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Autor Topic: [ZX]Games files full base emu up13 v2  (Visto 33539 veces)

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Offline MaxVoll Posteado: July 09, 2020, 02:57:47 PM | Modificado: August 23, 2020, 05:02:19 PM by MaxVoll

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Ya que ando en el trabajo y comenzando un nuevo proyecto, les dejo por aca los files [ZX]Games season 6 opcion (DownGrade & UpGrade) que estuve trabajando  8)

- El cliente y files estan configurado en un 80% para upgrade s15, pero aun necesitan revision y configuracion para un buen funcionamiento.
- Tambien se deja un parche con los archivos necesarios para usar cualquier cliente 1.04E.


Code: [Select]

//    UPDATE 2
-> Itens +15
-> Setvip Command.
-> Clear Inv.Command
-> Marry Command
-> Open ware Command
-> Change class Command
-> Change name Command
-> Reward Command
-> Info Command
-> Ban Char Command
-> Ban Acc Command
-> Open event Command
-> Cash Shop in-game
-> Online Lottery
-> Custom Moves
-> Custom Summon
-> Bot Buffer
-> Run and Cat event
-> Hide and seek event
-> Quickly event
-> HP Bonus System
-> Die Message System
-> Online User Message
-> Online GM Message
-> Desab. Exp Message
-> Desab. Skill flinch
-> /attack Use Time
-> Special Encryption
-> 100 Max Custom Wings
-> 3000 Custom Static Effect
-> 3000 Custom Dynamic Effect

//    UPDATE 3

-> MakeSet command
-> Drop command
-> Gift command
-> Top command
-> Remove OffSystem in Lottery
-> CustomQuest System
-> Russian Roullet event
-> King of Mu event (update)
-> /store Use time
-> Reward BC with WC,WP,GP
-> Reward DS with WC,WP,GP
-> Reward CC with WC,WP,GP
-> Marry command only for gm opt.
-> Desab.Wing Mix(RF,DL,SU) opt.

//    UPDATE 4

-> Remov.Class(dl,su,rf)
-> Custom Quiz event
-> Need Ticket to change name
-> Custom WingMix(Chaos goblin)
-> Custom Death Message
-> Custom Npc Colector
-> Readd command (stats)
-> Make command improved
-> Custom Rank User
-> Desab.Hp Bar Mosnter/Char
-> JoinServer Anti-dupe
-> Allow Pk enter in BC,DS,CC

//    UPDATE 5

-> GameServer new interface
-> Close MessageBox in JS DS
-> Russian Roullet event (v2)
-> Run and Catch (v2)
-> CusttomAttack Skill Delay
-> CusttomAttack Potion Delay
-> CusttomAttack Auto Buff
-> CusttomAttack Allow on/off
-> CusttomAttack Skill change
-> CusttomAttack by map
-> Pick Command
-> Pk Item Drop System
-> Auto logout online account
-> Fix Move kalima 6 to 7

//    UPDATE 6

-> Event Time in GS
-> Start BC in GS
-> Start DS in GS
-> Start CC in GS
-> Start IT in GS
-> BC Ranking Procedure
-> DS Ranking Procedure
-> CC Ranking Procedure
-> IT Ranking Procedure
-> Custom Combo Skill(All Class)
-> Allow CS Skills use
-> BuyVip IN-GAME
-> Custom Ranking IN-GAME
-> Remaster command
-> Helper command
-> Startbc command
-> Startds command
-> Startcc command
-> Startit command
-> Released 9 new mapas custom
-> Released 10 new bows and crossbow
-> Disable Reflect effect Option
-> Auto Run and catch reward
-> Auto Hide and seek reward
-> Auto Russian roullet reward
-> Auto Quickly reward
-> Auto Lottery reward
-> Fix Set item drop in eventitembag

//    UPDATE 7

-> Print Screen + logo
-> RankUser by MasterReset, Reset or Level
-> Description command
-> New Command.txt structure
-> Need coin to use a command option
-> DisablePVP command
-> Lock/Unlock command
-> Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
-> Fix duel message level
-> Fix dead gates in custom maps
-> Fix Start Events crash
-> EventTime improvements
-> Pick command improvements

//    UPDATE 8

-> Moveall command
-> Moveguild command
-> EventTime window
-> Commands windows
-> PvP Event(x1)
-> KillAll Event
-> Custom menu
-> BuyVip - Add vip types qtd
-> Add triple shot skill in /attack
-> Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp
-> Gs event time update

//    UPDATE 9

-> Common Shop with Socket/Ancient Options
-> Advanced ZenDrop System
-> Command /SetCoin
-> Command /Pack jewel
-> Command /spot
-> Command /startquiz
-> Command /startdrop
-> Command /startking
-> Command /startvt
-> Custom Sell/Buy Value in Common Shop
-> Bloc words in change name
-> Add MasterReset required in CustomMove
-> Add New Dl/Elf Skills in /Attack
-> CustomCombo improvements
-> Team vs team Event
-> Removed RankUser in Chaos Castle
-> Removed disabled events in EventTime
-> Fix Kriss lag
-> Fix HpBonus Descrease life
-> Fix RankUser Reward
-> Fix Reload Event time

//    UPDATE 10

-> Add Fog effect
-> Add Smoke effect
-> Custom disable effects
-> New MiniMap
-> Fix Kalima + OffPvp
-> Fix Store with time
-> Fix Pack Jewels
-> Fix visual skills in attack
-> Fix Repair All in BlackSmith
-> Fix DarkSpirit in Offpvp

//    UPDATE 11

-> Add infinity arrow auto buff
-> Add /attack auto resume
-> Add Tvt Event Min/Max Users
-> Add command notice if need coin to use
-> Add Expire Date/Message in /banacc command
-> Add Expire Date/Message in /banchar command
-> Add auto remove ban
-> Disable MiniMap with TAB
-> Guild Warehouse
-> Custom Monster/NPC
-> Custom NPC name
-> Custom Shops with same NPC
-> Fix trade events with /re off
-> Fix full zen bug trade+command
-> Fix Gameserver maximize layout
-> Fix PvP Event Respaw

//    UPDATE 12

-> Custom NPC move
-> Custom Npc Command
-> CustomCommandInfo V2
-> Custom RankUser OverHead
-> Custom Party Icon
-> Trade Value
-> Party Disable PK
-> Anti SpeedHack Skill System
-> Shop Confirm Box
-> Update TvtEvent new requistes
-> Add Auto Heal Skill in /Attack
-> Add Global Password System
-> Option to show Rankuser in all place
-> Option to Hide Reset in Rankuser
-> Option to Hide MReset in Rankuser
-> Option to Change MReset name in Rankuser
-> Disable Party HpBar option
-> Increase CustomShops to 100
-> Fixes in custom buy vip windows

//    UPDATE 13

-> GS and GSCS new interface
-> MasterReset remove fixed resets
-> Command Start Invasion
-> Command Start Custom Arena
-> Custom Quest Command (v2)
-> Custom EventTime (v2)
-> Custom Npc Quest
-> Custom Npc Name up to 100
-> Custom Pick (v2)
-> Custom Pick Excelent
-> Custom Pick SetItem
-> Custom Pick Socket
-> Enable Lucky item trade
-> Disable Duel Restore HP
-> Disable Duel Restore SD
-> Require Reset/MResets to Server enter
-> Add Reset/MasterReset Requisite on Create Character
-> Fixes in MapServerMove
-> Other fixes


-> Fix Dup ChaosMachine Helper.
-> Fix Dup Zen Trade + Repair and Others.
-> Fix Pk dropitem only PK character.
-> Fix Custom Monster.
-> Add CustomBoW ELF.
-> Add CustomGloves RF.
-> Add CustomPets Muun.
-> Add Custom PanelUser.
-> Add New System HpBar.
-> Fix Change Exp in pet panda and skeleton.
-> Add Support 100 Set Acc.
-> Add 10 slot for Plugins.
-> Add 2 slot for Only Crc.


-> Add RespawnLocation for all map.
-> Add option to create your own mix in chaosmachine.
-> Add New system OffMode.
-> Add Option For Helper + Inventory.
-> Add Custom Panel Ware.
-> Add Custom Panel Change Class.
-> Add Bot Alquimista.
-> Add welcome gift system.
-> Fix Ctrl Lag.


-> Add system to disable menu buttons.
-> Add welcome message in the client.
-> Add Change Set to Npc.
-> Add Custom fenrir only 4+.
-> Add Option for Rank PkCount.
-> Disable CustomInfo Character.
-> Add PostItem.
-> Add System Change Font.
-> Add Support to 25 Character For Account.


-> Add rock paper or scissors (betting items).
-> Add party search.
-> Add new IP connection verification system.
-> Add ModelEffects (Effects in Sets).
-> Add Advanced Stat.
-> Add betting duels system. (duelos con apuestas).
-> Add Chat Expanded.
-> Add Custom Panel Change Resets for Wcoins.
-> StaticEffect up to 5000.
-> DinamycEffect up to 5000.


-> Add disabled SD (server side).
-> Add downgrade system part by part.
-> Add Interface 97D, s3, s6, s8, MuLegend, Custom.
-> Add Change Copyriht in Config.
-> Add option to move itemlucky.
-> Add option to disable Buffs icons.
-> Add option to disable Effect +15.
-> Add option to change text color when obtaining a Item, zen, change map, screen.
-> Add option to Change selectcharacter. (S6, S3)
-> Add Effect Invasion Dragon.


-> Add Camera in main.dll.
-> Add system Monster Call for item.
-> Add system to show user responses CustomQuiz.
-> Add option to disable advancedstat. (Custom.dat).
-> Add option to disable DragonFlying. (Custom.dat).
-> Summon scroll enabled for season 6.


-> Add Show Ping in Game.
-> Add Fps in Game.
-> Monster Number Increase.
-> Add local Time in client.
-> NpcMove Add opcion requiered item. (Config Event sky).


-> Delete camera and add Camera.dll.
-> Fix black bar in iterface S8.
-> Add Server Time in client.
-> Add LuckyWheel.
-> Fix skill speed in DL and RF.
-> Restructuracion de bots.
-> Add BotTrader.
-> New system minimap.


-> Add SelectCharacter S8.
-> Add SelectServer S8.
-> Add SelectCharacter S13.
-> Add Custom Monster Color.
-> Add right click.
-> Add Character Animation.
-> Add option Active Animation.


-> Lag was reduced in SelectServer S8.
-> Add Add option to modify  character animation for class.
-> Add Item info.
-> Add Custom Inventory zen.
-> Add Increase FPS Limit.
-> Add Disable Txt Inventory Socket.
-> Add Disable Txt Inventory Acc.
-> Add option Disable Move Window. (Key M).


-> Add antiddos systen.
-> Add Desbaned ip window.
-> right click was modified, one click at a time.
-> Add Disable key L.
-> Add Message in guard. (Change in Message.txt)
-> Add Chat style S8.
-> Add support skilltree s10.

NOTA: leer el changelog ya que en las imagenes no se encuentran todas las funciones..

NOTA: los archivos son full, dicen free por la razon de que se uso la licencia free para evitar la verificacion ..

Algunas Imagenes:

-> Los ServerFiles Costan con soporte de 3 sub-server + gscs, 500 User cada uno.

NOTA: Tener instalado Visual C++ 2010, Visual C++ 2013..

NOTA 2: Como se menciona en la parte de arriba los files necesitan con figuracion y revision en las mismas para un buen funcionamiento.

Para los que tengan problemas con distorcion en armor ir a MAIN_INFO CustomCrossBow.txt y reemplazar la configuracion por la siguiente:

Code: [Select]
// Custom Bows & Crossbows Config File
// Valid EffecID: 266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,294,
//                295,296,297,298,321,324,335,365,509
// Type: Crossbows -> 1; Bows -> 0;
//ItemID        Model                  Type    EffecID     ColorR  ColorG  ColorB
25         bow25                       0        335        123      229     92
26         Crossbow26                  1        294        127      127     127
28         bloodangel_bow              0        298        255      78      56
30         absolute_gunbow             1        324        255      178     63
31         Darkangel_Bow               0        295        255      226     115
32         HolyAngelBow                0        296        190      142     69
33         hs_soularcherbow_s          0        297        219      83      0
34         blue_eyebow_stand           0        298        122      139     168


Download UPDATE FIX:

Code: [Select]
-> Add opcion para desactivar Advanced stat. (maininfo)
-> Fix posicion de los item que salian fuera de lugar.
-> Fix custom claws posicion en inventario al equipar.
-> Fix Glow custom claws.
-> Otros Fix.
Download UPDATE FIX 2:


Offline mathias12 #1 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 03:03:48 PM

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limite de items custom y acc?

Offline MaxVoll #2 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 03:27:07 PM

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Offline mathias12 #3 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 03:31:13 PM

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limite de items custom y acc?

No tiene límites

Ultima pregunta tiene fixeado el tema de la animacion de los monster custom? que venian en la mayoria de los muemu

Offline GameNet #4 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 03:50:45 PM

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cual seria la diferencia del free al pagado ?

Offline MaxVoll #5 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 04:02:16 PM

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cual seria la diferencia del free al pagado ?

Amigo en ningún lado se esta vendiendo files, están publicado full

Offline GameNet #6 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 04:03:44 PM

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cual seria la diferencia del free al pagado ?

Amigo en ningún lado se esta vendiendo files, están publicado full

lo decia por el tools por que decia free pense que existia un premiun osea esta full liberado ?

Offline Lazarocp2020 #7 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 04:08:14 PM

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Offline mathias12 #8 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 04:11:52 PM

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Cual es la trampa? haha es muy buen aporte... en serio gracias!

Offline DemonLove #9 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 04:41:35 PM | Modificado: July 09, 2020, 05:08:55 PM by DemonLove


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son archivos free o premium? porque en la carpeta MainInfo, el generador esta llamado "[ZX]GetInfo_Free" el cual genera "system.zxfree", mi consulta es referente a las diferencia que se presentan entre una version y la otra y cuales serian sus limitaciones @MaxVoll

Probé las custom interface y no funcionan al parecer faltan algunos archivos porque al cargar el cliente , automáticamente se cierra..

.:: Dragon Team - Mu Online Customer, Design ::.

Offline MaxVoll #10 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 05:08:20 PM

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son archivos free o premium? porque en la carpeta MainInfo, el generador esta llamado "[ZX]GetInfo_Free" el cual genera "system.zxfree", mi consulta es referente a las diferencia que se presentan entre una version y la otra y cuales serian sus limitaciones @MaxVoll

Ninguna diferencia están full pero con la licencia free para que no necesiten conectarse al servidor que verifica

Offline DemonLove #11 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 05:29:00 PM


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son archivos free o premium? porque en la carpeta MainInfo, el generador esta llamado "[ZX]GetInfo_Free" el cual genera "system.zxfree", mi consulta es referente a las diferencia que se presentan entre una version y la otra y cuales serian sus limitaciones @MaxVoll

Ninguna diferencia están full pero con la licencia free para que no necesiten conectarse al servidor que verifica

Excelentes files la verdad, consulta podriar chequear lo de las CustomInterface?

.:: Dragon Team - Mu Online Customer, Design ::.

Offline ZabiinoOo #12 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 05:48:58 PM




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Cuales serian las limitaciones maxvoll seria bueno aclarar eso para que la gente este clara sobre lo que va a usar, asi luego no se salga con alguna limitacion rara, o no tendran limitaciones y seran files full free? con una aclaracion todo bien asi queda marcado en el post

Prohibido pedir soporte via MP
Leer las reglas de cada seccion
we trust god

Offline MaxVoll #13 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 06:25:39 PM

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Cuales serian las limitaciones maxvoll seria bueno aclarar eso para que la gente este clara sobre lo que va a usar, asi luego no se salga con alguna limitacion rara, o no tendran limitaciones y seran files full free? con una aclaracion todo bien asi queda marcado en el post

en el post coloque que los files son full pero dicen free porque se uso la modalidad de licencia free para que no pasara por el servidor de verificacion..

Offline GameNet #14 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 09:30:13 PM

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creo que lo unico seria los effectos que son 3000 seria bueno a 7000

Offline MaxVoll #15 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 09:42:19 PM

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creo que lo unico seria los effectos que son 3000 seria bueno a 7000

tienen 5000 lineas para efectos

Offline santos #16 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 09:47:16 PM

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Hahaha, yo te dije no lo subas  sueno

Offline xdjoa #17 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 10:00:23 PM

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seria estupendo agregar el custom item position y el custom summon scroll

Offline GameNet #18 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 10:06:11 PM

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 drogado se podria agregar effectos de atake a los custonmounster ??? o solo es para los mounster normales

Offline MaxVoll #19 Posteado: July 09, 2020, 10:14:36 PM

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seria estupendo agregar el custom item position y el custom summon scroll

si tiene summon scroll, parece me salte agregar varias cosas al changelog..

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