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Autor Topic: Ring PVP moderno - Lorencia  (Visto 20374 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo Posteado: April 25, 2017, 12:07:46 AM




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rodrigords, Drastick, ynskpaso, gacon201294, cheng2531, krash, Wolfox, Aioria, leejuu1, mken, fallsmu, CreaTuMuOnline, pratep, Michelle, Yuntao, rlizanaj, licanito, Next22, Naxzut, nestor22, waltervg91, murillo021, noisnanet, kalvin1818, jonhblay, ProGuard, muinternational, warriorx07,, tetuglia, ArcSyS, Jhosmmy, sulake99, kakalot981, spider, Primordial, cualquier1, ruojing, zoomame, thouma22, KinJaeWom, rodrigoo22, Fenix33, LUGH Avalon, Hoangsy99, kingexilio, migueel210, 3dwardp2, czrdiamond, area51reload, matiirc, hector22, itec.os93, ta6akus7, Axelfvm, chris1994, mugloves99, celestial, MsotoC, Cienfuegos22, lobokaixo, rastuza, VIERJAJR, onos, sauerlp, lucashigo, LuciferXT, LuciferXT, JoHnNyZeN, pipicros, monaco219, jhorfre, gorihat, thealdair, gonzapola, luis2564, alejo22, madafaka, ricardoaf, spk1000, dirtydance, fran1234, llhenryxpxx, lechianh88, gici, nhjm9, alexpks, nicko0507, Raidako, Irvingcz, jesuspiconc, facu90, graciania, edgardanis, jerrymouse, franco23445, admslaiffer, roldamon, fabiosarts, UrbaNDraft, nicooromero, juanvzl, elvisalves175, Bk3Zell, Taglife, najiko2017, Exclikers, crossqueer, isloar, sebastian,, IonZapada, gloriozo, damiancam, Alucard, AgustinAlfi96, FerGuz, maranzano, mistertito, muf2p, liron, quique13, Pablo1, faccuu, Matthew, mugoya2020, RODman, kev, ftjosej, vato32, kind, cruz, marlonfran, Elprah, Developers, miniloco, baolove000, gatito99, nachoman23, AGLG123, museven, Cristian_Core, JohnnysSK, tonih04, maxijp2, AmericaHost, maurixi, Elbardelorencia, elmaxis1, jeanstyle, Danihv, yamahahond, nahuel007, extremoo, nuevomuonline, mukillah, diamonamld, CCleaner, jorgito729, asterras123, heavenmu, anhemia, pirumenchu23, infernal, ralarcons, mystyle, sadamladen, Johnark, Hiếu Đại Ca, mastermcy, perejil, lowemus6, Leandro242, kyuzojusti, Trungqbbn, XCodeCorp, walkeny, CraftMU, shirzx, Boogie, urbank94, jimorrison, Cartman, Mulander, murrito, AleeDJ, 123gato123, winker2204, glmr, mechaloco, assasinx, BeckerIbero, toregz, muangeles0414, MafiaPy, Overkomp, catirexD, Kuzco, jarteagaa, lBatero, Sid3Kick, Matakabros2124, Emanuelcom, melo920, heavenmus2, eltartas, Queezle, Swiety, felix0614, sabis, Jhonaroas, emmafe, manowwan1, imlijiaji, bravo99, murancio, Zancudo, Flash, Bladimir Barbaro, armstrong, pekazao, aitoriyama, elson, sicknet, mos02673, anmx14, mushuLMAO, scanor, lucaspereyra, nachodl, kingbr, artem, kenrickgabiana, trinidad191817, Leandro RS, josue3pc, RifleMaN_, GuilhermeSouza, helb0urne, dani14, KungZeeD, matthy, ProNexT, STARTS, TroYaN, feermart, DEPREDADOR, enas123, klakla194, sekuella, Rikketarz, cesarvha, ezedjmix, Andru22, mu fuller s2, nekrospro1995, Guido, osik12, Zahamael, wickedstick, master, OMUS, BioHaZarD, jhon1799, aaleej0, voyka, AlonsoFrn, jaschingsa, flozorron, tehzeta, sagat202, Yogui, luisangel, carlos243, Shirako, darkjack, locodka, luch3x0013, cris87, FAKUS, russell, Narkiu, lostcross, Thor Host, usuariomassiel, makena1, muhyul, U2_Caparzo, danielgalboa, princekannon001, jonamix, eb2010, digennaro, maxpower, Bermont, Sentairo, ureke, baitzashul, iMendoza, vcsoftware, mochaso05, wandersons9, koga, lokorenzo, jrusino, Beelzebub, mutechtowerc, francos123, Felipe0211, Facundo Jara, dark, Calisho12, TryMenow, elhack15, brian2212, sol1kaka, theanh27, brunomobile, TheWonejo, munitaldj, MikhontiK, magnelmu, KeyVaroK, aragua, big8360, mauter5, osvaley, sandz, Cupido85, MscM4s4cr3, ASTRAL, Zulus, miguel1206, locopro, muphantom, Rifah, reveage, benhy1412, diieg0, joelhack1994, Lude, kubik, RoldanHost, narzuke16, xSebitah, mubongma, Yan Carlos, mendez1192, muwarriors, Gaboo;, 6atters, Gardelito, calzon, mardelmu, alanjhx, hisokaiba, Mandrazx, malekeith, lokopipo, deivifalle, ro2020, hiser, LeandroSk8, mauri110995, XalleX, FluooR, pelarico, SbaGomez, forsaken, bafta100, thienthan1117, Cypress, neurosi, explorel7410, sony1901, diegosm120, elasesino1, zooz2222, jinfansub, Lexziron, MaHoMaXx, piracy, fasito05, MuThrones, andresnico, sanlp, Dambis, yhoon, 1732313, lokura, 4341087, ioryblood, bidibk, Kheyziitow, TinchoOo, muelement, Doppler, altomayo12, yonattan, ezesosa, broad3yes, dlgstone87, kaleikata, esnaidxd, Jerson, ImportedPotato, maxig_asus, miancas, bassaim, weverson, diemorko, JYachelini, lacovic, tincho088, mmtdhuy, Jutes, osvaldotl, Dnle1, InfamuS, Supremo, 102pe, tgservice147, christoferdz, darkjano, dragon557, Thy Oanh, bazan, KarLi, PsyCx, afabasc, alvarez16, rotbk, mucasino, narses, prmuonline, Natzugen, Nahuu340, jhoszk, neverclubza, quang, gpsturbo, Ronalddrg, lucas, funzmu, seniol, juliecito23, morpheo, marcos2246, tragokorto, lorinho, LiesMaster, ManuLexus, EncoreVPS, pochoitg, dragovps, winner, xtian01, jesusandre, calexrp, facuquilmes, johanpc, rulay, kimiler, mateo4304, kikincool, neeck1234, zeromaster, migueldg, vhsalvat, exclusive, elias18, Nestorj97, bigbygamer, KhongGianOL, EzeQ, RyukZ, xinmortal, XGamerS, bybaybong, Hessen, vicente201, canox321, yoohz, felipe.anccori, mutronos, Ghost505, mueight, hiena, rubio, Anemone, nicodiaz, gnot18, SilverLife, marcusero, Revolutionmu, peck66, rekktle, norcolios, emilianooo, elpaya, MATHASNBA, xKaZx, nicoprs, sirmono, daman913, evapelee, Opresor, seedmaker, gilver, alecito2008, Nawe, ragnvald12, Yalc, c4nhsatcodong, tinchostaf, kickgamer, badi1990, clerigz, coleto, kai1702, nescafe, sandu1, GANTY, comoxs, allanrazer, esteban, piscis007, MDDM, pavlock, Vaiper, KAOZ, bamda11, ghostx, irwing, yueuchiha, mustx1, jonhz, emashot, athos47a, eduardox, Deivide, MuOldLife, comojo, INFIERNO, jesuschis, josuedj, franqonahuel.ff, wesleypam, psalazar, xisco__, ramon142, 9012agus, xspecularx, GATITO, guedeszh, ElLocati, ozon, xXRECTARXx, mario12, Mirkola, spriggan, LanzXAT, xdjoa, Benedetto12, ArnoldSzk, Hess, narzuko, jakess, junioriat, CrAlOx, telameto1991, laleem, faber, jhonatan01, cancerx, Pokepili, deiviid22, felipesanto, FranKit0, doguerra, Chalidow, adicales, Anonimus01, TidusDW, janopro, herjuni, bmss01, idarktech, MelateMU, fabrixd, muaatroxs4, bouodi, Tomy Delacroix, ezequiel, gianoaa, phillippec, BlackSoul, richard88, damiqw, Juuanka, MuMaycroft, AGOSHO, nemesis28, MaxPower0K, basura02, emkobiet, Himura1993, AlexiToxXx21, wolffrox, Omaiga, hipnomaster, julimolinas, z3r0x, gabbysama, diju, boinapro, Kingt, josedfb, MrRabbit, FrancoB, karita, juanse23, bimanei, emkobiet1, DiegoRM, betito54321, Peluuca, djpigua, NicoDS, tinhuynh, dendi, FuegO, juanmi13, qashqay, iShutUp, darkroh, jaspe5369, Luffy, aida2, saga, DjGamer, oGILBERTo, drynea, EmptyWalls, SIRDGARU, linkzero, silfredo, remamakiller, Ryuno, Skyx, Luucaas, jajajamal00, LeeHenry, nguyechien5520, Nation Network, badabuu, Gabxd18,, ProtenAikazen, alessandro, servermaster, masterik12, samsunggon, bran10, repiolaa, Crusito, djagripnos, TioFedEx, oswaldo159, kaerusu, Marcelo01, elmaster89, makyss123, Josemcl, MaF1oZo, zodiacddos, BloodMoonAF, frenzo2009, jserrao008, emapna, Evangelio, Marote, saiorax, elaguslf, kpos2008, chikitoxd, gabo22, arthurt94, elrapero88, delmin, Rakamont, heas, [Midgard], mariooscar, hectoreaf, ernesto2, mordrekan, stadrian99, luisdaniel, Sharmin, CAPITOL, naza1923, Sherm1, mezu23, bikutoru123, senkilord2, elcris99, olivera10, KenyiHG, Aramis, p3droslk1, Gizlayer20, braian42, moises1531, digao, bkbodoke, gega, eduuardo3d, leiker145, Jhadiel026, jhosel, MuvnzPlus, pichuxdd, matadores, cuervo15, AleCarolina, MarkuzChileno, temes1, blanqiazvl, pujosx, ferdsls, Ocean Network, heribert, Karuritoku, blakcklass, bukaro27, KREATHOR, wenchito, Xysad, nawel12, ToShirico, wcobando, iDani, jozal, Andres-, Fakundojua, junior274, answer, Ivansitoxz, Azzlaer, niqeto, estarly, LuisDM, sanbox, lautha, Piwi, marcospy, megaroket, dennys147, lorade, harry130, ValkyriaMu, jotace, CristiaNN, Kitty, Dencel1, musantamarta, Guhs2joy, Luid21, unico, NERA, oleas14

Offline unico #1 Posteado: April 25, 2017, 02:45:13 AM

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una consulta  este tiene el archivo  para el muserver ? lo digo por que un amigo mio lo tiene y solo se le puede atakr en el centro   los bordes  tiene bugg


Offline ZabiinoOo #2 Posteado: April 25, 2017, 05:44:30 AM




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Si trae su terrain amigo

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Offline mordrekan #3 Posteado: July 20, 2017, 09:08:07 AM

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una pregunta respecto a este SKIN, meti el skin y todo se instalo perfectamente pero en el RING ahi un bug, solo puedo atacar en una parte del ring es decir, donde estaba el ring redondo que tenia, como se configura eso para que el ring funcione completamente en su totalidad ? GRACIAS


Offline TioFedEx #4 Posteado: August 20, 2017, 04:24:05 PM

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Bajando para agregar a mi server season 2 , despues te cuento como me fue !


Offline jaspe5369 #5 Posteado: October 11, 2017, 10:38:50 AM

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bajando para colocar en server s6 epi 3 les cuento como va

Offline Gabxd18 #6 Posteado: October 12, 2017, 09:52:24 PM

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chicos como le quito los efectos a ese ring?

Offline firemarcos #7 Posteado: October 12, 2017, 10:07:03 PM



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chicos como le quito los efectos a ese ring?

Abres el mapa con MuWorld Editor, te vas a objetos y de hay seleccionas y eliminas todos los objetos cuadrados negros que esten al rededor del ring


Offline INFIERNO #8 Posteado: April 08, 2018, 12:10:35 AM

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este aporte de lorencia tiene un bug en el bar de lore ....transpasa una pared de lore bar como si fuera fantasma y en algunas partes del baul de lore vuela XD

Offline alecito2008 #9 Posteado: May 23, 2018, 10:05:56 AM

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Grandioso aporte! Funciona en season 6 ep 3

Offline Vaiper #10 Posteado: June 16, 2018, 04:08:30 PM

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es posible quitarle el humo al ring? para evitar el lagg, espero respeusta gracias !

Offline Cloud #11 Posteado: June 16, 2018, 04:13:33 PM

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es posible quitarle el humo al ring? para evitar el lagg, espero respeusta gracias !
si solamente descárgate y abri  el MuWorld Editor , y luego anda a objetos y seleccionas los objetos que dan ese efecto y los eliminas

Offline Ronalddrg #12 Posteado: October 04, 2018, 02:35:09 AM

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le servira a un mu S2

Offline Cloud #13 Posteado: October 04, 2018, 02:39:23 AM

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Offline wznba #14 Posteado: November 04, 2018, 01:06:24 AM

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Offline Cloud #15 Posteado: November 04, 2018, 01:22:38 AM

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test  thx

friend already deleted several comments with the same this type of comment is applied as spam to continue doing the same you will receive a penalty

Offline 102pe #16 Posteado: November 05, 2018, 04:53:54 PM

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Fix para el MWE3.0? No se ve :S

1. WhatsApp Link disponible para celular o Web WhatsApp

Offline shadowWZ #17 Posteado: November 07, 2018, 06:53:27 PM

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My version is the perfect support for S6EP3.


Offline Jutes #18 Posteado: November 08, 2018, 05:21:54 AM

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Sirve para 97x DS?

Offline Cloud #19 Posteado: November 08, 2018, 11:07:40 AM

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