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Autor Topic: [Proyecto] Desert Season 6 - base MuEmu  (Visto 46382 veces)

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Offline Natzugen Posteado: September 29, 2018, 07:05:53 PM | Modificado: January 26, 2019, 02:14:37 PM by Natzugen


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Bueno, estaba algo aburrido y decidí retomar la season 6, por lo cual empezaré con estos files a realizar actualizaciones cada que pueda con base en el source de muemu lo mas parecido al Mu global por lo aparte de actualizaciones en customs y demás también subiré las configs.

No se publicara el código fuente de las futuras actualizaciones (source) por lo cual por favor no pidan que lo publique. Sin mas que decir acá dejo los files, herramientas y demás.


Spoiler for Hiden:
- GameServer.
- ConnectServer.
- DataServer.
- JoinServer.
- MHPServer.
- GetClientInfo.
- GetHackList.
- GetInternalList.
- GetMainInfo.
- MHPDetect.dll.
- MHPVerify.dll
- MHPClient.dll
- Client.dll.
- Main.dll.
- Main Unpacked.
- ImportToEmu.
- BmdDec.
- BmdFixer.
- MuShopEditor.


Code: [Select]
; Desert Project Season 6 - Mu Online
; Developer: Natzugen
; skype: warfoxdn
; Last review: 10.11.2018
; 29.09.2018 - Release
- [MuServer] New binaries.
- [GS][MHP][Main.dll] Fixed Encript.
- [MuServer]Removed license.
- [Client] Clean client.
- [MuServer][Client]Remade Item.txt - Server and client.
- [MuServer][Client]Gates remade - Server and client.
- [MuServer][Client]Moves remade - Server and client.
- [MuServer]Terrains fixed.
; 30.09.2018 - Update 1
- [GS]Fixed plust stat points.
- [GS]Added Game master online notice.
- [GS]Added GuardMessage.
- [GS]Fixed Zyro talk.
- [GS]Fixed Tercia talk.
- [GS]Fixed Veina talk.
- [MuServer]Fixed gens quests.
- [MuServer]Fixed elf soldier quests.
- [DB]Fixed Gens Rank.
- [GS]Fixed arrows upgrade with jewel of bless.
- [GS]Fixed bolts upgrade with jewel o bless.
- [GS]Fixed arrows upgrade with jewel of soul.
- [GS]Fixed bolts upgrade with jewel o soul.
- [DB]Added VIP autoexpiration stored procedure.
- [GS]Added clear inventory command "/clearinv".
- [DS]Fixed DataServer SQL Inject.
- [GS]Added CustomDeathMessage.
- [GS][DS]Added Marry System.
- [DS]Fixed SQL Inject in marry system.
- [GS]Fixed dupe in customstore.
- [GS]Fixed custom attack on reconnect.
; 31.09.2018 - Update 2
- [GS]Fixed ClearInventory Error message.
- [JS]Fixed JoinServer SQL Inject.
- [GS]Fixed Indulgence (item(13,60))
- [GS]Added check for personal store if is not open.
- [GS]Added warning PShop message in "gameserver - custom.dat".
- [GS]Fixed Jewel of bless for sword 41
- [GS]Fixed Repair Item for sword 41.
- [GS]Added GM Online Message.
; 01.10.2018 - Update 3
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Added Main Memory reduction.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Remove Rage Fighter from main.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Remove summoner from main.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Remove Dark lord from main.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Added Dynamic effects support.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Added Custom font support.
; 05.10.2018 - Update 4
- [Client.dll] Client.dll migrated to Main.dll.
- [Main.dll] New Mouse controller.
- [Main.dll] New Keyboar controller.
- [Main.dll] New 3D camera F10 ON - OFF | F11 Restore.
- [Main.dll] New Chat separator.
- [Main.dll] New Traymode (minimizer) F12 SHOW - HIDE.
- [Main.dll] Added ObjectStruct.
; 07.10.2018 - Update 5
- [GetMainInfo] Fixed Load error in Dynamic effects.
- [Main.dll] Added SmokeEffect.
- [GetMainInfo] Added SmokeEffect Config File (CustomSmokeEffect.txt).
- [GS] Added Combo for Magic gladiator.
- [GS] Added Combo for Dark lord.
- [GS] Added Combo for Rage Fighter.
- [GS] Added Combo for Dark wizard.
- [GS] Added Combo for Elf.
- [GS] Added Combo for Summoner.
- [PREMIUM][GS] Added MapRespawnManager.
; 15.10.2018 - Update 6
- [Misc] Fixed item.txt attributes like original webzen 1.04E client.
- [Misc] Fixed item_%s.bmd attributes like original webzen 1.04E client.
- [Misc] Added Lillium staff.
- [Misc] Added Lillium Set.
- [Misc] Added Merlin staff.
- [Misc] Added Queen set.
- [Misc] Fixed LuckyItems stats.
- [Misc] Added Level 4 seed sphere.
- [Misc] Added level 5 seed sphere.
- [Misc] Added lots of missing items in item.bmd and item.txt.
- [Tools] Fixed ImporToEmu mapname export in movereq editor.
- [GS] Fix duel level gap.
- [GS] Fixed bug in NpcJulia talk.
- [GS] Fixed devil squaremixwith wrong items.
- [GS] Fixed gladiator's glory effect.
- [GS] Event invitations level 0 fixed.
; 19.10.2018 - Update 7
- [Main.dll] Added MuError.dmp folder settings.
- [Main.dll] Added MuError.log folder settings.
- [Main.dll] Added MuError_%d.log folder settings.
- [Main.dll] Added Tron glow - Enable in maininfo.ini.
- [Main.dll] Added TimeBar UI.
- [Main.dll] Added 3D Camera UI.
- [Main.dll] Improved 3D Camera.
- [PREMIUM][Main.dll][GS] Added Newsboard UI system.
; 30.10.2018 - Update 7.5
- [Main.dll] New Monster HP Bar.
- [Main.dll][GS] Added Abbys map #82.
- [Main.dll][GS] Added Archeron map#83.
; 10.11.2018 - Update 8
- [Main.dll] Added Custom Monsters support 10 max (590 - 600).
- [Main.dll] Added Monster Custom name.
- [Main.dll] Fixed Y coordinate on map name.
- [Main.dll] Added custom bows support.
- [Main.dll] Added custom crossbows support.
- [Main.dll] Added Effect Configuration for bows skills.
- [Main.dll] Added Effect Configuration for crossbows skills.
- [Main.dll] Added switch for server clock F6 on/off.
- [Main.dll] Added GMT option for server time in client.
- [GS] Removed marry system completely.


- Microsoft c++ redistributables 2013.
- Sql server 2008 r2 o mayor.



Spoiler for Hiden:
1- Instalar SQL2008R2
2 - Restaurar Database : MuServer\DB\MuOnline.back
3 - Ejecutar ODBC : MuServer\DB\MuOnline64.reg
4 - Configurar ip en: MuServer\ConnectServer\ServerList.dat
5 - Configurar ip en: MuServer\Data\MapServerInfo.dat
6 - Abrir puertos TCP : 44405 (CS) - 55901 (GS)- 55919  (GSCS)- 55999 (MHP).


Spoiler for Hiden:
1 - Configurar ip en : Tools\GetMainInfo\MainInfo.ini
2 . Ejecutar: GetMainInfo.exe
3 - Copiar : MHPClient.dll - Main.dll - Client.dll - main.exe - main.emu  Y pegar en la capeta Tools\GetClientInfo
4 - Configurar ip en : Tools\GetClientInfo\ClientInfo.ini
5 - Ejecutar : GetClientInfo.exe
6 - Copiar : MHPClient.dll - Main.dll - Client.dll - MHPVerify.dll - main.exe - main.emu - ah.emu Y pegar en la carpeta del cliente

Encriptación de datos:

Spoiler for Hiden:
Cambiar customername en los siguientes archivos:

GameServer\Data\GameServerInfo - Common.dat
GameServerCS\Data\GameServerInfo - Common.dat

Cambiar en MHPServer.ini

EncDecKey1 = 4  // 1 a 255
EncDecKey2 = 6  // 1 a 255
EncDecSetNumber = 1


YolaXD (por algunas cosas del ellysium)


pretender, voladito, chenpeng, oliwis, prano, mariem56, csedit, skarlof, motikss, OBBY, Gaz, Ivan0199, giveusatan, vnfiac, yasuo1994, Luna95, Napo, tuanpm1, feitosa, zhujianhui, pokimon, Yosoyyoxxx90, fabiam15, xandocomh, znetworks, elioenayt, satanikk, luis50001, tuyendam, cadv92, phonghuynh96, fruterito, Carlonchito, kapella, tutu100, powerpatic, Vazamento, shiun, lthai2021, darkes607, networks1, birdy491, aguanaputy, jmfs2019, DarkDhix, Xysad, hammerle, layzen1985, Nick091, p5c10, kioesar, emmaspuc53, lostcupid, daniwilde, rwul91, miiadlp87, facuBD, Samagonas7, batros123, stewart99, thantainho, aceldas, mjkjo01, bogdan1991, shinnhn, viciuxx, gatinho94, andre453, tumtum2003, dark32, zolik, zonanorte, karvane, elmaspijudo, code00, Klinky, CrAlOx, giovani10, maridito4, mutantekut, jazzbq01, richarxxb, ion396, leysron, aranclub02, kuya03, Lauranoesta, k33n00, lehuuducmjnh, elniqho18, leandro3, davidla22, soldrago, king992253, Elsendero10, Desmo212, Hanx, chester12, Davids1990, Jhonaiker2023, emontoya1611, equispe, usersa, perla, ramocacri, 0nii123, kaiman11, bboymak3, musunblack, stuffed2023, vamchy33, Betell Host, cflores93, nabuelbrunoperez22@gmail, MU-Tumbes, sebastiangm, Halloween, qq670348570@hotmail, arseniof1997, lybaoluat, jhoszk, Genius05, MuFan, BenjaminTv, Axelz17, CorsarioDgx, thienan1, nelson1991, gian789, Rose, lambo2014, foolish, YOUNGJU KIM, xuanyuan, roshux, Grossoo, XJIoPka, carioca22, zHammer, stonegameplay, gu345, LACHIRA, nam1111, zhangjianchao, thuongdo07, naranjapersa, tanju02, imgpds, Dieguinho, yiy97054, diego5210, wenleiady, nsynecs, adrianox, Sintaxis, david1234, koksis, TeamCB, origeweb, mjkjo0, Javito22, antonionni, Fulgerul, soldier66, josue3pc, tarandong, LethalWarr, bagsgun9, maurivi, d3llam3a, YoshHatake, 4893298, aidz21121, yan1ycc, yokkjll, luvin, barda, kaerusu, jhuletys, faster, renatovips, hatchet, khanhvn, meloft1, Blakernife, ElNico, whisky123, royta, RAGNAR111, joelsobrin95, dougmota, cristhian50, heyloor, reivaj, BDCAM, germanvil, maurao, BPhamvn, yyf127, rodriexpulsados, nguyenchien, MDDM, wongda, Senhor-D, manquitoxx, aoffer, juanmilbratz, Pirun, barteo, Thedevilslefthand, Mayealdhost, webamoev, DhimasRD, FyrenSea, natsu00, llZeuzll, xinosgamerz, xsasuke19x, straiker23, banam8910, smil158, Drommos1, ៚Đros͜͡m, lucas123, stefanoiu,, Coco26, vagabondul, nawel12, Conex21, Action, mudevsbr, brahian1891, xsoja, mhbravo, JUNIIORAH, Maripili, muancestral, Minos2301, kimera, spider, Tukan0, mantios, mugloves99, JokerZoe, rekis, vantuan02hn, hanzel, Dragonvl15, krouse002, lom0k, joks34, Liaon, taovanluc, pulsefire, smile158, Severok, z348870672, Fabiven, josiwls2, Idosaka, kamyk22, zurdo, aries, ruojing, Jey, MsotoC, ronglovel, gonzaaestrade, xeratul777, rodreeking, BladeKnight109, oscrash, aldrin30, CuartoBate, Marceliin, FePRO, skydeez1997, dungnh88, armflo12, nonnan005, muinternational, moster147, demmian2, belliardo, apazah, Jago, FuturaSp, anmufriz, MKLION, Lazarocp2020, yoohz, Cienfuegos22, ConejoMalo, carlos507, derochedefacha77, mantono, roxtste, Damned2, Chepe, TheSilencer, jkarlos, llades, 452745444, lucaskpo, TheRoyalX, 423646802, Hola1234, nehuenp, MITOLOGY, tucumanito, universalmu4, elvisedi, Mupsychi-97D, xz18786628, plasma022, cenius, phitroc1, pixoble24, lorhans, ArwenS, Bonzi, acosta14, ailsoncost, Dezzy, Tarlan, Saldivar, alexey05, ausmann, Tool91, aletbrd, VERNERON, masterhn, LodpA, moises1531, lexluttor12, godmas, Fortza, boylasd, Xtr3me, Ailurus, ballas, leonarding, Fagor, werli, Tech, 570693, jeronemo, keikanvnn, jadsontkd, Valkyria, malditos10, mrloco, espartaco25, nockasdd, xpl0ziv, isloar, martinez, legendario8, bybaybong, perejil, Agirod, alequez, Aries18, xspecularx, nhanphu200, mos02673, sonytfm, PowerNet, nylanpro, BlackSoul32, banu9x, Razul, YanzKing, mrhung95, ndhanthien, TzCr4ck, Crowley, vst9x, itaialroy, LeeHenry, footballch29, vietak, python, dlawls662, theanh27, Sandrix, Hoangsy99, kyuzojusti, Cinu, samsunggon, rickscp, darkcaido, AragorN, ryz3n, angel49, miguelo, bodzio19, alexytoo, pingm, XgrimX, wolffrox, padi22, hola23, hazlacika, heroes1412, Dellux, thanhbinhqht, AlucarD2405, xxkarxx, mututhan, saga99, skay25, mulosena97, rasta12, lolesol1, malotlv, TroYans, tiobilim, ahmetg, logini, josecola, Vitaminka, RafhaelSouza, hamiltonsl, modaxd, juanvzl, cantinfla2, marcos10, alemendez1192, bloppey, fer1992, bravofromlv, gabi022, bnbza6677, thealdair, noliobierna, nbazelin, lahn, Yan Carlos, chuckhai, Pokepili, PachoRasta, SHADOPP, yan0153, byrone19, drynea, Leon, MafiaPy, axeman192, auronrey, danielgalboa, iker1307, tsx24, UraharaNZ, madshot, marvisur, nnDoug, higlans, evowex, neguev25, manowwan1, mckjohan2019, benikka60, blodyfox, cafehaitrieu141, UnrealGame, Azzlaer, melo920, fredycarp, Frank4398502DKYT, Kain20XX, ja1260, Rifah, fenixeon, dbz2333, Samuelj, d4nk3r, KinJaeWom, OtixelaxD, hida1995, SCosmin4, hiep, julianmxd, LuisXD, ZidSliver, JavixFer, Adema, jaspe5369, quangson89, viticob, tifalok, bankline, 1Word, pelotudazo, hyon, nabuel93, Goplay, norean, dardevil, tienak, osvaldo1811, Dann, rollinsyl, tito1909, zeroguille77, Yalc, blakwali, cufa1, nxx, BooM, GameOverMu, TryMenow, jonardo, Minerva, eminem, infernel17, Nation Network, adidas, tropy666, Sweng, cordova97, abraao, alex181994, zeromaster, anmx14, HyDe, malon2k, kaleikata, p0zejk, copixx, poika, d780440, draguj, CzCarl27, SoulKill3r, BlackDead, fukpim, hyagoflep, makena1, 497625, 10mauro10, MiniBestia, shadow0147, josexluis, nevvu, waiteni, Dr4G0N, 2216295, servermu12, ivaancruzz, lautitow, aleiker, paquillo1995, zmadblack, qwer123, OptimusPry, J0RG325, psalazar, paizao, CrazyDeath, cocofrann, luis12, krakencitoo, muphantom, chinagames, markcaos, murcielago, mrbit12, leones55, scrsky, anduyx1, Axcel, sadamladen, 6atters, juampivb, gang, MalukoCv, jacke, hiser, takerostudio, mendez1192, larkan28, MarquitoXx, nuffenzo, fengyun52894, iggfree, Overlord, Ryuno, rujirot, dieguitox, laurentiuitk, osvaldotl, stark98, RazielBaz, tarikata, eduardox, vituocgia, multipleer, kokitrax, haziel, zeusadm, lolz3976, Crystal, Chaman01, RinOv, GuzmanDiaz18, zxshadowxz, MetalHead, wachinnet, ZTMarkz, weilguillermo, r31nz0, kove0816, Elizalde, escanorsama, Supraimas, emkobiet, Londes1, neeck1234, urielsorlak, cancerx, xsojomx, bigmeat, Supremo, WayneXzki, Abraham90, pirazok, Zulus, MacHiDa, JohnnysSK, jumongski, _uE_, maximas128, bleister, AZURE, Lude, shaked, Kirito212, knight.php, hercules24, muchilenet, uchiga, h3yShOk, nescafe, 10145, VictorKing, koito89, ByCeLLaT, n0tee, ioryblood, sergio466, fasito05, jaimealves, locodka, zeus021, cuervo, z3r0x, jaime, weakme33, Facundo Jara, chapolin33, emciel, BaTmaaN, theruben123, answer, smiley, MrApple, KhongGianOL, sapopepe, bloodvalhalla, wfl0417, exodium, BruceCM, eperke, Almdar, coto50, gacon201294, zlethanhlong, GuidoJV, elpalto12, boboha, booms, Josue8A, sp3cial, jorge, talisson, Gaboo;, kind, BeckerIbero, DarkNet, krak123, gauyeutho, tgservice147, antoniobk, nguyechien5520, Flash, hitcount, yhoon, onell, GX_KYO, patojano, king15553, NurVulator, KungZeeD, delvador, Dode, ArtSystems, kzeco, king1553, aeking, ediiinson, dirceujr23, binhchivn, louis, kretos521, maychell, deportes97, migell123, bernal01, xxunpilixx, mambu, boypost, BryaNLove23, wildriff66, nujd00, krovax13, luisjo, JYachelini, nscbr, shadowWZ, rers, jhoancito, drampir, xBlackAway, grozdik, NoLimiT, ChanhEp, akosibrian, anhthao9st, Alemarfar, clerigz, Kriskiy, saske98, NoobDK, prmuonline, telisca, christoferdz, pablito1231, elmalexs, EvasioN, naja01, Thor Host, hiena, kike2, dioszeus, bach102, alexfy, Mikimays, admmunowar, XxBrayxX, silfredo, deivifalle, Playercito, mupp159, tiki22, josechbr, dab30, mania16, beibei, mastermcy, feins150, EmmaDCG, zeka, kai1702, drendy, conter, xuanthanhyt, Kingt, vdk2703, AriesMaster, ldmm27, Hessen, systemsmag, lostalejandro_, _SavagE_, allhoy, phcaraujo, santos, nutkubgamekub, hoanmaster, davman, Roly93, terk1526, dario55, clockbooster, Mazepa, xtian01, EzeQ, elroli, myheart, generalhbk, noahmaster, fabrixd, freitasvip, darkhorse16, slow, str1ker, heas, masloko, thaylormello, Yoss, Leonart, seedmaker, sorian, tcbagame, Nhocgano1, germani, Nykiyo, quang, erickmalfoy, gusnic1, pedroso100, SIRDGARU, wenvill, pravednik, nenegamcas, gohancs, bzcandy, fefe, wanwaycom, adicales, canox321, infernalix, Ocean Network, major, minhduc, digimoncik, jonamix, Developers, bond2012, gtpro, xxmenonxx, vaneavanea31, kaiser, s00x, socolas, HeroxMu, Dariox84, kksky, GATITO, darkjano, mauri64, dainam, T-LEGENDARY, neverclubza, idpnguyeni, ExileHeart, Wendigo, NickNickolas, Terran, AreS, zwinkbade, DemonLove, tincho088, herjuni, Gunnar, winner, beecubin, luisdaniel, Narcotic, jeffzkie69, octerberball29, ikwail02, remamakiller, Pyke, scfmt, jeferson, Ashita111235, lolis, xpam, djagripnos, YolaxD, CAPITOL, c0d0m0, MOYOne, dendi, lokura, quyanxu, harry130, ZabiinoOo, Bakunec, DjGamer, siz1212, cobyzero

Online ZabiinoOo #1 Posteado: September 29, 2018, 08:14:26 PM




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Bien hay natzu, se ve lindo el proyecto, mientras no lo dejes tirados como par de proyectos que te animas y luego te pega la siesta jajaja

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god

Offline Natzugen #2 Posteado: September 29, 2018, 08:20:55 PM


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Bien hay natzu, se ve lindo el proyecto, mientras no lo dejes tirados como par de proyectos que te animas y luego te pega la siesta jajaja
El s2 no esta tirado no mas que esta muy largo xDD


Offline CAPITOL #3 Posteado: September 30, 2018, 12:59:01 AM

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JoinServer/DataServer dupe and inject already fixed?

Offline Natzugen #4 Posteado: September 30, 2018, 08:11:01 PM | Modificado: September 30, 2018, 09:21:26 PM by Natzugen


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Update 1 publicado
Deben ejecutar las queries de la carpeta database en el orden de numero.

Code: [Select]
; 30.09.2018 - Update 1
- Fixed plust stat points.
- Added Game master online notice.
- Added GuardMessage.
- Fixed Zyro talk.
- Fixed Tercia talk.
- Fixed Veina talk.
- Fixed gens quests.
- Fixed elf soldier quests.
- Fixed Gens Rank.
- Fixed arrows upgrade with jewel of bless.
- Fixed bolts upgrade with jewel o bless.
- Fixed arrows upgrade with jewel of soul.
- Fixed bolts upgrade with jewel o soul.
- Added VIP autoexpiration stored procedure.
- Added clear inventory command "/clearinv".
- Fixed DataServer SQL Inject.
- Added CustomDeathMessage.
- Added Marry System.
- Fixed SQL Inject in marry system.
- Fixed dupe in customstore.
- Fixed custom attack on reconnect.


Offline CAPITOL #5 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 04:39:13 PM

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Nice updates, will the project accept suggestions in some features, not Customs but am actual GMO features that is not available in the default X-Team based files.

Offline Natzugen #6 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 04:44:42 PM


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Nice updates, will the project accept suggestions in some features, not Customs but am actual GMO features that is not available in the default X-Team based files.
yes i will accept suggestions, but the release will depend of my free time since i dont have left after college and work.

Online xdjoa #7 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 05:15:01 PM

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Podrás poner soporte para bows gloves de rf y efectos dinámicos y estaticos porfavor

Offline Natzugen #8 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 05:32:56 PM


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Podrás poner soporte para bows gloves de rf y efectos dinámicos y estaticos porfavor
Por el momento no estoy trabajando de lado del cliente, mi prioridad por ahora es el lado del servidor. Igualmente los efectos estáticos ya se encuentran incluidos.

Offline Natzugen #9 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 05:44:43 PM


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Update 2 publicado

Code: [Select]
; 31.09.2018 - Update 2
- Fixed ClearInventory Error message.
- Fixed JoinServer SQL Inject.
- Fixed Indulgence (item(13,60))
- Added check for personal store if is not open.
- Added warning PShop message in "gameserver - custom.dat".
- Fixed Jewel of bless for sword 41
- Fixed Repair Item for sword 41.
- Added GM Online Message.


Offline djagripnos #10 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 05:52:07 PM



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Offline Yalc #11 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 05:59:50 PM

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@Natzugen  Podes compartir un link full del visual studio 2013? Porque no lo consigo

Offline Natzugen #12 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 07:06:18 PM


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@Natzugen  Podes compartir un link full del visual studio 2013? Porque no lo consigo
no utilizo una versión crackeada. igual proba con este

Offline anaflex #13 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 08:48:35 PM

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algun tipo de bug o lag?? tiene alguna tienda custom?? como pcpoint bot o algo asi??

Offline Natzugen #14 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 08:53:34 PM


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algun tipo de bug o lag?? tiene alguna tienda custom?? como pcpoint bot o algo asi??
bugs hasta el momento no han reportado, el lag depende de donde hostees tu server, no tiene nada que ver con los files y para lo ultimo esta la cashshop.

PD: deja de preguntar lo mismo en todos los temas que cuenta como spam.


Offline Natzugen #15 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 09:24:34 PM | Modificado: October 01, 2018, 09:27:18 PM by Natzugen


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Update 3 publicado

Code: [Select]
; 01.10.2018 - Update 2
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Added Main Memory reduction.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Remove Rage Fighter from MainInfo.ini.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Remove summoner from MainInfo.ini.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Remove Magic gladiator from MainInfo.ini.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Added Dynamic effects support.
- [GetMainInfo][Main.dll] Added Custom font support.


Online xdjoa #16 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 09:56:15 PM

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Nat podrás agregar los bot xD ... o arreglar el castle deep que los mostros no se mueven

Offline Natzugen #17 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 09:57:42 PM


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Nat podrás agregar los bot xD ... o arreglar el castle deep que los mostros no se mueven
los bots nunca me gustaron, por lo que de momento no los voy a agregar.

En cuanto a lo del castle deep es en estos files o en todos los muemu?

Online xdjoa #18 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 10:11:22 PM

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Todos los muemu existen ese bug pero en la source que está publica que tienen bot están reparadas  justo con el nuevo sistema de socket que se le puede poner a una shop como el update 13 de louis espero que me hayas entendido xD

Offline Natzugen #19 Posteado: October 01, 2018, 10:12:09 PM


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Todos los muemu existen ese bug pero en la source que está publica que tienen bot están reparadas  justo con el nuevo sistema de socket que se le puede poner a una shop como el update 13 de louis espero que me hayas entendido xD
por que creo que son los terrain del server que en el paquete original tienen errores.


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