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Autor Topic: Modulo Market MVcore no funciona  (Visto 1397 veces)

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Offline cienfuegos Posteado: April 10, 2020, 01:58:06 PM

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Hola TSM, resulta que estoy tratando de hacer andar el modulo MARKET de la mvcore 1.7 y lei por ahi que, en versiones anteriors si funciona.

El problema es que cuando le doy a comprar un item, sucede esto:

Lei en otros post que se puede tomar el modulo de la version 1.69 pero, la verdad no se que archivos copiar ni que codigo llevarme


Offline cienfuegos #1 Posteado: April 10, 2020, 10:54:09 PM

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Offline jprey7 #2 Posteado: April 11, 2020, 09:05:34 AM

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Hola. abrí Market.php y comenta o borra las lineas 20, 21 y 22.
//if(strlen($hex) >= 34) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($serial) >= 9) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($name) >= 15) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
agregando // adelante o las borras

Offline cienfuegos #3 Posteado: April 11, 2020, 03:03:58 PM

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Hola. abrí Market.php y comenta o borra las lineas 20, 21 y 22.
//if(strlen($hex) >= 34) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($serial) >= 9) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($name) >= 15) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
agregando // adelante o las borras

No funciono bro, sigue dando PAge was not found :(

Offline cienfuegos #4 Posteado: April 11, 2020, 08:07:15 PM

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Offline jprey7 #5 Posteado: April 11, 2020, 10:20:29 PM

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Te dejo el market que funciona
Code: [Select]
<?php if(!$mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_for_the_moment_tpi_disabled.'</div>'; } ?>
<?php if($mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { ?>
<?php if($_SESSION['user_login'] == 'ok') { ?>
.trhowthis:hover {
  background-color: <?php echo''.$table_border.'';?>;
//== Post Start ==//
if(isset($_POST['subform'])) {

//== Post Procedure Select ==//
$hex = trim(isset($_POST['hex']) ? $_POST['hex'] : '');
$serial = trim(isset($_POST['serial']) ? $_POST['serial'] : '');
$name = trim(isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '');

//if(strlen($hex) >= 34) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($serial) >= 9) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($name) >= 15) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8

$errors = array();
$success = array();

//== Main Info Get Script ==//
$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

$select_hex_infof= mssql_query("Select serial,hex,soldby,cost,ptype from MVCore_Market_Items where hex='".$hex."'");
$s_hex_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infof); // Get Some Information

$select_hex_infofas= mssql_query("Select serial from MVCore_Market_Items where serial='".$serial."'");
$s_hex_ias= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infofas); // Check Hex Codes Else Error

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

$select_zen_info= mssql_query("Select money from warehouse where AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$s_zen_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_zen_info); // Check if Can BUY

$select_cred_check= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['credits_column'].",".$mvcore['credits2_column']." from ".$mvcore['credits_table']." where ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$s_c_check= mssql_fetch_row($select_cred_check); // Check if Can BUY

$select_charwcv_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_info); // Seller Guid Check

$select_charwcv_infos= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_infos); // Seller Guid Check

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid'  || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_charwcv_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_char_i[0]; };

$select_charwc_infs= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_infs); // get IP

$select_charwc_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_info); // Check if Can BUY

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid' || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user = $s_charwc_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user = $useracc; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select connectstat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);

if($check_onlines[0] == '1') { $errors[] = '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

$v_f_h= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." from ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." where ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$v_f_hd= mssql_fetch_row($v_f_h); // Check if Can BUY

//== End Script ==//

//== Error MSG ==//
if($s_hex_ias[0] == '' || $s_hex_ias[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo ''; }
if($s_hex_i[0] == '' || $s_hex_i[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_hassoldalready.'</div>'; }

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($mvcore['mark_ip_check'] == 'on') {
//Ip Check
if($s_charwc_ia[0] == $s_charwcv_ia[0]){ $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_cannotbuyitemacc.'</div>'; };

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){if($s_c_check[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name1'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){if($s_c_check[1] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name2'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){if($v_f_hd[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' wcoins '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){if($s_zen_i[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' zen '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
};if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
if($s_hex_i[4] >= '5' || $s_hex_i[4] == '' || $s_hex_i[4] <= '0'){$has_error = '1'; echo '';};
//== End Script ==//

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9' && strlen($hex) == '32') { $exHex = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; } else { $exHex = ''; };
$Final_Result_hex = ''.$hex.''.$exHex.'';

$sy = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,0,2)); // Item ID
$itt = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix

//FOR Item ID 256+
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '12' && $sy >= '0' ){

$sy = 255 + $sy;

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '13' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '14' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


$nameselectsdd= mssql_query("Select x, y from MVCore_Wshopp  where id='".$sy."' and category='".$itemtype."'");
$nameselectsd= mssql_fetch_row($nameselectsdd);

function smartsearch($whbin,$itemX,$itemY,$incSeason) {

if($incSeason >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };
if($incSeason >= '9') { $ilc = '480'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $ilc = '60'; } else { $ilc = '240'; };

if (substr($whbin,0,2)=='0x') $whbin=substr($whbin,2);
$items = str_repeat('0', $ilc);
$itemsm = str_repeat('1', $ilc);
$i = 0;
while ($i<$ilc) {
$_item = substr($whbin,($hexlen*$i), $hexlen);
$check_ref = hexdec(substr($_item, 19,1))/16;
$check_wid = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2));
if($check_ref == 0.5)
$type = floor(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);
$type = round(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);

if ($check_wid <= '127') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try; }
elseif ($check_wid >= '128') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try+'256'; }

if($incSeason == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $type = round($type); $check_two = floor($syfd);

$res= mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select [x],[y] from [MVCore_Wshopp] where [id]='".$check_two."' and [category]='".$type."'"));

$y = 0;
while($y<$res[1]) {
while($x<$res[0]) {
$items = substr_replace($items, '1', ($i+$x)+(($y-1)*8), 1);

$y = 0;
while($y<$itemY) {
while($x<$itemX) {
$spacerq[$x+(8*($y-1))] = true;
$walked = 0;
$i = 0;
while($i<$ilc) {
if (isset($spacerq[$i])) {
$itemsm = substr_replace($itemsm, '0', $i-1, 1);
$last = $i;
if ($walked==count($spacerq)) $i=$ilc;
$useforlength = substr($itemsm,0,$last);
$findslotlikethis='^'.str_replace('++','+',str_replace('1','+[0-1]+', $useforlength));
while ($i<$ilc) {
if ($nx==8) { $ny++; $nx=0; }
if ((eregi($findslotlikethis,substr($items, $i, strlen($useforlength)))) && ($itemX+$nx<9) && ($itemY+$ny<16))
return $i;
return 1337;

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbins = '7680'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbins = '1200'; } else { $cvbins = '3840'; }; // Warehouse
if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbinsch = '7584'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbinsch = '1080'; } else { $cvbinsch = '3776'; }; // Inventory

$query = mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(".$cvbins."); set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='".$useracc."'); print @it");
$mycuritems = mssql_get_last_message();

$newitem = $Final_Result_hex;
$test = 0;
$slot = smartsearch($mycuritems,$nameselectsd[0],$nameselectsd[1],$mvcore['db_season']);
$test = $slot*$hexlen; if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };

$mynewitems = substr_replace($mycuritems, $newitem, ($test+2), $hexlen);

if($slot == '1337' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_wareseemsfull.'</div>'; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select ConnectStat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);
if( $check_onlines[0] == '1' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

if($has_error >= '1'){} else {

//== Procedure Update Or Insert ==//
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET Items = ".$mynewitems." WHERE AccountId='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("DELETE from MVCore_Market_Items WHERE hex='".$hex."'");

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','1','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','0','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user_seller."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','2','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','3','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','4','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','0','".$s_hex_i[3]."','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");


//== End Script ==//

//== Success MSG ==//
echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nSuccess">'.main_p_market_itemaddedinware.'</div>'; $message_edit = $success;}
//== End Script ==//

<div class="mvcore-ucp-info" align="center" style="width:100%;padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
<div align="center" style="text-align:center;">
<?php if($mvcore['m_page0'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-gf.html'>".main_p_market_recent."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page1'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-0.html'>".main_p_market_swords."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page2'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-1.html'>".main_p_market_axes."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page3'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-2.html'>".main_p_market_scepters."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page4'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-3.html'>".main_p_market_spears."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page5'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-4.html'>".main_p_market_bows."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page6'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-5.html'>".main_p_market_staff."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page7'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-6.html'>".main_p_market_shields."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page8'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-7.html'>".main_p_market_helps."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page9'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-8.html'>".main_p_market_armors."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page10'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-9.html'>".main_p_market_pants."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page11'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-10.html'>".main_p_market_gloves."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page12'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-11.html'>".main_p_market_boots."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page13'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-12.html'>".main_p_market_accesories."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page14'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-13.html'>".main_p_market_miscitems."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page15'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-14.html'>".main_p_market_miscitemstwo."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page16'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-15.html'>".main_p_market_scrolls."</a>";} ?>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><div style="float:right;"><form action="-id-market-id-MyItems.html" method="POST"><input name="myItemsSubmit" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';?>"></form></div></td></tr>
<tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px;">

<td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" valign="top">

$change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page_name = $default_category; } else { $change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']); };

if($change_page_name == '0') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_swords.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '1') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_axes.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '2') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scepterss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '3') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_spears.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '4') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_bowss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '5') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_staff.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '6') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_shields.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '7') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_helps.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '8') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_armors.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '9') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_pants.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '10') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_gloves.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '11') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_boots.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '12') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_accesories.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '13') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '14') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitemstwo.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '15') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scrolls.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'gf') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'MyItems') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';}
else {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';};



$change_pages = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
if($change_pages >= '0') {$add_wherea = 'where cate = '.$change_pages.'';} else {$add_wherea = '';};
if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_wherea = "where soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."'"; };
$market_item_lista = mssql_query("select count(*) from MVCore_Market_Items ".$add_wherea."");
$acr4fd =mssql_result($market_item_lista, 0, 0);
<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<table class="mvcore-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>

$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '0' && $mvcore['m_page1'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '1' && $mvcore['m_page2'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '2' && $mvcore['m_page3'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '3' && $mvcore['m_page4'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '4' && $mvcore['m_page5'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '5' && $mvcore['m_page6'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '6' && $mvcore['m_page7'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '7' && $mvcore['m_page8'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '8' && $mvcore['m_page9'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '9' && $mvcore['m_page10'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '10' && $mvcore['m_page11'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '11' && $mvcore['m_page12'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '12' && $mvcore['m_page13'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '13' && $mvcore['m_page14'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '14' && $mvcore['m_page15'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '15' && $mvcore['m_page16'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page = $default_category; }
else { $change_page = $_GET['op2']; };

$add_where = 'cate = '.$change_page.' and';
if($change_page == 'gf' || $_GET['op2'] == 'gf') { $add_where = ""; }

if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_where = "soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."' and"; }

//Paging System With POST
if($_POST['pageNr'] == '') { $pageNr = '0'; } else { $pageNr = $_POST['pageNr']; };
$row_num_first = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'];
$row_num_second = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'] + $mvcore['top_select'];

$market_item_list = mssql_query("
SELECT  hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( order by date desc ) AS RowNum, hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM MVCore_Market_Items WHERE ".$add_where." date >= '1'
) AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > ".$row_num_first." AND RowNum <= ".$row_num_second." ORDER BY RowNum ");
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
for($i=0;$i < mssql_num_rows($market_item_list);++$i) {
$nm_i_l = mssql_fetch_row($market_item_list);

$sy = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],0,2)); // Item ID
$serial = substr($nm_i_l[0],6,8); // Item Serial
$itt = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix
$iop = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],2,2)); // Item Level/Skill/Option Data
$itemdur = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],4,2)); // Item Durability
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option
$ioosecon = hexdec(substr($item[$i],14,1)); // AD option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ac = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],16,2)); // Ancient data
$item_socket[1] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],22,2)); // Socket 1
$item_socket[2] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],24,2)); // Socket 2
$item_socket[3] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],26,2)); // Socket 3
$item_socket[4] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],28,2)); // Socket 4
$item_socket[5] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],30,2)); // Socket 5

$item_harmony = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],20,1)); // Item harmony
$item_harm_val = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],21,1)); // Item harmony Value
$item_refinary = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],19,1)); // Item Refinery

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);


if($nm_i_l[4] == '1'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '2'){$ptype = 'WCoins';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '3'){$ptype = 'Zen';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '4'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name2'];}
else {$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];};

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select top 1 name, AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$nm_i_l[1]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

if (file_exists("system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif")) {
$image_load = "system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif";
} else {
$image_load = 'system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/no.png';
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
// Item Information Combine
$drop_item_info ='<table><tr valign=top><td><img src='.$image_load.'><br>'.$iname.' '.$item_has_def.''.$item_has_dmg.''.$item_need_dur.''.$item_need_level.''.$item_class_need.''.$other_item_infos.''.$fenrir.'<font color=#cc7fcc>'.$ref.'</font>'.$joh_info_drop.'<font color=#7fb2ff>'.$skill.''.$luck.''.$itemoptionname.''.$itemoptionnamess.''.$db_item_info.''.$itemoptionnames.''.$anc_option.'</font><font color=#ff19ff>'.$socketinfos.'</font>'.$sok_info_drop1.''.$sok_info_drop2.''.$sok_info_drop3.''.$sok_info_drop4.''.$sok_info_drop5.'<br><font color=yellow><b>'.main_p_market_soldby.' '.$s_char_i[0].' '.main_p_market_for.' '.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</b></font><br></td></tr></table>';

$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

if($useracc == $s_char_i[1]) { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_takeback.''; } else { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_buyitem.''; };

$rank = $i+1;
$tr_color_2 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color_1 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color = ($rank % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
if($nameselect[11] == '0'){} else {
echo '
<tr class="trhowthis" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$drop_item_info.'\')" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$inames.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'><form action="-id-market.html" method="POST"><input name="name" type="hidden" value="'.$inames.'"><input name="serial" type="hidden" value="'.$serial.'"><input name="hex" type="hidden" value="'.$nm_i_l[0].'"><button class="mvcore-button-style" name="subform" type="submit">'.$testssDrop.'</button></form></td>
} } ?>

<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<?php } else { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_please_ltut_page.'</div>'; }; ?>
<?php } ?>


Offline kevin4747 #6 Posteado: April 12, 2020, 12:57:53 AM

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Te dejo el market que funciona
Code: [Select]
<?php if(!$mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_for_the_moment_tpi_disabled.'</div>'; } ?>
<?php if($mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { ?>
<?php if($_SESSION['user_login'] == 'ok') { ?>
.trhowthis:hover {
  background-color: <?php echo''.$table_border.'';?>;
//== Post Start ==//
if(isset($_POST['subform'])) {

//== Post Procedure Select ==//
$hex = trim(isset($_POST['hex']) ? $_POST['hex'] : '');
$serial = trim(isset($_POST['serial']) ? $_POST['serial'] : '');
$name = trim(isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '');

//if(strlen($hex) >= 34) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($serial) >= 9) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($name) >= 15) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8

$errors = array();
$success = array();

//== Main Info Get Script ==//
$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

$select_hex_infof= mssql_query("Select serial,hex,soldby,cost,ptype from MVCore_Market_Items where hex='".$hex."'");
$s_hex_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infof); // Get Some Information

$select_hex_infofas= mssql_query("Select serial from MVCore_Market_Items where serial='".$serial."'");
$s_hex_ias= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infofas); // Check Hex Codes Else Error

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

$select_zen_info= mssql_query("Select money from warehouse where AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$s_zen_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_zen_info); // Check if Can BUY

$select_cred_check= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['credits_column'].",".$mvcore['credits2_column']." from ".$mvcore['credits_table']." where ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$s_c_check= mssql_fetch_row($select_cred_check); // Check if Can BUY

$select_charwcv_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_info); // Seller Guid Check

$select_charwcv_infos= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_infos); // Seller Guid Check

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid'  || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_charwcv_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_char_i[0]; };

$select_charwc_infs= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_infs); // get IP

$select_charwc_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_info); // Check if Can BUY

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid' || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user = $s_charwc_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user = $useracc; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select connectstat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);

if($check_onlines[0] == '1') { $errors[] = '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

$v_f_h= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." from ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." where ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$v_f_hd= mssql_fetch_row($v_f_h); // Check if Can BUY

//== End Script ==//

//== Error MSG ==//
if($s_hex_ias[0] == '' || $s_hex_ias[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo ''; }
if($s_hex_i[0] == '' || $s_hex_i[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_hassoldalready.'</div>'; }

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($mvcore['mark_ip_check'] == 'on') {
//Ip Check
if($s_charwc_ia[0] == $s_charwcv_ia[0]){ $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_cannotbuyitemacc.'</div>'; };

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){if($s_c_check[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name1'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){if($s_c_check[1] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name2'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){if($v_f_hd[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' wcoins '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){if($s_zen_i[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' zen '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
};if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
if($s_hex_i[4] >= '5' || $s_hex_i[4] == '' || $s_hex_i[4] <= '0'){$has_error = '1'; echo '';};
//== End Script ==//

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9' && strlen($hex) == '32') { $exHex = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; } else { $exHex = ''; };
$Final_Result_hex = ''.$hex.''.$exHex.'';

$sy = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,0,2)); // Item ID
$itt = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix

//FOR Item ID 256+
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '12' && $sy >= '0' ){

$sy = 255 + $sy;

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '13' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '14' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


$nameselectsdd= mssql_query("Select x, y from MVCore_Wshopp  where id='".$sy."' and category='".$itemtype."'");
$nameselectsd= mssql_fetch_row($nameselectsdd);

function smartsearch($whbin,$itemX,$itemY,$incSeason) {

if($incSeason >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };
if($incSeason >= '9') { $ilc = '480'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $ilc = '60'; } else { $ilc = '240'; };

if (substr($whbin,0,2)=='0x') $whbin=substr($whbin,2);
$items = str_repeat('0', $ilc);
$itemsm = str_repeat('1', $ilc);
$i = 0;
while ($i<$ilc) {
$_item = substr($whbin,($hexlen*$i), $hexlen);
$check_ref = hexdec(substr($_item, 19,1))/16;
$check_wid = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2));
if($check_ref == 0.5)
$type = floor(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);
$type = round(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);

if ($check_wid <= '127') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try; }
elseif ($check_wid >= '128') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try+'256'; }

if($incSeason == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $type = round($type); $check_two = floor($syfd);

$res= mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select [x],[y] from [MVCore_Wshopp] where [id]='".$check_two."' and [category]='".$type."'"));

$y = 0;
while($y<$res[1]) {
while($x<$res[0]) {
$items = substr_replace($items, '1', ($i+$x)+(($y-1)*8), 1);

$y = 0;
while($y<$itemY) {
while($x<$itemX) {
$spacerq[$x+(8*($y-1))] = true;
$walked = 0;
$i = 0;
while($i<$ilc) {
if (isset($spacerq[$i])) {
$itemsm = substr_replace($itemsm, '0', $i-1, 1);
$last = $i;
if ($walked==count($spacerq)) $i=$ilc;
$useforlength = substr($itemsm,0,$last);
$findslotlikethis='^'.str_replace('++','+',str_replace('1','+[0-1]+', $useforlength));
while ($i<$ilc) {
if ($nx==8) { $ny++; $nx=0; }
if ((eregi($findslotlikethis,substr($items, $i, strlen($useforlength)))) && ($itemX+$nx<9) && ($itemY+$ny<16))
return $i;
return 1337;

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbins = '7680'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbins = '1200'; } else { $cvbins = '3840'; }; // Warehouse
if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbinsch = '7584'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbinsch = '1080'; } else { $cvbinsch = '3776'; }; // Inventory

$query = mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(".$cvbins."); set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='".$useracc."'); print @it");
$mycuritems = mssql_get_last_message();

$newitem = $Final_Result_hex;
$test = 0;
$slot = smartsearch($mycuritems,$nameselectsd[0],$nameselectsd[1],$mvcore['db_season']);
$test = $slot*$hexlen; if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };

$mynewitems = substr_replace($mycuritems, $newitem, ($test+2), $hexlen);

if($slot == '1337' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_wareseemsfull.'</div>'; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select ConnectStat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);
if( $check_onlines[0] == '1' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

if($has_error >= '1'){} else {

//== Procedure Update Or Insert ==//
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET Items = ".$mynewitems." WHERE AccountId='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("DELETE from MVCore_Market_Items WHERE hex='".$hex."'");

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','1','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','0','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user_seller."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','2','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','3','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','4','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','0','".$s_hex_i[3]."','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");


//== End Script ==//

//== Success MSG ==//
echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nSuccess">'.main_p_market_itemaddedinware.'</div>'; $message_edit = $success;}
//== End Script ==//

<div class="mvcore-ucp-info" align="center" style="width:100%;padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
<div align="center" style="text-align:center;">
<?php if($mvcore['m_page0'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-gf.html'>".main_p_market_recent."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page1'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-0.html'>".main_p_market_swords."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page2'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-1.html'>".main_p_market_axes."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page3'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-2.html'>".main_p_market_scepters."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page4'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-3.html'>".main_p_market_spears."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page5'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-4.html'>".main_p_market_bows."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page6'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-5.html'>".main_p_market_staff."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page7'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-6.html'>".main_p_market_shields."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page8'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-7.html'>".main_p_market_helps."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page9'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-8.html'>".main_p_market_armors."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page10'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-9.html'>".main_p_market_pants."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page11'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-10.html'>".main_p_market_gloves."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page12'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-11.html'>".main_p_market_boots."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page13'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-12.html'>".main_p_market_accesories."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page14'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-13.html'>".main_p_market_miscitems."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page15'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-14.html'>".main_p_market_miscitemstwo."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page16'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-15.html'>".main_p_market_scrolls."</a>";} ?>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><div style="float:right;"><form action="-id-market-id-MyItems.html" method="POST"><input name="myItemsSubmit" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';?>"></form></div></td></tr>
<tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px;">

<td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" valign="top">

$change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page_name = $default_category; } else { $change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']); };

if($change_page_name == '0') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_swords.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '1') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_axes.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '2') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scepterss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '3') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_spears.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '4') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_bowss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '5') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_staff.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '6') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_shields.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '7') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_helps.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '8') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_armors.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '9') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_pants.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '10') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_gloves.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '11') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_boots.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '12') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_accesories.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '13') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '14') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitemstwo.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '15') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scrolls.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'gf') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'MyItems') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';}
else {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';};



$change_pages = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
if($change_pages >= '0') {$add_wherea = 'where cate = '.$change_pages.'';} else {$add_wherea = '';};
if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_wherea = "where soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."'"; };
$market_item_lista = mssql_query("select count(*) from MVCore_Market_Items ".$add_wherea."");
$acr4fd =mssql_result($market_item_lista, 0, 0);
<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<table class="mvcore-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>

$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '0' && $mvcore['m_page1'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '1' && $mvcore['m_page2'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '2' && $mvcore['m_page3'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '3' && $mvcore['m_page4'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '4' && $mvcore['m_page5'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '5' && $mvcore['m_page6'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '6' && $mvcore['m_page7'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '7' && $mvcore['m_page8'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '8' && $mvcore['m_page9'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '9' && $mvcore['m_page10'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '10' && $mvcore['m_page11'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '11' && $mvcore['m_page12'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '12' && $mvcore['m_page13'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '13' && $mvcore['m_page14'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '14' && $mvcore['m_page15'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '15' && $mvcore['m_page16'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page = $default_category; }
else { $change_page = $_GET['op2']; };

$add_where = 'cate = '.$change_page.' and';
if($change_page == 'gf' || $_GET['op2'] == 'gf') { $add_where = ""; }

if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_where = "soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."' and"; }

//Paging System With POST
if($_POST['pageNr'] == '') { $pageNr = '0'; } else { $pageNr = $_POST['pageNr']; };
$row_num_first = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'];
$row_num_second = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'] + $mvcore['top_select'];

$market_item_list = mssql_query("
SELECT  hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( order by date desc ) AS RowNum, hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM MVCore_Market_Items WHERE ".$add_where." date >= '1'
) AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > ".$row_num_first." AND RowNum <= ".$row_num_second." ORDER BY RowNum ");
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
for($i=0;$i < mssql_num_rows($market_item_list);++$i) {
$nm_i_l = mssql_fetch_row($market_item_list);

$sy = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],0,2)); // Item ID
$serial = substr($nm_i_l[0],6,8); // Item Serial
$itt = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix
$iop = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],2,2)); // Item Level/Skill/Option Data
$itemdur = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],4,2)); // Item Durability
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option
$ioosecon = hexdec(substr($item[$i],14,1)); // AD option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ac = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],16,2)); // Ancient data
$item_socket[1] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],22,2)); // Socket 1
$item_socket[2] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],24,2)); // Socket 2
$item_socket[3] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],26,2)); // Socket 3
$item_socket[4] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],28,2)); // Socket 4
$item_socket[5] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],30,2)); // Socket 5

$item_harmony = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],20,1)); // Item harmony
$item_harm_val = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],21,1)); // Item harmony Value
$item_refinary = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],19,1)); // Item Refinery

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);


if($nm_i_l[4] == '1'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '2'){$ptype = 'WCoins';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '3'){$ptype = 'Zen';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '4'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name2'];}
else {$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];};

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select top 1 name, AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$nm_i_l[1]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

if (file_exists("system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif")) {
$image_load = "system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif";
} else {
$image_load = 'system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/no.png';
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
// Item Information Combine
$drop_item_info ='<table><tr valign=top><td><img src='.$image_load.'><br>'.$iname.' '.$item_has_def.''.$item_has_dmg.''.$item_need_dur.''.$item_need_level.''.$item_class_need.''.$other_item_infos.''.$fenrir.'<font color=#cc7fcc>'.$ref.'</font>'.$joh_info_drop.'<font color=#7fb2ff>'.$skill.''.$luck.''.$itemoptionname.''.$itemoptionnamess.''.$db_item_info.''.$itemoptionnames.''.$anc_option.'</font><font color=#ff19ff>'.$socketinfos.'</font>'.$sok_info_drop1.''.$sok_info_drop2.''.$sok_info_drop3.''.$sok_info_drop4.''.$sok_info_drop5.'<br><font color=yellow><b>'.main_p_market_soldby.' '.$s_char_i[0].' '.main_p_market_for.' '.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</b></font><br></td></tr></table>';

$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

if($useracc == $s_char_i[1]) { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_takeback.''; } else { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_buyitem.''; };

$rank = $i+1;
$tr_color_2 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color_1 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color = ($rank % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
if($nameselect[11] == '0'){} else {
echo '
<tr class="trhowthis" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$drop_item_info.'\')" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$inames.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'><form action="-id-market.html" method="POST"><input name="name" type="hidden" value="'.$inames.'"><input name="serial" type="hidden" value="'.$serial.'"><input name="hex" type="hidden" value="'.$nm_i_l[0].'"><button class="mvcore-button-style" name="subform" type="submit">'.$testssDrop.'</button></form></td>
} } ?>

<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<?php } else { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_please_ltut_page.'</div>'; }; ?>
<?php } ?>


Offline cienfuegos #7 Posteado: April 12, 2020, 01:40:55 PM

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Te dejo el market que funciona
Code: [Select]
<?php if(!$mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_for_the_moment_tpi_disabled.'</div>'; } ?>
<?php if($mvcore['Market'] == 'on') { ?>
<?php if($_SESSION['user_login'] == 'ok') { ?>
.trhowthis:hover {
  background-color: <?php echo''.$table_border.'';?>;
//== Post Start ==//
if(isset($_POST['subform'])) {

//== Post Procedure Select ==//
$hex = trim(isset($_POST['hex']) ? $_POST['hex'] : '');
$serial = trim(isset($_POST['serial']) ? $_POST['serial'] : '');
$name = trim(isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '');

//if(strlen($hex) >= 34) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($serial) >= 9) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8
//if(strlen($name) >= 15) { exit; }; // if S2 - S8

$errors = array();
$success = array();

//== Main Info Get Script ==//
$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

$select_hex_infof= mssql_query("Select serial,hex,soldby,cost,ptype from MVCore_Market_Items where hex='".$hex."'");
$s_hex_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infof); // Get Some Information

$select_hex_infofas= mssql_query("Select serial from MVCore_Market_Items where serial='".$serial."'");
$s_hex_ias= mssql_fetch_row($select_hex_infofas); // Check Hex Codes Else Error

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

$select_zen_info= mssql_query("Select money from warehouse where AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$s_zen_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_zen_info); // Check if Can BUY

$select_cred_check= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['credits_column'].",".$mvcore['credits2_column']." from ".$mvcore['credits_table']." where ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$s_c_check= mssql_fetch_row($select_cred_check); // Check if Can BUY

$select_charwcv_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_info); // Seller Guid Check

$select_charwcv_infos= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$s_charwcv_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwcv_infos); // Seller Guid Check

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid'  || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_charwcv_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user_seller = $s_char_i[0]; };

$select_charwc_infs= mssql_query("Select acc_ip from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_ia= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_infs); // get IP

$select_charwc_info= mssql_query("Select memb_guid from ".$mvcore_medb_i." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$s_charwc_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_charwc_info); // Check if Can BUY

if($mvcore['guid_column'] == 'memb_guid' || $mvcore['guid_column'] == 'MemberGuid'){ $fix_wcoins_user = $s_charwc_i[0]; } else { $fix_wcoins_user = $useracc; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select connectstat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);

if($check_onlines[0] == '1') { $errors[] = '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

$v_f_h= mssql_query("Select ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." from ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." where ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$v_f_hd= mssql_fetch_row($v_f_h); // Check if Can BUY

//== End Script ==//

//== Error MSG ==//
if($s_hex_ias[0] == '' || $s_hex_ias[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo ''; }
if($s_hex_i[0] == '' || $s_hex_i[0] == ' ') { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_hassoldalready.'</div>'; }

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($mvcore['mark_ip_check'] == 'on') {
//Ip Check
if($s_charwc_ia[0] == $s_charwcv_ia[0]){ $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_cannotbuyitemacc.'</div>'; };

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){if($s_c_check[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name1'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){if($s_c_check[1] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' '.$mvcore['money_name2'].' '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){if($v_f_hd[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' wcoins '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
if($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){if($s_zen_i[0] <= $s_hex_i[3]) { $has_error = '1'; echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_youdonthaveenought.' zen '.main_p_market_buythisitem.'</div>'; }};
};if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
if($s_hex_i[4] >= '5' || $s_hex_i[4] == '' || $s_hex_i[4] <= '0'){$has_error = '1'; echo '';};
//== End Script ==//

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9' && strlen($hex) == '32') { $exHex = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; } else { $exHex = ''; };
$Final_Result_hex = ''.$hex.''.$exHex.'';

$sy = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,0,2)); // Item ID
$itt = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix

//FOR Item ID 256+
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex,14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($Final_Result_hex, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '12' && $sy >= '0' ){

$sy = 255 + $sy;

if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '13' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


if( $ioo >= '128' && $itemtype == '14' && $sy >= '0'){

$sy = 256 + $sy;


$nameselectsdd= mssql_query("Select x, y from MVCore_Wshopp  where id='".$sy."' and category='".$itemtype."'");
$nameselectsd= mssql_fetch_row($nameselectsdd);

function smartsearch($whbin,$itemX,$itemY,$incSeason) {

if($incSeason >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };
if($incSeason >= '9') { $ilc = '480'; } elseif($incSeason == '1') { $ilc = '60'; } else { $ilc = '240'; };

if (substr($whbin,0,2)=='0x') $whbin=substr($whbin,2);
$items = str_repeat('0', $ilc);
$itemsm = str_repeat('1', $ilc);
$i = 0;
while ($i<$ilc) {
$_item = substr($whbin,($hexlen*$i), $hexlen);
$check_ref = hexdec(substr($_item, 19,1))/16;
$check_wid = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2));
if($check_ref == 0.5)
$type = floor(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);
$type = round(hexdec(substr($_item,18,2))/16);

if ($check_wid <= '127') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try; }
elseif ($check_wid >= '128') { $last_try=hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); $check_two = $last_try+'256'; }

if($incSeason == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($_item, 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($_item, 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $type = round($type); $check_two = floor($syfd);

$res= mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select [x],[y] from [MVCore_Wshopp] where [id]='".$check_two."' and [category]='".$type."'"));

$y = 0;
while($y<$res[1]) {
while($x<$res[0]) {
$items = substr_replace($items, '1', ($i+$x)+(($y-1)*8), 1);

$y = 0;
while($y<$itemY) {
while($x<$itemX) {
$spacerq[$x+(8*($y-1))] = true;
$walked = 0;
$i = 0;
while($i<$ilc) {
if (isset($spacerq[$i])) {
$itemsm = substr_replace($itemsm, '0', $i-1, 1);
$last = $i;
if ($walked==count($spacerq)) $i=$ilc;
$useforlength = substr($itemsm,0,$last);
$findslotlikethis='^'.str_replace('++','+',str_replace('1','+[0-1]+', $useforlength));
while ($i<$ilc) {
if ($nx==8) { $ny++; $nx=0; }
if ((eregi($findslotlikethis,substr($items, $i, strlen($useforlength)))) && ($itemX+$nx<9) && ($itemY+$ny<16))
return $i;
return 1337;

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $hexlen = '64'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $hexlen = '20'; } else { $hexlen = '32'; };

if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbins = '7680'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbins = '1200'; } else { $cvbins = '3840'; }; // Warehouse
if($mvcore['db_season'] >= '9') { $cvbinsch = '7584'; } elseif($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') { $cvbinsch = '1080'; } else { $cvbinsch = '3776'; }; // Inventory

$query = mssql_query("declare @it varbinary(".$cvbins."); set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='".$useracc."'); print @it");
$mycuritems = mssql_get_last_message();

$newitem = $Final_Result_hex;
$test = 0;
$slot = smartsearch($mycuritems,$nameselectsd[0],$nameselectsd[1],$mvcore['db_season']);
$test = $slot*$hexlen; if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };

$mynewitems = substr_replace($mycuritems, $newitem, ($test+2), $hexlen);

if($slot == '1337' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_wareseemsfull.'</div>'; };

$check_online = mssql_query("Select ConnectStat from ".$mvcore_medb_s." where memb___id='".$useracc."'");
$check_onlines = mssql_fetch_row($check_online);
if( $check_onlines[0] == '1' ) { $has_error = '1'; echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.main_p_market_charonlineexit.'</div>'; };

if($has_error >= '1'){} else {

//== Procedure Update Or Insert ==//
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET Items = ".$mynewitems." WHERE AccountId='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("DELETE from MVCore_Market_Items WHERE hex='".$hex."'");

if($useracc == $s_char_i[0]) {} else {

if($s_hex_i[4] == '1'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','1','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','0','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '2'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user_seller."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['wcoins_table']." SET ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." = ".$mvcore['wcoins_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['guid_column']."='".$fix_wcoins_user."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','2','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '3'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$s_hex_i[2]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE warehouse SET money = money - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE AccountID='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','3','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
elseif($s_hex_i[4] == '4'){
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." + '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$s_char_i[0]."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("UPDATE ".$mvcore['credits_table']." SET ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." = ".$mvcore['credits2_column']." - '".$s_hex_i[3]."' WHERE ".$mvcore['user_column']."='".$useracc."'");
$edit_site = mssql_query("INSERT INTO MVCore_Market_Sold_Items (hex,memb___id,name,price,type,soldto,date) VALUES ('".$hex."','".$s_char_i[0]."','".$name."','".$s_hex_i[3]."','4','".$useracc."','".time()."')");
$fInfoInt = mssql_query("insert into MVCore_Money_Data (Username,Credits,GoldCredits,Description,Date,VoteType) VALUES ('".$s_char_i[0]."','0','".$s_hex_i[3]."','From Market Item Buy','".time()."','0')");


//== End Script ==//

//== Success MSG ==//
echo '<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nSuccess">'.main_p_market_itemaddedinware.'</div>'; $message_edit = $success;}
//== End Script ==//

<div class="mvcore-ucp-info" align="center" style="width:100%;padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
<div align="center" style="text-align:center;">
<?php if($mvcore['m_page0'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-gf.html'>".main_p_market_recent."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page1'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-0.html'>".main_p_market_swords."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page2'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-1.html'>".main_p_market_axes."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page3'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-2.html'>".main_p_market_scepters."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page4'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-3.html'>".main_p_market_spears."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page5'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-4.html'>".main_p_market_bows."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page6'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-5.html'>".main_p_market_staff."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page7'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-6.html'>".main_p_market_shields."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page8'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-7.html'>".main_p_market_helps."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page9'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-8.html'>".main_p_market_armors."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page10'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-9.html'>".main_p_market_pants."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page11'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-10.html'>".main_p_market_gloves."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page12'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-11.html'>".main_p_market_boots."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page13'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-12.html'>".main_p_market_accesories."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page14'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-13.html'>".main_p_market_miscitems."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page15'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-14.html'>".main_p_market_miscitemstwo."</a> - ";} ?>
<?php if($mvcore['m_page16'] == '1') { echo"<a href='-id-market-id-15.html'>".main_p_market_scrolls."</a>";} ?>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><div style="float:right;"><form action="-id-market-id-MyItems.html" method="POST"><input name="myItemsSubmit" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';?>"></form></div></td></tr>
<tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px;">

<td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" valign="top">

$change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page_name = $default_category; } else { $change_page_name = clean_variable($_GET['op2']); };

if($change_page_name == '0') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_swords.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '1') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_axes.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '2') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scepterss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '3') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_spears.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '4') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_bowss.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '5') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_staff.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '6') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_shields.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '7') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_helps.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '8') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_armors.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '9') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_pants.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '10') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_gloves.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '11') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_boots.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '12') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_accesories.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '13') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '14') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_miscitemstwo.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == '15') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_scrolls.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'gf') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';}
elseif($change_page_name == 'MyItems') {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_mysolditem.'';}
else {$add_text = ''.main_p_market_recentsitems.'';};



$change_pages = clean_variable($_GET['op2']);
if($change_pages >= '0') {$add_wherea = 'where cate = '.$change_pages.'';} else {$add_wherea = '';};
if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_wherea = "where soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."'"; };
$market_item_lista = mssql_query("select count(*) from MVCore_Market_Items ".$add_wherea."");
$acr4fd =mssql_result($market_item_lista, 0, 0);
<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<table class="mvcore-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr>

$default_category = $mvcore['mark_default'];
if($_GET['op2'] == '0' && $mvcore['m_page1'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '1' && $mvcore['m_page2'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
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elseif($_GET['op2'] == '3' && $mvcore['m_page4'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
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elseif($_GET['op2'] == '9' && $mvcore['m_page10'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '10' && $mvcore['m_page11'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '11' && $mvcore['m_page12'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '12' && $mvcore['m_page13'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '13' && $mvcore['m_page14'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '14' && $mvcore['m_page15'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '15' && $mvcore['m_page16'] != '1') { $change_page = $default_category; }
elseif($_GET['op2'] == '') { $change_page = $default_category; }
else { $change_page = $_GET['op2']; };

$add_where = 'cate = '.$change_page.' and';
if($change_page == 'gf' || $_GET['op2'] == 'gf') { $add_where = ""; }

if($_GET['op2'] == 'MyItems') { $add_where = "soldby = '".$_SESSION['username']."' and"; }

//Paging System With POST
if($_POST['pageNr'] == '') { $pageNr = '0'; } else { $pageNr = $_POST['pageNr']; };
$row_num_first = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'];
$row_num_second = $pageNr * $mvcore['top_select'] + $mvcore['top_select'];

$market_item_list = mssql_query("
SELECT  hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( order by date desc ) AS RowNum, hex,soldby,cost,serial,ptype FROM MVCore_Market_Items WHERE ".$add_where." date >= '1'
) AS RowConstrainedResult WHERE RowNum > ".$row_num_first." AND RowNum <= ".$row_num_second." ORDER BY RowNum ");
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
for($i=0;$i < mssql_num_rows($market_item_list);++$i) {
$nm_i_l = mssql_fetch_row($market_item_list);

$sy = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],0,2)); // Item ID
$serial = substr($nm_i_l[0],6,8); // Item Serial
$itt = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],18,2)); // Item Type
$itemtype = floor($itt/16); // Item Type Fix
$iop = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],2,2)); // Item Level/Skill/Option Data
$itemdur = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],4,2)); // Item Durability
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option
$ioosecon = hexdec(substr($item[$i],14,1)); // AD option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ac = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],16,2)); // Ancient data
$item_socket[1] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],22,2)); // Socket 1
$item_socket[2] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],24,2)); // Socket 2
$item_socket[3] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],26,2)); // Socket 3
$item_socket[4] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],28,2)); // Socket 4
$item_socket[5] = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],30,2)); // Socket 5

$item_harmony = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],20,1)); // Item harmony
$item_harm_val = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],21,1)); // Item harmony Value
$item_refinary = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0],19,1)); // Item Refinery

if($mvcore['db_season'] == '1') {
$type = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2))/32; // Category
$ioo = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 14,2)); // Excelent
$ids = hexdec(substr($nm_i_l[0], 0,2)); $idss = $ids / 32; $syfd = $ids - (floor($idss) * 32); //ID Algoritm
if($ioo >= 128) { $ioo = $ioo - 128; $type = $type + 8; }; $itemtype = round($type); $sy = floor($syfd);


if($nm_i_l[4] == '1'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '2'){$ptype = 'WCoins';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '3'){$ptype = 'Zen';}
elseif($nm_i_l[4] == '4'){$ptype = $mvcore['money_name2'];}
else {$ptype = $mvcore['money_name1'];};

$select_char_info= mssql_query("Select top 1 name, AccountID from Character where AccountID='".$nm_i_l[1]."'");
$s_char_i= mssql_fetch_row($select_char_info); // Check Seller Acc ID

if (file_exists("system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif")) {
$image_load = "system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/".$itemtype."/".$sy.".gif";
} else {
$image_load = 'system/engine_images/webshop/item_images/no.png';
if($pvsMarket != 'ok3472') { exit; };
// Item Information Combine
$drop_item_info ='<table><tr valign=top><td><img src='.$image_load.'><br>'.$iname.' '.$item_has_def.''.$item_has_dmg.''.$item_need_dur.''.$item_need_level.''.$item_class_need.''.$other_item_infos.''.$fenrir.'<font color=#cc7fcc>'.$ref.'</font>'.$joh_info_drop.'<font color=#7fb2ff>'.$skill.''.$luck.''.$itemoptionname.''.$itemoptionnamess.''.$db_item_info.''.$itemoptionnames.''.$anc_option.'</font><font color=#ff19ff>'.$socketinfos.'</font>'.$sok_info_drop1.''.$sok_info_drop2.''.$sok_info_drop3.''.$sok_info_drop4.''.$sok_info_drop5.'<br><font color=yellow><b>'.main_p_market_soldby.' '.$s_char_i[0].' '.main_p_market_for.' '.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</b></font><br></td></tr></table>';

$useracc = $_SESSION['username']; // Get Logedin Username

if($useracc == $s_char_i[1]) { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_takeback.''; } else { $testssDrop = ''.main_p_market_buyitem.''; };

$rank = $i+1;
$tr_color_2 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color_1 = 'style="padding: 9px 3px 9px 3px;"';
$tr_color = ($rank % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
if($nameselect[11] == '0'){} else {
echo '
<tr class="trhowthis" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$drop_item_info.'\')" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$inames.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'>'.$nm_i_l[2].' '.$ptype.'</td>
<td '.$tr_color.'><form action="-id-market.html" method="POST"><input name="name" type="hidden" value="'.$inames.'"><input name="serial" type="hidden" value="'.$serial.'"><input name="hex" type="hidden" value="'.$nm_i_l[0].'"><button class="mvcore-button-style" name="subform" type="submit">'.$testssDrop.'</button></form></td>
} } ?>

<form action="" method="POST">
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="<?php echo''.main_p_market_mainpag.'';?>"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 1 && $acr4fd != $mvcore['top_select']) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="1"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 2) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="2"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 3) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="3"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 4) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="4"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 5) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="5"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 6) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="6"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 7) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="7"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 8) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="8"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 9) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="9"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 10) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="10"><?php } ?>
<?php if($acr4fd >= $mvcore['top_select'] * 11) { ?><input name="pageNr" class="mvcore-button-style" type="submit" value="11"><?php } ?>

<?php } else { echo'<div class="mvcore-nNote mvcore-nFailure">'.eng_please_ltut_page.'</div>'; }; ?>
<?php } ?>

No funciono, de echo lo compare con el codigo que ya tenia y habia solo 1 linea de diferencia. Nose que le pase ya me tiene harto!!

Offline cienfuegos #8 Posteado: April 12, 2020, 02:10:20 PM

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  • az
El problema esta en que, al hacer click al boton "BUY ITEM" busca ->

<form action="-id-market.html" method="POST" id="sfsn4">

y ese file no esta en ningun lado  golpes

Offline cienfuegos #9 Posteado: April 12, 2020, 08:25:45 PM

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  • az

Offline cienfuegos #10 Posteado: April 13, 2020, 11:19:33 AM

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  • az

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