bloodcastle 8[level master] downgrade
- Removido Button bloodcastle 8[level master] downgrade
- Removido [U menu -> Gens,TabMap] downgrade
- Removido Devil Square Downgrade [level master]
- Removido Chaos Castle downgrade [level master]

- Opción a remover [SelectServerX700] por uso de [World74,Object74] para SelectCharS13
- Adicionado CustomBow - CustomCrossBow
- Fix [PetBoxLife] - Quedaba ensima del text de cantidad de flechas [ELF]
- Adicionado Icono Windows Client.
- Adicionado MuHidden [F12].
- Adicionado Icono al MuHidden [F12]
- Adicionado CustomCloak Animations.
- Fix Refresh CustomCloaks.
- Fix CustomCloak en ModelEffect online.
- Fix BackGround Logo
- Fix PetEffect [Beta]
- Fix Speed Attack Visual [Main.dll]
- Adicionada para aparecer Dragon Flying solo en Map de la Invasion
- Fix Dragon Flying Dragon Atlans
- Fix Remover Flying Dragon Al terminar
- Fix [Update Crédits use Alchemist]
- Fix [Update Crédits buy Smith Item]
- Fix [Update Crédits use LuckyWheel]
- Fix [ItemToolTip]
- Fix [Positioning of skills information [downgrade]]
- Fix [(D) Buttón in downgrade bar [downgrade]]
- Fix [Slide Text moved (Y)Coord from the top to bottom downgrade mode]
- Modification in the Copyright of the SelectServer
- Start MuHelper [Mouse button center]
- Configuration's Active/Desactive MuHelper Click Mouse button center [MainInfo.ini "CustomNews"]
- Configuration's in Camera [MainInfo.ini (ZoomMin,ZoomMax,RotationSensivility) "Camera"]
- Optimized BotAlquimista(Many codes that were not used and among other errors.)
- Fix Auto Disable CustomAttack when vip is over.
- Fix Auto Disable AutoReset when vip is over.
- Add command [/setpk <Player>] Command line 82.
- Fix [Button[D] MenuCustom (Open/Close in button)]
- XML library integration
- Sistem Anti-Flood [IP]
- Sistem UnBan Anti-Flood [IP]
- Modification in the GameServer interface.
- Fix Stats Info values.
- Modification in the Stats Info Interface.
- Modifications in PetEffect Files [CustomPetEffectStatic|CustomPetEffectDynamic] - Beta
- CustomMove[No-Limit] Modification of the code and new functions. [Custom/CustomMove.xml]
- Fix in the structure of MarlonTeleport, It was sending incompatibility errors.
- Bot Alchemist Fully fixed [Custom/BotSystem/BotAlquimista.xml]
- SmithItem Fully fixed [Custom/SmithItem/SmithItem.xml]
- LuckyWheel Fully fixed [Custom/LuckyWheel.xml]
- Repair problems with the use of the King of Mu event.
- Custom options for pets! [Custom/CustomPet.xml]
- System CustomMix [Custom/CustomMix.xml]
- Fix Camera Lag.
- Add Unicode Support [0-9A-Za-z] [On|Off MainInfo.ini].
- Fix Change Items [Marlon,Guard1,Guard2]
- Fix CustomCloak textures.
- Change (client/data/custom/rf) folder to (client/data/item)
- Added anti-hack [beta] testing system. [MainInfo.ini (on,off)]
- Change (client/data/custom/pet) folder to (client/data/item)

-Add RespawnLocation.
-Add EffectPet [MainInfo] (UP9).
-Fix Item Position (UP9)
-Fix speed in wings (UP9).
-Fix duplicate of wings/capas (UP9).
-Fix refresh/equip of mini wings / mini capes (UP9).
-Fix duplicate of capes [dl, mg] (UP9).
-Fix refresh Unequip [wings, capes] (UP9).
-Fix Custom Wings on ModelEffect. (UP9).
-Add CustomStartItem
-Fix Exp+[Baul] (Upgrade)
-Add New System Pet Types.
-Add New Custom Pet Types Animations [Select Char Interface]
-Fix StatsInfo.
-Add BuffTime.
-Add Mov Windows Obj.
-Mod Coord [X] party bar. [Upgrade]
-Add New MacroUI. [Upgrade]
-Fix [Time MuHelper (ON-OFF)].
-Fix mov in Custom Menu OPTIONS.
-Add MonsterGlow to MainInfo (beta).
-Mod CustomMonster to [XML].
-Add Function Monster Skill [1].
-Fix Dark Raven (it was like shield).
-Fix Attack [ON-OFF(UP9)].
-Fix CustomCombo flood[gs/gscs].
-Fix [F4(menuopciones),F5(menutype4)] using of ChatWindows.
-Add New Interface (PostItem <Upgrade>).
-Fix UnEquiped Wings [Right click] Map Icarus.
-Mod BotBufer to [XML].
-Add condition ["enable (true, false)"] BotAlquimista.xml
-Mod in transfer of options [Alchemist].
-Mod CustomTOP to XML.
-Mod [CustomWings,MixWings] to CustomWing [XML].
-Mod CustomArena to XML.
-Add use NPC Custom.
-Fix crash NPC Custom.
-Mod Interface ItemToolTip.
-Mod [SmithItem,ShopItem] -> [Type 0, Type 1]
-Add Damage Attack CustomPet.
-Fix Size of Pets in SelectChar.
-Mod Party Windows for [10 Players+Interface Client].
-Mod New Windows [Upgrade(Custom && Original)].
-Add Marriage System [XML].
-Add SwitchServer [Upgrade].
-Fix Block Cursor CustomMaps.
-Fix MasterSkill Add Points.
-Add PetRecovery [custom/CustomPet.xml]
-Div Interfaces ON(UP10) <Original, Upgrade, Downgrade>
-Add EarthQuake Effect.
-Fix DeleteChar.
-Fix Drop Items [the items fell like jewels]
-Fix PostItem [Fix Crash <Original, Upgrade>]
-Fix Jewel Custom.
-Obfuscation of texts.

-Fix inv Cursor x803 [ACC,SOCKET]
-Fix Stun move
-Fix Switch character al morir
-Fix Custom Jewel aplly on Arrow/Bolt
-Fix Trade Bug
-Fix Party Bug
-Add Duel Bet + Máx Score.
-Add Custom Pet Shades.
-Add New Options [Menu Custom Options (UI[UPGRADE])]
-Add New Option [Crate Stats (StartItem)
-Add Disable Buttons [Menu Custom - MainInfo]
-Fix GodMode hack.
-Off Mouse in MapTab
-Fix MasterSkill Points
-Fix Gm Wing on blood castle


Code: [Select]
-No tiene limites.
-Files Season S6.
-Files Premium.
-Actualmente Update 11.
-MaxItem: 512
-MaxRFGloves: 10
-MaxMaps: 100
-Max user (gs/gscs): 1000
-Max Monster: 8.000
-Max CustomMonster: 250
-Max bots: 200
-Soporte Items: [Pet/Gloves/Armors/Wings/Bows/Weapon]

Code: [Select]
-Custom DuelBet
-CustomEarthQuake[Effect Horse]
-CustomMonsterGlow[Effect Monster]
-CustomPetEffect[Effect Pet]
-CustomPetGlow[Effect Pet]
-CustomEffectDynamic[Effect Wings]
-CustomEffectStatic[Effect Wings]
-CustomSmokeEffect[Effect Item]
-CustomModelEffect[Effect Item]
-CustomFOG[Effect Map]


Code: [Select]
Edit ip SV:
Edit ip Client:
-MainInfo/MainInfo.ini [modificar ip y generar MainInfo.exe]


Denis Alves


F4,F5 - Server Time, MiniMap (on - off)

Animations Char

Agregado CustomGloves

Custom Pet

Downgrade System + Interface 99 // On Interface S3

Transferencia Zen "LimitTransferZen" (0 = 99, 1 = 999)

Chat X700 "CustomChatX700" (0 = Off, 1 = On) / Reward time online

Downgrade [S2/S3] + Elf Buf items / Fuente de letra Cliente

WindowsInfo (MainInfo WindowsInfoPlayer) Upgrade / Downgrade - CustomMonster

Bot alquimista

TvT event

Zyron Quest

Marlon Teleport -> 2 Minutos por mapa (atlans,noria,lorencia,devias)

CustomMap + Arenas PVP + Nuevo Arena entrada solo por TvT

CustomNPC Names

Menu op downgrade + sombra inventario items


Menu Custom + Options s6

Smith Item [Wcoins]



Stats Info




Pet Options


UP10 (18.11.2020)

Skill Monster Custom

NPC Custom

Smith/Shop Item

Marriage + Shop NPC


Windows Upgrade

Pet Recovery

EarthQuake Effect (maininfo/Custom/CustomEarthQuake.txt)


TruenoStrife, rodrigoxd, Mu_santurio, brutuzz, muclassicbr, xauscan, daviddarai, fabiam15, lucianok13, tobyjasper, chenpeng, djblass, cattube992, Kitty, mitosh, Simp, Agusfsa, adelis13, forojulcMu, Victor123$, rabritino, pedrohsz, diorandy, Richard12, shk2258, chuchofx, rasta12, DarkSkullSoldier, pixoble24, phendzai, Alexxander, prohards26, J109, bulk9995, tmwanted12, thziin, tinchostaf, dkey, leonxz, azard, dreancaste, omars, olokins, tbc123, garcia1230, wzsever, kaothicx, urielsorlak, Mercer, 4bandas, berkest, bubik, mumisiones222222222222222, darkes607, Joitlag, joandry19, Lotto4K4k, Matecems, hoangtienyb, powerflow, JhosmerA, alone_01, cedrik88, Geradios, hugodombrecht, hieukmt,, cesaro4697, rayssa1218, wenvill, elvisedi, sdlwbsb, apolo13, hlinxuan20, matseovt, honomoto, becasito, veryf, Bahamut, emmaspuc53, xavier4554, mxsl, Alfonzoxd, V4C4147, 493353334, Cunacho2020, jazsvencoop, SVnext, daniwilde, BDCAM, miguel1616, tito1909, lonely9999, LeahZone, JesexD360, mdpbeats, FluooR, QuantumKnight, Ricardo, zonanorte, lordzedxxx, Lenzita, mayiny, luckystar, iNoNiCk30, muss16test, jpangan, xNekros, TioMostaza, elmaspijudo, growdon, thode1226, jjmimi, qingfeng767, thereyal, blu3ligh7, emajkz, kieuquang86, manzanita, gullygodx, Klinky, voladito, lehuuducmjnh, waayangel, zhelox, matrixx97, quanghuyit, claypotfishhead, jayprotect2013, emanuel72, angel321, Christhor, VikzenN, Lucas2401, yamilo, Mirc3a007, TrueKlym, behappy, xrixtalex, jbsaez, xMFMSx, expertion, guajiro12, Rocsby, Rokhan, pandamu, pincelp, ghostgx, maquivandi, Rtwo_, lasperpen, hinam97, OBBY, gerchu, presnermp, mero, rh2whh, oscaracastillop, pablitto25, momo752, vaggelis22, regnor, Set4600, josedesing, barzi, king992253, faccuu, pklhy45, Jhonaiker2023, signmsnote1, Domedica, yoga69, Zeus, GabrielDev, apusmen, wzguizw, letin95, lennox22, nh0xs0i, josuemi94, Relix, jeesun, kijo23312, emontoya1611, qq1988620, tomidff, damayen, lerolero, ciccio, prophep, juanvzl, torex187, dznhidden, Bidurria, luka, hoangtammedia, zHammer, ratox3, KALYXDX, Yerts, enriquejb, punkjaja, johnoliveirayt, LesliferL, hieuvt, stereo2010, FacundoFrank, rosko, 1512925, Katana, dragonet, siriusmactavish, lucas1993, silverwolf, junacho, eshee19, Xysad, hans.ns, Vers4ce1906, HakuMGZ-X, stuffed2023, b0n3v, getmam, karyyto, Ryzenn, sairus, saltreks, memomix3321, siense, jaku, Taddx, joaopaulobiesek, Tulkas, pustiiu, tacabalarj, foxrj, juanpb12, JHONNY2312, famyus, agentefox, diego12pite, keiny, VenonSQA, rbfd, espartaco25, skual, ramirojzzj, deivi1, pujol, beliyniger92, kslotes, pentest367, Googloid, darath, piero1, YakuzaRFF, cesarjunior, alexmonster32, pandark, rafinhanob, shortname, phendaika123, felipe8745, krzysius, jamuceiba, locuravg, lokopipo, famoire1, DuelWar, umperlook, radrains010, jona2022, giveusatan, gonzal0, Foxwares, johnbrasil, jatecphone, herikeri, alberto20, infeat, 0373756266, Lopez, nghienchoigame, anduyx1, alexisacostamc, david1234, yokkjll, deadangel666, pappapishu, oser77, copitoxd23, rollins92, godz, ikulek, slinxd, Oldskull, loco1705, RIME, MuChina, crismar1001, Saige, carmelucho, magichefer, RENdev, Mu Bavio, glorasek, chinchin, k33n00, dxchatco241, Kain20XX, SineAnima, Namu00, kyssysbk, thanzeus, elparopita1, chente23, rosicon, Gabriel125, kskooper, qq670348570@hotmail, EdinsonDM, Bnkz, trampa2, alexrz, EmmaDCG, matichile, xxyan1xx, maguila, BlackHoleMu, rizzinho15, kidnokid, AdolfoMih5, vladonsio, nfszeus2, Batista, lozthiensu, gambasoxd, mjkjo01, Hilper, ramyo, kimda, tuananhh, Rhoss, manowwan1, marcos2246, jhorfre, ttqh92, Bromson, BSHMuOnline, arseniof1997, mkenetc, ygorjipa17, vesichaa, elcanarioloco, teebad, tn1698, murelics, lybaoluat, insau12, thientruc199456, jeangdr, Evangelio, nelson1991, darkfenix2023, ellite3, maridito4, spowker, Only1, robert.ne13, bcontartese, MuPinchila, nighter, reset, anubismari, kmz2, LeiiTooh, gyza, wallacekaast, ducanhtnv, kuya03, lexgames, nhaixuong, shadowsz, marktoon, AnyL, josejose, Santi1994, leandro3, skynetlien, e911217, maximylbka, Turboboy, nashooohxz, minhcuong0509, Eu7760119, mafias, comicro, Soportelg, python, agustrape, xsasuke19x, apocamu, lerbd1513, gertiones, blackmesa, batros123, oldwei, FERNANDOII, escalivur, santiih24, liron003, razield, duketoxdxd, andmemo, vamchy33, MuGameNetwork, diegopirin, rwilli, silvert12, Vengefull, pherstrange, BenceSteigler, elpipe, shintoma, cupenlk18, Desmo212, smorso, Kantru, jorgegnz, Farrell, mistertito, misterio, blowcito, usrcreandomu, treaxxyyy, SYKUPPI, MavisApocalypse, Marianok, osik12, Batux, bigrealtk92, x9x3l1, Vyshne, talonghuy, brokdo, wingchun1388, rczanajaza, lczro, glopezcor, gaaraenixmu, krustik2, Refleiger, juan0011, Mixxer, GabrielGeager, xcode, deuxx85, piter, weakedsick, jorge, muaden, zun11, bingdao123321456, AishaCT, shinji1311, ALHNosre, maichauanhkhoa, djcoringa, yang82476151, 0pTi, veryfreak, rtwish, qq57996657, maphewxander, nyanha, 15351535, CComputer, layzen1985, michel22, raiancollyn, hieu95, Smradoch, welison14, legui, SlayerDT16, cavaleirodv, d4n37no1, Juninsj22, fablex, Marllboro, drayv, xepha, muzealot, ratburat, leonellv, PaDa, vitucho, solangelsi, sh4ll3, culis93, Networks6, bin9xhn2, zuleidy1201, sadamladen, Rodrigo324, Liviumiu, fabrixd, amawaoi999, rickluosha, Nebunul, MuMaycroft, neurosi, yurielaudrey, tincho1990, kchzz1, ezeealee, AdLuminus, nostalgypvp, Mo3biuS, lxb223, igznoth, pedornela, mircosn, frangserra, skay25, Constanins, Joe The Mage, Hatting, DarkNite, XyonaX, angeles123, caaioc, jr1122, ziquielbr, ayrton, Luis David, jherson, frankgian, americamuslow, zeconslab, xxwillians, tavik1008, zekcrom, josef300, matymuni, aguilaDX, carloskaka23, Franco2022, naranjapersa, Nitrogeno, phongvan1987, 530921, Ketamina, SHILDKING, GerardZlar, andykul91, majiko23, EscorpioLucas, once_tao, Strike_161, EduardoTV, fefe, Adamant, thanhuan, Elizalde, smurr, ricijs11, Faker, ender45, krapf, madias, cienpe, skcaxia, salmansafadi, wenleiady, zoli1717, eldenjose, dady13, lukkas144, Dhiablo, Angelmu, Romp3hu3sos, Omar356, synixter,, Anto, khangdz19, hastingers, nigealix20, kimera, Hadeishere, mmlo22, pagoga, Linkkon, victorbk2k, viorb, chulicoxd, blacknor, Karen123, libbers, joeluis25, Djassar, Absolutx7, gang, Rsh91, Andres-, kyoshiro654, luiselloco, thieugia, x9901, soocks, stickgm, fozzil, hackpreik, aranclub02, eduvijesMu, Dariox84, Zerek, mrcomhp, rakzord, Romereid, BANGUber, Taivadu, boboha, v1rusjkee, rockly, Criptor, Krestik, DEDALES125, muintense, buuug7, wxziyo, chopai, ELEKTRONEX, 145145, aldairpino, LuisXD, wuachukeik, chuijose, djvenusoriginal, pilomania, Sintaxis, thongcham, mamut58, wolth2090, pwnzczyk, kimera2006, llorru, Lolateamo, rapha_eu, terrygoth, origeweb, JOnesTranqui, enzoenzo, Aris88, xingolo, Stoormo, kimrubi, dapoldz, seba4669, nehuenp, vicio113, zayro, lucasrodrigo, midapmi, zaky94, manuvps, deme230, Fulgerul, leandro22, dark32, 0nii123, erickantoine, feitosa, awildo3, UnCleanOne, juancho03, admwoods14, snowking, decrasy13, nicoespoonda, Avatar111, lctv2022, KangShiva95, Raekwonn, juanito1985, kluferso, znetworks, xebros, Ojeda93, nsynecs, leehenry1208, Bogi, tanyutonga, loadmu70, dwsh001, raynerjunior, concac123, Tongue, Ramos, rogerio013, kielrgz, frojasv, LethalWarr, Service2, brunothemm, SocrateS, anibal16, romario, adrian1612, pretzel01, tuyenlaptrinh, LoveZoee, Alis, slakerpro, youislife, luisrvas, akemi00, carlos97, eav0208, lAGUSl, zerg24, OldDeadly, Favorit, formlovefern12, blatorre02, CENNK, anemmca, zarocer, aoron, Eternity, francucho28, movesty, JoJoGy, bobike24, vdamasceno, qq991199, r0mul0, subdark05, Leeandro0, poika, efectos, polokiju, gargidk1, betinhokpa, mulife, lokito12, nailsonbr, cachorroquente, nguyentung, YoshHatake, gusano1974, diana1478, punktano1, mauritoo, rodrii02, ALCONMU, kikillo1234, kaerusu, mjkjo0, BugsBunny, alexasd101, wenchito, skhirtlo, luxgames21, taitocode, HayllanderBR, perla,, hatchet, syr3829, LoKur4, finalfts24, serverst, miruii, bomcoi1402, darkblad, dreykytoz, nockasdd, Neves, Lamgaihg, zhuxinda, Soiialee, dannys, kaybroak, DaiveSN, fermix010, xiazaipw, qq32226298, NaszeMU, xRonnye, dotarlz, LuisGaming, leonardi, zhaoyuechao1989, Genius05, HazzdeN, asdrucs, learndtut, zzbrandon, foxterman, Mayealdhost, sasha2p, myloveax, bugzik, baizhuang, hpevent, muexodox, matiman08, jaeras, ElNico, joaoluiz0135, bukaro27, burguez, veenx, yassir, selokkk, khrizleo, rodrigo08, zxy8711906, jesuschis, MURDER, MURDER, LePepe, MeloRR, imaresca, anhnt, benyolero, Solid, luksrt, liovewang, blackoutMU, MageBlack2021, bafta100, Omer, RasZ, Leozim, romano22, tuananh1990, overlucked, pablitox13, DAKUS509, HackerMan, alfredopv, Erou, khanhvn, servermu, idoso, IsaacSabir, djdennes, 8622661, Supremo, thismchg, joseph, iamzuika, slavea, smilwar, angelbigot, pleayes, marlonbdr, zmparrot, coolgepds, PabloCb, musouth, sieups, kaname, imjay8, rubo28, edersonjesus, osvaldotl, martin castro, longkandy, TheLing, zumm3d, alanskool, emilse2020, rexarjdp, stonegameplay, snopke, dem0n, Light, DJLexz, patri, santiagolp3, garrone02, meloft1, rivaldo123, x12fer12x9, vsro11, canashie, salasnas, sag3, NewBee, ryolosu, khanhvu, PeruxD, 8731918, gsvmvav, henry399, qjmume, sararaira, emisss, play4mu2021, sztykiel, molibe1578, pantera.ok, EDGE, tiestoh, jojodiazfr, mimemu, chrisjust, frthbcdrtbcd, stopk, misafer, chrome, Wizard, alex18, Carrasco, karlozxd, JVGC13, Manrique9809, facheritotlv, HunStarr, SonXeeZ, mati_1990, Guido, cuong1372, regolon, seniorbart, soer994, Christense, gega, kpss123, hip2412, vokirval, kimjfsim, ducanh1010, Fakuzz, Volk, Ezeekiel, jarocho, Janela, DCLICK, pooy01, eduardo253, Jonatasribeirojatai, YerbaSagrada, vcore30, zhangjianchao, Eduardoking, NatsuBM, elreydelmu, DIOGER,, kaleikata, yutcgthailand, LastName, royality12, jorge2016, charlooon, ellite2, manchalp12, NghienMU, th3matu22, mumarmico, emanuel22J, Juanakin, finieris, alexisbf, safielzxcv, xtian01, maksky, tck, neto66, Wikko0, tbnet91, pekazao, Argentuc, quanghauht, qq89333152, xneonesisx, Zetifero, bach102, pablouarez, kendy93, byrone19, TroYaN, KarLi, yolorf, dadada, barackka, joelsobrin95, jocemc0, Viper, royta, Xiao, Hess, worllash, carflores, shinnhn, shiun, winzcpe, hades45, ElKanpe, ufososly, drake95, nhat0975, Sergio Franco, dvgpn, bigblock, pasmador, sacred, mauri64, TheJoker, vlkh0027, Neznamwe, yejiunayangluo, hammerle, hammerle, grensoxd, Natsu, edangel4, zxc3261, minhnu112, cantante007, linkvas12, thienhavbt2, viper026, diadop, trakais1990, fifa15xdx, RRKEN, baor, KYMYOUNGSO, solar, nhatphai21996vn, garoukike, skinmuonline, ziza, Senhor-D, berlim, fleonidas107, golka, whj123, rafiltalol, pipa10, a.123, javiertyu, minhdc3, FranKit0, dangiis, zz0871630910, yyf127, rubar47, Atos39, realmix, guillecozzi, play4fun, furius, lee486, BPhamvn, betinho, shudie, dario885, yapeamixer, hoangha001, xXTurnerxD, metaleiser, qwertyu, huawei22, Azzen, wester, angelxd, dchien195, tunhi3000, juanmi13, syanh, spyderverr, muphantom, candyvl, Son Hai, jinshao, rodrisoft, empalador7, gamingmu, lovelove12, josue3pc, Zetita22, isabella, tehzeta, julepe1, DhimasRD, KtLN, nbazelin, taya, zhaonhienz, adryan, gudmer, d3mon, hx890216, llpierrell, yan1ycc, khoalun9x, Eymen2121, Dubzy93, RAGNAR111, kev, baocohp, bienmeohuhu, vlexdj, mutantekut, sylvio, dariusk, glad, mamex, Xavi, bryanqrz, DeymosZ, leandroiron, NoobInMu, LoVeMeEe, cucoman, castle, lynkent, christiaan, nicolas13,, Pirun, amfernan, chakalakaflax, ignice, aldair123, lovesick000,, 2914520, BrFusion, yamil129, leotta45, contatodn, tucamast, mrxikula, lvlfp, kailknight, anh1pk, XalleX, Elbardelorencia, jamesturman, punshock, wo7as, vitor, toteking, Atomo, darkfefi, meajhane, MuBariloche, blakwali, jhon2499, Robins, Nicco999, sakalas, joserpn, bloodvalhalla, onlinezajzaj, aletbrd, Laytaks, XinGao, skay11, nekrox, victorrz17, halis2021, judes, tripleasoft, markxj6, alee, mentafresca1234, BRUM4T1CK, vipxu, zerpen, erafoxmu, Esio35, vkfkssla, idkDUDE, Matt1995, KAKA, thuongdo07, donas, drakulla, notfound, mu2020, chakal, Mortus, Sistem, tiry, Arturoeliaslf, ANARPUK, andres1207, IConejoI, taivisao, mev_13, ghst, Alexbrm, devshadow, woopwoop, vnlegend, jvniorfox, vnc, seshero, lautijc, islye, splound, lukjjs, daniel202, Visible, XxC4ll3xX, snup, hu7vo6, nicolas65, ronbal2211, deivifalle, Evelia, Pozzizzad, Biney, josehdrago, aitoriyama, RaStraBaN, CroSS_ADM, elniqho18, scamferum, YOUNGJU KIM, LuisCracks, ikqrote, usuario21, wendyll, migell123, jjtag2301, bkjerk33, rafaelpqd157, elcris99, toanhvt1998, misograndelle, antony05, luisjo, heisen, damian30, banam8910, mnoguera, Berlan Barbalho, felipesanto, ernesto2, sp3cial, awdawd, MinORu, 0342043033, Yekhai15, raxtz, luisurrere, betosaki, fedepelain, MuDarkAge97D, aldrin30, aszxitalo, napo74, tarandong, SirRayo, costilla, That-Cool-Guy, xinmortal, Colomathy, luvin, maurocaruso, giangbana, ៚Đros͜͡m, chaser27, Drommos1, asdasdasd, SoraGaming, wznba, Nyquist, ales, Jlucu4ko, hitimon, animator, Jacky, cancerx, DjGamer, Shellshock, fabikin1, liok026, Valkyria, bochora, choosemu, elpupa1996, alexjgv, nerit0, elpupa, martinmaya, ossamenta, nenegamcas, vrbrual, sedtek, tanju02, ruuhkennedy, elithan, darkfire22, adrid34, ezesosa, bykakuv, hikaru333, beaterhehe, NikkiQwiki, aguargu, khrissr10, Kealman6, thang1987, backerchen, kasty, canxivtp, bloppey, spam1x, oogunzoo, dannybest, Kenbrown, longcon91, [Midgard], xeonlaser8, vitalush, curruco, leegox, siebenpatricio, xsoja, larrybaw, brucevf, kemicy, helb0urne, ezkibel92, xASGARDx, duongnhung, loa0629, kevincho, sparcox22, jorgito729, Gokussj, cristhian50, vuhaihoang, tadeobolso, lautat1, giabao, vagabondul, mapsung, legacy101, casperinc, narugamy, 331515194, frenzo2009, 862266b, kamatoz, mekadoom, DarkFre, Mu-Zlow, xx2xx, gabil21, RifleMaN_, llZeuzll, kalvin1818, GrowDark, finotello77, ignacio98, Bruce, xpl0ziv, hunsanyix, zarnas168, kodai, 10mauro10, ekor4ik, Darkco, japa48, vinera2k, vitjau, carlos1989, jonathanmu, adriaNGaming, kratos08, 4893298, wongda, krishnaxDD, xXSiniestroXx, lucasvieira, Kurisu, smil158, raul31, anubis6666, Referalusa, brahian1891, b1ack, darkryanx22, fanatiKu, nicz01, lDrakol, motikss, revengemu, Action, fortunacio, Dear,, diegomrta, zaxscd, sclyve, crzt, tuyendam, stefanoiu, dartveder, delvador, RiiiDer, darkcaido, zimik, JoseFz, finzik, muarcontes, sk8erpig, idannette, sounddivision, thanggsm, spk1000, bijow, michel9, nscbr, thang95, mublackout, carioca22, whisky123, mhbravo, Tomix78, SebaDrgn, itamarsrosa, negoveio, God, faeeiry, jeprax, javier981, leandro123, Phoenix666, mudevsbr, Hugo, omgsf, ShurikPurik, Kardia, BruceCM, 7glorious, kiruko, sauron215, eduardo_forte9005, girino, renatovips, 3ckos, bravofromlv, phoenix1, max1musn1, Luck0599, Zekkk, SUNIGIE, jcsierra, Mazepa, lucas123, Monsterkillxz, Woldar, TuanNinh, Yukki, enano130, FIESTERO, pafavila, sounda, Kirens, makyntosh, loyd, Comander, nerd, lipokas, juani, german0942, shokboy03, lstuan, thang91, McPhee1995, akka, tomassk89, juancruz, vladslav, Crowley, Keitch,, Leandro RS, zzhades, anibal, orton2000, liron, andutu, billga, ffernandes, miguelo, yunnior12, BeeboKS, kenny666, noxokijj, hanhanmu, oskaarss, yakomamic263, pedroevil51, Analista, mati09, phonix12, FOX, h3yShOk, OnlyTime, chikito, binhaa, deyxy25, noire666, sinho2, pochoitg, kenh141, monteirojunior, frank144, Nelsinhohj, fer1992, lucho1980, nar1k, bendol212, qweasd, Ketamine, larkan28, jorgemol, estarly, lau08, lifeplayer, lordkanon, generationmu, DarkLink, lesagu, Slayer, piscis007, boypost, azarite, anhhaoxughe, hazlacika, peperojas, LukeTheCut, kingbr, SakuraDev, demoniotaz, alimm03, deyxy13, ace17, CorsarioDgx, umdertaker, IKanekiI12, elcrom, 308508743, datos32, AZURE, donciukas14, stalintlv, FrancoB, focked, vzlasup, fenixs, agtanalata, RaptorXtrem, Parala1, AriesMaster, gatzuga14, MDDM, JoyerxD!, thoxer, iiLuizinho, MARIANO21MZA, Kirito212, vastagoo, toto12, tinhuynh, roshux, ImportedPotato, zeromaster, m1sterio, Aniquileytor, kurtis, 465638956, Nherk, sohd, ccdj, lanterhd, vaneavanea31, paxgavilan, nivea89, daotho, adriano3r, brian125, pelecha22, Gian1994, kool410, elangelave, 497625, mken, lemg2408, Syberian497, Dexign, azgames, wellwisher22, khyle650, blind09, niceo, iopq123, moyzier, habacedu24, geovanio, Skillz, chacallol, Toeval, lostalejandro_, MASISO, 3820194, morris, Lucifer2912, leales, lthai2021, rando, mehralion, usersa, BeckerIbero, bzcandy, DiegoRM, vinis888, ArcSyS, maligno001, ilracmania, yekiel, malau, zxcqwe, tuandam, codetempo, carlosk2, Jesusn204, draco425, Gordon, judakiss21, kingteamus, vnfiac, phuc1991, marksync, Erick05, humter91,, lolz3976, baolove000, ktrazk2, NoLimiT, Rasner, Hiếu Đại Ca, federacio1, -MitSuki-, txtctim, truongtienhp, lacisum1, hackvcoinpro1, Konnopny, theexpo2, Pompinator, Aioria, hacker96, jhampool13, mantios, fluk012, Frank4398502DKYT, Kapocha33, Daniel@, boncha, gredy, daimer, Deidad, InFamous, llodilonll, Junjinvn, traika, Shauxe, gabisito, Miisoia, targoon, andreyzz, dizzys, juanchm92, elxmejorge, heroviet2301, Pipowh11, TzCr4ck, HighLevelTeam, traxxx, Wendigo, ashlay, lenhador, IceCream, Iямαηɗαɗ ☠, sagamacus, tieugiao, dnaraujo, alefecombate, louis, Thormat, zacki0801, mugloves99, unnamedsk1, Elnegrox, felksyahh, datccqc, superice, nguyetteen, mos02673, GX_KYO, binho, miso261186, diegoxd, migueel210, nescafe, redragon1524, reandroid, vensliukas, 万三大哥哥, vanhiep215, jesusandr3, dario, GoodCreator, hyoo1012, quimimaru, XiuNooB, mungesot, Armada, Karuritoku, NervoS, carnal17, yay2jz, villag, disznoo123, MetaZone, jaes, vongallard00, crowalex14, keizJkE, DembOw, hoaint116, HaPKoTuK, jeisonmartinez25, dkfrank, hinam.97, minhduc, jesusmvz, monitoxx2021, iCoder, hamalina, Lordknight, satanikk, rexmu, northon, Thale, elmaspr0, j04k1t0, niiktck, BaTmaaN, zbiffz, Polrgam, elsocio1, ccrriiss1, Nachi, lzm100001, Erroxql, anhtruong, kasio, mumadryn, donpower, 1732313, j3susMr, tasymc, ledemkhoc, volrath, mutu3250, levvvy, darckevil, sojoco7117, lostangel, samsung13, korron, gonzagadea, bigmed, iSh4dow, mcalbert1, edelunico124, 10145, icarus77, alexo, mael55, werli, kiro27, destruction, m4rd0k, Chupulum, wesleyjackie, wils, aleffdp, lukem24, tuGoogle123, tunsmile, showmax, trevas357, NoizDMx, bollanog, zerocx, luizxd0, imoteph, Percy, BanWork, Icelight, caselco12, Ziruelo, OsinLove, andredeco, natsu00, javierjgja, thesofer, MITOLOGY, msousay, yNot, becoloko, grisis, WixMU, Jarel, Nhocgano1, WaFi123, eln00b, KempeK, smile87, neroneron, gous1, IzReal, tkstriker, gaiden, lavado179, rafapsi, miguel24, Zeven, Master12, Marcela, mufreedom, myway, Cdaf_1986, richarxxb, Andre1981, davidla22, Gerardo23, neguev25, hanzel, nopelingrush, quetreo, khuongduy2, wireshark, phambaophong, kambire, theanh27, llhenryxpxx, nysori, maqmu, Jey, marcos10, moster147, juancarlin, adrain.aurelio, drynea, vantuan02hn, kayito, kennypc, s2sinh94, walkeny, lizbeth, trungpv, muonlineteste2, anshelo, anhbaokr, jhoancito, Servermain, rekis, wrestler, anhthao9st, emerson2004, heroes1412, bodzio19, smile158, Genilson23, metallica8, waiteni, marlonfran, WayneXzki, andytran, octacore123, favianxp, akashi, mrlemlinh,, Londes1, eduardoad1989, rikigandur, shangay, banu9x, Marcelo01, makijs, loverboy, Cagver, darck, 542201099, alexpks, Velik, napo09, Gaboo;, 4sunny1995, Denis Alves, xianwen, luongyduong, asafeaa, Swiety, Yuntao, jonjoneze22, leobsb, musubloren, Lude, rafaboby, taovanluc, UNDERGOD, slowmanta, Asdxtikert, aemoscon, Alenada, DONDEMONIO, nguyechien5520, NicoCAI, skrey, havanty, DFNetworkz, ivandimotta54, belliardo, malekeith, Martinez20, marrioth, Demon, akaboom, clairtoncb, marius02, tarikata, sunthah12, nofeara, cristian31, plyn, Sauro, TROYANO, phonglk, bug3d, 132desqqwdqwq1A, UrbaNDraft, zeruskill, akiles1345, lemiks, mauter5, marco125, andreys12, momonga, lucas, FaNaMaN, mulatinos, tomi132, brisadulce, psyqo, RaduOnica, wolffrox, Overkomp, YaR3L, 862266, vipgale01, xrcqdn, respo, MuOldLife, rongden2400, jhahernandezcas, Devans, dagang, piierzeh, Fukerito, blkpr, phootheer, aide224, Shodry, fstacruziii, mydiary3, chris312, ToShirico, Severok, KingKiltro, mupuerto, ajccc, meelfagg, CREARTUSERVERDEMUONLINE, weekly, cris87, samyps, huynhanhtri96, lala123, nattykook, ShowTime, Concha, coriagus, legendario8, ByCeLLaT, speedrzo, jonasbss, joelxd004, Idosaka, LotekStyle, sworken, cuocdoisp, thonnaga, brenuk, Bleach12, ivercitotk, mattihi1mi, c4nhsatcodong, fidelezcurra, seiamu, manaman, meinchoyo, Circuit, henriquenogueira81, berkers, kivik22, matos2020, krouse002, alexmu, T-LEGENDARY, danielgalboa, trunghp01, hodias, CreaTuMuOnline, yosef801, Stefano.Aguiar, dmtuan23, jampi0910, admin3sa, jaspe5369, Calisho122, James, FuriaG, esotorivera, Sharkyzz, fivqt, pros2801, AmericaHost, rioukun,, thanhbinhqht, axian, jamiones24, Cynbicris, ycr4zy, juacho2626, diamonds, Royank, zhangjianle865, danviphd, FuegO, fenixeon, herikeri1, ninjanegro, muzic25, Eufures, kobe10, pimkungclub, eLdiserk, sedex, bcould, Alexsupra0, MuvnzPlus, tedomi, thanhdopc93, GLpendeex, ureqe, simsimsim, alexims, LuciferXT, santiago2020, dinomat, rodriiigo, cerverus11, JONNA14, xxgasti13x, Google123, Mindegyki, rafaelmt, xMorf3o, demmian2, 30roiday, qchaiquan, mercurius10, Locura71, dikemaomao, Maggott, aldo, kksky, russo1, OverLoad, NguyenAnh, Aragon, nemeziz42, Krezzus, jumongski, madmax24, Qubit, Uzord, anra, MUGO, EzeQ, allhoy, tumberosrp, janzkurt, gonzalok91, pelotudazo, fakenha, xunxolost, facuBD, Kirwe, aagads, armflo12, idpnguyeni, iggfree, baojianyang, babydragon, anaflex, ruojing, grgonza, chaprao, Malyk, mania16, Fox666, eliasnogue, Thor Host, rers, marconet, josiwls2, jose54, boylasd, brumo, red2992, fang7352, mudaiviet, Heitaok77, robertin20, RafaMaster, ynskpaso, locopro, adicktuz22, jorgepali, webamoev, fuel, xSuffering, chauttc, TryMenow, Almighty, gicorox, AltairN17, ro2020, hackluv, _SocrateS_, nidale12, NoMolestarProgramando, WazonxD, darthloud, Linck, espigs94, williamsvg, mu057677, forever3000, gonzaaestrade, Sentairo, ELNOOB, cri0, exe2020, Dkyzer, elasesino1, Shuta, tcbaoanh, rayander, heribert, felvero, Aeunius, wolfangelu, quangphong0904, Pyke, erianthe, JokerZoe, prano, vitordodo157, manfromvn, victhorinox, Mizuki, Roberthlan, muonlinefsapvp, ValkyriaMu, Primordial, LUJURIA, kai1702, fengyun52894, Eliusfas, aladim, kakalot981, chuckhai, MuFramat97, marting, Zerulean, jprey7, kahleb, scrsky, VictorKing, bilox, panya18900, DARKCRIS2, darkhorse16, mariaszm, senorequis, -Rastaa.TSM☢, deimak, Pericotito, DangeR, ngvankhanh, rank, vampstein, wiljipa, admkolla, MrSoftware, EscuderoKevin2, qgamers, cenius, Van_Bom, Vitaminka, 0333111, escaflowne956, kreator, andrades, zerocallitp, networks1, bran10, revolek, jesuspiconc, code, skymater, TrystVenerious, Stament, onell, loco500, thunwa1, Sero9192, andremx20, Camilomarquez61431, wnz5678, bultoro, morocho11, Joelhenrique, elconte, Null, trkgncmg, bimaloha, vituocgia, rodreeking, czrdiamond, straiker23, somlee, fbeltran2390, thienma, daviddavid, rizpra, jaime, PachoRasta, nhanphu200, Anonymmus, Blade, Noximus, chuvito, Ethernaly, rafael222, Feche, miracle1, Dieguinho, killermu, Argez, mubongma, lostcross, Marduk, dinamicka, kaosrlz, djgrad, salem1305, melo920, gangrels, zurdo, KhongGianOL, equispe, enriquexp, zlethanhlong, dakosmu, silvermuonline, alequez, HOFFMAN, brayan100, muslum, neverclubza, brandonmu, marvin540, Facundo Jara, edddy, lunaticodeveloper, kaffa22, wfl0417, diieg0, jorgeware, ngluan, joachim, eden288, redf0x, BrayanMix2016, itec.os93, Juan-, TheRebel, rujirot, JoHnNyZeN, bobzznnn, oswaldo159, mushuLMAO, saneokkk, ILUVATAR, SCosmin4, alefmello166, taghieff, dorcohen1, pepeeh, Llalex, Angel18, zyghydev, wesleypam, 1tomyx, SaintZeus, rogeralexander, Wazzap28, spider, manugaby1, tienak, SatanWild, agitor, p5c10, lobodark08, wdevil, shadow, yoohz, Ishimatsu, azpirin4, santia12, NoobDK, forumid, facu90, ichigeki, TheKing027, Arazox, Pudge, braerick, xscorpx, rnesheik, rrockowasd, Dizzy, joelhack1994, egon, rob21, 161012, 549625751, shangxin, 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Offline tsunade10 #1 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 08:21:44 PM | Modificado: June 06, 2020, 08:55:15 PM by tsunade10

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Offline Kosh #2 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 09:25:48 PM

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Offline ZabiinoOo #3 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 09:45:30 PM




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Faltan son unas imagenes amigo kosh, para motivar a las personas a ver lo que van a usar :D Pero muy bueno apoyo para ese proyecto  cool2

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god


Offline derochedefacha77 #4 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 09:49:48 PM

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Limite de usuarios?
Ahi mismo esta diciendo que no tiene limites, aprende a leer viejo..  tiros


Offline tsunade10 #5 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 10:02:40 PM

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Limite de usuarios?
Ahi mismo esta diciendo que no tiene limites, aprende a leer viejo..  tiros

por este post volveras jajajaja :v

Offline derochedefacha77 #6 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 10:36:39 PM

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Faltan son unas imagenes amigo kosh, para motivar a las personas a ver lo que van a usar :D Pero muy bueno apoyo para ese proyecto  cool2


Offline xdjoa #7 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 10:39:58 PM

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Custom item position ,el custom cros y bow y pet seria genial que puedas agregar

Offline axeman192 #8 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 11:57:35 PM

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Cuál es la diferencia con los de Takumi?


Offline jeffzkie69 #9 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 12:01:47 AM

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how about custom items is it included? thank you

Offline mario12 #10 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 01:23:51 AM

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Son Estables para Poner y armar Un Server de MuOnline ¡¡¡???


Offline Kosh #11 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 01:27:35 AM

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-Evito colocar tanto customs para no tener lo mismo que el resto y porque no me gustan.
Pero ya a pedido en proxima actualizacion sera agregado.

-Diferencia con los de takumi, mm nose no los probe pero los vi por el post y son muy buenos. La diferencia que yo uso menos custom y no tiene limites, osea les regale un premium que cualquier otro se los vende. Esa es "la diferencia".

- You have the customitem while, soon I will be adding custompet, etc. At the request of the people. Cheers

- Yo diria que primero hagas un test como cualquier files. Veas si te sientes comodo, si se adapta a lo que tu buscas. Ya si luego te llevas bien con ellos. Cualquier cosa estare dando soporte gratis de cualquier forma. Lo que necesiten estamos a las ordenes. Saludos

las 4 preguntas fueron respondidas. Saludos


Offline muarce #12 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 02:08:51 AM

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Buenos Tus Filles Bro... se Agradece... pero tu crees poder agregar al menos los mapas de las season altas mas sus monster , eventos e items? claro si podrías... Gracias d antemano

-Evito colocar tanto customs para no tener lo mismo que el resto y porque no me gustan.
Pero ya a pedido en proxima actualizacion sera agregado.

-Diferencia con los de takumi, mm nose no los probe pero los vi por el post y son muy buenos. La diferencia que yo uso menos custom y no tiene limites, osea les regale un premium que cualquier otro se los vende. Esa es "la diferencia".

- You have the customitem while, soon I will be adding custompet, etc. At the request of the people. Cheers

- Yo diria que primero hagas un test como cualquier files. Veas si te sientes comodo, si se adapta a lo que tu buscas. Ya si luego te llevas bien con ellos. Cualquier cosa estare dando soporte gratis de cualquier forma. Lo que necesiten estamos a las ordenes. Saludos

las 4 preguntas fueron respondidas. Saludos

Prefiero Morir Parado , q Vivir arrodillado...

Offline alefmfoda #13 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 04:45:37 AM

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Você pode colocar interface 1.0 nesse muserver preciso pra fazer um Downgrade para versão 99z

Offline Tool91 #14 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 07:11:51 AM

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Offline Profeta #15 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 08:15:07 AM

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Buenos Tus Filles Bro... se Agradece... pero tu crees poder agregar al menos los mapas de las season altas mas sus monster , eventos e items? claro si podrías... Gracias d antemano

El chavón ya compartío un repack de un file que normalmente venden con las custom que fueron agregadas. Lo que pides puedes agregarlo por vos mismo con paciencia y con guías aportadas aquí en el foro, no es algo tan complicado.

Recuerden todos que son files que no tienen limitación de usuarios, casi nadie hace eso de modificar sus files y regalarlos. No sean tan abusos de pedir source. El trabajo del el también vale!

El éxito no es un accidente. Es trabajo duro, perseverancia, aprendizaje, estudio, sacrificio y sobre todo, amor por lo que estas haciendo o aprendiendo a hacer.


Online takumi12 #16 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 08:24:42 AM




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Puedes compartir soucre
muy buen trabajo con tu aporte apoyo tu trabajo

aqui lasfuentes  magia2

Las offset no se crea, ni se destruye, solo se transforma


Offline Victor-CC-TSM #17 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 11:07:44 AM

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Ready Para Cualquier Cosa !! Brrrr

Offline maykol #18 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 01:33:17 PM

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KOSH gracias, los estoy probando y me parecen los mejores que eh visto hasta el momento, los usare en mi servidor, solo quisiera que me respondieras unas preguntas:

como puedo ver donde se gana WC,WCP,GP en tus files
ademas ver si los eventos como el survivor, GMXGM,BMXBM, etc/ esten activos, fueras tan amable.

desde luego muchas gracias.


Offline Kosh #19 Posteado: June 07, 2020, 02:12:14 PM

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KOSH gracias, los estoy probando y me parecen los mejores que eh visto hasta el momento, los usare en mi servidor, solo quisiera que me respondieras unas preguntas:

como puedo ver donde se gana WC,WCP,GP en tus files
ademas ver si los eventos como el survivor, GMXGM,BMXBM, etc/ esten activos, fueras tan amable.

desde luego muchas gracias.

WC - data/custom/CustomOnlineLottery.txt
WC - data/custom/CustomQuiz.txt
GP - gameserver/data/Common.dat
PC,etc.. -  data/custom/CustomNpcQuest.txt


Eventos activos si! Saludos


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