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Autor Topic: KG-Emulator <-> Update 20.8 (MuOnline Files S6)  (Visto 9817 veces)

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Offline Kosh #20 Posteado: November 11, 2023, 05:42:26 PM

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Offline Kosh #21 Posteado: December 04, 2023, 11:02:28 AM

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Update Price && Extras KG-Emulator (UP19.9)

Offline Kosh #22 Posteado: December 22, 2023, 06:26:04 PM

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Offline configservermu #23 Posteado: January 09, 2024, 08:39:02 AM | Modificado: January 11, 2024, 01:51:58 PM by configservermu

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Que chulada de Files, Recomendado!!


Offline Kosh #24 Posteado: February 02, 2024, 07:37:50 AM | Modificado: February 02, 2024, 07:48:43 AM by Kosh

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Download Patch (19.9 to 20.4)

If you updated previously simply read the patch log of your update.

We finished 20.4 and we want to leave it for you to use, take advantage of these excellent interface solutions - new client optimizations - new anti lag methods - new anti-hack security and protections - new functions for you to use in your LUA development - new castle siege systems totally exclusi

ChangeLog 20.4:

Code: [Select]

-Add Trade Value (Ruud Coin).
-Add Personal Store (Ruud Coin).
-Add Command Manager (Ruud Coin).
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(989-993)
-Add Translate MainInfo Text %(338-340)
-Add ItemValue (RuudCoin)
-Upd SQLQuery->SetCoin (Save RuudCoins).
-Add RuudCoin in Main Values.

-Upd StartItem.xml (Add MuunSystem - Add Item (NoExpire) - Add Sockets in Items...)
-Add Character->ExperienceTableParty.txt
-Upd Script.dat -> PartyExperience Switch.
-Upd Common.dat -> Select Packet Encrypt Types.

-Add Events->CastleSiegeScores.txt
-Add BackGround Scores (Client/data/kgdata/interface/KG_GuildBack.ozt)
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(994)

-Upd System ViewItems
-Add Option (enable,disable) by Player "ViewItems"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(995-998)
-Add SQLQuery->ViewItems. (Save Enable/Disable by Player).
-Upd Complet ViewItems System Interface.
-Add Option ViewItems in WindowsOption (Upgrade).
-Add New Check ItemSerial 0 -> KG_KGProtect_CheckSerial0 (Hack.dat)
-Add Remove Item "Duplicate Serial" -> KG_KGProtect_RemoveDuplicateItem (Hack.dat)

-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Type (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Debug (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Upgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Classic Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Downgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX JewelsBank Interface.
-Upd Texture JewelsBank "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX MenuCustom Interface.
-Upd Texture MenuCustom "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position SaveLogin.
-Upd WideScreen MiniMap Character Position + Scale.
-Upd Open - Close Event Windows "H" key.
-Upd WideScreen + LClick in Upgrade WareHouse.
-Fix client optimization due to FPS drops.
-Add News Option AntiLag in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add Option Switch ViewItems in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add NewOption "Settings.ini" (WideScreenScale) -> (On,Off) AutoScale Windows.
-Upd "LimitFPS" (Maininfo.ini) -> Type(60) for UnlimitFPS.
-Fix WareHouse Cursor.
-Fix Disable WideScreen InterfaceBar.
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDebug (Debug Text Potions Delay)
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDisconnect (Disconnect Player Hack Potions)
-Add "AntiHack.xml" Disconnect Player "MoveSpeed"
-Add LuaFunctions "CheckMuunInventory" Check Windows.
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade" Create Full Windows Upgrade. (x, y)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade1" Create Windows Upgrade1 (x, y, height)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsDowngrade" Create Windows Downgade (x, y, width, height)
-Add Option AntiLag (ALL Custom Windows Option - Panel Option) -> Reduce Zen Option.
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Line 342 "Reset Text Windows Upgrade"
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Reduce Zen Text Option.
-Upd Interface.ini (MainInfo) -> KG_Interface_WindowsOption "ADD Option 3 = Classic Menu + New Options"
-Upd MoveWindows Scale - WideScreen.
-Fix Cursor Move -> (Ware+ExtInv - Ware+ExtWare)

Offline Kosh #25 Posteado: February 07, 2024, 12:12:35 PM

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It's official in update 20.5, Inventory Slot Flag is coming, you can sell, trade, drop your flags and much more 💥


Offline Kosh #26 Posteado: February 08, 2024, 02:41:00 PM

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Update 20.5

Download Full or Patch:


Code: [Select]
========================Update 20 KG-Emulator========================

-Add Trade Value (Ruud Coin).
-Add Personal Store (Ruud Coin).
-Add Command Manager (Ruud Coin).
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(989-993)
-Add Translate MainInfo Text %(338-340)
-Add ItemValue (RuudCoin)
-Upd SQLQuery->SetCoin (Save RuudCoins).
-Add RuudCoin in Main Values.

-Upd StartItem.xml (Add MuunSystem - Add Item (NoExpire) - Add Sockets in Items...)
-Add Character->ExperienceTableParty.txt
-Upd Script.dat -> PartyExperience Switch.
-Upd Common.dat -> Select Packet Encrypt Types.

-Add Events->CastleSiegeScores.txt
-Add BackGround Scores (Client/data/kgdata/interface/KG_GuildBack.ozt)
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(994)

-Upd System ViewItems
-Add Option (enable,disable) by Player "ViewItems"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(995-998)
-Add SQLQuery->ViewItems. (Save Enable/Disable by Player).
-Upd Complet ViewItems System Interface.
-Add Option ViewItems in WindowsOption (Upgrade).
-Add New Check ItemSerial 0 -> KG_KGProtect_CheckSerial0 (Hack.dat)
-Add Remove Item "Duplicate Serial" -> KG_KGProtect_RemoveDuplicateItem (Hack.dat)

-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Type (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Debug (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Upgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Classic Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Downgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX JewelsBank Interface.
-Upd Texture JewelsBank "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX MenuCustom Interface.
-Upd Texture MenuCustom "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position SaveLogin.
-Upd WideScreen MiniMap Character Position + Scale.
-Upd Open - Close Event Windows "H" key.
-Upd WideScreen + LClick in Upgrade WareHouse.
-Fix client optimization due to FPS drops.
-Add News Option AntiLag in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add Option Switch ViewItems in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add NewOption "Settings.ini" (WideScreenScale) -> (On,Off) AutoScale Windows.
-Upd "LimitFPS" (Maininfo.ini) -> Type(60) for UnlimitFPS.
-Fix WareHouse Cursor.
-Fix Disable WideScreen InterfaceBar.
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDebug (Debug Text Potions Delay)
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDisconnect (Disconnect Player Hack Potions)
-Add "AntiHack.xml" Disconnect Player "MoveSpeed"
-Add LuaFunctions "CheckMuunInventory" Check Windows.
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade" Create Full Windows Upgrade. (x, y)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade1" Create Windows Upgrade1 (x, y, height)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsDowngrade" Create Windows Downgade (x, y, width, height)
-Add Option AntiLag (ALL Custom Windows Option - Panel Option) -> Reduce Zen Option.
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Line 342 "Reset Text Windows Upgrade"
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Reduce Zen Text Option.
-Upd Interface.ini (MainInfo) -> KG_Interface_WindowsOption "ADD Option 3 = Classic Menu + New Options"
-Upd MoveWindows Scale - WideScreen.
-Fix Cursor Move -> (Ware+ExtInv - Ware+ExtWare)

-Add Inventory Visual System.
-Add VisualInventory.lua for attributes visual items. Scripts/character/
-Upd Inventory Visual (Upgrade Interface, Classic Interface)
-Upd ChaosBox Cursor in WideScreen.
-Add InventoryFlag Slot (238)
-Add Client/data/kgdata/interface/Inventory/ -> slot_flag.ozt
-Upd Inventory Character SQL.
-Add Script.dat -> Script_Update_FlagSystem (0: 0ff, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Upd MainInfo/config/interface.ini -> KG_Interface_FlagSystem (0: 0FF, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Add FlagOptions.lua for attributes flags. Scripts/character/
-Add MainInfo/Custom/ItemFlags.txt -> Load Flags
-Fix RGB Gloves RF
-Upd Max Monster -> 15000
-Fix Position ServerTime in WideScreen.

Offline Kosh #27 Posteado: February 23, 2024, 01:11:17 PM

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Update 20.6


Code: [Select]
========================Update 20 KG-Emulator========================

-Add Trade Value (Ruud Coin).
-Add Personal Store (Ruud Coin).
-Add Command Manager (Ruud Coin).
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(989-993)
-Add Translate MainInfo Text %(338-340)
-Add ItemValue (RuudCoin)
-Upd SQLQuery->SetCoin (Save RuudCoins).
-Add RuudCoin in Main Values.

-Upd StartItem.xml (Add MuunSystem - Add Item (NoExpire) - Add Sockets in Items...)
-Add Character->ExperienceTableParty.txt
-Upd Script.dat -> PartyExperience Switch.
-Upd Common.dat -> Select Packet Encrypt Types.

-Add Events->CastleSiegeScores.txt
-Add BackGround Scores (Client/data/kgdata/interface/KG_GuildBack.ozt)
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(994)

-Upd System ViewItems
-Add Option (enable,disable) by Player "ViewItems"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(995-998)
-Add SQLQuery->ViewItems. (Save Enable/Disable by Player).
-Upd Complet ViewItems System Interface.
-Add Option ViewItems in WindowsOption (Upgrade).
-Add New Check ItemSerial 0 -> KG_KGProtect_CheckSerial0 (Hack.dat)
-Add Remove Item "Duplicate Serial" -> KG_KGProtect_RemoveDuplicateItem (Hack.dat)

-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Type (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Debug (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Upgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Classic Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Downgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX JewelsBank Interface.
-Upd Texture JewelsBank "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX MenuCustom Interface.
-Upd Texture MenuCustom "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position SaveLogin.
-Upd WideScreen MiniMap Character Position + Scale.
-Upd Open - Close Event Windows "H" key.
-Upd WideScreen + LClick in Upgrade WareHouse.
-Fix client optimization due to FPS drops.
-Add News Option AntiLag in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add Option Switch ViewItems in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add NewOption "Settings.ini" (WideScreenScale) -> (On,Off) AutoScale Windows.
-Upd "LimitFPS" (Maininfo.ini) -> Type(60) for UnlimitFPS.
-Fix WareHouse Cursor.
-Fix Disable WideScreen InterfaceBar.
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDebug (Debug Text Potions Delay)
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDisconnect (Disconnect Player Hack Potions)
-Add "AntiHack.xml" Disconnect Player "MoveSpeed"
-Add LuaFunctions "CheckMuunInventory" Check Windows.
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade" Create Full Windows Upgrade. (x, y)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade1" Create Windows Upgrade1 (x, y, height)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsDowngrade" Create Windows Downgade (x, y, width, height)
-Add Option AntiLag (ALL Custom Windows Option - Panel Option) -> Reduce Zen Option.
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Line 342 "Reset Text Windows Upgrade"
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Reduce Zen Text Option.
-Upd Interface.ini (MainInfo) -> KG_Interface_WindowsOption "ADD Option 3 = Classic Menu + New Options"
-Upd MoveWindows Scale - WideScreen.
-Fix Cursor Move -> (Ware+ExtInv - Ware+ExtWare)

-Add Inventory Visual System.
-Add VisualInventory.lua for attributes visual items. Scripts/character/
-Upd Inventory Visual (Upgrade Interface, Classic Interface)
-Upd ChaosBox Cursor in WideScreen.
-Add InventoryFlag Slot (238)
-Add Client/data/kgdata/interface/Inventory/ -> slot_flag.ozt
-Upd Inventory Character SQL.
-Add Script.dat -> Script_Update_FlagSystem (0: 0ff, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Upd MainInfo/config/interface.ini -> KG_Interface_FlagSystem (0: 0FF, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Add FlagOptions.lua for attributes flags. Scripts/character/
-Add MainInfo/Custom/ItemFlags.txt -> Load Flags
-Fix RGB Gloves RF
-Upd Max Monster -> 15000
-Fix Position ServerTime in WideScreen.

-Fix CashShop WideScreen Position.
-Fix Disable CashShop WideScreen.
-Fix Disable MasterSkill WideScreen.
-Add "KG_Character_EffectLevelUP" (MainInfo/./Character.ini) -> Effect LevelUP in Class S3 "Normal Level"
-Add "KG_MainInfo_UseEncryptItem" (MainInfo.ini) -> Switch Use Encrypt Items "MainInfo/MainProtect/ItemFiles/"
-Add "KG_MainInfo_WindowsCloseConfirm" (MainInfo.ini) -> Switch Enable Windows Confirm Close.
"Add Lua Interface -> m_NewGUI_CheckCursor(x, y, w, h)"
-Add Lua Interface -> FScreen_X()
-Add Lua Interface -> FScreen_Y()
-Upd Skill Player "Visual Client"
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Pentagram" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Pentagram.
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Earrings1" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring1.
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Earrings2" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring2.
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Pentagram" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Pentagram
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Earring1" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring1
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Earring2" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring2
-Upd PositionX IconBuff in WideScreen.
-Upd PositionX PostItem in WideScreen.
-Upd PositionX,Y "ReconnectTime"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(999-1005)
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "LevelUP" (Normal, Master) in Maps.
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "OffHelper in Maps"
-Upd Offhelper -> Pick Items, Recovery.
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineAutoPick_AL -> Auto Pick Item Enable (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineRequireLevel_AL -> Reqire Level for use OffHelper (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineRequireReset_AL -> Reqire resets for use OffHelper (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Add "KG_Interface_StoreRuudButtom" (MainInfo/Interface.ini) -> Enable Ruud Btn Store
-Add Lua Interface -> ReturnWideScreenY(value y) -> Return New Scale WideScreen
-Add "Script_Update_MapNameInvNoticeBoss" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Notice Invasion where the boss master is located.
-Add Lua Interface -> ChatSend(command)
-Fix Monstersetbase max 15000 monsters.

Offline fries123 #28 Posteado: March 08, 2024, 02:23:58 AM | Modificado: March 08, 2024, 03:23:06 AM by fries123

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Offline Kosh #29 Posteado: March 08, 2024, 02:01:03 PM

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cant connect to client

1. ServerGame/EffectGame (cliente/data/kgdata/local)
2. Muserver/kgdata/scripts/Gameserver.lua (use local db or remote connection)

Offline fries123 #30 Posteado: March 09, 2024, 04:28:23 AM

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cant connect to client

1. ServerGame/EffectGame (cliente/data/kgdata/local)
2. Muserver/kgdata/scripts/Gameserver.lua (use local db or remote connection)

thank you, free Version SUpport cs point system?


Offline adryan #31 Posteado: March 09, 2024, 06:02:23 AM

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porque el defender me detecta virus en los ejecutables y me borra todo?


Offline Kosh #32 Posteado: March 09, 2024, 08:56:14 AM | Modificado: March 09, 2024, 09:00:43 AM by Kosh

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porque el defender me detecta virus en los ejecutables y me borra todo?

Empaquetado con themida developer license... Por MT también jode el watacac con defender, puedes confiar y usar los archivos o buscar otro emulador..

Lado cliente también jodía el MT se pasó a MD. Pasa en todos los software puede buscar información en Google. Defender jode cuando se usa MT con el wacatac. En estos días paso update lado cliente.

En definición servidor por themida dev license (genera muchos falsos) y cliente por la config de visual en MT pero ya en estos días largo una actualización nueva

Está información no la invente yo se puede encontrar investigando en Google un saludo


Offline adryan #33 Posteado: March 10, 2024, 05:20:34 AM

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porque el defender me detecta virus en los ejecutables y me borra todo?

Empaquetado con themida developer license... Por MT también jode el watacac con defender, puedes confiar y usar los archivos o buscar otro emulador..

Lado cliente también jodía el MT se pasó a MD. Pasa en todos los software puede buscar información en Google. Defender jode cuando se usa MT con el wacatac. En estos días paso update lado cliente.

En definición servidor por themida dev license (genera muchos falsos) y cliente por la config de visual en MT pero ya en estos días largo una actualización nueva

Está información no la invente yo se puede encontrar investigando en Google un saludo
listo solo lo exclui y ahora funcionando, ;) no tengo dinero para comprar licencia aun pero se ve muy lundo quiza pueda abrir un server con estos files free para ahorrar por ahora

Offline Kosh #34 Posteado: March 26, 2024, 07:36:53 PM | Modificado: March 26, 2024, 07:38:49 PM by Kosh

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@adryan Solved, you can download the new update if you want.
UPDATE 20.8 KG-Emulator

Download and Patch:

Code: [Select]
========================Update 20 KG-Emulator========================

-Add Trade Value (Ruud Coin).
-Add Personal Store (Ruud Coin).
-Add Command Manager (Ruud Coin).
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(989-993)
-Add Translate MainInfo Text %(338-340)
-Add ItemValue (RuudCoin)
-Upd SQLQuery->SetCoin (Save RuudCoins).
-Add RuudCoin in Main Values.

-Upd StartItem.xml (Add MuunSystem - Add Item (NoExpire) - Add Sockets in Items...)
-Add Character->ExperienceTableParty.txt
-Upd Script.dat -> PartyExperience Switch.
-Upd Common.dat -> Select Packet Encrypt Types.

-Add Events->CastleSiegeScores.txt
-Add BackGround Scores (Client/data/kgdata/interface/KG_GuildBack.ozt)
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(994)

-Upd System ViewItems
-Add Option (enable,disable) by Player "ViewItems"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(995-998)
-Add SQLQuery->ViewItems. (Save Enable/Disable by Player).
-Upd Complet ViewItems System Interface.
-Add Option ViewItems in WindowsOption (Upgrade).
-Add New Check ItemSerial 0 -> KG_KGProtect_CheckSerial0 (Hack.dat)
-Add Remove Item "Duplicate Serial" -> KG_KGProtect_RemoveDuplicateItem (Hack.dat)

-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Type (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Add KG_System_CastleSiegePoint_Debug (0, 1) (Free/Premium)[License.dat]
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Upgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Classic Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position Downgrade Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX JewelsBank Interface.
-Upd Texture JewelsBank "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + PosX MenuCustom Interface.
-Upd Texture MenuCustom "WindowsType Upgrade" Interface.
-Upd WideScreen + Scale Position SaveLogin.
-Upd WideScreen MiniMap Character Position + Scale.
-Upd Open - Close Event Windows "H" key.
-Upd WideScreen + LClick in Upgrade WareHouse.
-Fix client optimization due to FPS drops.
-Add News Option AntiLag in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add Option Switch ViewItems in WindowsOption Custom.
-Add NewOption "Settings.ini" (WideScreenScale) -> (On,Off) AutoScale Windows.
-Upd "LimitFPS" (Maininfo.ini) -> Type(60) for UnlimitFPS.
-Fix WareHouse Cursor.
-Fix Disable WideScreen InterfaceBar.
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDebug (Debug Text Potions Delay)
-Add "Hack.dat" CheckAutoPotionDisconnect (Disconnect Player Hack Potions)
-Add "AntiHack.xml" Disconnect Player "MoveSpeed"
-Add LuaFunctions "CheckMuunInventory" Check Windows.
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade" Create Full Windows Upgrade. (x, y)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsUpgrade1" Create Windows Upgrade1 (x, y, height)
-Add LuaFunctions "CreateWindowsDowngrade" Create Windows Downgade (x, y, width, height)
-Add Option AntiLag (ALL Custom Windows Option - Panel Option) -> Reduce Zen Option.
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Line 342 "Reset Text Windows Upgrade"
-Add CustomMessage.txt (MainInfo) -> Reduce Zen Text Option.
-Upd Interface.ini (MainInfo) -> KG_Interface_WindowsOption "ADD Option 3 = Classic Menu + New Options"
-Upd MoveWindows Scale - WideScreen.
-Fix Cursor Move -> (Ware+ExtInv - Ware+ExtWare)

-Add Inventory Visual System.
-Add VisualInventory.lua for attributes visual items. Scripts/character/
-Upd Inventory Visual (Upgrade Interface, Classic Interface)
-Upd ChaosBox Cursor in WideScreen.
-Add InventoryFlag Slot (238)
-Add Client/data/kgdata/interface/Inventory/ -> slot_flag.ozt
-Upd Inventory Character SQL.
-Add Script.dat -> Script_Update_FlagSystem (0: 0ff, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Upd MainInfo/config/interface.ini -> KG_Interface_FlagSystem (0: 0FF, 1: Custom, 2: Slot Inventory)
-Add FlagOptions.lua for attributes flags. Scripts/character/
-Add MainInfo/Custom/ItemFlags.txt -> Load Flags
-Fix RGB Gloves RF
-Upd Max Monster -> 15000
-Fix Position ServerTime in WideScreen.

-Fix CashShop WideScreen Position.
-Fix Disable CashShop WideScreen.
-Fix Disable MasterSkill WideScreen.
-Add "KG_Character_EffectLevelUP" (MainInfo/./Character.ini) -> Effect LevelUP in Class S3 "Normal Level"
-Add "KG_MainInfo_UseEncryptItem" (MainInfo.ini) -> Switch Use Encrypt Items "MainInfo/MainProtect/ItemFiles/"
-Add "KG_MainInfo_WindowsCloseConfirm" (MainInfo.ini) -> Switch Enable Windows Confirm Close.
"Add Lua Interface -> m_NewGUI_CheckCursor(x, y, w, h)"
-Add Lua Interface -> FScreen_X()
-Add Lua Interface -> FScreen_Y()
-Upd Skill Player "Visual Client"
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Pentagram" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Pentagram.
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Earrings1" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring1.
-Add "KG_InventorySlot_Earrings2" (MainInfo/./interface.ini) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring2.
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Pentagram" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Pentagram
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Earring1" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring1
-Add "Script_InventorySlot_Earring2" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Enable Slot Inventory Earring2
-Upd PositionX IconBuff in WideScreen.
-Upd PositionX PostItem in WideScreen.
-Upd PositionX,Y "ReconnectTime"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(999-1005)
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "LevelUP" (Normal, Master) in Maps.
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "OffHelper in Maps"
-Upd Offhelper -> Pick Items, Recovery.
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineAutoPick_AL -> Auto Pick Item Enable (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineRequireLevel_AL -> Reqire Level for use OffHelper (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Upd "Custom.dat" -> MuHelperOfflineRequireReset_AL -> Reqire resets for use OffHelper (normal,vip1,vip2,vip3)
-Add "KG_Interface_StoreRuudButtom" (MainInfo/Interface.ini) -> Enable Ruud Btn Store
-Add Lua Interface -> ReturnWideScreenY(value y) -> Return New Scale WideScreen
-Add "Script_Update_MapNameInvNoticeBoss" (Script.dat GameServer) -> Notice Invasion where the boss master is located.
-Add Lua Interface -> ChatSend(command)
-Upd Monstersetbase max 15000 monsters.

-Upd MuunInventory Visual Interface.
-Add MuunInventory (MuunNewOptions) -> Custom Options [MuunOption.xml]
-Add MuunInventory -> EvolutionStoneIndex [MuunOption.xml]
-Add MuunInventory -> MuunEnergyConverterIndex [MuunOption.xml]
-Add MuunInventory -> WizardryStoneIndex  [MuunOption.xml]
-Add MuunInventory Level UP Pets (%/%) -> Max Level = 5
-Add MuunInventory Evolution Stone -> Only Pet Level 5
-Add MuunInventory -> Max Level for pets Evolutions.
-Add MuunInventory -> Move Pet to Inventory from MuunInventory.
-Add MuunInventory -> Anti Dup Pets.
-Upd Buy MuunPet (Shop) -> Create in MuunInventory by PetLevel.
-Add CommandManager ->(89) Clear Inventory Muun.
-Fix viewport flag local when removing an item.
-Fix NewPlayer - OldPlayer (Auto Create item kriss) -> News Slots

-Add "BotPets.xml"  -> (MuSever/KGData/Character/Bots).
-Add Command "90"   -> BotPet Functions.
-Add BotPet Command -> Create / Invoke.
-Add BotPet Command -> Followme(Bot->Player) && Animations(Bots).
-Add BotPet Command -> Trade && Equip BotItems && Close Trade.
-Fix MiniMap Points Texts.
-Upd News Slots in WideScreen OFF!
-Upd PosX Btn InventoryVisual in WideScreen OFF!
-Mod Move NamePlayers PosY -> Equip Mounts in safezone.
-Mod PosX ActiveInvasion in WideScreen ON!
-Upd Main -> FogEffects.
-Upd DragonLeft PositionY Scale WideScreen.
-Upd DragonRight PositionY Scale WideScreen.
-Add AntiAFK System (only License) -> License.dat (m_AntiAfk_Enable)
-Upd MapManager.txt -> "AntiAfk System in Maps"
-Add Translate Texts Langs %(1006-1052)
-Fix AutoStun check time map move in MoveSpeed System.
-Fix WideScreen Off Interface Store.
-Upd Invasion Text Display GS Update.
-Upd BotPet Function -> LevelUP - Exp System
-Upd BotPet Function -> Change Class Evolution Level.


Offline janzkurt #35 Posteado: April 05, 2024, 12:46:42 AM | Modificado: April 05, 2024, 12:56:08 AM by janzkurt

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Ayuda al ejecutar main info me salta q ay un troyano y me lo borra

Online ZabiinoOo #36 Posteado: April 05, 2024, 02:42:09 AM




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Ayuda al ejecutar main info me salta q ay un troyano y me lo borra

eso es un falso positivo, agrega la carpeta a las exclusiones del antivirus, no tiene virus lo he usado siempre estos files

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god


Offline janzkurt #37 Posteado: April 05, 2024, 08:29:48 PM

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ayudan con una guia para poder instalar estos files por favor no logro levantarlos

Offline Kosh #38 Posteado: April 05, 2024, 08:58:08 PM | Modificado: April 05, 2024, 09:04:25 PM by Kosh

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ayudan con una guia para poder instalar estos files por favor no logro levantarlos

Que tal bro tienes videoguias con audio en español desde

Offline qweasd #39 Posteado: May 11, 2024, 02:01:38 AM

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Can't Use Dark Spirit skill. can't select on skill menu nor assign keys for it

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