Game Version: Season 4 - Custom
Normal Experience Rate: x1000
Master experience rating: x10
Drop rate: 50%
Maximum Normal Level: 400
Maximum master level: 400
Maximum Reset: 100
Maximum GReset: 20
Stats per level: 5/7
Stats for Reset: See Table
Stat stat limit per characterization: 32000
Guild Creation Level: 350
Maximum number of games in a guild: 20
Maximum Guild Alliance Number: 3
Level to activate MU Helper: 1
Available classes: All from level 1
New cards
New sets of weapons shields before the 14th season
New Wings 2.5 - 4 levels
New craft for creating things
All Ancient sets of 5 parts Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots
New bosses
New Jewel of Upgrade Stone
Auto reset with a no limit day.
Game quest system 200 tasks
Display spots on Minimap + hide spots
Rank rank
Support Ancient + PvP + Harmony + Excellent options
Socket stuff up to 5 options + PvP + Excellent
Support for pvp options on all things
AFK system, offline offline
All valuable game currency is available through W Coin.
VIP System
Maximum 5 accounts from one IP / HWID
New pets
Bonus items at the start of the game
Combo for all classes
Unique Jewel Bank (J) Keyboard Button
In-game rating (F8) keyboard button
Guest access for account security
Advanced Player Characteristics Status
Max Excellent options 3 pcs.
X-Shop Store

Blood Castle
Chaos Castle
Devil Square
Castle Deep
Castle Siege
Skeleton King Invasion
Red Dragon Invasion
Golden Dragon Invasion
White Wizard Invasion
Santa Village Invasion
Summon Invasion
Ice Queen Invasion
Gorgon Invasion
Hydra Invasion
Balrog Invasion
Zaikan Invasion
Death Beam Knight Invasion
Hell Maine Invasion
Phoenix of Darkness Invasion
Dark Elf Invasion
Raklion Boss
Medusa Boss
Kundun Boss
Item drop
King of Mu
Nix Boss

/ post <message> 100k Send a message to the whole world.
/ re on - Accept requests from other players.
/ re off - Do not accept requests from other players.
/ re auto - Automatically accept requests from other players.
/ str <number> - Distribute stats in Strength.
/ agi <number> - Distribute stats in Agility.
/ vit <number> - Distribute stats in Vitality.
/ ene <number> - Distribute stats in Energy.
/ com <number> - Distribute stats in Command.
/ war - Declare war on another guild.
/ soccer - Offer another guild to play soccer in the arena.
/ quest - Start completing quests / Get reward
/ reset 10kk Reset your character.
/ reset auto 10 10 10 10 Auto reset character - distribute stats (Str Agi Vit Ene Com)
/ mreset 1000kk Make a grand reset of the character.
/ readd 100kk Reset uploaded stats.
/ remaster 100kk Discard swing stats of the skill tree.
/ evo 100kk Get a third profession.
/ pk 20kk Cleanup from PC.
/ lock - Set a password for guest access.
/ unlock - Remove the password.
/ attack - Enable automatic attack.
/ offattack - Enable automatic attack offline.
/ ware <0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4> - Switch chests.
/ openware - Open a chest in a peaceful zone.
Alt + Mouse Over - View the characteristics of monsters.
F10 - On Rev. 3D camera.
F11 - Reset 3D camera.
F12 - Minimize the game window.