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Autor Topic: Files Season6 Episodio3 - zTeam +Smoke Effect +Premium VIP Sistema  (Visto 37411 veces)

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Offline djagripnos Posteado: March 13, 2017, 11:30:44 AM | Modificado: March 19, 2017, 01:26:42 AM by ZabiinoOo



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Bought a while ago these files and haven't used them so i leave them for someone who needs another repack of zTeam files.

7 new jewels with flexible configurations:
- JewelOfLuck
- JewelOfSkill
- JewelOfExсellent
- JewelOfNature
- JewelOfCurse
- JewelOfSocket
- JewelOfAncient
Offtrade in 7 currencies:
- Zen
- WCoin
- Soul
- Bless
- Chaos
- Life
- Creation
Online time bonuses:
- WCoinC
- WCoinP
- WCoinG
Ingame reset system and dynamic experience system
Recconect system
Offexp system
Map bonuses
Item drop block
Item drop system

Monster hp bar (2 modes, switching F10):

Item rank system:

Fully functional Harmony + Socket:

Object display distance:

4lvl wings:

New events:
Drop Event
Blue Event
Happy Hour

Item Smoke Effect Manager:

Grand Reset System:

Custom - Quest system:
- Max quests:

- Rewards:
Stat points
Goblin Point

Custom - Premium System

- 4 premium types
- Fully configurable exp, drop, time (days), prices (WCoinC, WCoinP, Goblin Point)
- Nice and comfortable in-game interface

Custom - Teleport Manager:
- Level
- Reset
- Grand Reset
- Allow use warp for PK

Warp prices:
- Zen
- WCoinC
- WCoinP
- Goblin Point

MuServer -



nokta01, andyw, loctime, enriquexp, xrixtalex, kimjfsim, nhockute, thientruc199456, Napo, pincelp, capocimic, cppcw, mitosh, olokins, djblass, thethoi123, hieptd, phonghuynh96, agustrape, darkes607, birdy491, ADMtec, cuentafree23, persey5, 331515194, emmaspuc53, mxsl, king992253, Severok, daniwilde, Matt1995, candyvl, voladito, reloco10, marcos2246, pandamu, hoanmaster, stopk, Gunnar, hoangbin6789, stuffed2023, Lancesito92, hoangtammedia, Christense, piero1, infeat, felipe8745, giveusatan, ikulek, mauri64, JHONNY2312, josejose, ruben2244233, tuananhh, Concha, mambito, hazlacika, profezhor, nelson1991, wellihard, phong, yan1ycc, kellington, KillDragonFr117, rczanajaza, r0mul0, Atos39, leonellv, ciornii777, Skinduellegend, elgato7000, p5c10, ezeealee, knghtvip0, lutas1, naranjapersa, dannys, clkm1204, xdiegoxx10, manaos1, llhenryxpxx, megido198, dakosmu, Dellux, caradepi12, Figueroa, OldDeadly, Eymen2121, jukas, thieugia, Nick091, python, k2proud, vnzrobert, rmoor1369, aranclub02, wiljipa, majiko23, Terrible18, efectos, whj123, thuytlu, admwoods14, buuug7, cuong1372, Juninsj22, EduardoTV, xtian01, carlos99, wagnii, kimera, yyf127, fengyun52894, Dear, origeweb, kojiakuma, LoVeMeEe, nacho131, Fulgerul, raynerjunior, erickantoine, KangShiva95, LethalWarr, frojasv, Mirc3a007, mjkjo0, jaijo64, serverst, e911217, Rizao, SHILDKING, YoshHatake, imperiadm, emkobiet, wenleiady, josue3pc, Mikimays, Robins, tarikata, oldnavy00, Dragonvl15, khanhvn, hatchet, a79491771, asdasd45, royta, speedrzo, cupenlk18, ShurikPurik, foxterman, Fakuzz, iamzuika, overlucked, ShuT, ezeten, jonhz, crazywar, hidan24, PeruxD, zurdo, llZeuzll, golka, ldads, Dizzy, RAGNAR111, vaneavanea31, armflo12, lobinhopk, ledas, nhatphai21996vn, thienhavbt2, zz0871630910, ElNico, syanh, cracknight, taya, xSebitah, darkrosmer, leotta45, mmendoza, tuyendam, SidakadainTheSky, merad, halis2021, Mayealdhost, djkaku, siebenpatricio, n1cebee, skay11, Cerretto, lohanow, lang, banam8910, sebastian, beaterhehe, mugloves99, warloockzx, warfare1457, duongnhung, curruco, cristhian50, mapsung, jadsontkd, kodai, vitjau, ekor4ik, vicente, sk8erpig, kiruko, neoxkurono, Flashxxx, sounda, Marcela, mhbravo, Jesusn204, JUNIIORAH, hinam.97, kayito, vinis888, josecola, 万三大哥哥, xianwen, krouse002, acosta14, heisen, dung141187, joks34, anhthao9st, untex, Trueno1989, elrama1323, SERGGYO, niceo, EMac01, josiwls2, lenhador, Idosaka, Jey, Mathias1120, dmtuan23, Ender, Fabiven, boylasd, thealdair, kyoshiro654, panya18900, mario12, Genaro159, axian, muancestral, Lalalo, tiendoanit, equispe, tanphat, felpsav, Dominix, zacky94, -sTaXx-, Darien815, thanhbinhqht, Lazarocp2020, jhahernandezcas, Shrimp, Odisk, white, nicolaxo, cufa1, chelox89, 452745444, ClumsyMage, brisadulce, joshua, KarLi, chente23, papaxd, roxtste, marius02, Leito0h, jhampool13, natsu00, stest1s, Skyline, juanitoelarcoiris, Damned2, Valkyria, fortek51, jeprax, dami2214, armmatias, 423646802, akosibrian, D1abol1k, MuMonster, kudaomobile, djmanuel, Ahton, MITOLOGY, Iurist91, materiafkl, malau, Mupsychi-97D, steve45, yakomamic263, fernamaton, kevinvm, KOKITO, Taglife, LidorNet, magenta, carlosl3ove, alvarog97, drafull, 13popote13, OverLoad, muvietnhat, ftjosej, kelvin2306, museven, hellsoldiers, moises1531, juls12, pulpin, deonny, tomascba, andru, alexmelgarh, gsvmvav, hussepy, lexluttor12, boncha, zoom52, theangelxd, keikanvnn, McPhee1995, timanax, Ailurus, Fieeldstick, Speenser, ballas, aguanaputy, judlee, lahn, Fagor, misterio, dario58x, werli, vanhiep215, nelvilla, crowalex14, ndhanthien, Tool91, garrone02, 570693, juanchm92, draco, smart2, diegomdd, nba014, wendelpaco, catkevin, onnecfactory, masterhn, malditos10, D3M3NT3, xz18786628, 426632, slyterin, pote3, nbazelin, kangsookhi, banu9x, brandonmu, likethesun007, LodpA, pratep, Vance, itaialroy, Pokepili, vietak, bazan, afonsolage, 542201099, stadrian99, phitroc1, eduarmesa, cri0, ryz3n, Shadow3222, darkcaido, mou, LORDANDY, callejeros14, iuryxd, logini, Rejiser, 183358, juanvzl, keizJkE, skimofficial, reachway, gredy, aletbrd, luzbelito07, lilsteferine, danielgalboa, FidoxxxD, tsx24, MuBeatch, reshezp, apolo13, smileline, dario, wildriff66, mos02673, martin castro, rx822, gdldnu, Xxfer31, Zancudo, wellingtoncosta, Lucyan, walzon, footballz29, fbeltran2390, cafehaitrieu141, boogeyman14, bloppey, yerika1234, wachinnet, wickedstick, dbz2333, darkhorse16, mututhan, NatsuBM, mauter5, nan0, kove0816, Samuelj, muaskha, Goplay, syllmer, Linck, fenixeon, ja1260, dardevil, OneHeart, longcon, Nan3, elandy973, hiep, SIRDGARU, Mazepa, tito1909, exearanda, draco596, eltevy, nxx, nabuel93, rollinsyl, pilostone, siryus195, NimaiFung, Conex21, BioHaZarD, murcielago, Hoangnguyen192, LuisCracks, czrdiamond, hyon, danielito4000, SCosmin4, voyka, miancas, matias1996, tatolobo22, fer1992, darkjack, KairosREX, Kurylenko32, javito92, eudhes, draguj, KungZeeD, BooM, quyenpro199x, ramirez7358, xxwillians, somoslostk, axeman192, JavixFer, Ariel009, SUNIGIE, judakiss21, dieguitox, fedeac, Pyke, jjtag2301, Hahn, cordova97, Salazar321, wolfdavi, Luckas, marian500, alex181994, chacallol, anmx14, HyDe, luch3x0013, Kirito212, dictador.ok, punkjaja, zsumuzz, pocabista1, thesofer, Julianz, joelxd004, admcindy, Developers, rasta1999, thehunter99, celularesa1a, tedateamos, Help1k, Capalin, brenuk, fukpim, _SavagE_, strexx, yholfredysg, manu2593, Heitaok77, servermu12, mandrago, Roca1784, amauta2000, quyanxu, TroYaN, iggfree, UnReaL, waiteni, 497625, DAKUS509, jrusino, reysupremo, leuta, kike2, qwer123, luis12, krakencitoo, vpamiir, pelotudazo, 6atters, PatoJAD, fostega, muphantom, ILUVATAR, Rough, benhy1412, Boogie, lovesick000, muzic25, FaNaMaN, Crystal, dady13, zxzedgod, abelito, Jhadiel026, C4nn4b1s, hackonline, neeck1234, andre8, Francot7, heas, poika, ro2020, GX_KYO, jaimealves, crysto20, quetreo, unnamedsk1, shaked, AZURE, anhemia, hola23, sapopepe, oogunzoo, Tester1838a, jaime, onell, Gionnyjps, gusnic1, telisca, idpnguyeni, EvasioN, Gardelito, Roberthlan, BryaNLove23, Jutes, CpPrincipe, Luckymm21, davidmedinaet, marcelin, sadamladen, jeferson, marianokpo89, andryus, Dexuscl, jhoszk, octerberball29, thewiwix, ExileHeart, elianka1998, rekis, masterik12, Leon, Cartman, kreadeth, mirco, Bloddz, condor, Yoss, carlos507, SpectruM, mario2015, BlackDead, harry130, BruceCM, alevarxz, c4nhsatcodong, 2ooooo2, ElKanpe, german12, TioMostaza, camuz18, zerolshen, Nikkop, xxunpilixx, Nazareno, gatox07, Octerber, heimy69, pavon7, breans, chane124, crews, dpnguyenii, Emanukk, mueight, morpheo, KhongGianOL, leal891, DanteQC, term1nat0r, thebleyz, antoniobk, nicodiaz, antraxs2009, demon741, sebas7848, bkpunk, GersonEffex, joangelis, herjuni, xeneises, Alucard, football, pfjal, AndresAranda736, pclcaetano, drynea, PsyCx, rando, darckevil, drakxness, dainam, carlosk2, FuegO, weedeiro, azgames, tebitho, repiolaa, liagas1993, Hax.Gaming, v4n, devilzone, krak123, fixwn, narzuke16, mercenario, p0k3m0n1, Jovisnas, MuOldLife, erickmalfoy, leony, abelmyt, TheAliensDJ, feins150, andy, jesusb, TheHerous, Loor, Audi, alexfy, Yan Carlos, frankyori, Javierfer15, victornvs, dankooxd, anaflex, josexluis, Liviumiu, kai1702, valeh, muonline1, NoobDK, Readyx, tuyentc, skyrewall, hdvuduong, INFIERNO, leonardexapps, Thale, sky586, Lzvick, BlackSoul32, Ashita111235, juanse23, gacon201294, agtanalata, keiz, Bakunec, tilmur, jrac16, Skillz, Dode, kksky, hackzip, thunwa1, lett01, YOUNGJU KIM, heze01, hnamsmile1, agastin10, opthai1111, pwpw, joaldo, Arsus123, mugate, hsaito, warleyxxp, bossio, jorgef2105, erotics214, manowwan1, himatedeardude, ARCKANO, Zarkato, dionizr, paechalermphol, karita, linkenok, mastermcy, bach102, centosmu, systemsmag, jhoan456, mustx1, wilfred09, mechaloco, beatx, scfmt, tammadall, xXoscarxX, tiago, muisrael, exoduz, jorge, elrei2323, matutech97, MuGladiadors6, sanginario, mateoch, TroYans, VictorKing, italo123, nepturnox, lostalejandro_, MichaelC, yelson, Pasa_Pal_Fondo, slymee, feder098, juanmi13, jus131, beibei, siz1212, lukkas, cabita1994, RIKIRICON, RedBullS, piyawat, zharghost, mauricio, socolas, josuegreal, vitrex, rondamon, marvisur, MiniBestia, maslon, Amethyzt, mauro14789, Ziggs, reatorz, Facundo Jara, Kitty, wenchito, shakas, Terran, franber35, Hobbit, GATITO, RubbenBarrera, iCoder, kaiocnx, Abelxd327, amenaza, tonysnack, emhky126, boinapro, MichaelxD, DiegoRM, seedmaker, conter, NicoDS, Kamisama, bkbodoke, lexram, irwing, linkzero, KAOZ, basura02, samsunggon, felvero, sebasthyan97, jesusthomx, Zeven, dreams, LyonMaster, WARLORD, BludServer, digimoncik, paranga12, Supraimas, vicentelar, mattfabiani, Vitaminka, neverclubza, johan5413, hyagoflep, dayfrank, josedfb, mnrk123, matheusbm, betito54321, darktosudo, datcom, will, ikqrote, awdawd, Danieligg, T-LEGENDARY, asdrucs, fabrixd, cenius, bochora, Cuongkame, Calisho12, xBebo1994x, mate2012, hiriko51, mambu, remamakiller, hoizen, s00x, eltauro81, edpa, olivera10, saga, martinmaya, magasro, skrey, LeeHenry, lolloy, makensi973, JluCeHoK, darkdemo, josePS, piscis007, frenzo2009, Joaquin, staff-mu, Reii, piolasa, drendy, jumongski, ledzem, yezzvi, yosef801, lolis, lenovogen, debari11, DaiveSN, zedia93, cryzz03, NashiDragneel, Marcelo01, marianomarkoff, thejonyx, drampir, [Midgard], hardpower, chuvito, Espartacus, seshero, Liam, darccobra, nujd00, no1alone, jhoancito, fantoma, mamut58, angelxd, qashqay, jareksniper, tunsmile, NiceBrave, mezu23, quangson89, MuOnlineWebZen, junior274, mugame, kretos521, GioMaster88, LoadingGG,, redf0x, Bk3Zell, Hugo, chikitoxd, kene252, salasraul, Testt, davidrcj, whyloveanime, XxBrayxX, Dkyzer, dnmasterza, darklalo, Xysad, Lude, dievlpr, bukaro27, kreatorXD, legendario8, daddy2, lCripZ, nguyechien5520, Karuritoku, sachaf, zeromaster, HeroxMu, regolon, kanavickz, canox321, manotas90, Brandon, inax123, csestebancs, Zahard, areliux, Luke Strike, gianoaa, splound, Jimmy, lautha, MsOrion, eln00b, PyroMan, n0tee, PoolVigo, edwinjesus, arxeane, UltraWorld GAMES, nilesk, adoboscan, terk1526, Peluuca, phonix12, robertsancheez5, wcobando, esteban, dezzeus, answer, AreS, jozal, Overlords, rers, ZTMarkz, ValkyriaMu, darkroh, iFox, Thedanier, ambowish, skyreache, Ivansitoxz, migell123, Deikerz, jhensper, modaxd, nikolasnn, Guniox, Luid21, jeisonmartinez25, xxkarxx, 10145, felipesanto, fannever, sevenstars07, Euro_Killer3, bilox, TORRES, xsasuke19x, neroni, aevr, xpam, zafiroztea, FrancoB, Azzlaer, masloko, muziriuz, janonavarro, alejocoblan15, MDDM, estarly, serker, bond2012, sauron215, bran10, gamesperu, muarce, XJIoPka, Bruce, siragonxx, canelon94, yaronso, AltairN17, frankgi, DarkZeRo, RMendez, elrapero88, truonggiang2012, carrasquerito, rexmu, OtixelaxD, cancerx, tiki22, networks1, Dr4G0N, -Rastaa.TSM☢, p3droslk1, leasnetwork, leones55, arthurt94, diitox, yunnior123, luisdaniel, silfredo, cobyzero, jesus, tcbagame, fedrock, martinkpo2, VictorGm, sanbox, reubs, isabella, dab30, joserodas, javierpk, diegah, peres12, tilt, audani, ANARPUK, cesar, xpertro, jeffzkie69, DjGamer, servermaster, dendi, lordrolyram, adicales, 1muarcadia1, craze, chinothos, matadores, blazing, GuidoJV, Dencel1, PachoRasta, santos, koito89, haple666, dagang, lusiffer99, DarkEternity, Scooby2, matrixcon, josrob21, deathsquad, newm0n, kekedodo, z348870672, elitingo, Jhon, iopq123, muaradonline, Angel Olano, melo920, ZidSliver, sombe30, saske98, ZabiinoOo, WARLOD, CrizthianJGV, EVENTCORE, malon2k, gonzalo22

Offline CrizthianJGV #1 Posteado: March 13, 2017, 04:17:17 PM

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Hola amigo, gracias por el aporte, podrias decirme como editar el cliente porfavor?


Online ZabiinoOo #2 Posteado: March 13, 2017, 04:55:49 PM




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Hola amigo, gracias por el aporte, podrias decirme como editar el cliente porfavor?

Configurar IP de cliente en :

MuServer\Tool\Encoder\Common.txt Edita la ip por tu ip ("TuIp")
Ahora arrastra el Common.txt hacia el Encoder.exe
Te va general Common.txt.z le das cambiar nombre y le quita el .txt
Luego vas a tu carpeta de cliente\Data\Custom y lo pegan ahi

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Offline djagripnos #3 Posteado: March 13, 2017, 07:06:33 PM



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Update Post + Source :)


Offline EVENTCORE #4 Posteado: March 13, 2017, 09:57:26 PM

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Update Post + Source :)

Buenas Noches Usuario, puede indicarme cuales son los BUG que presentan estos files, para asi trabajar en el FIX desde los sources.


Offline Jhon #5 Posteado: March 14, 2017, 01:09:16 AM

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son estables para un server - gracias


Online ZabiinoOo #7 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 01:23:48 AM




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Offline craze #8 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 07:57:25 AM | Modificado: March 19, 2017, 08:34:52 AM by craze

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Que sobre el problema? ¿No puedes ingresar? Por favor ayuda, gracias! can't connect client,black display:( main list is black :(


Offline dendi #9 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 12:45:16 PM

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Como saco los panel de system custom premiun etc disculpen la ignorancia

Online ZabiinoOo #10 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 03:44:43 PM




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Como saco los panel de system custom premiun etc disculpen la ignorancia

Sacar en que aspecto?

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Offline Ryuno #11 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 08:45:25 PM | Modificado: March 19, 2017, 08:47:40 PM by Ryuno

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Como saco los panel de system custom premiun etc disculpen la ignorancia

Hola Cual de todos los paneles? tendrias que ir a la source del cliente y remover la funcion que se encarga de iniciar o se encarga de cargar los paneles

si llegan a ser las sources actuales yo puedo removerlo por ti

Offline melo920 #12 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 09:02:58 PM

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Como saco los panel de system custom premiun etc disculpen la ignorancia

Hola Cual de todos los paneles? tendrias que ir a la source del cliente y remover la funcion que se encarga de iniciar o se encarga de cargar los paneles

si llegan a ser las sources actuales yo puedo removerlo por ti
yo creo que el se refierer a sacar el panel. osea como lo abre o hace que salga ya que no ve un boton que diga abrir panel vip xD. claro es algo confusa su pregunta por que son terminos similares

Offline dendi #13 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 10:00:16 PM

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el panel de vip y demas los paneles como los abro tecla comando etc ??

Online ZabiinoOo #14 Posteado: March 20, 2017, 01:04:18 AM




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el panel de vip y demas los paneles como los abro tecla comando etc ??

con la tecla "o"

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Offline tilt #15 Posteado: March 20, 2017, 01:01:11 PM

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Después de escoger el char lo juego no funciona

Cual es mi erro?


Online ZabiinoOo #16 Posteado: March 20, 2017, 02:03:52 PM




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Estas creando el pj por el editor? modificaste algo al cliente? tienes los puertos abiertos?

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Offline tilt #17 Posteado: March 20, 2017, 02:08:51 PM

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pj por lo game, client solo ip y las puertas puedes confirmar a mi?

Online ZabiinoOo #18 Posteado: March 20, 2017, 02:24:32 PM




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pj por lo game, client solo ip y las puertas puedes confirmar a mi?

44405 55901 55919 son los que mas se usan, otra cosa cambia la lorencia del cliente por alguna que este aqui en el foro para ver si ese sea el problema

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Offline tilt #19 Posteado: March 20, 2017, 02:45:34 PM

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pj por lo game, client solo ip y las puertas puedes confirmar a mi?

44405 55901 55919 son los que mas se usan, otra cosa cambia la lorencia del cliente por alguna que este aqui en el foro para ver si ese sea el problema

Puertos OK, cambie lorencia pero problema perciste

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by ZabiinoOo
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Last post April 18, 2022, 11:26:18 PM
by esteban
2 Replies
Last post August 02, 2019, 01:49:49 PM
by fabrixd