Hola a todos! ¿Cómo están?
Hoy después de tanta ayuda recibida, vengo a realizar mi primer aporte al foro. No es más que unos archivos que encontré en internet, donde están explicados de manera perfecta y quedan funcionando a la perfección.
Para intentar modificar estos eventos seguí esta guia:
http://tuservermu.com.ve/index.php?topic=16316.0Yo no se si en otras versiones se moficiará a si... pero en mi caso, eso no sirvió para nada. Ni siquiera tiene esa logica.
Si más les dejo los dos archivos... con su descripción en inglés... pero vamos, que no es difícil entenderlo:
Files en los que fueron testeados: DarksTeam97d+99i--
Blood CastelUbicación: MuServer/Data/BloodCastel.dat// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// # FileName: 'BloodCastle.dat'
// # Changed date: '07.08.2008 - 12:00:20'
// # Translated by S@nek[BoR];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0. Event Settings;
0 // Cycle Settings;
// OpenTime: Minutes between BC Open and BC Start;
// PlayTime: Minutes Between BC Start and Mission Timeout;
// RemainTime: Minutes between Mission Timeout and BC Close;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// OpenTime | PlayTime | RemainTime;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
5 15 2
// 1. Drop Setting;
1 // Reward Settings;
// ChaosItemChance: Chance of Chaos Weapon dropping on Mission Accomplished;
// ChaosItemChance 10: Chaos Weapon drops every time BC is won (10/10);
// ChaosItemChance 20: Chaos Weapon drops 50% of the times BC is won (10/20);
// ChaosItemChance 100: Chaos Weapon drops 10% of the times BC is won (10/100);
// Other times it will be 2 chaos jewels, or other reward if changed in GS;
// ChaosExcItemChance: Chance of Excellent Chaos Weapon dropping on Mission Accomplished;
// ChaosExcItemChance 1: Excellent Chaos Weapon drops every time BC is won (1/1);
// ChaosExcItemChance 100: Excellent Chaos Weapon drops once in 100 BC wins (1/100);
// ChaosExcItemChance 500: Excellent Chaos Weapon drops once in 500 BC wins (1/500);
// ChaosItemRemain: Time Chaos Weapon stays after dropping in seconds. (0=stays until BC close);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChaosItemChance | ChaosExcItemChance | ChaosItemRemain;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
100 1200 0
// 2. NPC Settings;
2 // Obstacle Settings;
// CastleNumber: The level quests; (Level - 1 | BC 1 = 0, BC 2 = 1, etc.)
// StatueHealth: Life of a statue;
// DoorHealth: Life of a gate;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CastleNumber | StatueHealth | DoorHealth;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0 60000 140000 //BC1
1 100000 220000 //BC2
2 140000 260000 //BC3
3 160000 340000 //BC4
4 200000 440000 //BC5
5 240000 500000 //BC6
Devil Square//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0. Event Settings;
0 // Cycle Settings;
// CloseTime: Minutes between DS Close and DS Open;
// OpenTime: Minutes between DS Open and Mission Start;
// PlayTime: Minutes between Mission Start and DS Close;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CloseTime | OpenTime | PlayTime;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
35 5 20
// 1. Monster Wave Settings;
1 // Monster Wave Settings;
// EventLevel: The level quests; (Level - 1 | DS 1 = 0, DS 2 = 1, etc.)
// MonsterID: Monster ID in 'Monsters.txt';
// StartTime: Minutes after Mission Start that those mobs spawn;
// EndTime: Minutes after Mission Start that those mobs disappear;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// EventLevel | MonsterID | StartTime | EndTime;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0 9 0 7 //Thunder Lich
0 5 0 7 //Hell Hound
0 10 0 7 //Dark Knight
0 39 0 7 //Poison Shadow
0 25 12 20 //Ice Queen
0 41 12 20 //Death Cow
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 2;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 18 0 7 //Gorgon
1 41 0 7 //Death Cow
1 35 5 14 //Death Gorgon
1 51 5 14 //Great Bahamut
1 64 12 20 //Orc Archer
1 65 12 20 //Elite Orc
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 3;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 38 0 7 //Balrog
2 51 0 7 //Great Bahamut
2 64 5 14 //Orc Archer
2 65 5 14 //Elite Orc
2 62 12 20 //Mutant
2 60 12 20 //Bloody Wolf
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 4;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 64 0 7 //Orc Archer
3 65 0 7 //Elite Orc
3 62 5 14 //Mutant
3 60 5 14 //Bloody Wolf
3 57 12 20 //Iron Wheel
3 61 12 20 //Vim Knight
// 2. Boss (Final Wave) Settings;
2 // Boss (Final Wave) Settings;
// EventLevel: The level quests; (Level - 1 | DS 1 = 0, DS 2 = 1, etc.)
// MonsterID: Monster ID in 'Monsters.txt';
// KillTime: Time (in minutes) players have to kill the bosses;
// X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Corners of coordinate square where bosses will spawn;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// EventLevel | MonsterID | KillTime | X1 | Y1 | X2 | Y2;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0 38 15 119 80 150 115 //Balrog
0 38 15 119 80 150 115 //Balrog
0 38 15 119 80 150 115 //Balrog
0 38 15 119 80 150 115 //Balrog
0 38 15 119 80 150 115 //Balrog
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 2;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 67 15 121 152 151 184 //Metal Balrog
1 67 15 121 152 151 184 //Metal Balrog
1 67 15 121 152 151 184 //Metal Balrog
1 67 15 121 152 151 184 //Metal Balrog
1 67 15 121 152 151 184 //Metal Balrog
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 3;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 58 15 49 138 79 173 //Tantallos
2 58 15 49 138 79 173 //Tantallos
2 58 15 49 138 79 173 //Tantallos
2 58 15 49 138 79 173 //Tantallos
2 58 15 49 138 79 173 //Tantallos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 4;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 66 15 53 74 83 109 //Cursed King
3 66 15 53 74 83 109 //Cursed King
3 66 15 53 74 83 109 //Cursed King
3 66 15 53 74 83 109 //Cursed King
3 66 15 53 74 83 109 //Cursed King
// 3. Drop Setting;
3 // Reward Settings;
// EventLevel: The level quests; (Level - 1 | DS 1 = 0, DS 2 = 1, etc.)
// Position: Place in the rating; (Level - 1 | First place: 0, Second place: 1, etc.)
// ExpReward: Quantity of received experience;
// ZenReward: Quantity of received money;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// EventLevel | Position | ExpReward | ZenReward;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Devil Square 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0 0 40000 3000000
0 1 30000 2500000
0 2 20000 2000000
0 3 10000 1000000
1 0 60000 4000000
1 1 40000 3500000
1 2 30000 3000000
1 3 20000 2000000
2 0 80000 5000000
2 1 60000 4500000
2 2 50000 4000000
2 3 40000 3000000
3 0 100000 7000000
3 1 80000 6000000
3 2 70000 5000000
3 3 60000 4000000
Espero que les sirva.