The first time in our project's history - server
without a donate shop on the website. No
full items, wings, and
reinforced pets on sale.
A shop will be replaced by two
new services:
addition of
Damage Decrease option on Excellent rings and shields
addition of
Excellent Damage Rate option on Excellent weapons and pendants
Guild Tribute allows you to increase the strength of your guild and expand its influence on the server. The system involves a number of components - leveling speed, resets, buff strength, chances of earning bonuses and much more.
Additional distinctive server feature -
Guild Buff will now depend on temporary buffs - guild quests, Lords of Bless Arena, tributes, Kanturu Domination, it can be also increased for Zen.
Updated in-game
quests system with more than
280 quests.
Xp Rate: x100 (Dynamic)
Drop Rate: 40%
Max Level: 101
Grand resets: ON
Server name: Bless MU Online Legion
Version: Season 3 Episode 4
Server Location: Europe
Max LVL item: +15+28
Drop: 50%
Endless Tower Event
TDM Event
Kanturu Domination
Devil Square
Blood Castle
White Wizards Invasion
Skeleton king
Chaos Castle
Red Dragons
Golden Dragon Invasion
Castle Deep Event
Great Dragon
Happy hour
White Rabbits
Asteroth's Purgatory
Just a few examples of our commands:/post - Posts global message (Public)
/mute "nickname" - ignore all messages from the decided user. You can ignore only one user at the same time. If you would like to disable "ignore" function, just enter /mute command without a nickname, or just make a switch.
/addstr - Adds strength points (example. /addstr 123)
/addagi - Adds agility points (example. /addagi 123)
/addvit - Adds vitality points (example. /addvit 123)
/addene - Adds energy points (example. /addene 123)
/addcom - Adds command points (example. /addcom 123)
/set - Set stats points (example. /addstr 123, /addene 333 e.t.c.)
/party - Create a Party; invite people to the current party
Full server description: