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Autor Topic: Launcher Autoupdate - X-Team + Generador de licencia  (Visto 17597 veces)

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Offline ZabiinoOo Posteado: February 05, 2017, 12:49:40 PM




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Malyk, fryssa, artur0punk, showmax, CreaTuMuOnline, sinho2, Fabiven, Reaper, load_01, AnDeR, waltfushion, xj9mk45w, matichile, mavine, ivancic, MetalMu, mabrio, away337159, michaeland, josze1, datkool, k2proud, tgservice147, mumadryn, minhvn12, emerson2004, Zantetzuke, Shodry, JYachelini, smith2020, youislife, gonzalok91, rayo1977, zhispa, mrku, nnDoug, itachyy22, akaboom, sowcito, Vitaminka, area51reload, waltervg91, chauttc, kuden10, zywiec, IKanekiI12, miso261186, MUGO, hiep, drogocop, rujirot, akemi, rosariomuserver, panya18900, glados9851, o0karlos0o, rodrigoo22, maximus, Hoangsy99, jhosel, xunxolost, sauerlp, prano, mosiah, dusk, tsunade10, dakosmu, rodritwm, anthonymasterr, thanhbinhqht, maxiu10, ngvankhanh, erianthe, Stament, MsotoC, tiendoanit, muvietnam, crisaut, Trote, belliardo, mrchebu1990, azpirin4, fallsmu, ferick28, JVigistain, CaRLiiToZ, kaosrlz, JoHnNyZeN, sannea, ArgentuX, Achittapoll093, PoccHaHa, cyfall, chumbazo, dkey, ctamw, tltzgltc, tanphat, Jonathan12, 1Word, banneds6, kobe10, aioriamx, rodriexpulsados, sp3cial, twinmoon, 452745444, ldads, willianbt, Voltio, ladian89, Orion88, zacky94,, votam2x, dami2214, Hola1234, pety456, kangsookhi, aecsuter, jeronemo, comelon666, Nelsinhohj, caiquewm, iMendoza, pablosk4, Shrimp, jhahernandezcas, midala23, aries, fenixpe, yoohz, fefe, yulls, DarkBot, juancito002, DIOSES, akashi, cualquier1, bruno68, GameShield, hitoriki195, nik2013, AleQuimica, Skt1, danger12, soberbia12, wagner753, Vance, Dsantistomas, shemlenie, joselit17, vindiesel123, xxl30xx, Yustice, JonStoneGG, elconte, Kirwe, murancio, JokerZoe, stopk, lucianosm, exodo47, televizia1, dhaomao, muinternational, Zheng, sunmy, Chupulum, marius02, dungnh88, phantrungloi, mukillah, axlnero, alexiama, Jospiter, calibur, marcelosf, Imperius.Server, boncha, cepo, lunaticodeveloper, monitor1, ronaldleocc, theanh27, ace, sahe, zanatox, cao19830723cao, glmmlg, Michtouflar, DESINGMASTHER, one4raul, ajccc, fanatiKu, ikenthis, kevinvm, wo7as, Rodaaa, ojeju, jorgeb77, enriquexp, Dif-Mu, hazlacika, jordfatsk8, Chender, lcthesecond, Bk3Zell, PhantomKr, nicz01, hckt87, darkfox300892, onedeck1, angel433, TheHerous, SlovenianBerserk, joel241992, rock99, gmuonline, Fanta91, BlackDead, bazan, casian1607, mantono, ezemix2020, jorgito729, wils, kalaman, leikerjjb, kamikazepro1989, Portugues, wachinnet, Diego7, lanister, 13popote13, tarikata, LodpA, andreiob, humanoloco, elmaxis1, darlanfh, Ocean Network, chyozh, lorddark033, luqjkz, MuvnzPlus, williandv, CarlosUnamo, FAKUS, guti134, muonlineuy, gutyyy, Montrey, marccusjohn, mcortega, thalesphilipi, fedemassa, pingm, gredy, Narkiu, fantastyc, Llalex, onicas, edgardanis, PaiPai, Alixon, marvisur, Nation Network, Ailurus, nhanphu200, morpheo, MatiasNext, Stile3, VICUXXX, paggi97, ElPoli, manubolso, jesuspiconc, gabykp, bafta100, ducanlove, Leandro RS, notengo, boyxauzai, TzCr4ck, joekio, 570693, kazen, davidrcj, Luan de Sanctis, matuky, akiles1345, kubaaa, xuantoi123, orellana684, famoire, Templario89, blyuv, matiman08, nhuhuy25, MiRoKu, AmericaHost, sergio093, Yan Carlos, Eternity, InnovateMu, Jhony, gonzamu91, Tulasss, catkevin, joseall, haku82, AronJasper, locodel, djlkz, fabilus, kakalot981, Ricarry, lolz3976, roie, bielblood,, knight12360, itachi005, nylanpro, HaPKoTuK, fenospro, OverLoad, TheRoyalX, josecola, walkeny, awayvn, vietak, ausmann, dragon557, SbaGomez, vnshell, boypost, AizeN_LP, RufizatioN, Vazq102011, matiudark, quyanxu, tanju02, tedateamos, XCodeCorp, Dezzy, linkvas12, clerigz, viruz, MetralicTeam, thesofer, mittosaker, josef300, wasj5299, Cartman, xuanyuan, ofignacio, ProyectoX, latarrito, mechas, Nargakh, BarriozinhoTM, djangelitorm, lip3x, lahn, 0xtapiax0, ByFredy, neithandaa, SetecSoft, tdthanh95, manfromvn, heroviet2301, comovenga, angel49, VanBrook, fer1992, GoodLuck23, LTP Team, supiztefteli, andfonsek, lovesick000, matheusgom, C4nn4b1s, CezarMaster, darkcaido, HaroldFinch, bin9xhn2, modaxd, josehdrago, exvo, chochitowo, jumongski, richcash, jkv09gnl, xrisosx, JonathanJS, Sklex, WebShok, pelotudazo, dragsilver, junin, mulosena97, digimoncik, NoLimiT, Judas, Karuritoku, Drizzt, vietanhlsl, LEITOK, Lude, magicjd66, muangeles0414, CraftMU, tatolobo22, Pilligrim, kreadeth, yeltsin4493, boxbox, felixabi, lecolino, screamofheartless, bollanog, AROS, NHacker, megamakay, Dkdexter, heropower, DARKCRIS2, Hellgard1508, ruanbr15, tienak, reonu, WolfXII, lau08, hemersonp, locodka, downi01, Baash, Majestar, RaStraBaN, Dariox84, nachorap, lanxin3243, helb0urne, BooM, osik12, liu008, honter, mos02673, fealsan, Kirito212, Lucyan, caximir, jaschingsa, binho, Zahamael, rafapsi, fearlesmu, blackixat, LuisCracks, luch3x0013, SUNIGIE, jorgeware, jonardo, Kinstinct, PIRELA, hamiltonsl, allhoy, Cagver, scfmt, dark, EzeQ, dabarrio, Conex21, yunnior12, duvan007, rekis, rondamon, mage, ChanhEp, gang, mario12, xeneises, 666nosfera, Oversacker, Leon, Opresor, Censored, Tauro14, malkcon, KairosREX, RoldanHost, allexisfernandes, xstyle, princekannon001, qwer123, XxNiqooxX, mandrago, kai1702, TheMaurix, admmu, GATITO, TheWonejo, Unknowndeath, alancan, cachorroquente, Mikelam, fnaticmu, BUTTMAN, zaxscd, NguyenAnh, MephistoExodus, Juninsj22, pratep, GeForce, paquillo1995, tamhoai, martin_9944, malekeith, big8360, reveage, leones55, tehzeta, SAYTU_2008, heroes1412, diek123, Empty, Zulus, Supremo, nscbr, ismael99, Deidad, sadamladen, aki0048, wesleyjackie, muchilenet, xz18786628, milkaritas, krakencitoo, MuOldLife, multipleer, Liaon, xuanthanhyt, webzone, Yair1414, joacoRu, DaiveSN, Calisho12, saiorax, yuri, alecho, KempeK, oswaldo159, zehel62, benhy1412, Abraham90, Georgi, Leandro242, erickmalfoy, zeus021, ConejoMalo, M4NU31, NoeliTH, stark98, vipermu, okilove23, Tony, leonardoxd, Saige, ahmetoz27, 123qwe, areliux, vnfiac, adrianenqn88, PowerNet, ndhanthien, MarquitoXx, andre8,, zuak, laurentiuitk, play01, pmaimar, baolove000, lwlinares, Londes1, daniel666, murcielago, JoaquinYSS, darkblad, leanx01, karlozxd, dark32, Tuning26, SoulKill3r, diviqetuk, bernal01, Fixeron, zeka, nangsystem, chronosig, draco425, zeusadm, shaked, artem, amaro19, Marote, jeferson, lyanderson, lasedition, conflict128, juanse23, davidmedinaet, condor, mediki87, petronioice, joaldo, drynea, Dambis, rodriiigo, bealex, bhilou, lordkill, DarkNet, alexmrlsbz, Dragonvl15, thienthan1117, chuckhai, night, zerolshen, zwinkbade, jcquinteros, felipe.anccori, quero, Terran, ANGEMONgx, adrieldecicilo, d3llam3a, xlphans, KhongGianOL, mubi2, shadowWZ, Overhater, clockbooster, b2rider, maxito, wildriff66, ezesosa, najiko2017, mamede232, Look, Sunriset, Freya, traxxx, miancas, xtian01, Cuervox, Thale, JoJoGy, alinalin565, bzcandy, pepeeh, hugab1, lorinho, colomogli, yuriz72, camehause, Bakunec, julius123, dmitrijm, xfiles20, iVN, socolas, wulon91, dnmasterza, str1ker, ImportedPotato, darkfire22, assman, anmx14, terk1526, T-LEGENDARY, HoBu4eK, tomatoman, ronalksp, PsyCx, jprey7, SkullDs, pkdomal, NoobDK, nenegamcas, copixx, romariols, pochoitg, Shaman, infernalix, SIRDGARU, kalifornio, iworz, yocasi, morge, ray415, amocthong1, joangelis, hidy, Dexign, ivaancruzz, higlans, darkdemo, Elizalde, Nikkop, AndyModz, oscaralexanderable, Leito0h, mubhz, antoniodel, equispe, roshux, leolucas, idealizeh, answer, mucryxus, tito99, rando, lauchagg, keizEZ, gabriel123, tiki22, mutora, MainGM, igznoth, tharlion, Nestorj97, king1553, Mu Resplandor, Otsugua, brnno, tomsmile, darklateg, RyukZ, eltatanskate, olaolala3, lokoes321, narzuke16, sshalva, Kapocha33, TheBlood, peck66, ljusalfheim, alexfy, leone2020, WayneXzki, tuyentc, jprada19, jorginhuz, Clipo, quetreo, neverclubza, Aisu, nahhzinho, leonardexapps, cenius, moises1531, wesley, Pinponw, Yalc, Boogeyman, armus, romansote, judakiss21, norean, Mayealdhost, Barrutia, facoogle, legacy101, lucas, skere, Mathi, MDDM, seedmaker, dextermd, slipkorn13, lerolerola, jhonavidr, ghostx, majoca10, aragua, mauter5, matiaslawwliet, Mudeath, MEC LEGEND, qboz16, emashot, skyrewall, neumanngg, TioFedEx, olympusmu, 0800-cachorro, lalo, basiak, Supraimas, xampoulis, sampaforce, melly23, tiago, screenzor, h3yShOk, dagang, thunwa1, SirSmith, fearadm, MuArcano, polaco19, getils, brunox, Ishkur, neeck1234, Maribao, LionRooT, alejamdro0, bidola, MASTER-BR, sachaw, smokloco, Falarc, Synd, syema, ramon142, luis, sk8arturo, ZTMarkz, askkonz, bamda11, feerve, ferdx, mncastillo, dario, guedeszh, brunomdza, niahinti, pcrc_17, felix, nandoar, elrapero88, inax123, MackClay, z3r0x, cobyzero, LanzXAT, KAOZ, luciferping, antony05, aguztin1, junioriat, MichaelxD, yesica49, linkwo, Part1zanBelarus, jonasg, horrador, VictorKing, manowwan1, muisrael, xpam, narzuko, systemsmag, mastermcy, lemiks, wfl0417, emate, gerchu, LeandroM, wendellandrade159, sukerwold, juni0rr, lucksoz, andres1823, bilox, piscis007, athos47a, aduran, ngluan, luciferjh, Kone, chikitoxd, izgamez, WARLORD, LuciferXT, DeilanSasame, Kikecamera, iCoder, artemidamu, reatorz, ferdsls, xspecularx, muslum, arnaldo751, marcusero, lostalejandro_, Walter221, kellviss20, amenaza, KREATHOR, linkzero, darkjano, OtixelaxD, gerraqui, gacon201294, joselagos, josedfb, emkobiet, Ryuno, Liiippe, LoKur4, MuOnlineWebZen, LeeHenry, Maarkitos, louis, tomaso8, Kingler, ToShirico, Skillz, basthialbo, tiraeljan, canox321, Ana, dreams, ocros, eldenjose, JCSO, DevConstantin, natias, Korem, s00x, sofertec, Laranjinha, heas, Alucard, CzCarl27, tammadall, Odisk, bkbodoke, frlcmd, cancerx, TroYaN, pksoares1, debari11, woox, SoHshy, 8731918, LContinent, zodiacddos, samsunggon, Acqu4, Keitch, EmmaDCG, KHR3b, adamsito, alevarxz, Element, edpa, Maetrik808, nicotf7, martinmaya, MiniBestia, naza1923, quangson89, CAPITOL, joijohan, lazarocp, Peluuca, yosef801, siriusmactavish, leiker145, kanavickz, carlitosoy, gianoaa, ratza2003, Jimmy, dem0n, torresc, Thedanier, MonicaCisneros, wester, joeluis25, MarkuzChileno, jesus, xlordr1x, lordrildo, jeisonmartinez25, Blocksberg, Gaboo;, Blend, cadoso, rers, master1986, Maicol1998Ri, Exclikers, bcould, Maykellove, nicolas1, diju, itachix94, darkenix, muarcontes, xxkarxx, kamesenin, frank, harry130, gohancs, RMendez, bran10, conter, serker, cesar, malon2k, braian42, jose4090, sknfvck, saske98, Dukke, firemarcos, sombe30, Mekrov, yorfrank56, joe.cata10, Hess, dasty, haple666, gamesperu, makoto, anderly, inuyasha, flywee, hovelisco, nujd00, bond2012, lCripZ, DesertFrost, gaming1, peres12, jenita, josrob21, vavabr, kekedodo, matadores, chola, MaquiOmii, splound, jeffzkie69,, fasito05, -Rastaa.TSM☢, PachoRasta, PandaX, davydeze, dab30, Kitty, dendi, melo920, Overkomp, CpPrincipe, Nexus, deathsquad, santos, franklong, andresleon, DjGamer, yunnior123, diegah, estarly, bushinmu, audani, FBarbosa, muaradonline, conejowolf, herjuni, djagripnos

Offline CpPrincipe #1 Posteado: March 13, 2017, 02:43:57 AM

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Existe Alguna guia de como usar este Launcher ?


Offline Ocean Network #2 Posteado: March 19, 2017, 04:15:03 AM

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Team Ocean Network Where All Dream are One Step Closer


Offline marianomarkoff #3 Posteado: April 05, 2017, 04:02:43 PM

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Es el unico que creo q funca.. descargue uno igual solo q venia en español pero no viene con la licencia por lo que el boton "SITE" te lleva  una pag como se podria solcioanr eso? o podrias ponerlo en españól al launcher¿

Offline Dukke #4 Posteado: April 25, 2017, 05:29:33 PM

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como se instala y se hacen los update?

Offline ToShirico #5 Posteado: October 26, 2017, 10:30:08 AM

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Como retiro el direccionador de web en el icono del xteam. ?
quiero modificar el template del launcher pero todo esta protegido.

no busco otro ya que los muemu solo son compatibles con este launcher hasta donde tengo entendio.

El que mucho se despide
pocas ganas tiene de irse

Offline adicales #6 Posteado: October 26, 2017, 08:31:29 PM

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como se hacen los updates?
 cuales van al hosting

Offline tarsky #7 Posteado: March 11, 2018, 07:21:27 AM

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Offline Maribao #8 Posteado: March 27, 2018, 09:48:58 PM

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Como retiro el direccionador de web en el icono del xteam. ?
quiero modificar el template del launcher pero todo esta protegido.

no busco otro ya que los muemu solo son compatibles con este launcher hasta donde tengo entendio.

Por Que no respetan los credits de Los autores?

Simplemente es un magno aporte mi amigo, agradece un poco mas!


Offline SkullDs #9 Posteado: November 01, 2018, 04:00:59 PM

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yo creo que el punto no es Obviar el credito, en mi opinión detallista me gustaría ponerlo en otra posición y abarcar mas espacio para el logo de mi servidor  :D


Offline DaiveSN #10 Posteado: April 19, 2019, 09:22:07 PM

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imagen , ya es costumbre sin imagenes

Vendo Cuentas Digitales: desde 3$(Dolares)
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☯️Garantía👍🏼   ☯️Seguridad🔐     ☯️Atencion Personal👤

Offline zaxscd #11 Posteado: May 11, 2019, 02:35:56 PM

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Alguien podria explicar para los nuevos como yo, que archivos configurar? Ya tengo un launcher AU funcionando pero lo quiero cambiar por este pero no se cuales son todos los archivos a editar, gracias!

Offline modaxd #12 Posteado: January 23, 2020, 02:08:52 PM

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Offline modaxd #13 Posteado: January 28, 2020, 04:36:35 PM

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Offline blackfaded #14 Posteado: May 01, 2020, 12:04:51 AM

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Please help! How to config auto update thanks!

Offline muonlineuy #15 Posteado: May 05, 2020, 12:22:54 PM

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Offline Portugues #16 Posteado: June 05, 2020, 03:05:59 AM

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Offline muinternational #17 Posteado: June 06, 2020, 08:17:42 AM

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Offline darkjano #18 Posteado: August 16, 2020, 03:36:32 PM

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Offline ZabiinoOo #19 Posteado: August 16, 2020, 06:18:42 PM




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