hi my friends i recreate this code for fun. customcolor money for main 5.2.
whit this custom you can change color money in inventory :D
https://imgur.com/a/j50gp3Bfaind in main source
unsigned int getGoldColor(DWORD Gold)
and remplace for this code
unsigned int getGoldColor(DWORD Gold)//custom
if (Gold >= 10000000)
return eAncient;
else if (Gold >= 1000000)
return eExcellent;
else if (Gold >= 100000)
return eColorHealth;
return eWhite;
unsigned int getGoldColor(DWORD Gold)//base
if (Gold >= 10000000)
return (255 << 24) + (0 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (255);
else if (Gold >= 1000000)
return (255 << 24) + (0 << 16) + (150 << 8) + (255);
else if (Gold >= 100000)
return (255 << 24) + (24 << 16) + (201 << 8) + (0);
return (255 << 24) + (150 << 16) + (220 << 8) + (255);
now go to Defined_Global.h and add
now go to _enum.h and add it
#define Color4f(r, b, g, o) ((o << 24) + (g << 16) + (b << 8) + r)
enum ColorMacro
eTextShop = Color4f(0xFFu, 0xDCu, 0x96u, 0xFFu),
eExcellentS15 = Color4f(67, 204, 65, 255),
eBlack = Color4f(0, 0, 0, 255),
eShinyGreen = Color4f(172, 255, 56, 255),
eShinyGreen100 = Color4f(172, 255, 56, 100),
eGold = Color4f(255, 189, 25, 255),
eGold150 = Color4f(255, 189, 25, 150),
eGold180 = Color4f(255, 189, 25, 180),
eWhite = Color4f(255, 255, 255, 255),
eWhite150 = Color4f(255, 255, 255, 150),
eWhite180 = Color4f(255, 255, 255, 180),
eOrange = Color4f(255, 105, 25, 255),
eGray100 = Color4f(211, 211, 211, 100),
eGray150 = Color4f(50, 50, 50, 150),
eGray190 = Color4f(50, 50, 50, 190),
eBlowPink = Color4f(220, 20, 60, 255),
eRed = Color4f(225, 0, 0, 255),
eRed2 = Color4f(225, 95, 45, 255),
eExcellent = Color4f(0, 225, 139, 255),
eAncient = Color4f(1, 223, 119, 255),
eSocket = Color4f(153, 102, 204, 255),
eBlue = Color4f(36, 242, 252, 255),
eBlue250 = Color4f(36, 242, 252, 250),
eYellow = Color4f(255, 255, 0, 255),
eYellow170 = Color4f(255, 255, 0, 170),
eBrown = Color4f(69, 39, 18, 255),
eColorAdvance = Color4f(109, 25, 192, 255),
eColorHealth = Color4f(191, 191, 146, 255),
//you can add more color if you whish