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Autor Topic: Market Fixed  (Visto 1992 veces)

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Offline Daniel@ Posteado: April 01, 2020, 10:28:20 PM | Modificado: April 01, 2020, 10:29:53 PM by Daniel@

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magia2 magia2 Hola recientemente hoy instale estas verciones desde la mas baja hasta la mas actual, viendo me percate que market no funciona, los items no se visualizan, investigando el codigo oh sorpresa, solo funciona para verciones sql 2012 en adelante, asi que creando unos ajustes arregle dicho error para que funcione, desde sql 2000 hasta la mas actual supongo yo.

 magia2 magia2

Offline comelon666 #1 Posteado: April 08, 2020, 11:04:23 PM

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  • pe
$market_item_list = mssql_query Thanks :=)


Offline XxBrayxX #2 Posteado: April 30, 2020, 09:02:00 PM

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Che disculpa mi ignorancia, ese código en que parte lo ponemos ?

Offline SUPERTOMI #3 Posteado: May 09, 2020, 01:25:37 AM

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  • ar
Che disculpa mi ignorancia, ese código en que parte lo ponemos ?

Hola soy nuevo pero entiendo el codigo  ..
PRIMERO  hace una copia de seguridad del archivo ( siempre para cualquier modificiacion )
1 busca la ubicación del archivo Market.php
que se encuentra en admincp\pages
2 abri el archivo Market.php con un block de notas
3  borra el contenido de ese archivo y copia el codigo que te presentaron aqui .. guarda los cambios y listo
si ves que visitas la seccion market de tu web .. y no sale ningun error esta perfecto..  si sale error obviamente remplaza por tu copia de seguridad

de nada saludos

Offline IceCream #4 Posteado: February 01, 2021, 03:31:56 AM

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Having suffered for a long time, I redid your code + standard ! And the most important thing is that everything works !  magia2

Code: [Select]
<?php if(!$mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_for_the_moment_tpi_disabled.'</div>'; } ?>
<?php if($mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { ?>
<?php if($_SESSION['user_login'] == 'ok') { ?>
.trhowthis:hover {
  background-color: <?php echo''.$table_border.'';?>;
//== Post Start ==//
if(isset($_POST['subform'])) {

//== Post Procedure Select ==//
$hex = trim(isset($_POST['hex']) ? $_POST['hex'] : '');
$serial = trim(isset($_POST['serial']) ? $_POST['serial'] : '');
$name = trim(isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '');

$errors = array();
$success = array();

//== Main Info Get Script ==//
$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

$select_hex_infof= mssql_query("Select serial,hex,soldby,cost,ptype from MVCore_Market_Items where hex='".$hex."'");
$s_hex_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infof); // Get Some Information

$select_hex_infofas= mssql_query("Select serial from MVCore_Market_Items where serial='".$serial."'");
$s_hex_ias= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infofas); // Check Hex Codes Else Error

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

$select_zen_info= mssql_query("Select money from warehouse where AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$s_zen_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_zen_info); // Check if Can BUY

$select_cred_check= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['credits_column'].",".$mvcore['credits2_column']." from ".$mvcore['credits_table']." where ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$s_c_check= mssql_fetch_row($select_cred_check); // Check if Can BUY

$select_charwcv_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_info); // Seller Guid Check

$select_charwcv_infos= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_infos); // Seller Guid Check

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid'  || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_charwcv_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_char_i[0]; };

$select_charwc_infs= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_infs); // get IP

$select_charwc_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_info); // Check if Can BUY

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid' || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user = $s_charwc_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user = $useracc; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select connectstat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);

if($check_onlines[0] == '1') { $errors[] = '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

$v_f_h= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." from ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." where ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$v_f_hd= mssql_fetch_row($v_f_h); // Check if Can BUY

//== End Script ==//

//== Error MSG ==//
if($s_hex_ias[0] == '' || $s_hex_ias[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo ''; }
if($s_hex_i[0] == '' || $s_hex_i[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_hassoldalready.'</div>'; }

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($mvcore['mark_ip_check'] == 'on') {
//Ip Check
if($s_charwc_ia[0] == $s_charwcv_ia[0]){ $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_cannotbuyitemacc.'</div>'; };

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){if($s_c_check[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name1'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){if($s_c_check[1] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name2'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){if($v_f_hd[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' wcoins '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){if($s_zen_i[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' zen '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
};if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
if($s_hex_i[4] >= '5' || $s_hex_i[4] == '' || $s_hex_i[4] <= '0'){$has_error = '1'; echo '';};
//== End Script ==//

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9' && strlen($hex) == '32') { $exHex = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; } else { $exHex = ''; };
$Final_Result_hex = ''.$hex.''.$exHex.'';

$sy = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,0,2)); // Item ID
$itt = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix

//FOR Item ID 256+
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '12' && $sy >= '0' ){

$sy = 255 + $sy;

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '13' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '14' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


$nameselectsdd= mssql_query("Select x, y from MVCore_Wshopp  where id='".$sy."' and category='".$itemtype."'");
$nameselectsd= mssql_fetch_row($nameselectsdd);

function smartsearch($whbin,$itemX,$itemY,$incSeason) {

if($incSeason >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };
if($incSeason >= '9') { $ilc = '480'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $ilc = '60'; } else { $ilc = '240'; };

if (substr($whbin,0,2)=='0x') $whbin=substr($whbin,2);
$items = str_repeat('0', $ilc);
$itemsm = str_repeat('1', $ilc);
$i = 0;
while ($i<$ilc) {
$_item = substr($whbin,($hexlen*$i), $hexlen);
$check_ref = hexdec(substr($_item, 19,1))/16;
$check_wid = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2));
if($check_ref == 0.5)
$type = floor(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);
$type = round(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);

if ($check_wid <= '127') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try; }
elseif ($check_wid >= '128') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try+'256'; }

if($incSeason == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $type = round($type); $check_two = floor($syfd);

$res= mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select [x],[y] from [MVCore_Wshopp] where [id]='".$check_two."' and [category]='".$type."'"));

$y = 0;
while($y<$res[1]) {
while($x<$res[0]) {
$items = substr_replace($items, '1', ($i+$x)+(($y-1)*8), 1);

$y = 0;
while($y<$itemY) {
while($x<$itemX) {
$spacerq[$x+(8*($y-1))] = true;
$walked = 0;
$i = 0;
while($i<$ilc) {
if (isset($spacerq[$i])) {
$itemsm = substr_replace($itemsm, '0', $i-1, 1);
$last = $i;
if ($walked==count($spacerq)) $i=$ilc;
$useforlength = substr($itemsm,0,$last);
$findslotlikethis='^'.str_replace('++','+',str_replace('1','+[0-1]+', $useforlength));
while ($i<$ilc) {
if ($nx==8) { $ny++; $nx=0; }
if ((eregi($findslotlikethis,substr($items, $i, strlen($useforlength)))) && ($itemX+$nx<9) && ($itemY+$ny<16))
return $i;
return 1337;

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbins = '7680'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbins = '1200'; } else { $cvbins = '3840'; }; // Warehouse
if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbinsch = '7584'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbinsch = '1080'; } else { $cvbinsch = '3776'; }; // Inventory

$query = mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(".$cvbins."); set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='".$useracc."'); print @it");
$mycuritems = mssql_get_last_message();

$newitem = $Final_Result_hex;
$test = 0;
$slot = smartsearch($mycuritems,$nameselectsd[0],$nameselectsd[1],$mvcore['db_season']);
$test = $slot*$hexlen; if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };

$mynewitems = substr_replace($mycuritems, $newitem, ($test+2), $hexlen);

if($slot == '1337' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_wareseemsfull.'</div>'; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select ConnectStat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);
if( $check_onlines[0] == '1' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

if($has_error >= '1'){} else {

//== Procedure Update Or Insert ==//
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET Items = ".$mynewitems." WHERE AccountId='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("DELETE from MVCore_Market_Items WHERE hex='".$hex."'");

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','1','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','0','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user_seller."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','2','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','3','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','4','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','0','".$s_hex_i[3]."','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");


//== End Script ==//

//== Success MSG ==//
echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nSuccess">'.main_p_market_itemaddedinware.'</div>'; $message_edit = $success;}
//== End Script ==//

<div class="mvcore-ucp-info" align="center" style="width:100%;padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
<div align="center" style="text-align:center;">
<?php if($mvcore['m_page0'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-gf.html'>".main_p_market_recent."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page1'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-0.html'>".main_p_market_swords."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page2'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-1.html'>".main_p_market_axes."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page3'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-2.html'>".main_p_market_scepters."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page4'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-3.html'>".main_p_market_spears."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page5'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-4.html'>".main_p_market_bows."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page6'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-5.html'>".main_p_market_staff."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page7'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-6.html'>".main_p_market_shields."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page8'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-7.html'>".main_p_market_helps."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page9'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-8.html'>".main_p_market_armors."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page10'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-9.html'>".main_p_market_pants."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page11'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-10.html'>".main_p_market_gloves."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page12'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-11.html'>".main_p_market_boots."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page13'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-12.html'>".main_p_market_accesories."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page14'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-13.html'>".main_p_market_miscitems."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page15'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-14.html'>".main_p_market_miscitemstwo."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page16'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-15.html'>".main_p_market_scrolls."</a>";} ?>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><div style="float:right;"><form action="-id-market-id-MyItems.html" method="POST"><input name="myItemsSubmit" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';?>"></form></div></td></tr>
<tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px;">

<td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" valign="top">

$change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page_name = $default_category; } else { $change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']); };

if($change_page_name == '0') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_swords.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '1') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_axes.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '2') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scepterss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '3') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_spears.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '4') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_bowss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '5') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_staff.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '6') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_shields.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '7') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_helps.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '8') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_armors.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '9') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_pants.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '10') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_gloves.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '11') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_boots.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '12') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_accesories.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '13') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '14') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitemstwo.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '15') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scrolls.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'gf') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'MyItems') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';}
else {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';};



$change_pages = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
if($change_pages >= '0') {$add_wherea = 'where cate = '.$change_pages.'';} else {$add_wherea = '';};
if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_wherea = "where soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."'"; };
$market_item_lista = mssql_query("select count(*) from MVCore_Market_Items ".$add_wherea."");
$acr4fd =mssql_result($market_item_lista, 0, 0);
<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<table class="mvcore-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>

$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '0' && $mvcore['m_page1'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '1' && $mvcore['m_page2'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '2' && $mvcore['m_page3'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '3' && $mvcore['m_page4'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '4' && $mvcore['m_page5'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '5' && $mvcore['m_page6'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '6' && $mvcore['m_page7'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '7' && $mvcore['m_page8'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '8' && $mvcore['m_page9'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '9' && $mvcore['m_page10'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '10' && $mvcore['m_page11'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '11' && $mvcore['m_page12'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '12' && $mvcore['m_page13'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '13' && $mvcore['m_page14'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '14' && $mvcore['m_page15'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '15' && $mvcore['m_page16'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page = $default_category; }
else { $change_page = $_GET['op2']; };

$add_where = 'cate = '.$change_page.' and';
if($change_page == 'gf' || $_GET['op2'] == 'gf') { $add_where = ""; }

if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_where = "soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."' and"; }

//Paging System With POST
if($_POST['pageNr'] == '') { $pageNr = '0'; } else { $pageNr = $_POST['pageNr']; };
$row_num_first = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'];
$row_num_second = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'] + $mvcore['top_select'];

$fixedcount = mssql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM MVCore_Market_Items");
$fixedcount2 =mssql_result($fixedcount, 0, 0);

$market_item_list = mssql_query("
SELECT  hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( order by date desc ) AS RowNum, hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM MVCore_Market_Items WHERE ".$add_where." date >= '1'
) AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > ".$row_num_first." AND RowNum <= ".$row_num_second." ORDER BY RowNum ");
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
for($i=0;$i < mssql_num_rows($market_item_list);++$i) {
$nm_i_l = mssql_fetch_row($market_item_list);

$sy = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],0,2)); // Item ID
$serial = substr($nm_i_l[0],6,8); // Item Serial
$itt = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix
$iop = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],2,2)); // Item Level/Skill/Option Data
$itemdur = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],4,2)); // Item Durability
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option
$ioosecon = hexdec(substr($item[$i],14,1)); // AD option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ac = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],16,2)); // Ancient data
$item_socket[1] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],22,2)); // Socket 1
$item_socket[2] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],24,2)); // Socket 2
$item_socket[3] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],26,2)); // Socket 3
$item_socket[4] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],28,2)); // Socket 4
$item_socket[5] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],30,2)); // Socket 5

$item_harmony = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],20,1)); // Item harmony
$item_harm_val = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],21,1)); // Item harmony Value
$item_refinary = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],19,1)); // Item Refinery

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);


if($nm_i_l[4] == '1'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '2'){$ptype = 'WCoins';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '3'){$ptype = 'Zen';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '4'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name2'];}
else {$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];};

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select top 1 name, AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$nm_i_l[1]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

if (file_exists("system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif")) {
$image_load = "system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif";
} else {
$image_load = 'system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/no-img.gif';
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
// Item Information Combine
$drop_item_info ='<table><tr valign=top><td><img src='.$image_load.'><br>'.$iname.' '.$item_has_def.''.$item_has_dmg.''.$item_need_dur.''.$item_need_level.''.$item_class_need.''.$other_item_infos.''.$fenrir.'<font color=#cc7fcc>'.$ref.'</font>'.$joh_info_drop.'<font color=#7fb2ff>'.$skill.''.$luck.''.$itemoptionname.''.$itemoptionnamess.''.$db_item_info.''.$itemoptionnames.''.$anc_option.'</font><font color=#ff19ff>'.$socketinfos.'</font>'.$sok_info_drop1.''.$sok_info_drop2.''.$sok_info_drop3.''.$sok_info_drop4.''.$sok_info_drop5.'<br><font color=yellow><b>'.main_p_market_soldby.' '.$s_char_i[0].' '.main_p_market_for.' '.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</b></font><br></td></tr></table>';

$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

if($useracc == $s_char_i[1]) { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_takeback.''; } else { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_buyitem.''; };

$rank = $i+1;
$tr_color_2 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color_1 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color = ($rank % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
if($nameselect[11] == '0'){} else {
echo '
<tr class="trhowthis" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$drop_item_info.'\')" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$inames.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'><form action="-id-market.html" method="POST"><input name="name" type="hidden" value="'.$inames.'"><input name="serial" type="hidden" value="'.$serial.'"><input name="hex" type="hidden" value="'.$nm_i_l[0].'"><button class="mvcore-button-style" name="subform" type="submit">'.$testssDrop.'</button></form></td>
} } ?>

<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<?php } else { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_please_ltut_page.'</div>'; }; ?>
<?php } ?>

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