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Autor Topic: Web Mu Core 2.2.0 Online  (Visto 1288 veces)

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Offline walkeny Posteado: February 01, 2020, 06:49:37 PM

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Hola, este es mi primer post espero no romper las reglas, soy nuevo en esto configuracion de files y etc, y todo lo que he leido aca me ha ayudado, solo tengo un pequeño problema.

No logro que mi web se vea en internet.

logre abrir los puertos en el firewall de windows y en el router, instalar la MuCore y esta lista como se muestra en imagenes

tengo configurado el DUC, y el xampp funcionando

y haga lo que haga no se conecta, cabe mencionar que la parte borrada en el DUC es mi ip publica segun busquedas que hice en google, en la parte de configuraciones elegi la opcion para usar la ip del adaptador de red local, pero tampoco funciona, es decir con ambas opciones puedo ver la pagina pero solo en LAN, si la trato de ver ya sea desde mi celular (usando datos), o se la envio a un amigo no carga la web. ya no se que hacer eh probado de todo, incluso revisando en mi router tiene una configuracion para DDNS y conecta con no-ip, pero tampoco asi funciona.

Es necesario mencionar que cuando lo configure decia "conected", y si podia acceder a la pagina pero siempre solo en Lan, no en internet.

alguien me pueda ayudar para revisar dicho tema porfavor y gracias.


Offline XCodeCorp #1 Posteado: February 06, 2020, 02:49:49 PM

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Lo que siempre tenes que hacer para asegurarte es comprobar los puertos, entra a coloca tu ip junto con el puerto que seguro es el 80 y hace click en Check, si te da  Open es porque está todo ok y tu web si se puede visualizar.

Offline ShinedowN #2 Posteado: February 22, 2023, 10:39:10 PM

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Hola buenas noches, asegurate de que el puerto 80 esté redireccionado a la ip privada en la que estas intentando subir tu web. De esa manera vas a poder visualizarla fuera de tu red local.

Offline janya #3 Posteado: May 18, 2023, 04:41:23 AM

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Hello and welcome to the community! It's great to see that you have made progress in setting up your website, but it seems like you are having trouble getting it to be visible on the internet. Don't worry, we can definitely help you troubleshoot this issue.

Firstly, it's great that you have opened the ports in the Windows firewall and in your router, and have installed MuCore. However, there may be some other things that you need to check to ensure that your website is visible on the internet. Here are a few things that you can try:

Check that your web server is running: Make sure that your web server is running and serving web pages as my website gbwhatsapp. You can do this by typing "localhost" into your web browser and seeing if your website appears.

Check your router configuration: Make sure that you have properly configured your router to forward incoming traffic on the relevant ports to your web server. You can usually do this by accessing your router's web interface and navigating to the port forwarding section.

Check your Dynamic DNS service: It's great that you have configured a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) service, but make sure that it's properly configured and is updating your IP address. You can check this by visiting your DDNS provider's website and seeing if your IP address is being updated correctly.

Check your firewall settings: Double-check that your firewall settings are allowing incoming traffic on the relevant ports. You can do this by checking your router's firewall settings as well as your Windows firewall settings.

Check for any other network issues: It's possible that there may be other network issues that are preventing your website from being visible on the internet. Try connecting to your website from a different network or using a mobile data connection to see if it's accessible.

Hopefully, these tips will help you get your website up and running on the internet. Good luck!
Make sure that you have properly configured your router to forward incoming traffic on the relevant ports to your web server. You can usually do this by accessing your router's web interface and navigating to the port forwarding section.

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